path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/test/iLBC_testprogram.c
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/test/iLBC_testprogram.c b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/test/iLBC_testprogram.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a62a42edf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/test/iLBC_testprogram.c
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+ iLBC Speech Coder ANSI-C Source Code
+ iLBC_test.c
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/defines.h"
+#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/nit_encode.h"
+#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/encode.h"
+#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/init_decode.h"
+#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/decode.h"
+#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/constants.h"
+#include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/ilbc.h"
+/* Runtime statistics */
+#include <time.h>
+/* #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000 */
+ * Encoder interface function
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+short encode( /* (o) Number of bytes encoded */
+ IlbcEncoder *iLBCenc_inst, /* (i/o) Encoder instance */
+ int16_t *encoded_data, /* (o) The encoded bytes */
+ int16_t *data /* (i) The signal block to encode */
+ ){
+ /* do the actual encoding */
+ WebRtcIlbcfix_Encode((uint16_t *)encoded_data, data, iLBCenc_inst);
+ return (iLBCenc_inst->no_of_bytes);
+ * Decoder interface function
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+short decode( /* (o) Number of decoded samples */
+ IlbcDecoder *iLBCdec_inst, /* (i/o) Decoder instance */
+ short *decoded_data, /* (o) Decoded signal block */
+ short *encoded_data, /* (i) Encoded bytes */
+ short mode /* (i) 0=PL, 1=Normal */
+ ){
+ /* check if mode is valid */
+ if (mode<0 || mode>1) {
+ printf("\nERROR - Wrong mode - 0, 1 allowed\n"); exit(3);}
+ /* do actual decoding of block */
+ WebRtcIlbcfix_Decode(decoded_data, (uint16_t *)encoded_data,
+ iLBCdec_inst, mode);
+ return (iLBCdec_inst->blockl);
+ * Main program to test iLBC encoding and decoding
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * exefile_name.exe <infile> <bytefile> <outfile> <channelfile>
+ *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define MAXFRAMES 10000
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ /* Runtime statistics */
+ float starttime1, starttime2;
+ float runtime1, runtime2;
+ float outtime;
+ FILE *ifileid,*efileid,*ofileid, *chfileid;
+ short *inputdata, *encodeddata, *decodeddata;
+ short *channeldata;
+ int blockcount = 0, noOfBlocks=0, i, noOfLostBlocks=0;
+ short mode;
+ IlbcEncoder Enc_Inst;
+ IlbcDecoder Dec_Inst;
+ short frameLen;
+ short count;
+#ifdef SPLIT_10MS
+ short size;
+ inputdata=(short*) malloc(MAXFILELEN*sizeof(short));
+ if (inputdata==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory for vector\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ encodeddata=(short*) malloc(ILBCNOOFWORDS_MAX*MAXFRAMES*sizeof(short));
+ if (encodeddata==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory for vector\n");
+ free(inputdata);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ decodeddata=(short*) malloc(MAXFILELEN*sizeof(short));
+ if (decodeddata==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory for vector\n");
+ free(inputdata);
+ free(encodeddata);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ channeldata=(short*) malloc(MAXFRAMES*sizeof(short));
+ if (channeldata==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory for vector\n");
+ free(inputdata);
+ free(encodeddata);
+ free(decodeddata);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ /* get arguments and open files */
+ if (argc != 6 ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s mode inputfile bytefile outputfile channelfile\n",
+ argv[0]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Example:\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s <30,20> in.pcm byte.dat out.pcm T30.0.dat\n", argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ mode=atoi(argv[1]);
+ if (mode != 20 && mode != 30) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Wrong mode %s, must be 20, or 30\n", argv[1]);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ if ( (ifileid=fopen(argv[2],"rb")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open input file %s\n", argv[2]);
+ exit(2);}
+ if ( (efileid=fopen(argv[3],"wb")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open channelfile file %s\n",
+ argv[3]); exit(3);}
+ if( (ofileid=fopen(argv[4],"wb")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open output file %s\n",
+ argv[4]); exit(3);}
+ if ( (chfileid=fopen(argv[5],"rb")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open channel file file %s\n", argv[5]);
+ exit(2);}
+ /* print info */
+#ifndef PRINT_MIPS
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "*---------------------------------------------------*\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "* *\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "* iLBCtest *\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "* *\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "* *\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "*---------------------------------------------------*\n");
+#ifdef SPLIT_10MS
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n10ms split with raw mode: %2d ms\n", mode);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\nMode : %2d ms\n", mode);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\nInput file : %s\n", argv[2]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Coded file : %s\n", argv[3]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Output file : %s\n\n", argv[4]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Channel file : %s\n\n", argv[5]);
+ /* Initialization */
+ WebRtcIlbcfix_EncoderInit(&Enc_Inst, mode);
+ WebRtcIlbcfix_DecoderInit(&Dec_Inst, mode, 1);
+ /* extract the input file and channel file */
+#ifdef SPLIT_10MS
+ frameLen = (mode==20)? 80:160;
+ fread(Enc_Inst.past_samples, sizeof(short), frameLen, ifileid);
+ Enc_Inst.section = 0;
+ while( fread(&inputdata[noOfBlocks*80], sizeof(short),
+ 80, ifileid) == 80 ) {
+ noOfBlocks++;
+ }
+ noOfBlocks += frameLen/80;
+ frameLen = 80;
+ frameLen = Enc_Inst.blockl;
+ while( fread(&inputdata[noOfBlocks*Enc_Inst.blockl],sizeof(short),
+ Enc_Inst.blockl,ifileid)==(uint16_t)Enc_Inst.blockl){
+ noOfBlocks++;
+ }
+ while ((fread(&channeldata[blockcount],sizeof(short), 1,chfileid)==1)
+ && ( blockcount < noOfBlocks/(Enc_Inst.blockl/frameLen) )) {
+ blockcount++;
+ }
+ if ( blockcount < noOfBlocks/(Enc_Inst.blockl/frameLen) ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Channel file %s is too short\n", argv[4]);
+ free(inputdata);
+ free(encodeddata);
+ free(decodeddata);
+ free(channeldata);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ count=0;
+ /* Runtime statistics */
+ starttime1 = clock()/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+ /* Encoding loop */
+#ifdef PRINT_MIPS
+ printf("-1 -1\n");
+#ifdef SPLIT_10MS
+ /* "Enc_Inst.section != 0" is to make sure we run through full
+ lengths of all vectors for 10ms split mode.
+ */
+ // while( (count < noOfBlocks) || (Enc_Inst.section != 0) ) {
+ while( count < blockcount * (Enc_Inst.blockl/frameLen) ) {
+ encode(&Enc_Inst, &encodeddata[Enc_Inst.no_of_words *
+ (count/(Enc_Inst.nsub/2))],
+ &inputdata[frameLen * count] );
+ while (count < noOfBlocks) {
+ encode( &Enc_Inst, &encodeddata[Enc_Inst.no_of_words * count],
+ &inputdata[frameLen * count] );
+#ifdef PRINT_MIPS
+ printf("-1 -1\n");
+ count++;
+ }
+ count=0;
+ /* Runtime statistics */
+ starttime2=clock()/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+ runtime1 = (float)(starttime2-starttime1);
+ /* Decoding loop */
+ while (count < blockcount) {
+ if (channeldata[count]==1) {
+ /* Normal decoding */
+ decode(&Dec_Inst, &decodeddata[count * Dec_Inst.blockl],
+ &encodeddata[Dec_Inst.no_of_words * count], 1);
+ } else if (channeldata[count]==0) {
+ /* PLC */
+ short emptydata[ILBCNOOFWORDS_MAX];
+ memset(emptydata, 0, Dec_Inst.no_of_words*sizeof(short));
+ decode(&Dec_Inst, &decodeddata[count*Dec_Inst.blockl],
+ emptydata, 0);
+ noOfLostBlocks++;
+ } else {
+ printf("Error in channel file (values have to be either 1 or 0)\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+#ifdef PRINT_MIPS
+ printf("-1 -1\n");
+ count++;
+ }
+ /* Runtime statistics */
+ runtime2 = (float)(clock()/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC-starttime2);
+ outtime = (float)((float)blockcount*
+ (float)mode/1000.0);
+#ifndef PRINT_MIPS
+ printf("\nLength of speech file: %.1f s\n", outtime);
+ printf("Lost frames : %.1f%%\n\n", 100*(float)noOfLostBlocks/(float)blockcount);
+ printf("Time to run iLBC_encode+iLBC_decode:");
+ printf(" %.1f s (%.1f%% of realtime)\n", runtime1+runtime2,
+ (100*(runtime1+runtime2)/outtime));
+ printf("Time in iLBC_encode :");
+ printf(" %.1f s (%.1f%% of total runtime)\n",
+ runtime1, 100.0*runtime1/(runtime1+runtime2));
+ printf("Time in iLBC_decode :");
+ printf(" %.1f s (%.1f%% of total runtime)\n\n",
+ runtime2, 100.0*runtime2/(runtime1+runtime2));
+ /* Write data to files */
+ for (i=0; i<blockcount; i++) {
+ fwrite(&encodeddata[i*Enc_Inst.no_of_words], sizeof(short),
+ Enc_Inst.no_of_words, efileid);
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<blockcount;i++) {
+ fwrite(&decodeddata[i*Enc_Inst.blockl],sizeof(short),Enc_Inst.blockl,ofileid);
+ }
+ /* return memory and close files */
+ free(inputdata);
+ free(encodeddata);
+ free(decodeddata);
+ free(channeldata);
+ fclose(ifileid); fclose(efileid); fclose(ofileid);
+ return(0);
+ }