path: root/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jxl/color_encoding_internal.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jxl/color_encoding_internal.h')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jxl/color_encoding_internal.h b/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jxl/color_encoding_internal.h
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index 0000000000..0a104a12b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/jpeg-xl/lib/jxl/color_encoding_internal.h
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+// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Metadata for color space conversions.
+#include <jxl/cms_interface.h>
+#include <jxl/color_encoding.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <cstdlib> // free
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/base/status.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/cms/color_encoding_cms.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/cms/jxl_cms_internal.h"
+#include "lib/jxl/field_encodings.h"
+namespace jxl {
+using IccBytes = ::jxl::cms::IccBytes;
+using ColorSpace = ::jxl::cms::ColorSpace;
+using WhitePoint = ::jxl::cms::WhitePoint;
+using Primaries = ::jxl::cms::Primaries;
+using TransferFunction = ::jxl::cms::TransferFunction;
+using RenderingIntent = ::jxl::cms::RenderingIntent;
+using CIExy = ::jxl::cms::CIExy;
+using PrimariesCIExy = ::jxl::cms::PrimariesCIExy;
+namespace cms {
+static inline const char* EnumName(ColorSpace /*unused*/) {
+ return "ColorSpace";
+static inline constexpr uint64_t EnumBits(ColorSpace /*unused*/) {
+ using CS = ColorSpace;
+ return MakeBit(CS::kRGB) | MakeBit(CS::kGray) | MakeBit(CS::kXYB) |
+ MakeBit(CS::kUnknown);
+static inline const char* EnumName(WhitePoint /*unused*/) {
+ return "WhitePoint";
+static inline constexpr uint64_t EnumBits(WhitePoint /*unused*/) {
+ return MakeBit(WhitePoint::kD65) | MakeBit(WhitePoint::kCustom) |
+ MakeBit(WhitePoint::kE) | MakeBit(WhitePoint::kDCI);
+static inline const char* EnumName(Primaries /*unused*/) { return "Primaries"; }
+static inline constexpr uint64_t EnumBits(Primaries /*unused*/) {
+ using Pr = Primaries;
+ return MakeBit(Pr::kSRGB) | MakeBit(Pr::kCustom) | MakeBit(Pr::k2100) |
+ MakeBit(Pr::kP3);
+static inline const char* EnumName(TransferFunction /*unused*/) {
+ return "TransferFunction";
+static inline constexpr uint64_t EnumBits(TransferFunction /*unused*/) {
+ using TF = TransferFunction;
+ return MakeBit(TF::k709) | MakeBit(TF::kLinear) | MakeBit(TF::kSRGB) |
+ MakeBit(TF::kPQ) | MakeBit(TF::kDCI) | MakeBit(TF::kHLG) |
+ MakeBit(TF::kUnknown);
+static inline const char* EnumName(RenderingIntent /*unused*/) {
+ return "RenderingIntent";
+static inline constexpr uint64_t EnumBits(RenderingIntent /*unused*/) {
+ using RI = RenderingIntent;
+ return MakeBit(RI::kPerceptual) | MakeBit(RI::kRelative) |
+ MakeBit(RI::kSaturation) | MakeBit(RI::kAbsolute);
+} // namespace cms
+struct ColorEncoding;
+// Serializable form of CIExy.
+struct Customxy : public Fields {
+ Customxy();
+ Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override;
+ private:
+ friend struct ColorEncoding;
+ ::jxl::cms::Customxy storage_;
+struct CustomTransferFunction : public Fields {
+ CustomTransferFunction();
+ JXL_FIELDS_NAME(CustomTransferFunction)
+ // Sets fields and returns true if nonserialized_color_space has an implicit
+ // transfer function, otherwise leaves fields unchanged and returns false.
+ bool SetImplicit();
+ Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override;
+ // Must be set before calling VisitFields!
+ ColorSpace nonserialized_color_space = ColorSpace::kRGB;
+ private:
+ friend struct ColorEncoding;
+ ::jxl::cms::CustomTransferFunction storage_;
+// Compact encoding of data required to interpret and translate pixels to a
+// known color space. Stored in Metadata. Thread-compatible.
+struct ColorEncoding : public Fields {
+ ColorEncoding();
+ JXL_FIELDS_NAME(ColorEncoding)
+ // Returns ready-to-use color encodings (initialized on-demand).
+ static const ColorEncoding& SRGB(bool is_gray = false);
+ static const ColorEncoding& LinearSRGB(bool is_gray = false);
+ // Returns true if an ICC profile was successfully created from fields.
+ // Must be called after modifying fields. Defined in
+ Status CreateICC() {
+ storage_.icc.clear();
+ const JxlColorEncoding external = ToExternal();
+ if (!MaybeCreateProfile(external, &storage_.icc)) {
+ storage_.icc.clear();
+ return JXL_FAILURE("Failed to create ICC profile");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Returns non-empty and valid ICC profile, unless:
+ // - WantICC() == true and SetICC() was not yet called;
+ // - after a failed call to SetSRGB(), SetICC(), or CreateICC().
+ const IccBytes& ICC() const { return storage_.icc; }
+ // Returns true if `icc` is assigned and decoded successfully. If so,
+ // subsequent WantICC() will return true until DecideIfWantICC() changes it.
+ // Returning false indicates data has been lost.
+ Status SetICC(IccBytes&& icc, const JxlCmsInterface* cms) {
+ JXL_ASSERT(cms != nullptr);
+ JXL_ASSERT(!icc.empty());
+ want_icc_ = storage_.SetFieldsFromICC(std::move(icc), *cms);
+ return want_icc_;
+ }
+ // Sets the raw ICC profile bytes, without parsing the ICC, and without
+ // updating the direct fields such as whitepoint, primaries and color
+ // space. Functions to get and set fields, such as SetWhitePoint, cannot be
+ // used anymore after this and functions such as IsSRGB return false no matter
+ // what the contents of the icc profile.
+ void SetICCRaw(IccBytes&& icc) {
+ JXL_ASSERT(!icc.empty());
+ storage_.icc = std::move(icc);
+ storage_.have_fields = false;
+ want_icc_ = true;
+ }
+ // Returns whether to send the ICC profile in the codestream.
+ bool WantICC() const { return want_icc_; }
+ // Return whether the direct fields are set, if false but ICC is set, only
+ // raw ICC bytes are known.
+ bool HaveFields() const { return storage_.have_fields; }
+ // Causes WantICC() to return false if ICC() can be reconstructed from fields.
+ void DecideIfWantICC(const JxlCmsInterface& cms);
+ bool IsGray() const { return storage_.color_space == ColorSpace::kGray; }
+ bool IsCMYK() const { return storage_.cmyk; }
+ size_t Channels() const { return storage_.Channels(); }
+ // Returns false if the field is invalid and unusable.
+ bool HasPrimaries() const { return storage_.HasPrimaries(); }
+ // Returns true after setting the field to a value defined by color_space,
+ // otherwise false and leaves the field unchanged.
+ bool ImplicitWhitePoint() {
+ // TODO(eustas): inline
+ if (storage_.color_space == ColorSpace::kXYB) {
+ storage_.white_point = WhitePoint::kD65;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Returns whether the color space is known to be sRGB. If a raw unparsed ICC
+ // profile is set without the fields being set, this returns false, even if
+ // the content of the ICC profile would match sRGB.
+ bool IsSRGB() const {
+ if (!storage_.have_fields) return false;
+ if (!IsGray() && storage_.color_space != ColorSpace::kRGB) return false;
+ if (storage_.white_point != WhitePoint::kD65) return false;
+ if (storage_.primaries != Primaries::kSRGB) return false;
+ if (! return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Returns whether the color space is known to be linear sRGB. If a raw
+ // unparsed ICC profile is set without the fields being set, this returns
+ // false, even if the content of the ICC profile would match linear sRGB.
+ bool IsLinearSRGB() const {
+ if (!storage_.have_fields) return false;
+ if (!IsGray() && storage_.color_space != ColorSpace::kRGB) return false;
+ if (storage_.white_point != WhitePoint::kD65) return false;
+ if (storage_.primaries != Primaries::kSRGB) return false;
+ if (! return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ Status SetSRGB(const ColorSpace cs,
+ const RenderingIntent ri = RenderingIntent::kRelative) {
+ storage_.icc.clear();
+ JXL_ASSERT(cs == ColorSpace::kGray || cs == ColorSpace::kRGB);
+ storage_.color_space = cs;
+ storage_.white_point = WhitePoint::kD65;
+ storage_.primaries = Primaries::kSRGB;
+ = TransferFunction::kSRGB;
+ storage_.rendering_intent = ri;
+ return CreateICC();
+ }
+ Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override;
+ // Accessors ensure tf.nonserialized_color_space is updated at the same time.
+ ColorSpace GetColorSpace() const { return storage_.color_space; }
+ void SetColorSpace(const ColorSpace cs) { storage_.color_space = cs; }
+ CIExy GetWhitePoint() const { return storage_.GetWhitePoint(); }
+ WhitePoint GetWhitePointType() const { return storage_.white_point; }
+ Status SetWhitePointType(const WhitePoint& wp);
+ PrimariesCIExy GetPrimaries() const { return storage_.GetPrimaries(); }
+ Primaries GetPrimariesType() const { return storage_.primaries; }
+ Status SetPrimariesType(const Primaries& p);
+ jxl::cms::CustomTransferFunction& Tf() { return; }
+ const jxl::cms::CustomTransferFunction& Tf() const { return; }
+ RenderingIntent GetRenderingIntent() const {
+ return storage_.rendering_intent;
+ }
+ void SetRenderingIntent(const RenderingIntent& ri) {
+ storage_.rendering_intent = ri;
+ }
+ bool SameColorEncoding(const ColorEncoding& other) const {
+ return storage_.SameColorEncoding(other.storage_);
+ }
+ mutable bool all_default;
+ JxlColorEncoding ToExternal() const { return storage_.ToExternal(); }
+ Status FromExternal(const JxlColorEncoding& external) {
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(storage_.FromExternal(external));
+ (void)CreateICC();
+ return true;
+ }
+ const jxl::cms::ColorEncoding& View() const { return storage_; }
+ std::string Description() const;
+ private:
+ static std::array<ColorEncoding, 2> CreateC2(Primaries pr,
+ TransferFunction tf);
+ // If true, the codestream contains an ICC profile and we do not serialize
+ // fields. Otherwise, fields are serialized and we create an ICC profile.
+ bool want_icc_;
+ ::jxl::cms::ColorEncoding storage_;
+ // Only used if white_point == kCustom.
+ Customxy white_;
+ // Only valid if HaveFields()
+ CustomTransferFunction tf_;
+ // Only used if primaries == kCustom.
+ Customxy red_;
+ Customxy green_;
+ Customxy blue_;
+static inline std::string Description(const ColorEncoding& c) {
+ const JxlColorEncoding external = c.View().ToExternal();
+ return ColorEncodingDescription(external);
+static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
+ const ColorEncoding& c) {
+ return os << Description(c);
+class ColorSpaceTransform {
+ public:
+ explicit ColorSpaceTransform(const JxlCmsInterface& cms) : cms_(cms) {}
+ ~ColorSpaceTransform() {
+ if (cms_data_ != nullptr) {
+ cms_.destroy(cms_data_);
+ }
+ }
+ // Cannot copy.
+ ColorSpaceTransform(const ColorSpaceTransform&) = delete;
+ ColorSpaceTransform& operator=(const ColorSpaceTransform&) = delete;
+ Status Init(const ColorEncoding& c_src, const ColorEncoding& c_dst,
+ float intensity_target, size_t xsize, size_t num_threads) {
+ xsize_ = xsize;
+ JxlColorProfile input_profile;
+ icc_src_ = c_src.ICC();
+ =;
+ input_profile.icc.size = icc_src_.size();
+ input_profile.color_encoding = c_src.ToExternal();
+ input_profile.num_channels = c_src.IsCMYK() ? 4 : c_src.Channels();
+ JxlColorProfile output_profile;
+ icc_dst_ = c_dst.ICC();
+ =;
+ output_profile.icc.size = icc_dst_.size();
+ output_profile.color_encoding = c_dst.ToExternal();
+ if (c_dst.IsCMYK())
+ return JXL_FAILURE("Conversion to CMYK is not supported");
+ output_profile.num_channels = c_dst.Channels();
+ cms_data_ = cms_.init(cms_.init_data, num_threads, xsize, &input_profile,
+ &output_profile, intensity_target);
+ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(cms_data_ != nullptr);
+ return true;
+ }
+ float* BufSrc(const size_t thread) const {
+ return cms_.get_src_buf(cms_data_, thread);
+ }
+ float* BufDst(const size_t thread) const {
+ return cms_.get_dst_buf(cms_data_, thread);
+ }
+ Status Run(const size_t thread, const float* buf_src, float* buf_dst) {
+ return, thread, buf_src, buf_dst, xsize_);
+ }
+ private:
+ JxlCmsInterface cms_;
+ void* cms_data_ = nullptr;
+ // The interface may retain pointers into these.
+ IccBytes icc_src_;
+ IccBytes icc_dst_;
+ size_t xsize_;
+} // namespace jxl