path: root/third_party/python/pyrsistent/pyrsistent/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/pyrsistent/pyrsistent/')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/pyrsistent/pyrsistent/ b/third_party/python/pyrsistent/pyrsistent/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca1cccd43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/pyrsistent/pyrsistent/
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+import six
+import sys
+from pyrsistent._checked_types import (
+ CheckedPMap,
+ CheckedPSet,
+ CheckedPVector,
+ CheckedType,
+ InvariantException,
+ _restore_pickle,
+ get_type,
+ maybe_parse_user_type,
+ maybe_parse_many_user_types,
+from pyrsistent._checked_types import optional as optional_type
+from pyrsistent._checked_types import wrap_invariant
+import inspect
+PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3
+def set_fields(dct, bases, name):
+ dct[name] = dict(sum([list(b.__dict__.get(name, {}).items()) for b in bases], []))
+ for k, v in list(dct.items()):
+ if isinstance(v, _PField):
+ dct[name][k] = v
+ del dct[k]
+def check_global_invariants(subject, invariants):
+ error_codes = tuple(error_code for is_ok, error_code in
+ (invariant(subject) for invariant in invariants) if not is_ok)
+ if error_codes:
+ raise InvariantException(error_codes, (), 'Global invariant failed')
+def serialize(serializer, format, value):
+ if isinstance(value, CheckedType) and serializer is PFIELD_NO_SERIALIZER:
+ return value.serialize(format)
+ return serializer(format, value)
+def check_type(destination_cls, field, name, value):
+ if field.type and not any(isinstance(value, get_type(t)) for t in field.type):
+ actual_type = type(value)
+ message = "Invalid type for field {0}.{1}, was {2}".format(destination_cls.__name__, name, actual_type.__name__)
+ raise PTypeError(destination_cls, name, field.type, actual_type, message)
+def is_type_cls(type_cls, field_type):
+ if type(field_type) is set:
+ return True
+ types = tuple(field_type)
+ if len(types) == 0:
+ return False
+ return issubclass(get_type(types[0]), type_cls)
+def is_field_ignore_extra_complaint(type_cls, field, ignore_extra):
+ # ignore_extra param has default False value, for speed purpose no need to propagate False
+ if not ignore_extra:
+ return False
+ if not is_type_cls(type_cls, field.type):
+ return False
+ if PY2:
+ return 'ignore_extra' in inspect.getargspec(field.factory).args
+ else:
+ return 'ignore_extra' in inspect.signature(field.factory).parameters
+class _PField(object):
+ __slots__ = ('type', 'invariant', 'initial', 'mandatory', '_factory', 'serializer')
+ def __init__(self, type, invariant, initial, mandatory, factory, serializer):
+ self.type = type
+ self.invariant = invariant
+ self.initial = initial
+ self.mandatory = mandatory
+ self._factory = factory
+ self.serializer = serializer
+ @property
+ def factory(self):
+ # If no factory is specified and the type is another CheckedType use the factory method of that CheckedType
+ if self._factory is PFIELD_NO_FACTORY and len(self.type) == 1:
+ typ = get_type(tuple(self.type)[0])
+ if issubclass(typ, CheckedType):
+ return typ.create
+ return self._factory
+PFIELD_NO_INVARIANT = lambda _: (True, None)
+PFIELD_NO_FACTORY = lambda x: x
+PFIELD_NO_SERIALIZER = lambda _, value: value
+def field(type=PFIELD_NO_TYPE, invariant=PFIELD_NO_INVARIANT, initial=PFIELD_NO_INITIAL,
+ mandatory=False, factory=PFIELD_NO_FACTORY, serializer=PFIELD_NO_SERIALIZER):
+ """
+ Field specification factory for :py:class:`PRecord`.
+ :param type: a type or iterable with types that are allowed for this field
+ :param invariant: a function specifying an invariant that must hold for the field
+ :param initial: value of field if not specified when instantiating the record
+ :param mandatory: boolean specifying if the field is mandatory or not
+ :param factory: function called when field is set.
+ :param serializer: function that returns a serialized version of the field
+ """
+ # NB: We have to check this predicate separately from the predicates in
+ # `maybe_parse_user_type` et al. because this one is related to supporting
+ # the argspec for `field`, while those are related to supporting the valid
+ # ways to specify types.
+ # Multiple types must be passed in one of the following containers. Note
+ # that a type that is a subclass of one of these containers, like a
+ # `collections.namedtuple`, will work as expected, since we check
+ # `isinstance` and not `issubclass`.
+ if isinstance(type, (list, set, tuple)):
+ types = set(maybe_parse_many_user_types(type))
+ else:
+ types = set(maybe_parse_user_type(type))
+ invariant_function = wrap_invariant(invariant) if invariant != PFIELD_NO_INVARIANT and callable(invariant) else invariant
+ field = _PField(type=types, invariant=invariant_function, initial=initial,
+ mandatory=mandatory, factory=factory, serializer=serializer)
+ _check_field_parameters(field)
+ return field
+def _check_field_parameters(field):
+ for t in field.type:
+ if not isinstance(t, type) and not isinstance(t, six.string_types):
+ raise TypeError('Type parameter expected, not {0}'.format(type(t)))
+ if field.initial is not PFIELD_NO_INITIAL and \
+ not callable(field.initial) and \
+ field.type and not any(isinstance(field.initial, t) for t in field.type):
+ raise TypeError('Initial has invalid type {0}'.format(type(field.initial)))
+ if not callable(field.invariant):
+ raise TypeError('Invariant must be callable')
+ if not callable(field.factory):
+ raise TypeError('Factory must be callable')
+ if not callable(field.serializer):
+ raise TypeError('Serializer must be callable')
+class PTypeError(TypeError):
+ """
+ Raised when trying to assign a value with a type that doesn't match the declared type.
+ Attributes:
+ source_class -- The class of the record
+ field -- Field name
+ expected_types -- Types allowed for the field
+ actual_type -- The non matching type
+ """
+ def __init__(self, source_class, field, expected_types, actual_type, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(PTypeError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.source_class = source_class
+ self.field = field
+ self.expected_types = expected_types
+ self.actual_type = actual_type
+ CheckedPVector: "PVector",
+ CheckedPSet: "PSet",
+# Global dictionary to hold auto-generated field types: used for unpickling
+_seq_field_types = {}
+def _restore_seq_field_pickle(checked_class, item_type, data):
+ """Unpickling function for auto-generated PVec/PSet field types."""
+ type_ = _seq_field_types[checked_class, item_type]
+ return _restore_pickle(type_, data)
+def _types_to_names(types):
+ """Convert a tuple of types to a human-readable string."""
+ return "".join(get_type(typ).__name__.capitalize() for typ in types)
+def _make_seq_field_type(checked_class, item_type):
+ """Create a subclass of the given checked class with the given item type."""
+ type_ = _seq_field_types.get((checked_class, item_type))
+ if type_ is not None:
+ return type_
+ class TheType(checked_class):
+ __type__ = item_type
+ def __reduce__(self):
+ return (_restore_seq_field_pickle,
+ (checked_class, item_type, list(self)))
+ suffix = SEQ_FIELD_TYPE_SUFFIXES[checked_class]
+ TheType.__name__ = _types_to_names(TheType._checked_types) + suffix
+ _seq_field_types[checked_class, item_type] = TheType
+ return TheType
+def _sequence_field(checked_class, item_type, optional, initial):
+ """
+ Create checked field for either ``PSet`` or ``PVector``.
+ :param checked_class: ``CheckedPSet`` or ``CheckedPVector``.
+ :param item_type: The required type for the items in the set.
+ :param optional: If true, ``None`` can be used as a value for
+ this field.
+ :param initial: Initial value to pass to factory.
+ :return: A ``field`` containing a checked class.
+ """
+ TheType = _make_seq_field_type(checked_class, item_type)
+ if optional:
+ def factory(argument, _factory_fields=None, ignore_extra=False):
+ if argument is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return TheType.create(argument, _factory_fields=_factory_fields, ignore_extra=ignore_extra)
+ else:
+ factory = TheType.create
+ return field(type=optional_type(TheType) if optional else TheType,
+ factory=factory, mandatory=True,
+ initial=factory(initial))
+def pset_field(item_type, optional=False, initial=()):
+ """
+ Create checked ``PSet`` field.
+ :param item_type: The required type for the items in the set.
+ :param optional: If true, ``None`` can be used as a value for
+ this field.
+ :param initial: Initial value to pass to factory if no value is given
+ for the field.
+ :return: A ``field`` containing a ``CheckedPSet`` of the given type.
+ """
+ return _sequence_field(CheckedPSet, item_type, optional,
+ initial)
+def pvector_field(item_type, optional=False, initial=()):
+ """
+ Create checked ``PVector`` field.
+ :param item_type: The required type for the items in the vector.
+ :param optional: If true, ``None`` can be used as a value for
+ this field.
+ :param initial: Initial value to pass to factory if no value is given
+ for the field.
+ :return: A ``field`` containing a ``CheckedPVector`` of the given type.
+ """
+ return _sequence_field(CheckedPVector, item_type, optional,
+ initial)
+_valid = lambda item: (True, "")
+# Global dictionary to hold auto-generated field types: used for unpickling
+_pmap_field_types = {}
+def _restore_pmap_field_pickle(key_type, value_type, data):
+ """Unpickling function for auto-generated PMap field types."""
+ type_ = _pmap_field_types[key_type, value_type]
+ return _restore_pickle(type_, data)
+def _make_pmap_field_type(key_type, value_type):
+ """Create a subclass of CheckedPMap with the given key and value types."""
+ type_ = _pmap_field_types.get((key_type, value_type))
+ if type_ is not None:
+ return type_
+ class TheMap(CheckedPMap):
+ __key_type__ = key_type
+ __value_type__ = value_type
+ def __reduce__(self):
+ return (_restore_pmap_field_pickle,
+ (self.__key_type__, self.__value_type__, dict(self)))
+ TheMap.__name__ = "{0}To{1}PMap".format(
+ _types_to_names(TheMap._checked_key_types),
+ _types_to_names(TheMap._checked_value_types))
+ _pmap_field_types[key_type, value_type] = TheMap
+ return TheMap
+def pmap_field(key_type, value_type, optional=False, invariant=PFIELD_NO_INVARIANT):
+ """
+ Create a checked ``PMap`` field.
+ :param key: The required type for the keys of the map.
+ :param value: The required type for the values of the map.
+ :param optional: If true, ``None`` can be used as a value for
+ this field.
+ :param invariant: Pass-through to ``field``.
+ :return: A ``field`` containing a ``CheckedPMap``.
+ """
+ TheMap = _make_pmap_field_type(key_type, value_type)
+ if optional:
+ def factory(argument):
+ if argument is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return TheMap.create(argument)
+ else:
+ factory = TheMap.create
+ return field(mandatory=True, initial=TheMap(),
+ type=optional_type(TheMap) if optional else TheMap,
+ factory=factory, invariant=invariant)