path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/logging/rtc_event_log/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/logging/rtc_event_log/')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/logging/rtc_event_log/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/logging/rtc_event_log/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e8799bdd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/logging/rtc_event_log/
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "logging/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log_impl.h"
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "test/gmock.h"
+#include "test/gtest.h"
+#include "test/time_controller/simulated_time_controller.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
+using ::testing::_;
+using ::testing::InSequence;
+using ::testing::Invoke;
+using ::testing::Mock;
+using ::testing::Property;
+using ::testing::Ref;
+using ::testing::Return;
+using ::testing::StrEq;
+class MockEventEncoder : public RtcEventLogEncoder {
+ public:
+ MOCK_METHOD(std::string,
+ EncodeLogStart,
+ (int64_t /*timestamp_us*/, int64_t /*utc_time_us*/),
+ (override));
+ MOCK_METHOD(std::string,
+ EncodeLogEnd,
+ (int64_t /*timestamp_us*/),
+ (override));
+ MOCK_METHOD(std::string, OnEncode, (const RtcEvent&), ());
+ std::string EncodeBatch(
+ std::deque<std::unique_ptr<RtcEvent>>::const_iterator a,
+ std::deque<std::unique_ptr<RtcEvent>>::const_iterator b) override {
+ std::string result;
+ while (a != b) {
+ result += OnEncode(**a);
+ ++a;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+class FakeOutput : public RtcEventLogOutput {
+ public:
+ explicit FakeOutput(std::string& written_data)
+ : written_data_(written_data) {}
+ bool IsActive() const { return is_active_; }
+ bool Write(absl::string_view data) override {
+ RTC_DCHECK(is_active_);
+ if (fails_write_) {
+ is_active_ = false;
+ fails_write_ = false;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ written_data_.append(std::string(data));
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ void Flush() override {}
+ void FailsNextWrite() { fails_write_ = true; }
+ private:
+ std::string& written_data_;
+ bool is_active_ = true;
+ bool fails_write_ = false;
+class FakeEvent : public RtcEvent {
+ public:
+ Type GetType() const override { return RtcEvent::Type::FakeEvent; }
+ bool IsConfigEvent() const override { return false; }
+class FakeConfigEvent : public RtcEvent {
+ public:
+ Type GetType() const override { return RtcEvent::Type::FakeEvent; }
+ bool IsConfigEvent() const override { return true; }
+class RtcEventLogImplTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+ static constexpr size_t kMaxEventsInHistory = 2;
+ static constexpr size_t kMaxEventsInConfigHistory = 5;
+ static constexpr TimeDelta kOutputPeriod = TimeDelta::Seconds(2);
+ static constexpr Timestamp kStartTime = Timestamp::Seconds(1);
+ GlobalSimulatedTimeController time_controller_{kStartTime};
+ std::string written_data_; // This must be destroyed after the event_log_.
+ std::unique_ptr<MockEventEncoder> encoder_ =
+ std::make_unique<MockEventEncoder>();
+ MockEventEncoder* encoder_ptr_ = encoder_.get();
+ std::unique_ptr<FakeOutput> output_ =
+ std::make_unique<FakeOutput>(written_data_);
+ FakeOutput* output_ptr_ = output_.get();
+ RtcEventLogImpl event_log_{std::move(encoder_),
+ time_controller_.GetTaskQueueFactory(),
+ kMaxEventsInHistory, kMaxEventsInConfigHistory};
+TEST_F(RtcEventLogImplTest, WritesHeaderAndEventsAndTrailer) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, EncodeLogStart(,
+ .WillOnce(Return("start"));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, EncodeLogEnd(
+ .WillOnce(Return("stop"));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Property(&RtcEvent::IsConfigEvent, true)))
+ .WillOnce(Return("config"));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_,
+ OnEncode(Property(&RtcEvent::IsConfigEvent, false)))
+ .WillOnce(Return("event"));
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::move(output_),;
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeEvent>());
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>());
+ event_log_.StopLogging();
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(encoder_ptr_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(written_data_ == "startconfigeventstop" ||
+ written_data_ == "starteventconfigstop");
+TEST_F(RtcEventLogImplTest, KeepsMostRecentEventsOnStart) {
+ auto e2 = std::make_unique<FakeEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* e2_ptr = e2.get();
+ auto e3 = std::make_unique<FakeEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* e3_ptr = e3.get();
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeEvent>());
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(e2));
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(e3));
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*e2_ptr)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*e3_ptr)));
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::move(output_),;
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Zero());
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(encoder_ptr_);
+TEST_F(RtcEventLogImplTest, KeepsConfigEventsOnStart) {
+ // The config-history is supposed to be unbounded and never overflow.
+ auto c1 = std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* c1_ptr = c1.get();
+ auto c2 = std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* c2_ptr = c2.get();
+ auto c3 = std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* c3_ptr = c3.get();
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(c1));
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(c2));
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(c3));
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*c1_ptr)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*c2_ptr)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*c3_ptr)));
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::move(output_),;
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Zero());
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(encoder_ptr_);
+TEST_F(RtcEventLogImplTest, EncodesEventsOnHistoryFullPostponesLastEncode) {
+ auto e1 = std::make_unique<FakeEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* e1_ptr = e1.get();
+ auto e2 = std::make_unique<FakeEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* e2_ptr = e2.get();
+ auto e3 = std::make_unique<FakeEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* e3_ptr = e3.get();
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::move(output_),;
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Zero());
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(e1));
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(e2));
+ // Overflows and causes immediate output, and eventual output after the output
+ // period has passed.
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(e3));
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*e1_ptr)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*e2_ptr)));
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Zero());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*e3_ptr)));
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(kOutputPeriod);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(encoder_ptr_);
+TEST_F(RtcEventLogImplTest, RewritesAllConfigEventsOnlyOnRestart) {
+ auto c1 = std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* c1_ptr = c1.get();
+ auto c2 = std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* c2_ptr = c2.get();
+ auto c3 = std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* c3_ptr = c3.get();
+ auto c4 = std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* c4_ptr = c4.get();
+ auto c5 = std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>();
+ RtcEvent* c5_ptr = c5.get();
+ // Keep the config event before start.
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(c1));
+ // Start logging.
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::make_unique<FakeOutput>(written_data_),
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(c2));
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(c3));
+ event_log_.StopLogging();
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Zero());
+ // Restart logging.
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::make_unique<FakeOutput>(written_data_),
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(c4));
+ event_log_.Log(std::move(c5));
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeEvent>());
+ event_log_.StopLogging();
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Zero());
+ InSequence s;
+ // Rewrite all config events in sequence on next restart.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*c1_ptr)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*c2_ptr)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*c3_ptr)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*c4_ptr)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(Ref(*c5_ptr)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_,
+ OnEncode(Property(&RtcEvent::IsConfigEvent, false)))
+ .Times(0);
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::move(output_),;
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Zero());
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(encoder_ptr_);
+TEST_F(RtcEventLogImplTest, SchedulesWriteAfterOutputDurationPassed) {
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::move(output_),;
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>());
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeEvent>());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_,
+ OnEncode(Property(&RtcEvent::IsConfigEvent, true)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_,
+ OnEncode(Property(&RtcEvent::IsConfigEvent, false)));
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(kOutputPeriod);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(encoder_ptr_);
+TEST_F(RtcEventLogImplTest, DoNotDropEventsIfHistoryFullAfterStarted) {
+ constexpr size_t kNumberOfEvents = 10 * kMaxEventsInHistory;
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::move(output_),;
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeConfigEvent>());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfEvents; i++) {
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeEvent>());
+ }
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_,
+ OnEncode(Property(&RtcEvent::IsConfigEvent, true)));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_,
+ OnEncode(Property(&RtcEvent::IsConfigEvent, false)))
+ .Times(kNumberOfEvents);
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(kOutputPeriod);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(encoder_ptr_);
+TEST_F(RtcEventLogImplTest, StopOutputOnWriteFailure) {
+ constexpr size_t kNumberOfEvents = 10;
+ constexpr size_t kFailsWriteOnEventsCount = 5;
+ size_t number_of_encoded_events = 0;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*encoder_ptr_, OnEncode(_))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Invoke([this, &number_of_encoded_events]() {
+ ++number_of_encoded_events;
+ if (number_of_encoded_events == kFailsWriteOnEventsCount) {
+ output_ptr_->FailsNextWrite();
+ }
+ return std::string();
+ }));
+ event_log_.StartLogging(std::move(output_),;
+ // Fails `RtcEventLogOutput` on the last event.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < kFailsWriteOnEventsCount; i++) {
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeEvent>());
+ }
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(kOutputPeriod);
+ // Expect that the remainder events are not encoded.
+ for (size_t i = kFailsWriteOnEventsCount; i < kNumberOfEvents; i++) {
+ event_log_.Log(std::make_unique<FakeEvent>());
+ }
+ time_controller_.AdvanceTime(kOutputPeriod);
+ event_log_.StopLogging();
+ EXPECT_EQ(number_of_encoded_events, kFailsWriteOnEventsCount);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(encoder_ptr_);
+} // namespace
+} // namespace webrtc