path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 875 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ede8fdc3d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_sender_video.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include "absl/algorithm/container.h"
+#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
+#include "absl/strings/match.h"
+#include "api/crypto/frame_encryptor_interface.h"
+#include "api/transport/rtp/dependency_descriptor.h"
+#include "api/units/frequency.h"
+#include "api/units/time_delta.h"
+#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
+#include "modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe_test_logging.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/absolute_capture_time_sender.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_dependency_descriptor_extension.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_descriptor_authentication.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_format.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_generic_frame_descriptor_extension.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_header_extensions.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_packet_to_send.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_video_layers_allocation_extension.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/time_util.h"
+#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
+#include "rtc_base/experiments/field_trial_parser.h"
+#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
+#include "rtc_base/trace_event.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+namespace {
+constexpr size_t kRedForFecHeaderLength = 1;
+constexpr TimeDelta kMaxUnretransmittableFrameInterval =
+ TimeDelta::Millis(33 * 4);
+void BuildRedPayload(const RtpPacketToSend& media_packet,
+ RtpPacketToSend* red_packet) {
+ uint8_t* red_payload = red_packet->AllocatePayload(
+ kRedForFecHeaderLength + media_packet.payload_size());
+ RTC_DCHECK(red_payload);
+ red_payload[0] = media_packet.PayloadType();
+ auto media_payload = media_packet.payload();
+ memcpy(&red_payload[kRedForFecHeaderLength],,
+ media_payload.size());
+bool MinimizeDescriptor(RTPVideoHeader* video_header) {
+ if (auto* vp8 =
+ absl::get_if<RTPVideoHeaderVP8>(&video_header->video_type_header)) {
+ // Set minimum fields the RtpPacketizer is using to create vp8 packets.
+ // nonReference is the only field that doesn't require extra space.
+ bool non_reference = vp8->nonReference;
+ vp8->InitRTPVideoHeaderVP8();
+ vp8->nonReference = non_reference;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool IsBaseLayer(const RTPVideoHeader& video_header) {
+ switch (video_header.codec) {
+ case kVideoCodecVP8: {
+ const auto& vp8 =
+ absl::get<RTPVideoHeaderVP8>(video_header.video_type_header);
+ return (vp8.temporalIdx == 0 || vp8.temporalIdx == kNoTemporalIdx);
+ }
+ case kVideoCodecVP9: {
+ const auto& vp9 =
+ absl::get<RTPVideoHeaderVP9>(video_header.video_type_header);
+ return (vp9.temporal_idx == 0 || vp9.temporal_idx == kNoTemporalIdx);
+ }
+ case kVideoCodecH264:
+ // TODO(kron): Implement logic for H264 once WebRTC supports temporal
+ // layers for H264.
+ break;
+ case kVideoCodecH265:
+ // TODO( Implement logic for H265 once WebRTC
+ // supports temporal layers for H265.
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+absl::optional<VideoPlayoutDelay> LoadVideoPlayoutDelayOverride(
+ const FieldTrialsView* key_value_config) {
+ RTC_DCHECK(key_value_config);
+ FieldTrialOptional<int> playout_delay_min_ms("min_ms", absl::nullopt);
+ FieldTrialOptional<int> playout_delay_max_ms("max_ms", absl::nullopt);
+ ParseFieldTrial({&playout_delay_max_ms, &playout_delay_min_ms},
+ key_value_config->Lookup("WebRTC-ForceSendPlayoutDelay"));
+ return playout_delay_max_ms && playout_delay_min_ms
+ ? absl::make_optional<VideoPlayoutDelay>(
+ TimeDelta::Millis(*playout_delay_min_ms),
+ TimeDelta::Millis(*playout_delay_max_ms))
+ : absl::nullopt;
+// Some packets can be skipped and the stream can still be decoded. Those
+// packets are less likely to be retransmitted if they are lost.
+bool PacketWillLikelyBeRequestedForRestransmissionIfLost(
+ const RTPVideoHeader& video_header) {
+ return IsBaseLayer(video_header) &&
+ !(video_header.generic.has_value()
+ ? absl::c_linear_search(
+ video_header.generic->decode_target_indications,
+ DecodeTargetIndication::kDiscardable)
+ : false);
+} // namespace
+RTPSenderVideo::RTPSenderVideo(const Config& config)
+ : rtp_sender_(config.rtp_sender),
+ clock_(config.clock),
+ retransmission_settings_(
+ config.enable_retransmit_all_layers
+ ? kRetransmitAllLayers
+ : (kRetransmitBaseLayer | kConditionallyRetransmitHigherLayers)),
+ last_rotation_(kVideoRotation_0),
+ transmit_color_space_next_frame_(false),
+ send_allocation_(SendVideoLayersAllocation::kDontSend),
+ playout_delay_pending_(false),
+ forced_playout_delay_(LoadVideoPlayoutDelayOverride(config.field_trials)),
+ red_payload_type_(config.red_payload_type),
+ fec_type_(config.fec_type),
+ fec_overhead_bytes_(config.fec_overhead_bytes),
+ post_encode_overhead_bitrate_(/*max_window_size=*/TimeDelta::Seconds(1)),
+ frame_encryptor_(config.frame_encryptor),
+ require_frame_encryption_(config.require_frame_encryption),
+ generic_descriptor_auth_experiment_(!absl::StartsWith(
+ config.field_trials->Lookup("WebRTC-GenericDescriptorAuth"),
+ "Disabled")),
+ absolute_capture_time_sender_(config.clock),
+ frame_transformer_delegate_(
+ config.frame_transformer
+ ? rtc::make_ref_counted<RTPSenderVideoFrameTransformerDelegate>(
+ this,
+ config.frame_transformer,
+ rtp_sender_->SSRC(),
+ rtp_sender_->Rid(),
+ config.task_queue_factory)
+ : nullptr) {
+ if (frame_transformer_delegate_)
+ frame_transformer_delegate_->Init();
+RTPSenderVideo::~RTPSenderVideo() {
+ if (frame_transformer_delegate_)
+ frame_transformer_delegate_->Reset();
+void RTPSenderVideo::LogAndSendToNetwork(
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RtpPacketToSend>> packets,
+ size_t encoder_output_size) {
+ {
+ MutexLock lock(&stats_mutex_);
+ size_t packetized_payload_size = 0;
+ for (const auto& packet : packets) {
+ if (*packet->packet_type() == RtpPacketMediaType::kVideo) {
+ packetized_payload_size += packet->payload_size();
+ }
+ }
+ // AV1 and H264 packetizers may produce less packetized bytes than
+ // unpacketized.
+ if (packetized_payload_size >= encoder_output_size) {
+ post_encode_overhead_bitrate_.Update(
+ packetized_payload_size - encoder_output_size, clock_->CurrentTime());
+ }
+ }
+ rtp_sender_->EnqueuePackets(std::move(packets));
+size_t RTPSenderVideo::FecPacketOverhead() const {
+ size_t overhead = fec_overhead_bytes_;
+ if (red_enabled()) {
+ // The RED overhead is due to a small header.
+ overhead += kRedForFecHeaderLength;
+ if (fec_type_ == VideoFecGenerator::FecType::kUlpFec) {
+ // For ULPFEC, the overhead is the FEC headers plus RED for FEC header
+ // (see above) plus anything in RTP header beyond the 12 bytes base header
+ // (CSRC list, extensions...)
+ // This reason for the header extensions to be included here is that
+ // from an FEC viewpoint, they are part of the payload to be protected.
+ // (The base RTP header is already protected by the FEC header.)
+ overhead +=
+ rtp_sender_->FecOrPaddingPacketMaxRtpHeaderLength() - kRtpHeaderSize;
+ }
+ }
+ return overhead;
+void RTPSenderVideo::SetRetransmissionSetting(int32_t retransmission_settings) {
+ retransmission_settings_ = retransmission_settings;
+void RTPSenderVideo::SetVideoStructure(
+ const FrameDependencyStructure* video_structure) {
+ if (frame_transformer_delegate_) {
+ frame_transformer_delegate_->SetVideoStructureUnderLock(video_structure);
+ return;
+ }
+ SetVideoStructureInternal(video_structure);
+void RTPSenderVideo::SetVideoStructureAfterTransformation(
+ const FrameDependencyStructure* video_structure) {
+ SetVideoStructureInternal(video_structure);
+void RTPSenderVideo::SetVideoStructureInternal(
+ const FrameDependencyStructure* video_structure) {
+ if (video_structure == nullptr) {
+ video_structure_ = nullptr;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Simple sanity checks video structure is set up.
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(video_structure->num_decode_targets, 0);
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(video_structure->templates.size(), 0);
+ int structure_id = 0;
+ if (video_structure_) {
+ if (*video_structure_ == *video_structure) {
+ // Same structure (just a new key frame), no update required.
+ return;
+ }
+ // When setting different video structure make sure structure_id is updated
+ // so that templates from different structures do not collide.
+ static constexpr int kMaxTemplates = 64;
+ structure_id =
+ (video_structure_->structure_id + video_structure_->templates.size()) %
+ kMaxTemplates;
+ }
+ video_structure_ =
+ std::make_unique<FrameDependencyStructure>(*video_structure);
+ video_structure_->structure_id = structure_id;
+void RTPSenderVideo::SetVideoLayersAllocation(
+ VideoLayersAllocation allocation) {
+ if (frame_transformer_delegate_) {
+ frame_transformer_delegate_->SetVideoLayersAllocationUnderLock(
+ std::move(allocation));
+ return;
+ }
+ SetVideoLayersAllocationInternal(std::move(allocation));
+void RTPSenderVideo::SetVideoLayersAllocationAfterTransformation(
+ VideoLayersAllocation allocation) {
+ SetVideoLayersAllocationInternal(std::move(allocation));
+void RTPSenderVideo::SetVideoLayersAllocationInternal(
+ VideoLayersAllocation allocation) {
+ if (!allocation_ || allocation.active_spatial_layers.size() !=
+ allocation_->active_spatial_layers.size()) {
+ send_allocation_ = SendVideoLayersAllocation::kSendWithResolution;
+ } else if (send_allocation_ == SendVideoLayersAllocation::kDontSend) {
+ send_allocation_ = SendVideoLayersAllocation::kSendWithoutResolution;
+ }
+ if (send_allocation_ == SendVideoLayersAllocation::kSendWithoutResolution) {
+ // Check if frame rate changed more than 5fps since the last time the
+ // extension was sent with frame rate and resolution.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < allocation.active_spatial_layers.size(); ++i) {
+ if (abs(static_cast<int>(
+ allocation.active_spatial_layers[i].frame_rate_fps) -
+ static_cast<int>(
+ last_full_sent_allocation_->active_spatial_layers[i]
+ .frame_rate_fps)) > 5) {
+ send_allocation_ = SendVideoLayersAllocation::kSendWithResolution;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ allocation_ = std::move(allocation);
+void RTPSenderVideo::AddRtpHeaderExtensions(const RTPVideoHeader& video_header,
+ bool first_packet,
+ bool last_packet,
+ RtpPacketToSend* packet) const {
+ // Send color space when changed or if the frame is a key frame. Keep
+ // sending color space information until the first base layer frame to
+ // guarantee that the information is retrieved by the receiver.
+ bool set_color_space =
+ video_header.color_space != last_color_space_ ||
+ video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey ||
+ transmit_color_space_next_frame_;
+ // Color space requires two-byte header extensions if HDR metadata is
+ // included. Therefore, it's best to add this extension first so that the
+ // other extensions in the same packet are written as two-byte headers at
+ // once.
+ if (last_packet && set_color_space && video_header.color_space)
+ packet->SetExtension<ColorSpaceExtension>(video_header.color_space.value());
+ // According to
+ //
+ // ts_126114v120700p.pdf Section 7.4.5:
+ // The MTSI client shall add the payload bytes as defined in this clause
+ // onto the last RTP packet in each group of packets which make up a key
+ // frame (I-frame or IDR frame in H.264 (AVC), or an IRAP picture in H.265
+ // (HEVC)). The MTSI client may also add the payload bytes onto the last RTP
+ // packet in each group of packets which make up another type of frame
+ // (e.g. a P-Frame) only if the current value is different from the previous
+ // value sent.
+ // Set rotation when key frame or when changed (to follow standard).
+ // Or when different from 0 (to follow current receiver implementation).
+ bool set_video_rotation =
+ video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey ||
+ video_header.rotation != last_rotation_ ||
+ video_header.rotation != kVideoRotation_0;
+ if (last_packet && set_video_rotation)
+ packet->SetExtension<VideoOrientation>(video_header.rotation);
+ // Report content type only for key frames.
+ if (last_packet &&
+ video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey &&
+ video_header.content_type != VideoContentType::UNSPECIFIED)
+ packet->SetExtension<VideoContentTypeExtension>(video_header.content_type);
+ if (last_packet &&
+ video_header.video_timing.flags != VideoSendTiming::kInvalid)
+ packet->SetExtension<VideoTimingExtension>(video_header.video_timing);
+ // If transmitted, add to all packets; ack logic depends on this.
+ if (playout_delay_pending_ && current_playout_delay_.has_value()) {
+ packet->SetExtension<PlayoutDelayLimits>(*current_playout_delay_);
+ }
+ if (first_packet && video_header.absolute_capture_time.has_value()) {
+ packet->SetExtension<AbsoluteCaptureTimeExtension>(
+ *video_header.absolute_capture_time);
+ }
+ if (video_header.generic) {
+ bool extension_is_set = false;
+ if (packet->IsRegistered<RtpDependencyDescriptorExtension>() &&
+ video_structure_ != nullptr) {
+ DependencyDescriptor descriptor;
+ descriptor.first_packet_in_frame = first_packet;
+ descriptor.last_packet_in_frame = last_packet;
+ descriptor.frame_number = video_header.generic->frame_id & 0xFFFF;
+ descriptor.frame_dependencies.spatial_id =
+ video_header.generic->spatial_index;
+ descriptor.frame_dependencies.temporal_id =
+ video_header.generic->temporal_index;
+ for (int64_t dep : video_header.generic->dependencies) {
+ descriptor.frame_dependencies.frame_diffs.push_back(
+ video_header.generic->frame_id - dep);
+ }
+ descriptor.frame_dependencies.chain_diffs =
+ video_header.generic->chain_diffs;
+ descriptor.frame_dependencies.decode_target_indications =
+ video_header.generic->decode_target_indications;
+ descriptor.frame_dependencies.decode_target_indications.size(),
+ video_structure_->num_decode_targets);
+ if (first_packet) {
+ descriptor.active_decode_targets_bitmask =
+ active_decode_targets_tracker_.ActiveDecodeTargetsBitmask();
+ }
+ // VP9 mark all layer frames of the first picture as kVideoFrameKey,
+ // Structure should be attached to the descriptor to lowest spatial layer
+ // when inter layer dependency is used, i.e. L structures; or to all
+ // layers when inter layer dependency is not used, i.e. S structures.
+ // Distinguish these two cases by checking if there are any dependencies.
+ if (video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey &&
+ video_header.generic->dependencies.empty() && first_packet) {
+ // To avoid extra structure copy, temporary share ownership of the
+ // video_structure with the dependency descriptor.
+ descriptor.attached_structure =
+ absl::WrapUnique(video_structure_.get());
+ }
+ extension_is_set = packet->SetExtension<RtpDependencyDescriptorExtension>(
+ *video_structure_,
+ active_decode_targets_tracker_.ActiveChainsBitmask(), descriptor);
+ // Remove the temporary shared ownership.
+ descriptor.attached_structure.release();
+ }
+ // Do not use generic frame descriptor when dependency descriptor is stored.
+ if (packet->IsRegistered<RtpGenericFrameDescriptorExtension00>() &&
+ !extension_is_set) {
+ RtpGenericFrameDescriptor generic_descriptor;
+ generic_descriptor.SetFirstPacketInSubFrame(first_packet);
+ generic_descriptor.SetLastPacketInSubFrame(last_packet);
+ if (first_packet) {
+ generic_descriptor.SetFrameId(
+ static_cast<uint16_t>(video_header.generic->frame_id));
+ for (int64_t dep : video_header.generic->dependencies) {
+ generic_descriptor.AddFrameDependencyDiff(
+ video_header.generic->frame_id - dep);
+ }
+ uint8_t spatial_bitmask = 1 << video_header.generic->spatial_index;
+ generic_descriptor.SetSpatialLayersBitmask(spatial_bitmask);
+ generic_descriptor.SetTemporalLayer(
+ video_header.generic->temporal_index);
+ if (video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey) {
+ generic_descriptor.SetResolution(video_header.width,
+ video_header.height);
+ }
+ }
+ packet->SetExtension<RtpGenericFrameDescriptorExtension00>(
+ generic_descriptor);
+ }
+ }
+ if (packet->IsRegistered<RtpVideoLayersAllocationExtension>() &&
+ first_packet &&
+ send_allocation_ != SendVideoLayersAllocation::kDontSend &&
+ (video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey ||
+ PacketWillLikelyBeRequestedForRestransmissionIfLost(video_header))) {
+ VideoLayersAllocation allocation = allocation_.value();
+ allocation.resolution_and_frame_rate_is_valid =
+ send_allocation_ == SendVideoLayersAllocation::kSendWithResolution;
+ packet->SetExtension<RtpVideoLayersAllocationExtension>(allocation);
+ }
+ if (first_packet && video_header.video_frame_tracking_id) {
+ packet->SetExtension<VideoFrameTrackingIdExtension>(
+ *video_header.video_frame_tracking_id);
+ }
+bool RTPSenderVideo::SendVideo(int payload_type,
+ absl::optional<VideoCodecType> codec_type,
+ uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
+ Timestamp capture_time,
+ rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> payload,
+ size_t encoder_output_size,
+ RTPVideoHeader video_header,
+ TimeDelta expected_retransmission_time,
+ std::vector<uint32_t> csrcs) {
+ "webrtc", "Video", capture_time.ms_or(0), "Send", "type",
+ std::string(VideoFrameTypeToString(video_header.frame_type)));
+ RTC_CHECK_RUNS_SERIALIZED(&send_checker_);
+ if (video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kEmptyFrame)
+ return true;
+ if (payload.empty())
+ return false;
+ if (!rtp_sender_->SendingMedia()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int32_t retransmission_settings = retransmission_settings_;
+ if (codec_type == VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecH264) {
+ // Backward compatibility for older receivers without temporal layer logic.
+ retransmission_settings = kRetransmitBaseLayer | kRetransmitHigherLayers;
+ }
+ const uint8_t temporal_id = GetTemporalId(video_header);
+ // TODO( retransmission_settings_ should generally be
+ // replaced by expected_retransmission_time.IsFinite().
+ const bool allow_retransmission =
+ expected_retransmission_time.IsFinite() &&
+ AllowRetransmission(temporal_id, retransmission_settings,
+ expected_retransmission_time);
+ MaybeUpdateCurrentPlayoutDelay(video_header);
+ if (video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey) {
+ if (current_playout_delay_.has_value()) {
+ // Force playout delay on key-frames, if set.
+ playout_delay_pending_ = true;
+ }
+ if (allocation_) {
+ // Send the bitrate allocation on every key frame.
+ send_allocation_ = SendVideoLayersAllocation::kSendWithResolution;
+ }
+ }
+ if (video_structure_ != nullptr && video_header.generic) {
+ active_decode_targets_tracker_.OnFrame(
+ video_structure_->decode_target_protected_by_chain,
+ video_header.generic->active_decode_targets,
+ video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey,
+ video_header.generic->frame_id, video_header.generic->chain_diffs);
+ }
+ // No FEC protection for upper temporal layers, if used.
+ const bool use_fec = fec_type_.has_value() &&
+ (temporal_id == 0 || temporal_id == kNoTemporalIdx);
+ // Maximum size of packet including rtp headers.
+ // Extra space left in case packet will be resent using fec or rtx.
+ int packet_capacity = rtp_sender_->MaxRtpPacketSize();
+ if (use_fec) {
+ packet_capacity -= FecPacketOverhead();
+ }
+ if (allow_retransmission) {
+ packet_capacity -= rtp_sender_->RtxPacketOverhead();
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<RtpPacketToSend> single_packet =
+ rtp_sender_->AllocatePacket(csrcs);
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(packet_capacity, single_packet->capacity());
+ single_packet->SetPayloadType(payload_type);
+ single_packet->SetTimestamp(rtp_timestamp);
+ if (capture_time.IsFinite())
+ single_packet->set_capture_time(capture_time);
+ // Construct the absolute capture time extension if not provided.
+ if (!video_header.absolute_capture_time.has_value() &&
+ capture_time.IsFinite()) {
+ video_header.absolute_capture_time.emplace();
+ video_header.absolute_capture_time->absolute_capture_timestamp =
+ Int64MsToUQ32x32(
+ clock_->ConvertTimestampToNtpTime(capture_time).ToMs());
+ video_header.absolute_capture_time->estimated_capture_clock_offset = 0;
+ }
+ // Let `absolute_capture_time_sender_` decide if the extension should be sent.
+ if (video_header.absolute_capture_time.has_value()) {
+ video_header.absolute_capture_time =
+ absolute_capture_time_sender_.OnSendPacket(
+ AbsoluteCaptureTimeSender::GetSource(single_packet->Ssrc(), csrcs),
+ single_packet->Timestamp(), kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency,
+ NtpTime(
+ video_header.absolute_capture_time->absolute_capture_timestamp),
+ video_header.absolute_capture_time->estimated_capture_clock_offset);
+ }
+ auto first_packet = std::make_unique<RtpPacketToSend>(*single_packet);
+ auto middle_packet = std::make_unique<RtpPacketToSend>(*single_packet);
+ auto last_packet = std::make_unique<RtpPacketToSend>(*single_packet);
+ // Simplest way to estimate how much extensions would occupy is to set them.
+ AddRtpHeaderExtensions(video_header,
+ /*first_packet=*/true, /*last_packet=*/true,
+ single_packet.get());
+ if (video_structure_ != nullptr &&
+ single_packet->IsRegistered<RtpDependencyDescriptorExtension>() &&
+ !single_packet->HasExtension<RtpDependencyDescriptorExtension>()) {
+ RTC_DCHECK_EQ(video_header.frame_type, VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey);
+ // Disable attaching dependency descriptor to delta packets (including
+ // non-first packet of a key frame) when it wasn't attached to a key frame,
+ // as dependency descriptor can't be usable in such case.
+ RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Disable dependency descriptor because failed to "
+ "attach it to a key frame.";
+ video_structure_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ AddRtpHeaderExtensions(video_header,
+ /*first_packet=*/true, /*last_packet=*/false,
+ first_packet.get());
+ AddRtpHeaderExtensions(video_header,
+ /*first_packet=*/false, /*last_packet=*/false,
+ middle_packet.get());
+ AddRtpHeaderExtensions(video_header,
+ /*first_packet=*/false, /*last_packet=*/true,
+ last_packet.get());
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(packet_capacity, single_packet->headers_size());
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(packet_capacity, first_packet->headers_size());
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(packet_capacity, middle_packet->headers_size());
+ RTC_DCHECK_GT(packet_capacity, last_packet->headers_size());
+ RtpPacketizer::PayloadSizeLimits limits;
+ limits.max_payload_len = packet_capacity - middle_packet->headers_size();
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(single_packet->headers_size(), middle_packet->headers_size());
+ limits.single_packet_reduction_len =
+ single_packet->headers_size() - middle_packet->headers_size();
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(first_packet->headers_size(), middle_packet->headers_size());
+ limits.first_packet_reduction_len =
+ first_packet->headers_size() - middle_packet->headers_size();
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(last_packet->headers_size(), middle_packet->headers_size());
+ limits.last_packet_reduction_len =
+ last_packet->headers_size() - middle_packet->headers_size();
+ bool has_generic_descriptor =
+ first_packet->HasExtension<RtpGenericFrameDescriptorExtension00>() ||
+ first_packet->HasExtension<RtpDependencyDescriptorExtension>();
+ // Minimization of the vp8 descriptor may erase temporal_id, so use
+ // `temporal_id` rather than reference `video_header` beyond this point.
+ if (has_generic_descriptor) {
+ MinimizeDescriptor(&video_header);
+ }
+ rtc::Buffer encrypted_video_payload;
+ if (frame_encryptor_ != nullptr) {
+ const size_t max_ciphertext_size =
+ frame_encryptor_->GetMaxCiphertextByteSize(cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
+ payload.size());
+ encrypted_video_payload.SetSize(max_ciphertext_size);
+ size_t bytes_written = 0;
+ // Enable header authentication if the field trial isn't disabled.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> additional_data;
+ if (generic_descriptor_auth_experiment_) {
+ additional_data = RtpDescriptorAuthentication(video_header);
+ }
+ if (frame_encryptor_->Encrypt(
+ cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, first_packet->Ssrc(), additional_data,
+ payload, encrypted_video_payload, &bytes_written) != 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ encrypted_video_payload.SetSize(bytes_written);
+ payload = encrypted_video_payload;
+ } else if (require_frame_encryption_) {
+ << "No FrameEncryptor is attached to this video sending stream but "
+ "one is required since require_frame_encryptor is set";
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<RtpPacketizer> packetizer =
+ RtpPacketizer::Create(codec_type, payload, limits, video_header);
+ const size_t num_packets = packetizer->NumPackets();
+ if (num_packets == 0)
+ return false;
+ bool first_frame = first_frame_sent_();
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RtpPacketToSend>> rtp_packets;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_packets; ++i) {
+ std::unique_ptr<RtpPacketToSend> packet;
+ int expected_payload_capacity;
+ // Choose right packet template:
+ if (num_packets == 1) {
+ packet = std::move(single_packet);
+ expected_payload_capacity =
+ limits.max_payload_len - limits.single_packet_reduction_len;
+ } else if (i == 0) {
+ packet = std::move(first_packet);
+ expected_payload_capacity =
+ limits.max_payload_len - limits.first_packet_reduction_len;
+ } else if (i == num_packets - 1) {
+ packet = std::move(last_packet);
+ expected_payload_capacity =
+ limits.max_payload_len - limits.last_packet_reduction_len;
+ } else {
+ packet = std::make_unique<RtpPacketToSend>(*middle_packet);
+ expected_payload_capacity = limits.max_payload_len;
+ }
+ packet->set_first_packet_of_frame(i == 0);
+ if (!packetizer->NextPacket(packet.get()))
+ return false;
+ RTC_DCHECK_LE(packet->payload_size(), expected_payload_capacity);
+ packet->set_allow_retransmission(allow_retransmission);
+ packet->set_is_key_frame(video_header.frame_type ==
+ VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey);
+ // Put packetization finish timestamp into extension.
+ if (packet->HasExtension<VideoTimingExtension>()) {
+ packet->set_packetization_finish_time(clock_->CurrentTime());
+ }
+ packet->set_fec_protect_packet(use_fec);
+ if (red_enabled()) {
+ // TODO(sprang): Consider packetizing directly into packets with the RED
+ // header already in place, to avoid this copy.
+ std::unique_ptr<RtpPacketToSend> red_packet(new RtpPacketToSend(*packet));
+ BuildRedPayload(*packet, red_packet.get());
+ red_packet->SetPayloadType(*red_payload_type_);
+ red_packet->set_is_red(true);
+ // Append `red_packet` instead of `packet` to output.
+ red_packet->set_packet_type(RtpPacketMediaType::kVideo);
+ red_packet->set_allow_retransmission(packet->allow_retransmission());
+ rtp_packets.emplace_back(std::move(red_packet));
+ } else {
+ packet->set_packet_type(RtpPacketMediaType::kVideo);
+ rtp_packets.emplace_back(std::move(packet));
+ }
+ if (first_frame) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ << "Sent first RTP packet of the first video frame (pre-pacer)";
+ }
+ if (i == num_packets - 1) {
+ << "Sent last RTP packet of the first video frame (pre-pacer)";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LogAndSendToNetwork(std::move(rtp_packets), encoder_output_size);
+ // Update details about the last sent frame.
+ last_rotation_ = video_header.rotation;
+ if (video_header.color_space != last_color_space_) {
+ last_color_space_ = video_header.color_space;
+ transmit_color_space_next_frame_ = !IsBaseLayer(video_header);
+ } else {
+ transmit_color_space_next_frame_ =
+ transmit_color_space_next_frame_ ? !IsBaseLayer(video_header) : false;
+ }
+ if (video_header.frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey ||
+ PacketWillLikelyBeRequestedForRestransmissionIfLost(video_header)) {
+ // This frame will likely be delivered, no need to populate playout
+ // delay extensions until it changes again.
+ playout_delay_pending_ = false;
+ if (send_allocation_ == SendVideoLayersAllocation::kSendWithResolution) {
+ last_full_sent_allocation_ = allocation_;
+ }
+ send_allocation_ = SendVideoLayersAllocation::kDontSend;
+ }
+ TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END1("webrtc", "Video", capture_time.ms_or(0), "timestamp",
+ rtp_timestamp);
+ return true;
+bool RTPSenderVideo::SendEncodedImage(int payload_type,
+ absl::optional<VideoCodecType> codec_type,
+ uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
+ const EncodedImage& encoded_image,
+ RTPVideoHeader video_header,
+ TimeDelta expected_retransmission_time) {
+ if (frame_transformer_delegate_) {
+ // The frame will be sent async once transformed.
+ return frame_transformer_delegate_->TransformFrame(
+ payload_type, codec_type, rtp_timestamp, encoded_image, video_header,
+ expected_retransmission_time);
+ }
+ return SendVideo(payload_type, codec_type, rtp_timestamp,
+ encoded_image.CaptureTime(), encoded_image,
+ encoded_image.size(), video_header,
+ expected_retransmission_time, /*csrcs=*/{});
+DataRate RTPSenderVideo::PostEncodeOverhead() const {
+ MutexLock lock(&stats_mutex_);
+ return post_encode_overhead_bitrate_.Rate(clock_->CurrentTime())
+ .value_or(DataRate::Zero());
+bool RTPSenderVideo::AllowRetransmission(
+ uint8_t temporal_id,
+ int32_t retransmission_settings,
+ TimeDelta expected_retransmission_time) {
+ if (retransmission_settings == kRetransmitOff)
+ return false;
+ MutexLock lock(&stats_mutex_);
+ // Media packet storage.
+ if ((retransmission_settings & kConditionallyRetransmitHigherLayers) &&
+ UpdateConditionalRetransmit(temporal_id, expected_retransmission_time)) {
+ retransmission_settings |= kRetransmitHigherLayers;
+ }
+ if (temporal_id == kNoTemporalIdx)
+ return true;
+ if ((retransmission_settings & kRetransmitBaseLayer) && temporal_id == 0)
+ return true;
+ if ((retransmission_settings & kRetransmitHigherLayers) && temporal_id > 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+uint8_t RTPSenderVideo::GetTemporalId(const RTPVideoHeader& header) {
+ struct TemporalIdGetter {
+ uint8_t operator()(const RTPVideoHeaderVP8& vp8) { return vp8.temporalIdx; }
+ uint8_t operator()(const RTPVideoHeaderVP9& vp9) {
+ return vp9.temporal_idx;
+ }
+ uint8_t operator()(const RTPVideoHeaderH264&) { return kNoTemporalIdx; }
+ uint8_t operator()(const RTPVideoHeaderLegacyGeneric&) {
+ return kNoTemporalIdx;
+ }
+ uint8_t operator()(const absl::monostate&) { return kNoTemporalIdx; }
+ };
+ return absl::visit(TemporalIdGetter(), header.video_type_header);
+bool RTPSenderVideo::UpdateConditionalRetransmit(
+ uint8_t temporal_id,
+ TimeDelta expected_retransmission_time) {
+ Timestamp now = clock_->CurrentTime();
+ // Update stats for any temporal layer.
+ TemporalLayerStats* current_layer_stats =
+ &frame_stats_by_temporal_layer_[temporal_id];
+ current_layer_stats->frame_rate.Update(now);
+ TimeDelta tl_frame_interval = now - current_layer_stats->last_frame_time;
+ current_layer_stats->last_frame_time = now;
+ // Conditional retransmit only applies to upper layers.
+ if (temporal_id != kNoTemporalIdx && temporal_id > 0) {
+ if (tl_frame_interval >= kMaxUnretransmittableFrameInterval) {
+ // Too long since a retransmittable frame in this layer, enable NACK
+ // protection.
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // Estimate when the next frame of any lower layer will be sent.
+ Timestamp expected_next_frame_time = Timestamp::PlusInfinity();
+ for (int i = temporal_id - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ TemporalLayerStats* stats = &frame_stats_by_temporal_layer_[i];
+ absl::optional<Frequency> rate = stats->frame_rate.Rate(now);
+ if (rate > Frequency::Zero()) {
+ Timestamp tl_next = stats->last_frame_time + 1 / *rate;
+ if (tl_next - now > -expected_retransmission_time &&
+ tl_next < expected_next_frame_time) {
+ expected_next_frame_time = tl_next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (expected_next_frame_time - now > expected_retransmission_time) {
+ // The next frame in a lower layer is expected at a later time (or
+ // unable to tell due to lack of data) than a retransmission is
+ // estimated to be able to arrive, so allow this packet to be nacked.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void RTPSenderVideo::MaybeUpdateCurrentPlayoutDelay(
+ const RTPVideoHeader& header) {
+ absl::optional<VideoPlayoutDelay> requested_delay =
+ forced_playout_delay_.has_value() ? forced_playout_delay_
+ : header.playout_delay;
+ if (!requested_delay.has_value()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ current_playout_delay_ = requested_delay;
+ playout_delay_pending_ = true;
+} // namespace webrtc