path: root/third_party/python/aiohttp/vendor/llhttp/src/llhttp/http.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/aiohttp/vendor/llhttp/src/llhttp/http.ts')
1 files changed, 1208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/aiohttp/vendor/llhttp/src/llhttp/http.ts b/third_party/python/aiohttp/vendor/llhttp/src/llhttp/http.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b94f65cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/aiohttp/vendor/llhttp/src/llhttp/http.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1208 @@
+import * as assert from 'assert';
+import { LLParse, source } from 'llparse';
+import Match = source.node.Match;
+import Node = source.node.Node;
+import {
+ CharList,
+ HTTPMode,
+} from './constants';
+import { URL } from './url';
+type MaybeNode = string | Match | Node;
+const NODES: ReadonlyArray<string> = [
+ 'start',
+ 'after_start',
+ 'start_req',
+ 'after_start_req',
+ 'start_res',
+ 'start_req_or_res',
+ 'req_or_res_method',
+ 'res_http_major',
+ 'res_http_dot',
+ 'res_http_minor',
+ 'res_http_end',
+ 'res_after_version',
+ 'res_status_code_digit_1',
+ 'res_status_code_digit_2',
+ 'res_status_code_digit_3',
+ 'res_status_code_otherwise',
+ 'res_status_start',
+ 'res_status',
+ 'res_line_almost_done',
+ 'req_first_space_before_url',
+ 'req_spaces_before_url',
+ 'req_http_start',
+ 'req_http_version',
+ 'req_http_major',
+ 'req_http_dot',
+ 'req_http_minor',
+ 'req_http_end',
+ 'req_http_complete',
+ 'req_pri_upgrade',
+ 'headers_start',
+ 'header_field_start',
+ 'header_field',
+ 'header_field_colon',
+ 'header_field_colon_discard_ws',
+ 'header_field_general',
+ 'header_field_general_otherwise',
+ 'header_value_discard_ws',
+ 'header_value_discard_ws_almost_done',
+ 'header_value_discard_lws',
+ 'header_value_start',
+ 'header_value',
+ 'header_value_otherwise',
+ 'header_value_lenient',
+ 'header_value_lenient_failed',
+ 'header_value_lws',
+ 'header_value_te_chunked',
+ 'header_value_te_chunked_last',
+ 'header_value_te_token',
+ 'header_value_te_token_ows',
+ 'header_value_content_length_once',
+ 'header_value_content_length',
+ 'header_value_content_length_ws',
+ 'header_value_connection',
+ 'header_value_connection_ws',
+ 'header_value_connection_token',
+ 'header_value_almost_done',
+ 'headers_almost_done',
+ 'headers_done',
+ 'chunk_size_start',
+ 'chunk_size_digit',
+ 'chunk_size',
+ 'chunk_size_otherwise',
+ 'chunk_size_almost_done',
+ 'chunk_size_almost_done_lf',
+ 'chunk_extensions',
+ 'chunk_extension_name',
+ 'chunk_extension_value',
+ 'chunk_extension_quoted_value',
+ 'chunk_extension_quoted_value_done',
+ 'chunk_data',
+ 'chunk_data_almost_done',
+ 'chunk_data_almost_done_skip',
+ 'chunk_complete',
+ 'body_identity',
+ 'body_identity_eof',
+ 'message_done',
+ 'eof',
+ 'cleanup',
+ 'closed',
+ 'restart',
+interface ISpanMap {
+ readonly status: source.Span;
+ readonly method: source.Span;
+ readonly version: source.Span;
+ readonly headerField: source.Span;
+ readonly headerValue: source.Span;
+ readonly chunkExtensionName: source.Span;
+ readonly chunkExtensionValue: source.Span;
+ readonly body: source.Span;
+interface ICallbackMap {
+ readonly onMessageBegin: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onUrlComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onMethodComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onVersionComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onStatusComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly beforeHeadersComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onHeaderFieldComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onHeaderValueComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onHeadersComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly afterHeadersComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onChunkHeader: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onChunkExtensionName: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onChunkExtensionValue: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onChunkComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onMessageComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly afterMessageComplete: source.code.Code;
+ readonly onReset: source.code.Code;
+interface IMulTargets {
+ readonly overflow: string | Node;
+ readonly success: string | Node;
+interface IMulOptions {
+ readonly base: number;
+ readonly max?: number;
+ readonly signed: boolean;
+interface IIsEqualTargets {
+ readonly equal: string | Node;
+ readonly notEqual: string | Node;
+export interface IHTTPResult {
+ readonly entry: Node;
+export class HTTP {
+ private readonly url: URL;
+ private readonly TOKEN: CharList;
+ private readonly span: ISpanMap;
+ private readonly callback: ICallbackMap;
+ private readonly nodes: Map<string, Match> = new Map();
+ constructor(private readonly llparse: LLParse,
+ private readonly mode: HTTPMode = 'loose') {
+ const p = llparse;
+ this.url = new URL(p, mode);
+ this.TOKEN = mode === 'strict' ? STRICT_TOKEN : TOKEN;
+ this.span = {
+ body: p.span(p.code.span('llhttp__on_body')),
+ chunkExtensionName: p.span(p.code.span('llhttp__on_chunk_extension_name')),
+ chunkExtensionValue: p.span(p.code.span('llhttp__on_chunk_extension_value')),
+ headerField: p.span(p.code.span('llhttp__on_header_field')),
+ headerValue: p.span(p.code.span('llhttp__on_header_value')),
+ method: p.span(p.code.span('llhttp__on_method')),
+ status: p.span(p.code.span('llhttp__on_status')),
+ version: p.span(p.code.span('llhttp__on_version')),
+ };
+ /* tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys */
+ this.callback = {
+ // User callbacks
+ onUrlComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__on_url_complete'),
+ onStatusComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__on_status_complete'),
+ onMethodComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__on_method_complete'),
+ onVersionComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__on_version_complete'),
+ onHeaderFieldComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__on_header_field_complete'),
+ onHeaderValueComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__on_header_value_complete'),
+ onHeadersComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__on_headers_complete'),
+ onMessageBegin: p.code.match('llhttp__on_message_begin'),
+ onMessageComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__on_message_complete'),
+ onChunkHeader: p.code.match('llhttp__on_chunk_header'),
+ onChunkExtensionName: p.code.match('llhttp__on_chunk_extension_name_complete'),
+ onChunkExtensionValue: p.code.match('llhttp__on_chunk_extension_value_complete'),
+ onChunkComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__on_chunk_complete'),
+ onReset: p.code.match('llhttp__on_reset'),
+ // Internal callbacks `src/http.c`
+ beforeHeadersComplete:
+ p.code.match('llhttp__before_headers_complete'),
+ afterHeadersComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__after_headers_complete'),
+ afterMessageComplete: p.code.match('llhttp__after_message_complete'),
+ };
+ /* tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys */
+ for (const name of NODES) {
+ this.nodes.set(name, p.node(name) as Match);
+ }
+ }
+ public build(): IHTTPResult {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+'i64', 'content_length');
+'i8', 'type');
+'i8', 'method');
+'i8', 'http_major');
+'i8', 'http_minor');
+'i8', 'header_state');
+'i8', 'lenient_flags');
+'i8', 'upgrade');
+'i8', 'finish');
+'i16', 'flags');
+'i16', 'status_code');
+'i8', 'initial_message_completed');
+ // Verify defaults
+ assert.strictEqual(FINISH.SAFE, 0);
+ assert.strictEqual(TYPE.BOTH, 0);
+ // Shared settings (to be used in C wrapper)
+'ptr', 'settings');
+ this.buildLine();
+ this.buildHeaders();
+ return {
+ entry: this.node('start'),
+ };
+ }
+ private buildLine(): void {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ const span = this.span;
+ const n = (name: string): Match => this.node<Match>(name);
+ const url =;
+ const switchType = this.load('type', {
+ [TYPE.REQUEST]: n('start_req'),
+ [TYPE.RESPONSE]: n('start_res'),
+ }, n('start_req_or_res'));
+ n('start')
+ .match([ '\r', '\n' ], n('start'))
+ .otherwise(
+ this.load('initial_message_completed', {
+ 1: this.invokePausable('on_reset', ERROR.CB_RESET, n('after_start')),
+ }, n('after_start')),
+ );
+ n('after_start').otherwise(
+ this.update(
+ 'finish',
+ this.invokePausable('on_message_begin', ERROR.CB_MESSAGE_BEGIN, switchType),
+ ),
+ );
+ n('start_req_or_res')
+ .peek('H', this.span.method.start(n('req_or_res_method')))
+ .otherwise(this.update('type', TYPE.REQUEST, 'start_req'));
+ n('req_or_res_method')
+ .select(H_METHOD_MAP,'method',
+ this.update('type', TYPE.REQUEST, this.span.method.end(
+ this.invokePausable('on_method_complete', ERROR.CB_METHOD_COMPLETE, n('req_first_space_before_url')),
+ )),
+ ))
+ .match('HTTP/', this.span.method.end(this.update('type', TYPE.RESPONSE,
+ this.span.version.start(n('res_http_major')))))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_CONSTANT, 'Invalid word encountered'));
+ const checkVersion = (destination: string): Node => {
+ const node = n(destination);
+ const errorNode = this.span.version.end(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION, 'Invalid HTTP version'));
+ return this.testLenientFlags(LENIENT_FLAGS.VERSION,
+ {
+ 1: node,
+ },
+ this.load('http_major', {
+ 0: this.load('http_minor', {
+ 9: node,
+ }, errorNode),
+ 1: this.load('http_minor', {
+ 0: node,
+ 1: node,
+ }, errorNode),
+ 2: this.load('http_minor', {
+ 0: node,
+ }, errorNode),
+ }, errorNode),
+ );
+ };
+ // Response
+ n('start_res')
+ .match('HTTP/', span.version.start(n('res_http_major')))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_CONSTANT, 'Expected HTTP/'));
+ n('res_http_major')
+ .select(MAJOR,'http_major', 'res_http_dot'))
+ .otherwise(this.span.version.end(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION, 'Invalid major version')));
+ n('res_http_dot')
+ .match('.', n('res_http_minor'))
+ .otherwise(this.span.version.end(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION, 'Expected dot')));
+ n('res_http_minor')
+ .select(MINOR,'http_minor', checkVersion('res_http_end')))
+ .otherwise(this.span.version.end(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION, 'Invalid minor version')));
+ n('res_http_end')
+ .otherwise(this.span.version.end().otherwise(
+ this.invokePausable('on_version_complete', ERROR.CB_VERSION_COMPLETE, 'res_after_version'),
+ ));
+ n('res_after_version')
+ .match(' ', this.update('status_code', 0, 'res_status_code_digit_1'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION,
+ 'Expected space after version'));
+ n('res_status_code_digit_1')
+ .select(NUM_MAP, this.mulAdd('status_code', {
+ overflow: p.error(ERROR.INVALID_STATUS, 'Invalid status code'),
+ success: 'res_status_code_digit_2',
+ }))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_STATUS, 'Invalid status code'));
+ n('res_status_code_digit_2')
+ .select(NUM_MAP, this.mulAdd('status_code', {
+ overflow: p.error(ERROR.INVALID_STATUS, 'Invalid status code'),
+ success: 'res_status_code_digit_3',
+ }))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_STATUS, 'Invalid status code'));
+ n('res_status_code_digit_3')
+ .select(NUM_MAP, this.mulAdd('status_code', {
+ overflow: p.error(ERROR.INVALID_STATUS, 'Invalid status code'),
+ success: 'res_status_code_otherwise',
+ }))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_STATUS, 'Invalid status code'));
+ n('res_status_code_otherwise')
+ .match(' ', n('res_status_start'))
+ .peek([ '\r', '\n' ], n('res_status_start'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_STATUS, 'Invalid response status'));
+ const onStatusComplete = this.invokePausable(
+ 'on_status_complete', ERROR.CB_STATUS_COMPLETE, n('headers_start'),
+ );
+ n('res_status_start')
+ .match('\r', n('res_line_almost_done'))
+ .match('\n', onStatusComplete)
+ .otherwise(span.status.start(n('res_status')));
+ n('res_status')
+ .peek('\r', span.status.end().skipTo(n('res_line_almost_done')))
+ .peek('\n', span.status.end().skipTo(onStatusComplete))
+ .skipTo(n('res_status'));
+ if (this.mode === 'strict') {
+ n('res_line_almost_done')
+ .match('\n', onStatusComplete)
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Expected LF after CR'));
+ } else {
+ n('res_line_almost_done')
+ .skipTo(onStatusComplete);
+ }
+ // Request
+ n('start_req').otherwise(this.span.method.start(n('after_start_req')));
+ n('after_start_req')
+ .select(METHOD_MAP,'method', this.span.method.end(
+ this.invokePausable('on_method_complete', ERROR.CB_METHOD_COMPLETE, n('req_first_space_before_url'),
+ ))))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_METHOD, 'Invalid method encountered'));
+ n('req_first_space_before_url')
+ .match(' ', n('req_spaces_before_url'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_METHOD, 'Expected space after method'));
+ n('req_spaces_before_url')
+ .match(' ', n('req_spaces_before_url'))
+ .otherwise(this.isEqual('method', METHODS.CONNECT, {
+ equal: url.entry.connect,
+ notEqual: url.entry.normal,
+ }));
+ const onUrlCompleteHTTP = this.invokePausable(
+ 'on_url_complete', ERROR.CB_URL_COMPLETE, n('req_http_start'),
+ );
+ url.exit.toHTTP
+ .otherwise(onUrlCompleteHTTP);
+ const onUrlCompleteHTTP09 = this.invokePausable(
+ 'on_url_complete', ERROR.CB_URL_COMPLETE, n('headers_start'),
+ );
+ url.exit.toHTTP09
+ .otherwise(
+ this.update('http_major', 0,
+ this.update('http_minor', 9, onUrlCompleteHTTP09)),
+ );
+ const checkMethod = (methods: METHODS[], error: string): Node => {
+ const success = n('req_http_version');
+ const failure = p.error(ERROR.INVALID_CONSTANT, error);
+ const map: { [key: number]: Node } = {};
+ for (const method of methods) {
+ map[method] = success;
+ }
+ return this.load('method', map, failure);
+ };
+ n('req_http_start')
+ .match('HTTP/', checkMethod(METHODS_HTTP,
+ 'Invalid method for HTTP/x.x request'))
+ .match('RTSP/', checkMethod(METHODS_RTSP,
+ 'Invalid method for RTSP/x.x request'))
+ .match('ICE/', checkMethod(METHODS_ICE,
+ 'Expected SOURCE method for ICE/x.x request'))
+ .match(' ', n('req_http_start'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_CONSTANT, 'Expected HTTP/'));
+ n('req_http_version').otherwise(span.version.start(n('req_http_major')));
+ n('req_http_major')
+ .select(MAJOR,'http_major', 'req_http_dot'))
+ .otherwise(this.span.version.end(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION, 'Invalid major version')));
+ n('req_http_dot')
+ .match('.', n('req_http_minor'))
+ .otherwise(this.span.version.end(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION, 'Expected dot')));
+ n('req_http_minor')
+ .select(MINOR,'http_minor', checkVersion('req_http_end')))
+ .otherwise(this.span.version.end(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION, 'Invalid minor version')));
+ n('req_http_end').otherwise(
+ span.version.end().otherwise(
+ this.invokePausable(
+ 'on_version_complete',
+ this.load('method', {
+ [METHODS.PRI]: n('req_pri_upgrade'),
+ }, n('req_http_complete')),
+ )),
+ );
+ n('req_http_complete')
+ .match([ '\r\n', '\n' ], n('headers_start'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION, 'Expected CRLF after version'));
+ n('req_pri_upgrade')
+ .match('\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n',
+ p.error(ERROR.PAUSED_H2_UPGRADE, 'Pause on PRI/Upgrade'))
+ .otherwise(
+ p.error(ERROR.INVALID_VERSION, 'Expected HTTP/2 Connection Preface'));
+ }
+ private buildHeaders(): void {
+ this.buildHeaderField();
+ this.buildHeaderValue();
+ }
+ private buildHeaderField(): void {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ const span = this.span;
+ const n = (name: string): Match => this.node<Match>(name);
+ n('headers_start')
+ .match(' ',
+ this.testLenientFlags(LENIENT_FLAGS.HEADERS, {
+ 1: n('header_field_start'),
+ }, p.error(ERROR.UNEXPECTED_SPACE, 'Unexpected space after start line')),
+ )
+ .otherwise(n('header_field_start'));
+ n('header_field_start')
+ .match('\r', n('headers_almost_done'))
+ /* they might be just sending \n instead of \r\n so this would be
+ * the second \n to denote the end of headers*/
+ .peek('\n', n('headers_almost_done'))
+ .otherwise(span.headerField.start(n('header_field')));
+ n('header_field')
+ .transform(p.transform.toLower())
+ // Match headers that need special treatment
+ .select(SPECIAL_HEADERS,'header_state', 'header_field_colon'))
+ .otherwise(this.resetHeaderState('header_field_general'));
+ const onHeaderFieldComplete = this.invokePausable(
+ 'on_header_field_complete', ERROR.CB_HEADER_FIELD_COMPLETE, n('header_value_discard_ws'),
+ );
+ const onInvalidHeaderFieldChar =
+ p.error(ERROR.INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN, 'Invalid header field char');
+ const checkLenientFlagsOnColon =
+ this.testLenientFlags(LENIENT_FLAGS.HEADERS, {
+ 1: n('header_field_colon_discard_ws'),
+ }, span.headerField.end().skipTo(onInvalidHeaderFieldChar));
+ n('header_field_colon')
+ //
+ // Whitespace character is not allowed between the header field-name
+ // and colon. If the next token matches whitespace then throw an error.
+ //
+ // Add a check for the lenient flag. If the lenient flag is set, the
+ // whitespace token is allowed to support legacy code not following
+ // http specs.
+ .peek(' ', checkLenientFlagsOnColon)
+ .peek(':', span.headerField.end().skipTo(onHeaderFieldComplete))
+ // Fallback to general header, there're additional characters:
+ // `Connection-Duration` instead of `Connection` and so on.
+ .otherwise(this.resetHeaderState('header_field_general'));
+ n('header_field_colon_discard_ws')
+ .match(' ', n('header_field_colon_discard_ws'))
+ .otherwise(n('header_field_colon'));
+ n('header_field_general')
+ .match(this.TOKEN, n('header_field_general'))
+ .otherwise(n('header_field_general_otherwise'));
+ // Just a performance optimization, split the node so that the fast case
+ // remains in `header_field_general`
+ n('header_field_general_otherwise')
+ .peek(':', span.headerField.end().skipTo(onHeaderFieldComplete))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN, 'Invalid header token'));
+ }
+ private buildHeaderValue(): void {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ const span = this.span;
+ const callback = this.callback;
+ const n = (name: string): Match => this.node<Match>(name);
+ const fallback = this.resetHeaderState('header_value');
+ n('header_value_discard_ws')
+ .match([ ' ', '\t' ], n('header_value_discard_ws'))
+ .match('\r', n('header_value_discard_ws_almost_done'))
+ .match('\n', this.testLenientFlags(LENIENT_FLAGS.HEADERS, {
+ 1: n('header_value_discard_lws'),
+ }, p.error(ERROR.INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN, 'Invalid header value char')))
+ .otherwise(span.headerValue.start(n('header_value_start')));
+ n('header_value_discard_ws_almost_done')
+ .match('\n', n('header_value_discard_lws'))
+ .otherwise(
+ this.testLenientFlags(LENIENT_FLAGS.HEADERS, {
+ 1: n('header_value_discard_lws'),
+ }, p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Expected LF after CR')),
+ );
+ const onHeaderValueComplete = this.invokePausable(
+ 'on_header_value_complete', ERROR.CB_HEADER_VALUE_COMPLETE, n('header_field_start'),
+ );
+ const emptyContentLengthError = p.error(
+ ERROR.INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH, 'Empty Content-Length');
+ const checkContentLengthEmptiness = this.load('header_state', {
+ [HEADER_STATE.CONTENT_LENGTH]: emptyContentLengthError,
+ }, this.setHeaderFlags(
+ this.emptySpan(span.headerValue, onHeaderValueComplete)));
+ n('header_value_discard_lws')
+ .match([ ' ', '\t' ], this.testLenientFlags(LENIENT_FLAGS.HEADERS, {
+ 1: n('header_value_discard_ws'),
+ }, p.error(ERROR.INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN, 'Invalid header value char')))
+ .otherwise(checkContentLengthEmptiness);
+ // Multiple `Transfer-Encoding` headers should be treated as one, but with
+ // values separate by a comma.
+ //
+ // See:
+ const toTransferEncoding = this.unsetFlag(
+ 'header_value_te_chunked');
+ // Once chunked has been selected, no other encoding is possible in requests
+ //
+ const forbidAfterChunkedInRequest = (otherwise: Node) => {
+ return this.load('type', {
+ 0: span.headerValue.end().skipTo(
+ p.error(ERROR.INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING, 'Invalid `Transfer-Encoding` header value'),
+ ),
+ }).otherwise(otherwise),
+ }, otherwise);
+ };
+ n('header_value_start')
+ .otherwise(this.load('header_state', {
+ [HEADER_STATE.UPGRADE]: this.setFlag(FLAGS.UPGRADE, fallback),
+ {
+ 1: forbidAfterChunkedInRequest(this.setFlag(FLAGS.TRANSFER_ENCODING, toTransferEncoding)),
+ },
+ this.setFlag(FLAGS.TRANSFER_ENCODING, toTransferEncoding)),
+ [HEADER_STATE.CONTENT_LENGTH]: n('header_value_content_length_once'),
+ [HEADER_STATE.CONNECTION]: n('header_value_connection'),
+ }, 'header_value'));
+ //
+ // Transfer-Encoding
+ //
+ n('header_value_te_chunked')
+ .transform(p.transform.toLowerUnsafe())
+ .match(
+ 'chunked',
+ n('header_value_te_chunked_last'),
+ )
+ .otherwise(n('header_value_te_token'));
+ n('header_value_te_chunked_last')
+ .match(' ', n('header_value_te_chunked_last'))
+ .peek([ '\r', '\n' ], this.update('header_state',
+ 'header_value_otherwise'))
+ .peek(',', forbidAfterChunkedInRequest(n('header_value_te_chunked')))
+ .otherwise(n('header_value_te_token'));
+ n('header_value_te_token')
+ .match(',', n('header_value_te_token_ows'))
+ .match(CONNECTION_TOKEN_CHARS, n('header_value_te_token'))
+ .otherwise(fallback);
+ n('header_value_te_token_ows')
+ .match([ ' ', '\t' ], n('header_value_te_token_ows'))
+ .otherwise(n('header_value_te_chunked'));
+ //
+ // Content-Length
+ //
+ const invalidContentLength = (reason: string): Node => {
+ // End span for easier testing
+ // TODO(indutny): minimize code size
+ return span.headerValue.end()
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH, reason));
+ };
+ n('header_value_content_length_once')
+ .otherwise(this.testFlags(FLAGS.CONTENT_LENGTH, {
+ 0: n('header_value_content_length'),
+ }, p.error(ERROR.UNEXPECTED_CONTENT_LENGTH, 'Duplicate Content-Length')));
+ n('header_value_content_length')
+ .select(NUM_MAP, this.mulAdd('content_length', {
+ overflow: invalidContentLength('Content-Length overflow'),
+ success: 'header_value_content_length',
+ }))
+ .otherwise(n('header_value_content_length_ws'));
+ n('header_value_content_length_ws')
+ .match(' ', n('header_value_content_length_ws'))
+ .peek([ '\r', '\n' ],
+ this.setFlag(FLAGS.CONTENT_LENGTH, 'header_value_otherwise'))
+ .otherwise(invalidContentLength('Invalid character in Content-Length'));
+ //
+ // Connection
+ //
+ n('header_value_connection')
+ .transform(p.transform.toLower())
+ // TODO(indutny): extra node for token back-edge?
+ // Skip lws
+ .match([ ' ', '\t' ], n('header_value_connection'))
+ .match(
+ 'close',
+ this.update('header_state', HEADER_STATE.CONNECTION_CLOSE,
+ 'header_value_connection_ws'),
+ )
+ .match(
+ 'upgrade',
+ this.update('header_state', HEADER_STATE.CONNECTION_UPGRADE,
+ 'header_value_connection_ws'),
+ )
+ .match(
+ 'keep-alive',
+ this.update('header_state', HEADER_STATE.CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE,
+ 'header_value_connection_ws'),
+ )
+ .otherwise(n('header_value_connection_token'));
+ n('header_value_connection_ws')
+ .match(',', this.setHeaderFlags('header_value_connection'))
+ .match(' ', n('header_value_connection_ws'))
+ .peek([ '\r', '\n' ], n('header_value_otherwise'))
+ .otherwise(this.resetHeaderState('header_value_connection_token'));
+ n('header_value_connection_token')
+ .match(',', n('header_value_connection'))
+ n('header_value_connection_token'))
+ .otherwise(n('header_value_otherwise'));
+ // Split for performance reasons
+ n('header_value')
+ .match(HEADER_CHARS, n('header_value'))
+ .otherwise(n('header_value_otherwise'));
+ const checkLenient = this.testLenientFlags(LENIENT_FLAGS.HEADERS, {
+ 1: n('header_value_lenient'),
+ }, span.headerValue.end(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN, 'Invalid header value char')));
+ n('header_value_otherwise')
+ .peek('\r', span.headerValue.end().skipTo(n('header_value_almost_done')))
+ .otherwise(checkLenient);
+ n('header_value_lenient')
+ .peek('\r', span.headerValue.end().skipTo(n('header_value_almost_done')))
+ .peek('\n', span.headerValue.end(n('header_value_almost_done')))
+ .skipTo(n('header_value_lenient'));
+ n('header_value_lenient_failed')
+ .peek('\n', span.headerValue.end().skipTo(
+ p.error(ERROR.CR_EXPECTED, 'Missing expected CR after header value')),
+ )
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN, 'Invalid header value char'));
+ n('header_value_almost_done')
+ .match('\n', n('header_value_lws'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.LF_EXPECTED,
+ 'Missing expected LF after header value'));
+ n('header_value_lws')
+ .peek([ ' ', '\t' ],
+ this.load('header_state', {
+ this.resetHeaderState(span.headerValue.start(n('header_value_start'))),
+ }, span.headerValue.start(n('header_value_start'))))
+ .otherwise(this.setHeaderFlags(onHeaderValueComplete));
+ const checkTrailing = this.testFlags(FLAGS.TRAILING, {
+ 1: this.invokePausable('on_chunk_complete',
+ ERROR.CB_CHUNK_COMPLETE, 'message_done'),
+ });
+ if (this.mode === 'strict') {
+ n('headers_almost_done')
+ .match('\n', checkTrailing)
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Expected LF after headers'));
+ } else {
+ n('headers_almost_done')
+ .skipTo(checkTrailing);
+ }
+ // Set `upgrade` if needed
+ const beforeHeadersComplete = p.invoke(callback.beforeHeadersComplete);
+ /* Present `Transfer-Encoding` header overrides `Content-Length` even if the
+ * actual coding is not `chunked`. As per spec:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a
+ * Content-Length header field, the Transfer-Encoding overrides the
+ * Content-Length. Such a message might indicate an attempt to
+ * perform request smuggling (Section 9.5) or response splitting
+ * (Section 9.4) and **ought to be handled as an error**. A sender MUST
+ * remove the received Content-Length field prior to forwarding such
+ * a message downstream.
+ *
+ * (Note our emphasis on **ought to be handled as an error**
+ */
+ const onEncodingConflict =
+ this.testLenientFlags(LENIENT_FLAGS.CHUNKED_LENGTH, {
+ 'Content-Length can\'t be present with Transfer-Encoding'),
+ // For LENIENT mode fall back to past behavior:
+ // Ignore `Transfer-Encoding` when `Content-Length` is present.
+ }).otherwise(beforeHeadersComplete);
+ const checkEncConflict = this.testFlags(ENCODING_CONFLICT, {
+ 1: onEncodingConflict,
+ }).otherwise(beforeHeadersComplete);
+ checkTrailing.otherwise(checkEncConflict);
+ /* Here we call the headers_complete callback. This is somewhat
+ * different than other callbacks because if the user returns 1, we
+ * will interpret that as saying that this message has no body. This
+ * is needed for the annoying case of receiving a response to a HEAD
+ * request.
+ *
+ * We'd like to use CALLBACK_NOTIFY_NOADVANCE() here but we cannot, so
+ * we have to simulate it by handling a change in errno below.
+ */
+ const onHeadersComplete = p.invoke(callback.onHeadersComplete, {
+ 0: n('headers_done'),
+ 1: this.setFlag(FLAGS.SKIPBODY, 'headers_done'),
+ 2: this.update('upgrade', 1,
+ this.setFlag(FLAGS.SKIPBODY, 'headers_done')),
+ [ERROR.PAUSED]: this.pause('Paused by on_headers_complete',
+ 'headers_done'),
+ }, p.error(ERROR.CB_HEADERS_COMPLETE, 'User callback error'));
+ beforeHeadersComplete.otherwise(onHeadersComplete);
+ const upgradePause = p.pause(ERROR.PAUSED_UPGRADE,
+ 'Pause on CONNECT/Upgrade');
+ const afterHeadersComplete = p.invoke(callback.afterHeadersComplete, {
+ 1: this.invokePausable('on_message_complete',
+ 2: n('chunk_size_start'),
+ 3: n('body_identity'),
+ 4: n('body_identity_eof'),
+ // non-chunked `Transfer-Encoding` for request, see `src/native/http.c`
+ 'Request has invalid `Transfer-Encoding`'),
+ });
+ n('headers_done')
+ .otherwise(afterHeadersComplete);
+ upgradePause
+ .otherwise(n('cleanup'));
+ afterHeadersComplete
+ .otherwise(this.invokePausable('on_message_complete',
+ n('body_identity')
+ .otherwise(span.body.start()
+ .otherwise(p.consume('content_length').otherwise(
+ span.body.end(n('message_done')))));
+ n('body_identity_eof')
+ .otherwise(
+ this.update('finish', FINISH.SAFE_WITH_CB, span.body.start(n('eof'))));
+ // Just read everything until EOF
+ n('eof')
+ .skipTo(n('eof'));
+ n('chunk_size_start')
+ .otherwise(this.update('content_length', 0, 'chunk_size_digit'));
+ const addContentLength = this.mulAdd('content_length', {
+ overflow: p.error(ERROR.INVALID_CHUNK_SIZE, 'Chunk size overflow'),
+ success: 'chunk_size',
+ }, { signed: false, base: 0x10 });
+ n('chunk_size_digit')
+ .select(HEX_MAP, addContentLength)
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_CHUNK_SIZE,
+ 'Invalid character in chunk size'));
+ n('chunk_size')
+ .select(HEX_MAP, addContentLength)
+ .otherwise(n('chunk_size_otherwise'));
+ n('chunk_size_otherwise')
+ .match('\r', n('chunk_size_almost_done'))
+ .match(';', n('chunk_extensions'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.INVALID_CHUNK_SIZE,
+ 'Invalid character in chunk size'));
+ const onChunkExtensionNameCompleted = (destination: Node) => {
+ return this.invokePausable(
+ 'on_chunk_extension_name', ERROR.CB_CHUNK_EXTENSION_NAME_COMPLETE, destination);
+ };
+ const onChunkExtensionValueCompleted = (destination: Node) => {
+ return this.invokePausable(
+ 'on_chunk_extension_value', ERROR.CB_CHUNK_EXTENSION_VALUE_COMPLETE, destination);
+ };
+ n('chunk_extensions')
+ .match(' ', p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Invalid character in chunk extensions'))
+ .match('\r', p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Invalid character in chunk extensions'))
+ .otherwise(this.span.chunkExtensionName.start(n('chunk_extension_name')));
+ n('chunk_extension_name')
+ .match(STRICT_TOKEN, n('chunk_extension_name'))
+ .peek('=', this.span.chunkExtensionName.end().skipTo(
+ this.span.chunkExtensionValue.start(
+ onChunkExtensionNameCompleted(n('chunk_extension_value')),
+ ),
+ ))
+ .peek(';', this.span.chunkExtensionName.end().skipTo(
+ onChunkExtensionNameCompleted(n('chunk_extensions')),
+ ))
+ .peek('\r', this.span.chunkExtensionName.end().skipTo(
+ onChunkExtensionNameCompleted(n('chunk_size_almost_done')),
+ ))
+ .otherwise(this.span.chunkExtensionName.end().skipTo(
+ p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Invalid character in chunk extensions name'),
+ ));
+ n('chunk_extension_value')
+ .match('"', n('chunk_extension_quoted_value'))
+ .match(STRICT_TOKEN, n('chunk_extension_value'))
+ .peek(';', this.span.chunkExtensionValue.end().skipTo(
+ onChunkExtensionValueCompleted(n('chunk_size_otherwise')),
+ ))
+ .peek('\r', this.span.chunkExtensionValue.end().skipTo(
+ onChunkExtensionValueCompleted(n('chunk_size_almost_done')),
+ ))
+ .otherwise(this.span.chunkExtensionValue.end().skipTo(
+ p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Invalid character in chunk extensions value'),
+ ));
+ n('chunk_extension_quoted_value')
+ .match(QUOTED_STRING, n('chunk_extension_quoted_value'))
+ .match('"', this.span.chunkExtensionValue.end(
+ onChunkExtensionValueCompleted(n('chunk_extension_quoted_value_done')),
+ ))
+ .otherwise(this.span.chunkExtensionValue.end().skipTo(
+ p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Invalid character in chunk extensions quoted value'),
+ ));
+ n('chunk_extension_quoted_value_done')
+ .match(';', n('chunk_extensions'))
+ .match('\r', n('chunk_size_almost_done'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.STRICT,
+ 'Invalid character in chunk extensions quote value'));
+ if (this.mode === 'strict') {
+ n('chunk_size_almost_done')
+ .match('\n', n('chunk_size_almost_done_lf'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Expected LF after chunk size'));
+ } else {
+ n('chunk_size_almost_done')
+ .skipTo(n('chunk_size_almost_done_lf'));
+ }
+ const toChunk = this.isEqual('content_length', 0, {
+ equal: this.setFlag(FLAGS.TRAILING, 'header_field_start'),
+ notEqual: 'chunk_data',
+ });
+ n('chunk_size_almost_done_lf')
+ .otherwise(this.invokePausable('on_chunk_header',
+ n('chunk_data')
+ .otherwise(span.body.start()
+ .otherwise(p.consume('content_length').otherwise(
+ span.body.end(n('chunk_data_almost_done')))));
+ if (this.mode === 'strict') {
+ n('chunk_data_almost_done')
+ .match('\r\n', n('chunk_complete'))
+ .otherwise(p.error(ERROR.STRICT, 'Expected CRLF after chunk'));
+ } else {
+ n('chunk_data_almost_done')
+ .skipTo(n('chunk_data_almost_done_skip'));
+ }
+ n('chunk_data_almost_done_skip')
+ .skipTo(n('chunk_complete'));
+ n('chunk_complete')
+ .otherwise(this.invokePausable('on_chunk_complete',
+ ERROR.CB_CHUNK_COMPLETE, 'chunk_size_start'));
+ const upgradeAfterDone = this.isEqual('upgrade', 1, {
+ // Exit, the rest of the message is in a different protocol.
+ equal: upgradePause,
+ // Restart
+ notEqual: 'cleanup',
+ });
+ n('message_done')
+ .otherwise(this.invokePausable('on_message_complete',
+ ERROR.CB_MESSAGE_COMPLETE, upgradeAfterDone));
+ const lenientClose = this.testLenientFlags(LENIENT_FLAGS.KEEP_ALIVE, {
+ 1: n('restart'),
+ }, n('closed'));
+ // Check if we'd like to keep-alive
+ n('cleanup')
+ .otherwise(p.invoke(callback.afterMessageComplete, {
+ 1: this.update('content_length', 0, n('restart')),
+ }, this.update('finish', FINISH.SAFE, lenientClose)));
+ if (this.mode === 'strict') {
+ // Error on extra data after `Connection: close`
+ n('closed')
+ .match([ '\r', '\n' ], n('closed'))
+ 'Data after `Connection: close`'));
+ } else {
+ // Discard all data after `Connection: close`
+ n('closed').skipTo(n('closed'));
+ }
+ n('restart')
+ .otherwise(
+ this.update('initial_message_completed', 1, this.update('finish', FINISH.SAFE, n('start')),
+ ));
+ }
+ private node<T extends Node>(name: string | T): T {
+ if (name instanceof Node) {
+ return name;
+ }
+ assert(this.nodes.has(name), `Unknown node with name "${name}"`);
+ return this.nodes.get(name)! as any;
+ }
+ private load(field: string, map: { [key: number]: Node },
+ next?: string | Node): Node {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ const res = p.invoke(p.code.load(field), map);
+ if (next !== undefined) {
+ res.otherwise(this.node(next));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private store(field: string, next?: string | Node): Node {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ const res = p.invoke(;
+ if (next !== undefined) {
+ res.otherwise(this.node(next));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private update(field: string, value: number, next?: string | Node): Node {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ const res = p.invoke(p.code.update(field, value));
+ if (next !== undefined) {
+ res.otherwise(this.node(next));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private resetHeaderState(next: string | Node): Node {
+ return this.update('header_state', HEADER_STATE.GENERAL, next);
+ }
+ private emptySpan(span: source.Span, next: string | Node): Node {
+ return span.start(span.end(this.node(next)));
+ }
+ private unsetFlag(flag: FLAGS, next: string | Node): Node {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ return p.invoke(p.code.and('flags', ~flag), this.node(next));
+ }
+ private setFlag(flag: FLAGS, next: string | Node): Node {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ return p.invoke(p.code.or('flags', flag), this.node(next));
+ }
+ private testFlags(flag: FLAGS, map: { [key: number]: Node },
+ next?: string | Node): Node {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ const res = p.invoke(p.code.test('flags', flag), map);
+ if (next !== undefined) {
+ res.otherwise(this.node(next));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private testLenientFlags(flag: LENIENT_FLAGS, map: { [key: number]: Node },
+ next?: string | Node): Node {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ const res = p.invoke(p.code.test('lenient_flags', flag), map);
+ if (next !== undefined) {
+ res.otherwise(this.node(next));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private setHeaderFlags(next: string | Node): Node {
+ const HS = HEADER_STATE;
+ const F = FLAGS;
+ const toConnection =
+ this.update('header_state', HEADER_STATE.CONNECTION, next);
+ return this.load('header_state', {
+ this.setFlag(F.CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE, toConnection),
+ [HS.CONNECTION_CLOSE]: this.setFlag(F.CONNECTION_CLOSE, toConnection),
+ }, this.node(next));
+ }
+ private mulAdd(field: string, targets: IMulTargets,
+ options: IMulOptions = { base: 10, signed: false }): Node {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ return p.invoke(p.code.mulAdd(field, options), {
+ 1: this.node(targets.overflow),
+ }, this.node(targets.success));
+ }
+ private isEqual(field: string, value: number, map: IIsEqualTargets) {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ return p.invoke(p.code.isEqual(field, value), {
+ 0: this.node(map.notEqual),
+ }, this.node(map.equal));
+ }
+ private pause(msg: string, next?: string | Node) {
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ const res = p.pause(ERROR.PAUSED, msg);
+ if (next !== undefined) {
+ res.otherwise(this.node(next));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private invokePausable(name: string, errorCode: ERROR, next: string | Node)
+ : Node {
+ let cb;
+ switch (name) {
+ case 'on_message_begin':
+ cb = this.callback.onMessageBegin;
+ break;
+ case 'on_url_complete':
+ cb = this.callback.onUrlComplete;
+ break;
+ case 'on_status_complete':
+ cb = this.callback.onStatusComplete;
+ break;
+ case 'on_method_complete':
+ cb = this.callback.onMethodComplete;
+ break;
+ case 'on_version_complete':
+ cb = this.callback.onVersionComplete;
+ break;
+ case 'on_header_field_complete':
+ cb = this.callback.onHeaderFieldComplete;
+ break;
+ case 'on_header_value_complete':
+ cb = this.callback.onHeaderValueComplete;
+ break;
+ case 'on_message_complete':
+ cb = this.callback.onMessageComplete;
+ break;
+ case 'on_chunk_header':
+ cb = this.callback.onChunkHeader;
+ break;
+ case 'on_chunk_extension_name':
+ cb = this.callback.onChunkExtensionName;
+ break;
+ case 'on_chunk_extension_value':
+ cb = this.callback.onChunkExtensionValue;
+ break;
+ case 'on_chunk_complete':
+ cb = this.callback.onChunkComplete;
+ break;
+ case 'on_reset':
+ cb = this.callback.onReset;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error('Unknown callback: ' + name);
+ }
+ const p = this.llparse;
+ return p.invoke(cb, {
+ 0: this.node(next),
+ [ERROR.PAUSED]: this.pause(`${name} pause`, next),
+ }, p.error(errorCode, `\`${name}\` callback error`));
+ }