path: root/third_party/python/importlib_metadata/importlib_metadata/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/importlib_metadata/importlib_metadata/')
1 files changed, 904 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/importlib_metadata/importlib_metadata/ b/third_party/python/importlib_metadata/importlib_metadata/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a36a8e621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/importlib_metadata/importlib_metadata/
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+import os
+import re
+import abc
+import csv
+import sys
+import zipp
+import email
+import pathlib
+import operator
+import textwrap
+import warnings
+import functools
+import itertools
+import posixpath
+import collections
+from . import _adapters, _meta, _py39compat
+from ._collections import FreezableDefaultDict, Pair
+from ._compat import (
+ NullFinder,
+ install,
+ pypy_partial,
+from ._functools import method_cache, pass_none
+from ._itertools import always_iterable, unique_everseen
+from ._meta import PackageMetadata, SimplePath
+from contextlib import suppress
+from importlib import import_module
+from import MetaPathFinder
+from itertools import starmap
+from typing import List, Mapping, Optional
+__all__ = [
+ 'Distribution',
+ 'DistributionFinder',
+ 'PackageMetadata',
+ 'PackageNotFoundError',
+ 'distribution',
+ 'distributions',
+ 'entry_points',
+ 'files',
+ 'metadata',
+ 'packages_distributions',
+ 'requires',
+ 'version',
+class PackageNotFoundError(ModuleNotFoundError):
+ """The package was not found."""
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"No package metadata was found for {}"
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ (name,) = self.args
+ return name
+class Sectioned:
+ """
+ A simple entry point config parser for performance
+ >>> for item in
+ ... print(item)
+ Pair(name='sec1', value='# comments ignored')
+ Pair(name='sec1', value='a = 1')
+ Pair(name='sec1', value='b = 2')
+ Pair(name='sec2', value='a = 2')
+ >>> res = Sectioned.section_pairs(Sectioned._sample)
+ >>> item = next(res)
+ >>>
+ 'sec1'
+ >>> item.value
+ Pair(name='a', value='1')
+ >>> item = next(res)
+ >>> item.value
+ Pair(name='b', value='2')
+ >>> item = next(res)
+ >>>
+ 'sec2'
+ >>> item.value
+ Pair(name='a', value='2')
+ >>> list(res)
+ []
+ """
+ _sample = textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ [sec1]
+ # comments ignored
+ a = 1
+ b = 2
+ [sec2]
+ a = 2
+ """
+ ).lstrip()
+ @classmethod
+ def section_pairs(cls, text):
+ return (
+ section._replace(value=Pair.parse(section.value))
+ for section in, filter_=cls.valid)
+ if is not None
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def read(text, filter_=None):
+ lines = filter(filter_, map(str.strip, text.splitlines()))
+ name = None
+ for value in lines:
+ section_match = value.startswith('[') and value.endswith(']')
+ if section_match:
+ name = value.strip('[]')
+ continue
+ yield Pair(name, value)
+ @staticmethod
+ def valid(line):
+ return line and not line.startswith('#')
+class DeprecatedTuple:
+ """
+ Provide subscript item access for backward compatibility.
+ >>> recwarn = getfixture('recwarn')
+ >>> ep = EntryPoint(name='name', value='value', group='group')
+ >>> ep[:]
+ ('name', 'value', 'group')
+ >>> ep[0]
+ 'name'
+ >>> len(recwarn)
+ 1
+ """
+ # Do not remove prior to 2023-05-01 or Python 3.13
+ _warn = functools.partial(
+ warnings.warn,
+ "EntryPoint tuple interface is deprecated. Access members by name.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=pypy_partial(2),
+ )
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ self._warn()
+ return self._key()[item]
+class EntryPoint(DeprecatedTuple):
+ """An entry point as defined by Python packaging conventions.
+ See `the packaging docs on entry points
+ <>`_
+ for more information.
+ >>> ep = EntryPoint(
+ ... name=None, group=None, value='package.module:attr [extra1, extra2]')
+ >>> ep.module
+ 'package.module'
+ >>> ep.attr
+ 'attr'
+ >>> ep.extras
+ ['extra1', 'extra2']
+ """
+ pattern = re.compile(
+ r'(?P<module>[\w.]+)\s*'
+ r'(:\s*(?P<attr>[\w.]+)\s*)?'
+ r'((?P<extras>\[.*\])\s*)?$'
+ )
+ """
+ A regular expression describing the syntax for an entry point,
+ which might look like:
+ - module
+ - package.module
+ - package.module:attribute
+ - package.module:object.attribute
+ - package.module:attr [extra1, extra2]
+ Other combinations are possible as well.
+ The expression is lenient about whitespace around the ':',
+ following the attr, and following any extras.
+ """
+ name: str
+ value: str
+ group: str
+ dist: Optional['Distribution'] = None
+ def __init__(self, name, value, group):
+ vars(self).update(name=name, value=value, group=group)
+ def load(self):
+ """Load the entry point from its definition. If only a module
+ is indicated by the value, return that module. Otherwise,
+ return the named object.
+ """
+ match = self.pattern.match(self.value)
+ module = import_module('module'))
+ attrs = filter(None, ('attr') or '').split('.'))
+ return functools.reduce(getattr, attrs, module)
+ @property
+ def module(self):
+ match = self.pattern.match(self.value)
+ return'module')
+ @property
+ def attr(self):
+ match = self.pattern.match(self.value)
+ return'attr')
+ @property
+ def extras(self):
+ match = self.pattern.match(self.value)
+ return re.findall(r'\w+','extras') or '')
+ def _for(self, dist):
+ vars(self).update(dist=dist)
+ return self
+ def matches(self, **params):
+ """
+ EntryPoint matches the given parameters.
+ >>> ep = EntryPoint(group='foo', name='bar', value='bing:bong [extra1, extra2]')
+ >>> ep.matches(group='foo')
+ True
+ >>> ep.matches(name='bar', value='bing:bong [extra1, extra2]')
+ True
+ >>> ep.matches(group='foo', name='other')
+ False
+ >>> ep.matches()
+ True
+ >>> ep.matches(extras=['extra1', 'extra2'])
+ True
+ >>> ep.matches(module='bing')
+ True
+ >>> ep.matches(attr='bong')
+ True
+ """
+ attrs = (getattr(self, param) for param in params)
+ return all(map(operator.eq, params.values(), attrs))
+ def _key(self):
+ return, self.value,
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self._key() < other._key()
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self._key() == other._key()
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ raise AttributeError("EntryPoint objects are immutable.")
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return (
+ f'EntryPoint(name={!r}, value={self.value!r}, '
+ f'group={!r})'
+ )
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self._key())
+class EntryPoints(tuple):
+ """
+ An immutable collection of selectable EntryPoint objects.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __getitem__(self, name): # -> EntryPoint:
+ """
+ Get the EntryPoint in self matching name.
+ """
+ try:
+ return next(iter(
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise KeyError(name)
+ def select(self, **params):
+ """
+ Select entry points from self that match the
+ given parameters (typically group and/or name).
+ """
+ return EntryPoints(ep for ep in self if _py39compat.ep_matches(ep, **params))
+ @property
+ def names(self):
+ """
+ Return the set of all names of all entry points.
+ """
+ return { for ep in self}
+ @property
+ def groups(self):
+ """
+ Return the set of all groups of all entry points.
+ """
+ return { for ep in self}
+ @classmethod
+ def _from_text_for(cls, text, dist):
+ return cls(ep._for(dist) for ep in cls._from_text(text))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _from_text(text):
+ return (
+ EntryPoint(, value=item.value.value,
+ for item in Sectioned.section_pairs(text or '')
+ )
+class PackagePath(pathlib.PurePosixPath):
+ """A reference to a path in a package"""
+ def read_text(self, encoding='utf-8'):
+ with self.locate().open(encoding=encoding) as stream:
+ return
+ def read_binary(self):
+ with self.locate().open('rb') as stream:
+ return
+ def locate(self):
+ """Return a path-like object for this path"""
+ return self.dist.locate_file(self)
+class FileHash:
+ def __init__(self, spec):
+ self.mode, _, self.value = spec.partition('=')
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f'<FileHash mode: {self.mode} value: {self.value}>'
+class Distribution(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+ """A Python distribution package."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def read_text(self, filename):
+ """Attempt to load metadata file given by the name.
+ :param filename: The name of the file in the distribution info.
+ :return: The text if found, otherwise None.
+ """
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def locate_file(self, path):
+ """
+ Given a path to a file in this distribution, return a path
+ to it.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def from_name(cls, name: str):
+ """Return the Distribution for the given package name.
+ :param name: The name of the distribution package to search for.
+ :return: The Distribution instance (or subclass thereof) for the named
+ package, if found.
+ :raises PackageNotFoundError: When the named package's distribution
+ metadata cannot be found.
+ :raises ValueError: When an invalid value is supplied for name.
+ """
+ if not name:
+ raise ValueError("A distribution name is required.")
+ try:
+ return next(
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise PackageNotFoundError(name)
+ @classmethod
+ def discover(cls, **kwargs):
+ """Return an iterable of Distribution objects for all packages.
+ Pass a ``context`` or pass keyword arguments for constructing
+ a context.
+ :context: A ``DistributionFinder.Context`` object.
+ :return: Iterable of Distribution objects for all packages.
+ """
+ context = kwargs.pop('context', None)
+ if context and kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("cannot accept context and kwargs")
+ context = context or DistributionFinder.Context(**kwargs)
+ return itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ resolver(context) for resolver in cls._discover_resolvers()
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def at(path):
+ """Return a Distribution for the indicated metadata path
+ :param path: a string or path-like object
+ :return: a concrete Distribution instance for the path
+ """
+ return PathDistribution(pathlib.Path(path))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _discover_resolvers():
+ """Search the meta_path for resolvers."""
+ declared = (
+ getattr(finder, 'find_distributions', None) for finder in sys.meta_path
+ )
+ return filter(None, declared)
+ @property
+ def metadata(self) -> _meta.PackageMetadata:
+ """Return the parsed metadata for this Distribution.
+ The returned object will have keys that name the various bits of
+ metadata. See PEP 566 for details.
+ """
+ text = (
+ self.read_text('METADATA')
+ or self.read_text('PKG-INFO')
+ # This last clause is here to support old egg-info files. Its
+ # effect is to just end up using the PathDistribution's self._path
+ # (which points to the egg-info file) attribute unchanged.
+ or self.read_text('')
+ )
+ return _adapters.Message(email.message_from_string(text))
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """Return the 'Name' metadata for the distribution package."""
+ return self.metadata['Name']
+ @property
+ def _normalized_name(self):
+ """Return a normalized version of the name."""
+ return Prepared.normalize(
+ @property
+ def version(self):
+ """Return the 'Version' metadata for the distribution package."""
+ return self.metadata['Version']
+ @property
+ def entry_points(self):
+ return EntryPoints._from_text_for(self.read_text('entry_points.txt'), self)
+ @property
+ def files(self):
+ """Files in this distribution.
+ :return: List of PackagePath for this distribution or None
+ Result is `None` if the metadata file that enumerates files
+ (i.e. RECORD for dist-info or SOURCES.txt for egg-info) is
+ missing.
+ Result may be empty if the metadata exists but is empty.
+ """
+ def make_file(name, hash=None, size_str=None):
+ result = PackagePath(name)
+ result.hash = FileHash(hash) if hash else None
+ result.size = int(size_str) if size_str else None
+ result.dist = self
+ return result
+ @pass_none
+ def make_files(lines):
+ return list(starmap(make_file, csv.reader(lines)))
+ return make_files(self._read_files_distinfo() or self._read_files_egginfo())
+ def _read_files_distinfo(self):
+ """
+ Read the lines of RECORD
+ """
+ text = self.read_text('RECORD')
+ return text and text.splitlines()
+ def _read_files_egginfo(self):
+ """
+ SOURCES.txt might contain literal commas, so wrap each line
+ in quotes.
+ """
+ text = self.read_text('SOURCES.txt')
+ return text and map('"{}"'.format, text.splitlines())
+ @property
+ def requires(self):
+ """Generated requirements specified for this Distribution"""
+ reqs = self._read_dist_info_reqs() or self._read_egg_info_reqs()
+ return reqs and list(reqs)
+ def _read_dist_info_reqs(self):
+ return self.metadata.get_all('Requires-Dist')
+ def _read_egg_info_reqs(self):
+ source = self.read_text('requires.txt')
+ return pass_none(self._deps_from_requires_text)(source)
+ @classmethod
+ def _deps_from_requires_text(cls, source):
+ return cls._convert_egg_info_reqs_to_simple_reqs(
+ @staticmethod
+ def _convert_egg_info_reqs_to_simple_reqs(sections):
+ """
+ Historically, setuptools would solicit and store 'extra'
+ requirements, including those with environment markers,
+ in separate sections. More modern tools expect each
+ dependency to be defined separately, with any relevant
+ extras and environment markers attached directly to that
+ requirement. This method converts the former to the
+ latter. See _test_deps_from_requires_text for an example.
+ """
+ def make_condition(name):
+ return name and f'extra == "{name}"'
+ def quoted_marker(section):
+ section = section or ''
+ extra, sep, markers = section.partition(':')
+ if extra and markers:
+ markers = f'({markers})'
+ conditions = list(filter(None, [markers, make_condition(extra)]))
+ return '; ' + ' and '.join(conditions) if conditions else ''
+ def url_req_space(req):
+ """
+ PEP 508 requires a space between the url_spec and the quoted_marker.
+ Ref python/importlib_metadata#357.
+ """
+ # '@' is uniquely indicative of a url_req.
+ return ' ' * ('@' in req)
+ for section in sections:
+ space = url_req_space(section.value)
+ yield section.value + space + quoted_marker(
+class DistributionFinder(MetaPathFinder):
+ """
+ A MetaPathFinder capable of discovering installed distributions.
+ """
+ class Context:
+ """
+ Keyword arguments presented by the caller to
+ ``distributions()`` or ````
+ to narrow the scope of a search for distributions
+ in all DistributionFinders.
+ Each DistributionFinder may expect any parameters
+ and should attempt to honor the canonical
+ parameters defined below when appropriate.
+ """
+ name = None
+ """
+ Specific name for which a distribution finder should match.
+ A name of ``None`` matches all distributions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ vars(self).update(kwargs)
+ @property
+ def path(self):
+ """
+ The sequence of directory path that a distribution finder
+ should search.
+ Typically refers to Python installed package paths such as
+ "site-packages" directories and defaults to ``sys.path``.
+ """
+ return vars(self).get('path', sys.path)
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def find_distributions(self, context=Context()):
+ """
+ Find distributions.
+ Return an iterable of all Distribution instances capable of
+ loading the metadata for packages matching the ``context``,
+ a DistributionFinder.Context instance.
+ """
+class FastPath:
+ """
+ Micro-optimized class for searching a path for
+ children.
+ >>> FastPath('').children()
+ ['...']
+ """
+ @functools.lru_cache() # type: ignore
+ def __new__(cls, root):
+ return super().__new__(cls)
+ def __init__(self, root):
+ self.root = root
+ def joinpath(self, child):
+ return pathlib.Path(self.root, child)
+ def children(self):
+ with suppress(Exception):
+ return os.listdir(self.root or '.')
+ with suppress(Exception):
+ return self.zip_children()
+ return []
+ def zip_children(self):
+ zip_path = zipp.Path(self.root)
+ names = zip_path.root.namelist()
+ self.joinpath = zip_path.joinpath
+ return dict.fromkeys(child.split(posixpath.sep, 1)[0] for child in names)
+ def search(self, name):
+ return self.lookup(self.mtime).search(name)
+ @property
+ def mtime(self):
+ with suppress(OSError):
+ return os.stat(self.root).st_mtime
+ self.lookup.cache_clear()
+ @method_cache
+ def lookup(self, mtime):
+ return Lookup(self)
+class Lookup:
+ def __init__(self, path: FastPath):
+ base = os.path.basename(path.root).lower()
+ base_is_egg = base.endswith(".egg")
+ self.infos = FreezableDefaultDict(list)
+ self.eggs = FreezableDefaultDict(list)
+ for child in path.children():
+ low = child.lower()
+ if low.endswith((".dist-info", ".egg-info")):
+ # rpartition is faster than splitext and suitable for this purpose.
+ name = low.rpartition(".")[0].partition("-")[0]
+ normalized = Prepared.normalize(name)
+ self.infos[normalized].append(path.joinpath(child))
+ elif base_is_egg and low == "egg-info":
+ name = base.rpartition(".")[0].partition("-")[0]
+ legacy_normalized = Prepared.legacy_normalize(name)
+ self.eggs[legacy_normalized].append(path.joinpath(child))
+ self.infos.freeze()
+ self.eggs.freeze()
+ def search(self, prepared):
+ infos = (
+ self.infos[prepared.normalized]
+ if prepared
+ else itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.infos.values())
+ )
+ eggs = (
+ self.eggs[prepared.legacy_normalized]
+ if prepared
+ else itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.eggs.values())
+ )
+ return itertools.chain(infos, eggs)
+class Prepared:
+ """
+ A prepared search for metadata on a possibly-named package.
+ """
+ normalized = None
+ legacy_normalized = None
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ if name is None:
+ return
+ self.normalized = self.normalize(name)
+ self.legacy_normalized = self.legacy_normalize(name)
+ @staticmethod
+ def normalize(name):
+ """
+ PEP 503 normalization plus dashes as underscores.
+ """
+ return re.sub(r"[-_.]+", "-", name).lower().replace('-', '_')
+ @staticmethod
+ def legacy_normalize(name):
+ """
+ Normalize the package name as found in the convention in
+ older packaging tools versions and specs.
+ """
+ return name.lower().replace('-', '_')
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return bool(
+class MetadataPathFinder(NullFinder, DistributionFinder):
+ """A degenerate finder for distribution packages on the file system.
+ This finder supplies only a find_distributions() method for versions
+ of Python that do not have a PathFinder find_distributions().
+ """
+ def find_distributions(self, context=DistributionFinder.Context()):
+ """
+ Find distributions.
+ Return an iterable of all Distribution instances capable of
+ loading the metadata for packages matching ````
+ (or all names if ``None`` indicated) along the paths in the list
+ of directories ``context.path``.
+ """
+ found = self._search_paths(, context.path)
+ return map(PathDistribution, found)
+ @classmethod
+ def _search_paths(cls, name, paths):
+ """Find metadata directories in paths heuristically."""
+ prepared = Prepared(name)
+ return itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ for path in map(FastPath, paths)
+ )
+ def invalidate_caches(cls):
+ FastPath.__new__.cache_clear()
+class PathDistribution(Distribution):
+ def __init__(self, path: SimplePath):
+ """Construct a distribution.
+ :param path: SimplePath indicating the metadata directory.
+ """
+ self._path = path
+ def read_text(self, filename):
+ with suppress(
+ FileNotFoundError,
+ IsADirectoryError,
+ KeyError,
+ NotADirectoryError,
+ PermissionError,
+ ):
+ return self._path.joinpath(filename).read_text(encoding='utf-8')
+ read_text.__doc__ = Distribution.read_text.__doc__
+ def locate_file(self, path):
+ return self._path.parent / path
+ @property
+ def _normalized_name(self):
+ """
+ Performance optimization: where possible, resolve the
+ normalized name from the file system path.
+ """
+ stem = os.path.basename(str(self._path))
+ return (
+ pass_none(Prepared.normalize)(self._name_from_stem(stem))
+ or super()._normalized_name
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def _name_from_stem(stem):
+ """
+ >>> PathDistribution._name_from_stem('foo-3.0.egg-info')
+ 'foo'
+ >>> PathDistribution._name_from_stem('CherryPy-3.0.dist-info')
+ 'CherryPy'
+ >>> PathDistribution._name_from_stem('face.egg-info')
+ 'face'
+ >>> PathDistribution._name_from_stem('')
+ """
+ filename, ext = os.path.splitext(stem)
+ if ext not in ('.dist-info', '.egg-info'):
+ return
+ name, sep, rest = filename.partition('-')
+ return name
+def distribution(distribution_name):
+ """Get the ``Distribution`` instance for the named package.
+ :param distribution_name: The name of the distribution package as a string.
+ :return: A ``Distribution`` instance (or subclass thereof).
+ """
+ return Distribution.from_name(distribution_name)
+def distributions(**kwargs):
+ """Get all ``Distribution`` instances in the current environment.
+ :return: An iterable of ``Distribution`` instances.
+ """
+ return**kwargs)
+def metadata(distribution_name) -> _meta.PackageMetadata:
+ """Get the metadata for the named package.
+ :param distribution_name: The name of the distribution package to query.
+ :return: A PackageMetadata containing the parsed metadata.
+ """
+ return Distribution.from_name(distribution_name).metadata
+def version(distribution_name):
+ """Get the version string for the named package.
+ :param distribution_name: The name of the distribution package to query.
+ :return: The version string for the package as defined in the package's
+ "Version" metadata key.
+ """
+ return distribution(distribution_name).version
+_unique = functools.partial(
+ unique_everseen,
+ key=_py39compat.normalized_name,
+Wrapper for ``distributions`` to return unique distributions by name.
+def entry_points(**params) -> EntryPoints:
+ """Return EntryPoint objects for all installed packages.
+ Pass selection parameters (group or name) to filter the
+ result to entry points matching those properties (see
+ :return: EntryPoints for all installed packages.
+ """
+ eps = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ dist.entry_points for dist in _unique(distributions())
+ )
+ return EntryPoints(eps).select(**params)
+def files(distribution_name):
+ """Return a list of files for the named package.
+ :param distribution_name: The name of the distribution package to query.
+ :return: List of files composing the distribution.
+ """
+ return distribution(distribution_name).files
+def requires(distribution_name):
+ """
+ Return a list of requirements for the named package.
+ :return: An iterator of requirements, suitable for
+ packaging.requirement.Requirement.
+ """
+ return distribution(distribution_name).requires
+def packages_distributions() -> Mapping[str, List[str]]:
+ """
+ Return a mapping of top-level packages to their
+ distributions.
+ >>> import
+ >>> pkgs = packages_distributions()
+ >>> all(isinstance(dist, for dist in pkgs.values())
+ True
+ """
+ pkg_to_dist = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for dist in distributions():
+ for pkg in _top_level_declared(dist) or _top_level_inferred(dist):
+ pkg_to_dist[pkg].append(dist.metadata['Name'])
+ return dict(pkg_to_dist)
+def _top_level_declared(dist):
+ return (dist.read_text('top_level.txt') or '').split()
+def _top_level_inferred(dist):
+ return {
+[0] if len( > 1 else f.with_suffix('').name
+ for f in always_iterable(dist.files)
+ if f.suffix == ".py"
+ }