path: root/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/handler.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/handler.h')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/handler.h b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/handler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c9871bd08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/content_analysis_sdk/demo/handler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <time.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <optional>
+#include <thread>
+#include <utility>
+#include <regex>
+#include <vector>
+#include "content_analysis/sdk/analysis_agent.h"
+#include "demo/atomic_output.h"
+#include "demo/request_queue.h"
+using RegexArray = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::regex>>;
+// An AgentEventHandler that dumps requests information to stdout and blocks
+// any requests that have the keyword "block" in their data
+class Handler : public content_analysis::sdk::AgentEventHandler {
+ public:
+ using Event = content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisEvent;
+ Handler(std::vector<unsigned long>&& delays, const std::string& print_data_file_path,
+ RegexArray&& toBlock = RegexArray(),
+ RegexArray&& toWarn = RegexArray(),
+ RegexArray&& toReport = RegexArray()) :
+ toBlock_(std::move(toBlock)), toWarn_(std::move(toWarn)), toReport_(std::move(toReport)),
+ delays_(std::move(delays)), print_data_file_path_(print_data_file_path) {}
+ const std::vector<unsigned long> delays() { return delays_; }
+ size_t nextDelayIndex() const { return nextDelayIndex_; }
+ protected:
+ // Analyzes one request from Google Chrome and responds back to the browser
+ // with either an allow or block verdict.
+ void AnalyzeContent(std::stringstream& stream, std::unique_ptr<Event> event) {
+ // An event represents one content analysis request and response triggered
+ // by a user action in Google Chrome. The agent determines whether the
+ // user is allowed to perform the action by examining event->GetRequest().
+ // The verdict, which can be "allow" or "block" is written into
+ // event->GetResponse().
+ DumpEvent(stream, event.get());
+ bool success = true;
+ std::optional<content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action> caResponse =
+ content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action_BLOCK;
+ if (event->GetRequest().has_text_content()) {
+ caResponse = DecideCAResponse(
+ event->GetRequest().text_content(), stream);
+ } else if (event->GetRequest().has_file_path()) {
+ // TODO: Fix downloads to store file *first* so we can check contents.
+ // Until then, just check the file name:
+ caResponse = DecideCAResponse(
+ event->GetRequest().file_path(), stream);
+ } else if (event->GetRequest().has_print_data()) {
+ // In the case of print request, normally the PDF bytes would be parsed
+ // for sensitive data violations. To keep this class simple, only the
+ // URL is checked for the word "block".
+ caResponse = DecideCAResponse(event->GetRequest().request_data().url(), stream);
+ }
+ if (!success) {
+ content_analysis::sdk::UpdateResponse(
+ event->GetResponse(),
+ std::string(),
+ content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse::Result::FAILURE);
+ stream << " Verdict: failed to reach verdict: ";
+ stream << event->DebugString() << std::endl;
+ } else {
+ stream << " Verdict: ";
+ if (caResponse) {
+ switch (caResponse.value()) {
+ case content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action_BLOCK:
+ stream << "BLOCK";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action_WARN:
+ stream << "WARN";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action_REPORT_ONLY:
+ stream << "REPORT_ONLY";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED:
+ break;
+ default:
+ stream << "<error>";
+ break;
+ }
+ auto rc =
+ content_analysis::sdk::SetEventVerdictTo(event.get(), caResponse.value());
+ if (rc != content_analysis::sdk::ResultCode::OK) {
+ stream << " error: "
+ << content_analysis::sdk::ResultCodeToString(rc) << std::endl;
+ stream << " " << event->DebugString() << std::endl;
+ }
+ stream << std::endl;
+ } else {
+ stream << " Verdict: allow" << std::endl;
+ }
+ stream << std::endl;
+ }
+ stream << std::endl;
+ // If a delay is specified, wait that much.
+ size_t nextDelayIndex = nextDelayIndex_.fetch_add(1);
+ unsigned long delay = delays_[nextDelayIndex % delays_.size()];
+ if (delay > 0) {
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(delay));
+ }
+ // Send the response back to Google Chrome.
+ auto rc = event->Send();
+ if (rc != content_analysis::sdk::ResultCode::OK) {
+ stream << "[Demo] Error sending response: "
+ << content_analysis::sdk::ResultCodeToString(rc)
+ << std::endl;
+ stream << event->DebugString() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ void OnBrowserConnected(
+ const content_analysis::sdk::BrowserInfo& info) override {
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << std::endl << "==========" << std::endl;
+ << "Browser connected pid=" <<
+ << " path=" << info.binary_path << std::endl;
+ }
+ void OnBrowserDisconnected(
+ const content_analysis::sdk::BrowserInfo& info) override {
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << std::endl << "Browser disconnected pid=" << << std::endl;
+ << "==========" << std::endl;
+ }
+ void OnAnalysisRequested(std::unique_ptr<Event> event) override {
+ // If the agent is capable of analyzing content in the background, the
+ // events may be handled in background threads. Having said that, a
+ // event should not be assumed to be thread safe, that is, it should not
+ // be accessed by more than one thread concurrently.
+ //
+ // In this example code, the event is handled synchronously.
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << std::endl << "----------" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ AnalyzeContent(, std::move(event));
+ }
+ void OnResponseAcknowledged(
+ const content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement&
+ ack) override {
+ const char* final_action = "<Unknown>";
+ if (ack.has_final_action()) {
+ switch (ack.final_action()) {
+ case content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::ACTION_UNSPECIFIED:
+ final_action = "<Unspecified>";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::ALLOW:
+ final_action = "Allow";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::REPORT_ONLY:
+ final_action = "Report only";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::WARN:
+ final_action = "Warn";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisAcknowledgement::BLOCK:
+ final_action = "Block";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << "Ack: " << ack.request_token() << std::endl;
+ << " Final action: " << final_action << std::endl;
+ }
+ void OnCancelRequests(
+ const content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisCancelRequests& cancel)
+ override {
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << "Cancel: " << std::endl;
+ << " User action ID: " << cancel.user_action_id() << std::endl;
+ }
+ void OnInternalError(
+ const char* context,
+ content_analysis::sdk::ResultCode error) override {
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << std::endl
+ << "*ERROR*: context=\"" << context << "\" "
+ << content_analysis::sdk::ResultCodeToString(error)
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ void DumpEvent(std::stringstream& stream, Event* event) {
+ time_t now = time(nullptr);
+ stream << "Received at: " << ctime(&now); // Returned string includes \n.
+ const content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisRequest& request =
+ event->GetRequest();
+ std::string connector = "<Unknown>";
+ if (request.has_analysis_connector()) {
+ switch (request.analysis_connector())
+ {
+ case content_analysis::sdk::FILE_DOWNLOADED:
+ connector = "download";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::FILE_ATTACHED:
+ connector = "attach";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::BULK_DATA_ENTRY:
+ connector = "bulk-data-entry";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::PRINT:
+ connector = "print";
+ break;
+ case content_analysis::sdk::FILE_TRANSFER:
+ connector = "file-transfer";
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string url =
+ request.has_request_data() && request.request_data().has_url()
+ ? request.request_data().url() : "<No URL>";
+ std::string tab_title =
+ request.has_request_data() && request.request_data().has_tab_title()
+ ? request.request_data().tab_title() : "<No tab title>";
+ std::string filename =
+ request.has_request_data() && request.request_data().has_filename()
+ ? request.request_data().filename() : "<No filename>";
+ std::string digest =
+ request.has_request_data() && request.request_data().has_digest()
+ ? request.request_data().digest() : "<No digest>";
+ std::string file_path =
+ request.has_file_path()
+ ? request.file_path() : "<none>";
+ std::string text_content =
+ request.has_text_content()
+ ? request.text_content() : "<none>";
+ std::string machine_user =
+ request.has_client_metadata() &&
+ request.client_metadata().has_browser() &&
+ request.client_metadata().browser().has_machine_user()
+ ? request.client_metadata().browser().machine_user() : "<No machine user>";
+ std::string email =
+ request.has_request_data() && request.request_data().has_email()
+ ? request.request_data().email() : "<No email>";
+ time_t t = request.expires_at();
+ std::string expires_at_str = ctime(&t);
+ // Returned string includes trailing \n, overwrite with null.
+ expires_at_str[expires_at_str.size() - 1] = 0;
+ time_t secs_remaining = t - now;
+ std::string user_action_id = request.has_user_action_id()
+ ? request.user_action_id() : "<No user action id>";
+ stream << "Request: " << request.request_token() << std::endl;
+ stream << " User action ID: " << user_action_id << std::endl;
+ stream << " Expires at: " << expires_at_str << " ("
+ << secs_remaining << " seconds from now)" << std::endl;
+ stream << " Connector: " << connector << std::endl;
+ stream << " URL: " << url << std::endl;
+ stream << " Tab title: " << tab_title << std::endl;
+ stream << " Filename: " << filename << std::endl;
+ stream << " Digest: " << digest << std::endl;
+ stream << " Filepath: " << file_path << std::endl;
+ stream << " Text content: '" << text_content << "'" << std::endl;
+ stream << " Machine user: " << machine_user << std::endl;
+ stream << " Email: " << email << std::endl;
+ if (request.has_print_data() && !print_data_file_path_.empty()) {
+ if (request.request_data().has_print_metadata() &&
+ request.request_data().print_metadata().has_printer_name()) {
+ stream << " Printer name: "
+ << request.request_data().print_metadata().printer_name()
+ << std::endl;
+ } else {
+ stream << " No printer name in request" << std::endl;
+ }
+ stream << " Print data saved to: " << print_data_file_path_
+ << std::endl;
+ using content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisEvent;
+ auto print_data =
+ content_analysis::sdk::CreateScopedPrintHandle(event->GetRequest(),
+ event->GetBrowserInfo().pid);
+ std::ofstream file(print_data_file_path_,
+ std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
+ file.write(print_data->data(), print_data->size());
+ file.flush();
+ file.close();
+ }
+ }
+ bool ReadContentFromFile(const std::string& file_path,
+ std::string* content) {
+ std::ifstream file(file_path,
+ std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
+ if (!file.is_open())
+ return false;
+ // Get file size. This example does not handle files larger than 1MB.
+ // Make sure content string can hold the contents of the file.
+ int size = file.tellg();
+ if (size > 1024 * 1024)
+ return false;
+ content->resize(size + 1);
+ // Read file into string.
+ file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
+*content)[0], size);
+ content->at(size) = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::optional<content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action>
+ DecideCAResponse(const std::string& content, std::stringstream& stream) {
+ for (auto& r : toBlock_) {
+ if (std::regex_search(content, r.second)) {
+ stream << "'" << content << "' matches BLOCK regex '"
+ << r.first << "'" << std::endl;
+ return content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action_BLOCK;
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto& r : toWarn_) {
+ if (std::regex_search(content, r.second)) {
+ stream << "'" << content << "' matches WARN regex '"
+ << r.first << "'" << std::endl;
+ return content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action_WARN;
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto& r : toReport_) {
+ if (std::regex_search(content, r.second)) {
+ stream << "'" << content << "' matches REPORT_ONLY regex '"
+ << r.first << "'" << std::endl;
+ return content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisResponse_Result_TriggeredRule_Action_REPORT_ONLY;
+ }
+ }
+ stream << "'" << content << "' was ALLOWed\n";
+ return {};
+ }
+ // For the demo, block any content that matches these wildcards.
+ RegexArray toBlock_;
+ RegexArray toWarn_;
+ RegexArray toReport_;
+ std::vector<unsigned long> delays_;
+ std::atomic<size_t> nextDelayIndex_;
+ std::string print_data_file_path_;
+// An AgentEventHandler that dumps requests information to stdout and blocks
+// any requests that have the keyword "block" in their data
+class QueuingHandler : public Handler {
+ public:
+ QueuingHandler(unsigned long threads, std::vector<unsigned long>&& delays, const std::string& print_data_file_path,
+ RegexArray&& toBlock = RegexArray(),
+ RegexArray&& toWarn = RegexArray(),
+ RegexArray&& toReport = RegexArray())
+ : Handler(std::move(delays), print_data_file_path, std::move(toBlock), std::move(toWarn), std::move(toReport)) {
+ StartBackgroundThreads(threads);
+ }
+ ~QueuingHandler() override {
+ // Abort background process and wait for it to finish.
+ request_queue_.abort();
+ WaitForBackgroundThread();
+ }
+ private:
+ void OnAnalysisRequested(std::unique_ptr<Event> event) override {
+ {
+ time_t now = time(nullptr);
+ const content_analysis::sdk::ContentAnalysisRequest& request =
+ event->GetRequest();
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << std::endl << "Queuing request: " << request.request_token()
+ << " at " << ctime(&now) << std::endl;
+ }
+ request_queue_.push(std::move(event));
+ }
+ static void* ProcessRequests(void* qh) {
+ QueuingHandler* handler = reinterpret_cast<QueuingHandler*>(qh);
+ while (true) {
+ auto event = handler->request_queue_.pop();
+ if (!event)
+ break;
+ AtomicCout aout;
+ << std::endl << "----------" << std::endl;
+ << "Thread: " << std::this_thread::get_id() << std::endl;
+ << "Delaying request processing for "
+ << handler->delays()[handler->nextDelayIndex() % handler->delays().size()] << "s" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ aout.flush();
+ handler->AnalyzeContent(, std::move(event));
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // A list of outstanding content analysis requests.
+ RequestQueue request_queue_;
+ void StartBackgroundThreads(unsigned long threads) {
+ threads_.reserve(threads);
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < threads; ++i) {
+ threads_.emplace_back(std::make_unique<std::thread>(ProcessRequests, this));
+ }
+ }
+ void WaitForBackgroundThread() {
+ for (auto& thread : threads_) {
+ thread->join();
+ }
+ }
+ // Thread id of backgrond thread.
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::thread>> threads_;