path: root/third_party/python/compare_locales/compare_locales/checks/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/compare_locales/compare_locales/checks/')
1 files changed, 351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/compare_locales/compare_locales/checks/ b/third_party/python/compare_locales/compare_locales/checks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f82ecbd54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/compare_locales/compare_locales/checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+import re
+from collections import defaultdict
+from fluent.syntax import ast as ftl
+from fluent.syntax.serializer import serialize_variant_key
+from fluent.syntax.visitor import Visitor
+from .base import Checker, CSSCheckMixin
+from compare_locales import plurals
+MSGS = {
+ 'missing-msg-ref': 'Missing message reference: {ref}',
+ 'missing-term-ref': 'Missing term reference: {ref}',
+ 'obsolete-msg-ref': 'Obsolete message reference: {ref}',
+ 'obsolete-term-ref': 'Obsolete term reference: {ref}',
+ 'duplicate-attribute': 'Attribute "{name}" is duplicated',
+ 'missing-value': 'Missing value',
+ 'obsolete-value': 'Obsolete value',
+ 'missing-attribute': 'Missing attribute: {name}',
+ 'obsolete-attribute': 'Obsolete attribute: {name}',
+ 'duplicate-variant': 'Variant key "{name}" is duplicated',
+ 'missing-plural': 'Plural categories missing: {categories}',
+ 'plain-message': '{message}',
+def pattern_variants(pattern):
+ """Get variants of plain text of a pattern.
+ For now, just return simple text patterns.
+ This can be improved to allow for SelectExpressions
+ of simple text patterns, or even nested expressions, and Literals.
+ Variants with Variable-, Message-, or TermReferences should be ignored.
+ """
+ elements = pattern.elements
+ if len(elements) == 1:
+ if isinstance(elements[0], ftl.TextElement):
+ return [elements[0].value]
+ return []
+class ReferenceMessageVisitor(Visitor, CSSCheckMixin):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # References to Messages, their Attributes, and Terms
+ # Store reference name and type
+ self.entry_refs = defaultdict(dict)
+ # The currently active references
+ self.refs = {}
+ # Start with the Entry value (associated with None)
+ self.entry_refs[None] = self.refs
+ # If we're a messsage, store if there was a value
+ self.message_has_value = False
+ # Map attribute names to positions
+ self.attribute_positions = {}
+ # Map of CSS style attribute properties and units
+ self.css_styles = None
+ self.css_errors = None
+ def generic_visit(self, node):
+ if isinstance(
+ node,
+ (ftl.Span, ftl.Annotation, ftl.BaseComment)
+ ):
+ return
+ super().generic_visit(node)
+ def visit_Message(self, node):
+ if node.value is not None:
+ self.message_has_value = True
+ super().generic_visit(node)
+ def visit_Attribute(self, node):
+ self.attribute_positions[] = node.span.start
+ old_refs = self.refs
+ self.refs = self.entry_refs[]
+ super().generic_visit(node)
+ self.refs = old_refs
+ if != 'style':
+ return
+ text_values = pattern_variants(node.value)
+ if not text_values:
+ self.css_styles = 'skip'
+ return
+ # right now, there's just one possible text value
+ self.css_styles, self.css_errors = self.parse_css_spec(text_values[0])
+ def visit_SelectExpression(self, node):
+ # optimize select expressions to only go through the variants
+ self.visit(node.variants)
+ def visit_MessageReference(self, node):
+ ref =
+ if node.attribute:
+ ref += '.' +
+ self.refs[ref] = 'msg-ref'
+ def visit_TermReference(self, node):
+ # only collect term references, but not attributes of terms
+ if node.attribute:
+ return
+ self.refs['-' +] = 'term-ref'
+class GenericL10nChecks:
+ '''Helper Mixin for checks shared between Terms and Messages.'''
+ def check_duplicate_attributes(self, node):
+ warned = set()
+ for left in range(len(node.attributes) - 1):
+ if left in warned:
+ continue
+ left_attr = node.attributes[left]
+ warned_left = False
+ for right in range(left+1, len(node.attributes)):
+ right_attr = node.attributes[right]
+ if ==
+ if not warned_left:
+ warned_left = True
+ self.messages.append(
+ (
+ 'warning', left_attr.span.start,
+ MSGS['duplicate-attribute'].format(
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ warned.add(right)
+ self.messages.append(
+ (
+ 'warning', right_attr.span.start,
+ MSGS['duplicate-attribute'].format(
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ def check_variants(self, variants):
+ # Check for duplicate variants
+ warned = set()
+ for left in range(len(variants) - 1):
+ if left in warned:
+ continue
+ left_key = variants[left].key
+ key_string = None
+ for right in range(left+1, len(variants)):
+ if left_key.equals(variants[right].key):
+ if key_string is None:
+ key_string = serialize_variant_key(left_key)
+ self.messages.append(
+ (
+ 'warning', left_key.span.start,
+ MSGS['duplicate-variant'].format(
+ name=key_string
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ warned.add(right)
+ self.messages.append(
+ (
+ 'warning', variants[right].key.span.start,
+ MSGS['duplicate-variant'].format(
+ name=key_string
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ # Check for plural categories
+ known_plurals = plurals.get_plural(self.locale)
+ if known_plurals:
+ known_plurals = set(known_plurals)
+ # Ask for known plurals, but check for plurals w/out `other`.
+ # `other` is used for all kinds of things.
+ check_plurals = known_plurals.copy()
+ check_plurals.discard('other')
+ given_plurals = {serialize_variant_key(v.key) for v in variants}
+ if given_plurals & check_plurals:
+ missing_plurals = sorted(known_plurals - given_plurals)
+ if missing_plurals:
+ self.messages.append(
+ (
+ 'warning', variants[0].key.span.start,
+ MSGS['missing-plural'].format(
+ categories=', '.join(missing_plurals)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+class L10nMessageVisitor(GenericL10nChecks, ReferenceMessageVisitor):
+ def __init__(self, locale, reference):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.locale = locale
+ # Overload refs to map to sets, just store what we found
+ # References to Messages, their Attributes, and Terms
+ # Store reference name and type
+ self.entry_refs = defaultdict(set)
+ # The currently active references
+ self.refs = set()
+ # Start with the Entry value (associated with None)
+ self.entry_refs[None] = self.refs
+ self.reference = reference
+ self.reference_refs = reference.entry_refs[None]
+ self.messages = []
+ def visit_Message(self, node):
+ self.check_duplicate_attributes(node)
+ super().visit_Message(node)
+ if self.message_has_value and not self.reference.message_has_value:
+ self.messages.append(
+ ('error', node.value.span.start, MSGS['obsolete-value'])
+ )
+ if not self.message_has_value and self.reference.message_has_value:
+ self.messages.append(
+ ('error', 0, MSGS['missing-value'])
+ )
+ ref_attrs = set(self.reference.attribute_positions)
+ l10n_attrs = set(self.attribute_positions)
+ for missing_attr in ref_attrs - l10n_attrs:
+ self.messages.append(
+ (
+ 'error', 0,
+ MSGS['missing-attribute'].format(name=missing_attr)
+ )
+ )
+ for obs_attr in l10n_attrs - ref_attrs:
+ self.messages.append(
+ (
+ 'error', self.attribute_positions[obs_attr],
+ MSGS['obsolete-attribute'].format(name=obs_attr)
+ )
+ )
+ def visit_Term(self, node):
+ raise RuntimeError("Should not use L10nMessageVisitor for Terms")
+ def visit_Attribute(self, node):
+ old_reference_refs = self.reference_refs
+ self.reference_refs = self.reference.entry_refs[]
+ super().visit_Attribute(node)
+ self.reference_refs = old_reference_refs
+ if != 'style' or self.css_styles == 'skip':
+ return
+ ref_styles = self.reference.css_styles
+ if ref_styles in ('skip', None):
+ # Reference is complex, l10n isn't.
+ # Let's still validate the css spec.
+ ref_styles = {}
+ for cat, msg, pos, _ in self.check_style(
+ ref_styles,
+ self.css_styles,
+ self.css_errors
+ ):
+ self.messages.append((cat, msg, pos))
+ def visit_SelectExpression(self, node):
+ super().visit_SelectExpression(node)
+ self.check_variants(node.variants)
+ def visit_MessageReference(self, node):
+ ref =
+ if node.attribute:
+ ref += '.' +
+ self.refs.add(ref)
+ self.check_obsolete_ref(node, ref, 'msg-ref')
+ def visit_TermReference(self, node):
+ if node.attribute:
+ return
+ ref = '-' +
+ self.refs.add(ref)
+ self.check_obsolete_ref(node, ref, 'term-ref')
+ def check_obsolete_ref(self, node, ref, ref_type):
+ if ref not in self.reference_refs:
+ self.messages.append(
+ (
+ 'warning', node.span.start,
+ MSGS['obsolete-' + ref_type].format(ref=ref),
+ )
+ )
+class TermVisitor(GenericL10nChecks, Visitor):
+ def __init__(self, locale):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.locale = locale
+ self.messages = []
+ def generic_visit(self, node):
+ if isinstance(
+ node,
+ (ftl.Span, ftl.Annotation, ftl.BaseComment)
+ ):
+ return
+ super().generic_visit(node)
+ def visit_Message(self, node):
+ raise RuntimeError("Should not use TermVisitor for Messages")
+ def visit_Term(self, node):
+ self.check_duplicate_attributes(node)
+ super().generic_visit(node)
+ def visit_SelectExpression(self, node):
+ super().generic_visit(node)
+ self.check_variants(node.variants)
+class FluentChecker(Checker):
+ '''Tests to run on Fluent (FTL) files.
+ '''
+ pattern = re.compile(r'.*\.ftl')
+ def check_message(self, ref_entry, l10n_entry):
+ '''Run checks on localized messages against reference message.'''
+ ref_data = ReferenceMessageVisitor()
+ ref_data.visit(ref_entry)
+ l10n_data = L10nMessageVisitor(self.locale, ref_data)
+ l10n_data.visit(l10n_entry)
+ messages = l10n_data.messages
+ for attr_or_val, refs in ref_data.entry_refs.items():
+ for ref, ref_type in refs.items():
+ if ref not in l10n_data.entry_refs[attr_or_val]:
+ msg = MSGS['missing-' + ref_type].format(ref=ref)
+ messages.append(('warning', 0, msg))
+ return messages
+ def check_term(self, l10n_entry):
+ '''Check localized terms.'''
+ l10n_data = TermVisitor(self.locale)
+ l10n_data.visit(l10n_entry)
+ return l10n_data.messages
+ def check(self, refEnt, l10nEnt):
+ yield from super().check(refEnt, l10nEnt)
+ l10n_entry = l10nEnt.entry
+ if isinstance(l10n_entry, ftl.Message):
+ ref_entry = refEnt.entry
+ messages = self.check_message(ref_entry, l10n_entry)
+ elif isinstance(l10n_entry, ftl.Term):
+ messages = self.check_term(l10n_entry)
+ messages.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])
+ for cat, pos, msg in messages:
+ if pos:
+ pos = pos - l10n_entry.span.start
+ yield (cat, pos, msg, 'fluent')