path: root/third_party/python/diskcache/diskcache/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 677 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/diskcache/diskcache/ b/third_party/python/diskcache/diskcache/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a0a722ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/diskcache/diskcache/
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+"Fanout cache automatically shards keys and values."
+import itertools as it
+import operator
+import os.path as op
+import sqlite3
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+from .core import ENOVAL, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, Cache, Disk, Timeout
+from .persistent import Deque, Index
+# BEGIN Python 2/3 Shims
+if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000:
+ from functools import reduce
+# END Python 2/3 Shims
+class FanoutCache(object):
+ "Cache that shards keys and values."
+ def __init__(self, directory=None, shards=8, timeout=0.010, disk=Disk,
+ **settings):
+ """Initialize cache instance.
+ :param str directory: cache directory
+ :param int shards: number of shards to distribute writes
+ :param float timeout: SQLite connection timeout
+ :param disk: `Disk` instance for serialization
+ :param settings: any of `DEFAULT_SETTINGS`
+ """
+ if directory is None:
+ directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='diskcache-')
+ directory = op.expanduser(directory)
+ directory = op.expandvars(directory)
+ default_size_limit = DEFAULT_SETTINGS['size_limit']
+ size_limit = settings.pop('size_limit', default_size_limit) / shards
+ self._count = shards
+ self._directory = directory
+ self._shards = tuple(
+ Cache(
+ directory=op.join(directory, '%03d' % num),
+ timeout=timeout,
+ disk=disk,
+ size_limit=size_limit,
+ **settings
+ )
+ for num in range(shards)
+ )
+ self._hash = self._shards[0].disk.hash
+ self._caches = {}
+ self._deques = {}
+ self._indexes = {}
+ @property
+ def directory(self):
+ """Cache directory."""
+ return self._directory
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self._shards[0], name)
+ def set(self, key, value, expire=None, read=False, tag=None, retry=False):
+ """Set `key` and `value` item in cache.
+ When `read` is `True`, `value` should be a file-like object opened
+ for reading in binary mode.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param key: key for item
+ :param value: value for item
+ :param float expire: seconds until the key expires
+ (default None, no expiry)
+ :param bool read: read value as raw bytes from file (default False)
+ :param str tag: text to associate with key (default None)
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: True if item was set
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ try:
+ return shard.set(key, value, expire, read, tag, retry)
+ except Timeout:
+ return False
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ """Set `key` and `value` item in cache.
+ Calls :func:`FanoutCache.set` internally with `retry` set to `True`.
+ :param key: key for item
+ :param value: value for item
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ shard[key] = value
+ def touch(self, key, expire=None, retry=False):
+ """Touch `key` in cache and update `expire` time.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param key: key for item
+ :param float expire: seconds until the key expires
+ (default None, no expiry)
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: True if key was touched
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ try:
+ return shard.touch(key, expire, retry)
+ except Timeout:
+ return False
+ def add(self, key, value, expire=None, read=False, tag=None, retry=False):
+ """Add `key` and `value` item to cache.
+ Similar to `set`, but only add to cache if key not present.
+ This operation is atomic. Only one concurrent add operation for given
+ key from separate threads or processes will succeed.
+ When `read` is `True`, `value` should be a file-like object opened
+ for reading in binary mode.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param key: key for item
+ :param value: value for item
+ :param float expire: seconds until the key expires
+ (default None, no expiry)
+ :param bool read: read value as bytes from file (default False)
+ :param str tag: text to associate with key (default None)
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: True if item was added
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ try:
+ return shard.add(key, value, expire, read, tag, retry)
+ except Timeout:
+ return False
+ def incr(self, key, delta=1, default=0, retry=False):
+ """Increment value by delta for item with key.
+ If key is missing and default is None then raise KeyError. Else if key
+ is missing and default is not None then use default for value.
+ Operation is atomic. All concurrent increment operations will be
+ counted individually.
+ Assumes value may be stored in a SQLite column. Most builds that target
+ machines with 64-bit pointer widths will support 64-bit signed
+ integers.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param key: key for item
+ :param int delta: amount to increment (default 1)
+ :param int default: value if key is missing (default 0)
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: new value for item on success else None
+ :raises KeyError: if key is not found and default is None
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ try:
+ return shard.incr(key, delta, default, retry)
+ except Timeout:
+ return None
+ def decr(self, key, delta=1, default=0, retry=False):
+ """Decrement value by delta for item with key.
+ If key is missing and default is None then raise KeyError. Else if key
+ is missing and default is not None then use default for value.
+ Operation is atomic. All concurrent decrement operations will be
+ counted individually.
+ Unlike Memcached, negative values are supported. Value may be
+ decremented below zero.
+ Assumes value may be stored in a SQLite column. Most builds that target
+ machines with 64-bit pointer widths will support 64-bit signed
+ integers.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param key: key for item
+ :param int delta: amount to decrement (default 1)
+ :param int default: value if key is missing (default 0)
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: new value for item on success else None
+ :raises KeyError: if key is not found and default is None
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ try:
+ return shard.decr(key, delta, default, retry)
+ except Timeout:
+ return None
+ def get(self, key, default=None, read=False, expire_time=False, tag=False,
+ retry=False):
+ """Retrieve value from cache. If `key` is missing, return `default`.
+ If database timeout occurs then returns `default` unless `retry` is set
+ to `True` (default `False`).
+ :param key: key for item
+ :param default: return value if key is missing (default None)
+ :param bool read: if True, return file handle to value
+ (default False)
+ :param float expire_time: if True, return expire_time in tuple
+ (default False)
+ :param tag: if True, return tag in tuple (default False)
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: value for item if key is found else default
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ try:
+ return shard.get(key, default, read, expire_time, tag, retry)
+ except (Timeout, sqlite3.OperationalError):
+ return default
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """Return corresponding value for `key` from cache.
+ Calls :func:`FanoutCache.get` internally with `retry` set to `True`.
+ :param key: key for item
+ :return: value for item
+ :raises KeyError: if key is not found
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ return shard[key]
+ def read(self, key):
+ """Return file handle corresponding to `key` from cache.
+ :param key: key for item
+ :return: file open for reading in binary mode
+ :raises KeyError: if key is not found
+ """
+ handle = self.get(key, default=ENOVAL, read=True, retry=True)
+ if handle is ENOVAL:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ return handle
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ """Return `True` if `key` matching item is found in cache.
+ :param key: key for item
+ :return: True if key is found
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ return key in shard
+ def pop(self, key, default=None, expire_time=False, tag=False, retry=False):
+ """Remove corresponding item for `key` from cache and return value.
+ If `key` is missing, return `default`.
+ Operation is atomic. Concurrent operations will be serialized.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param key: key for item
+ :param default: return value if key is missing (default None)
+ :param float expire_time: if True, return expire_time in tuple
+ (default False)
+ :param tag: if True, return tag in tuple (default False)
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: value for item if key is found else default
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ try:
+ return shard.pop(key, default, expire_time, tag, retry)
+ except Timeout:
+ return default
+ def delete(self, key, retry=False):
+ """Delete corresponding item for `key` from cache.
+ Missing keys are ignored.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param key: key for item
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: True if item was deleted
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ try:
+ return shard.delete(key, retry)
+ except Timeout:
+ return False
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ """Delete corresponding item for `key` from cache.
+ Calls :func:`FanoutCache.delete` internally with `retry` set to `True`.
+ :param key: key for item
+ :raises KeyError: if key is not found
+ """
+ index = self._hash(key) % self._count
+ shard = self._shards[index]
+ del shard[key]
+ def check(self, fix=False, retry=False):
+ """Check database and file system consistency.
+ Intended for use in testing and post-mortem error analysis.
+ While checking the cache table for consistency, a writer lock is held
+ on the database. The lock blocks other cache clients from writing to
+ the database. For caches with many file references, the lock may be
+ held for a long time. For example, local benchmarking shows that a
+ cache with 1,000 file references takes ~60ms to check.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param bool fix: correct inconsistencies
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: list of warnings
+ :raises Timeout: if database timeout occurs
+ """
+ warnings = (shard.check(fix, retry) for shard in self._shards)
+ return reduce(operator.iadd, warnings, [])
+ def expire(self, retry=False):
+ """Remove expired items from cache.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: count of items removed
+ """
+ return self._remove('expire', args=(time.time(),), retry=retry)
+ def create_tag_index(self):
+ """Create tag index on cache database.
+ Better to initialize cache with `tag_index=True` than use this.
+ :raises Timeout: if database timeout occurs
+ """
+ for shard in self._shards:
+ shard.create_tag_index()
+ def drop_tag_index(self):
+ """Drop tag index on cache database.
+ :raises Timeout: if database timeout occurs
+ """
+ for shard in self._shards:
+ shard.drop_tag_index()
+ def evict(self, tag, retry=False):
+ """Remove items with matching `tag` from cache.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param str tag: tag identifying items
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: count of items removed
+ """
+ return self._remove('evict', args=(tag,), retry=retry)
+ def cull(self, retry=False):
+ """Cull items from cache until volume is less than size limit.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: count of items removed
+ """
+ return self._remove('cull', retry=retry)
+ def clear(self, retry=False):
+ """Remove all items from cache.
+ If database timeout occurs then fails silently unless `retry` is set to
+ `True` (default `False`).
+ :param bool retry: retry if database timeout occurs (default False)
+ :return: count of items removed
+ """
+ return self._remove('clear', retry=retry)
+ def _remove(self, name, args=(), retry=False):
+ total = 0
+ for shard in self._shards:
+ method = getattr(shard, name)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ count = method(*args, retry=retry)
+ total += count
+ except Timeout as timeout:
+ total += timeout.args[0]
+ else:
+ break
+ return total
+ def stats(self, enable=True, reset=False):
+ """Return cache statistics hits and misses.
+ :param bool enable: enable collecting statistics (default True)
+ :param bool reset: reset hits and misses to 0 (default False)
+ :return: (hits, misses)
+ """
+ results = [shard.stats(enable, reset) for shard in self._shards]
+ total_hits = sum(hits for hits, _ in results)
+ total_misses = sum(misses for _, misses in results)
+ return total_hits, total_misses
+ def volume(self):
+ """Return estimated total size of cache on disk.
+ :return: size in bytes
+ """
+ return sum(shard.volume() for shard in self._shards)
+ def close(self):
+ "Close database connection."
+ for shard in self._shards:
+ shard.close()
+ self._caches.clear()
+ self._deques.clear()
+ self._indexes.clear()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *exception):
+ self.close()
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return (self._directory, self._count, self.timeout, type(self.disk))
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ self.__init__(*state)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ "Iterate keys in cache including expired items."
+ iterators = (iter(shard) for shard in self._shards)
+ return it.chain.from_iterable(iterators)
+ def __reversed__(self):
+ "Reverse iterate keys in cache including expired items."
+ iterators = (reversed(shard) for shard in reversed(self._shards))
+ return it.chain.from_iterable(iterators)
+ def __len__(self):
+ "Count of items in cache including expired items."
+ return sum(len(shard) for shard in self._shards)
+ def reset(self, key, value=ENOVAL):
+ """Reset `key` and `value` item from Settings table.
+ If `value` is not given, it is reloaded from the Settings
+ table. Otherwise, the Settings table is updated.
+ Settings attributes on cache objects are lazy-loaded and
+ read-only. Use `reset` to update the value.
+ Settings with the ``sqlite_`` prefix correspond to SQLite
+ pragmas. Updating the value will execute the corresponding PRAGMA
+ statement.
+ :param str key: Settings key for item
+ :param value: value for item (optional)
+ :return: updated value for item
+ """
+ for shard in self._shards:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ result = shard.reset(key, value)
+ except Timeout:
+ pass
+ else:
+ break
+ return result
+ def cache(self, name):
+ """Return Cache with given `name` in subdirectory.
+ >>> fanout_cache = FanoutCache()
+ >>> cache = fanout_cache.cache('test')
+ >>> cache.set('abc', 123)
+ True
+ >>> cache.get('abc')
+ 123
+ >>> len(cache)
+ 1
+ >>> cache.delete('abc')
+ True
+ :param str name: subdirectory name for Cache
+ :return: Cache with given name
+ """
+ _caches = self._caches
+ try:
+ return _caches[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ parts = name.split('/')
+ directory = op.join(self._directory, 'cache', *parts)
+ temp = Cache(directory=directory)
+ _caches[name] = temp
+ return temp
+ def deque(self, name):
+ """Return Deque with given `name` in subdirectory.
+ >>> cache = FanoutCache()
+ >>> deque = cache.deque('test')
+ >>> deque.extend('abc')
+ >>> deque.popleft()
+ 'a'
+ >>> deque.pop()
+ 'c'
+ >>> len(deque)
+ 1
+ :param str name: subdirectory name for Deque
+ :return: Deque with given name
+ """
+ _deques = self._deques
+ try:
+ return _deques[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ parts = name.split('/')
+ directory = op.join(self._directory, 'deque', *parts)
+ temp = Deque(directory=directory)
+ _deques[name] = temp
+ return temp
+ def index(self, name):
+ """Return Index with given `name` in subdirectory.
+ >>> cache = FanoutCache()
+ >>> index = cache.index('test')
+ >>> index['abc'] = 123
+ >>> index['def'] = 456
+ >>> index['ghi'] = 789
+ >>> index.popitem()
+ ('ghi', 789)
+ >>> del index['abc']
+ >>> len(index)
+ 1
+ >>> index['def']
+ 456
+ :param str name: subdirectory name for Index
+ :return: Index with given name
+ """
+ _indexes = self._indexes
+ try:
+ return _indexes[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ parts = name.split('/')
+ directory = op.join(self._directory, 'index', *parts)
+ temp = Index(directory)
+ _indexes[name] = temp
+ return temp
+# BEGIN Python 2/3 Shims
+if sys.hexversion < 0x03000000:
+ import types
+ memoize_func = Cache.__dict__['memoize'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ FanoutCache.memoize = types.MethodType(memoize_func, None, FanoutCache)
+ FanoutCache.memoize = Cache.memoize
+# END Python 2/3 Shims