path: root/third_party/rust/naga/src/back/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 957 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/naga/src/back/ b/third_party/rust/naga/src/back/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dbe9cf4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/naga/src/back/
@@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
+use super::PipelineConstants;
+use crate::{
+ proc::{ConstantEvaluator, ConstantEvaluatorError, Emitter},
+ valid::{Capabilities, ModuleInfo, ValidationError, ValidationFlags, Validator},
+ Arena, Block, Constant, Expression, Function, Handle, Literal, Module, Override, Range, Scalar,
+ Span, Statement, TypeInner, WithSpan,
+use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::HashSet, mem};
+use thiserror::Error;
+#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
+#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
+pub enum PipelineConstantError {
+ #[error("Missing value for pipeline-overridable constant with identifier string: '{0}'")]
+ MissingValue(String),
+ #[error("Source f64 value needs to be finite (NaNs and Inifinites are not allowed) for number destinations")]
+ SrcNeedsToBeFinite,
+ #[error("Source f64 value doesn't fit in destination")]
+ DstRangeTooSmall,
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ ConstantEvaluatorError(#[from] ConstantEvaluatorError),
+ #[error(transparent)]
+ ValidationError(#[from] WithSpan<ValidationError>),
+/// Replace all overrides in `module` with constants.
+/// If no changes are needed, this just returns `Cow::Borrowed`
+/// references to `module` and `module_info`. Otherwise, it clones
+/// `module`, edits its [`global_expressions`] arena to contain only
+/// fully-evaluated expressions, and returns `Cow::Owned` values
+/// holding the simplified module and its validation results.
+/// In either case, the module returned has an empty `overrides`
+/// arena, and the `global_expressions` arena contains only
+/// fully-evaluated expressions.
+/// [`global_expressions`]: Module::global_expressions
+pub fn process_overrides<'a>(
+ module: &'a Module,
+ module_info: &'a ModuleInfo,
+ pipeline_constants: &PipelineConstants,
+) -> Result<(Cow<'a, Module>, Cow<'a, ModuleInfo>), PipelineConstantError> {
+ if module.overrides.is_empty() {
+ return Ok((Cow::Borrowed(module), Cow::Borrowed(module_info)));
+ }
+ let mut module = module.clone();
+ // A map from override handles to the handles of the constants
+ // we've replaced them with.
+ let mut override_map = Vec::with_capacity(module.overrides.len());
+ // A map from `module`'s original global expression handles to
+ // handles in the new, simplified global expression arena.
+ let mut adjusted_global_expressions = Vec::with_capacity(module.global_expressions.len());
+ // The set of constants whose initializer handles we've already
+ // updated to refer to the newly built global expression arena.
+ //
+ // All constants in `module` must have their `init` handles
+ // updated to point into the new, simplified global expression
+ // arena. Some of these we can most easily handle as a side effect
+ // during the simplification process, but we must handle the rest
+ // in a final fixup pass, guided by `adjusted_global_expressions`. We
+ // add their handles to this set, so that the final fixup step can
+ // leave them alone.
+ let mut adjusted_constant_initializers = HashSet::with_capacity(module.constants.len());
+ let mut global_expression_kind_tracker = crate::proc::ExpressionKindTracker::new();
+ // An iterator through the original overrides table, consumed in
+ // approximate tandem with the global expressions.
+ let mut override_iter = module.overrides.drain();
+ // Do two things in tandem:
+ //
+ // - Rebuild the global expression arena from scratch, fully
+ // evaluating all expressions, and replacing each `Override`
+ // expression in `module.global_expressions` with a `Constant`
+ // expression.
+ //
+ // - Build a new `Constant` in `module.constants` to take the
+ // place of each `Override`.
+ //
+ // Build a map from old global expression handles to their
+ // fully-evaluated counterparts in `adjusted_global_expressions` as we
+ // go.
+ //
+ // Why in tandem? Overrides refer to expressions, and expressions
+ // refer to overrides, so we can't disentangle the two into
+ // separate phases. However, we can take advantage of the fact
+ // that the overrides and expressions must form a DAG, and work
+ // our way from the leaves to the roots, replacing and evaluating
+ // as we go.
+ //
+ // Although the two loops are nested, this is really two
+ // alternating phases: we adjust and evaluate constant expressions
+ // until we hit an `Override` expression, at which point we switch
+ // to building `Constant`s for `Overrides` until we've handled the
+ // one used by the expression. Then we switch back to processing
+ // expressions. Because we know they form a DAG, we know the
+ // `Override` expressions we encounter can only have initializers
+ // referring to global expressions we've already simplified.
+ for (old_h, expr, span) in module.global_expressions.drain() {
+ let mut expr = match expr {
+ Expression::Override(h) => {
+ let c_h = if let Some(new_h) = override_map.get(h.index()) {
+ *new_h
+ } else {
+ let mut new_h = None;
+ for entry in override_iter.by_ref() {
+ let stop = entry.0 == h;
+ new_h = Some(process_override(
+ entry,
+ pipeline_constants,
+ &mut module,
+ &mut override_map,
+ &adjusted_global_expressions,
+ &mut adjusted_constant_initializers,
+ &mut global_expression_kind_tracker,
+ )?);
+ if stop {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ new_h.unwrap()
+ };
+ Expression::Constant(c_h)
+ }
+ Expression::Constant(c_h) => {
+ if adjusted_constant_initializers.insert(c_h) {
+ let init = &mut module.constants[c_h].init;
+ *init = adjusted_global_expressions[init.index()];
+ }
+ expr
+ }
+ expr => expr,
+ };
+ let mut evaluator = ConstantEvaluator::for_wgsl_module(
+ &mut module,
+ &mut global_expression_kind_tracker,
+ false,
+ );
+ adjust_expr(&adjusted_global_expressions, &mut expr);
+ let h = evaluator.try_eval_and_append(expr, span)?;
+ debug_assert_eq!(old_h.index(), adjusted_global_expressions.len());
+ adjusted_global_expressions.push(h);
+ }
+ // Finish processing any overrides we didn't visit in the loop above.
+ for entry in override_iter {
+ process_override(
+ entry,
+ pipeline_constants,
+ &mut module,
+ &mut override_map,
+ &adjusted_global_expressions,
+ &mut adjusted_constant_initializers,
+ &mut global_expression_kind_tracker,
+ )?;
+ }
+ // Update the initialization expression handles of all `Constant`s
+ // and `GlobalVariable`s. Skip `Constant`s we'd already updated en
+ // passant.
+ for (_, c) in module
+ .constants
+ .iter_mut()
+ .filter(|&(c_h, _)| !adjusted_constant_initializers.contains(&c_h))
+ {
+ c.init = adjusted_global_expressions[c.init.index()];
+ }
+ for (_, v) in module.global_variables.iter_mut() {
+ if let Some(ref mut init) = v.init {
+ *init = adjusted_global_expressions[init.index()];
+ }
+ }
+ let mut functions = mem::take(&mut module.functions);
+ for (_, function) in functions.iter_mut() {
+ process_function(&mut module, &override_map, function)?;
+ }
+ module.functions = functions;
+ let mut entry_points = mem::take(&mut module.entry_points);
+ for ep in entry_points.iter_mut() {
+ process_function(&mut module, &override_map, &mut ep.function)?;
+ }
+ module.entry_points = entry_points;
+ // Now that we've rewritten all the expressions, we need to
+ // recompute their types and other metadata. For the time being,
+ // do a full re-validation.
+ let mut validator = Validator::new(ValidationFlags::all(), Capabilities::all());
+ let module_info = validator.validate_no_overrides(&module)?;
+ Ok((Cow::Owned(module), Cow::Owned(module_info)))
+/// Add a [`Constant`] to `module` for the override `old_h`.
+/// Add the new `Constant` to `override_map` and `adjusted_constant_initializers`.
+fn process_override(
+ (old_h, override_, span): (Handle<Override>, Override, Span),
+ pipeline_constants: &PipelineConstants,
+ module: &mut Module,
+ override_map: &mut Vec<Handle<Constant>>,
+ adjusted_global_expressions: &[Handle<Expression>],
+ adjusted_constant_initializers: &mut HashSet<Handle<Constant>>,
+ global_expression_kind_tracker: &mut crate::proc::ExpressionKindTracker,
+) -> Result<Handle<Constant>, PipelineConstantError> {
+ // Determine which key to use for `override_` in `pipeline_constants`.
+ let key = if let Some(id) = {
+ Cow::Owned(id.to_string())
+ } else if let Some(ref name) = {
+ Cow::Borrowed(name)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!();
+ };
+ // Generate a global expression for `override_`'s value, either
+ // from the provided `pipeline_constants` table or its initializer
+ // in the module.
+ let init = if let Some(value) = pipeline_constants.get::<str>(&key) {
+ let literal = match module.types[override_.ty].inner {
+ TypeInner::Scalar(scalar) => map_value_to_literal(*value, scalar)?,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let expr = module
+ .global_expressions
+ .append(Expression::Literal(literal), Span::UNDEFINED);
+ global_expression_kind_tracker.insert(expr, crate::proc::ExpressionKind::Const);
+ expr
+ } else if let Some(init) = override_.init {
+ adjusted_global_expressions[init.index()]
+ } else {
+ return Err(PipelineConstantError::MissingValue(key.to_string()));
+ };
+ // Generate a new `Constant` to represent the override's value.
+ let constant = Constant {
+ name:,
+ ty: override_.ty,
+ init,
+ };
+ let h = module.constants.append(constant, span);
+ debug_assert_eq!(old_h.index(), override_map.len());
+ override_map.push(h);
+ adjusted_constant_initializers.insert(h);
+ Ok(h)
+/// Replace all override expressions in `function` with fully-evaluated constants.
+/// Replace all `Expression::Override`s in `function`'s expression arena with
+/// the corresponding `Expression::Constant`s, as given in `override_map`.
+/// Replace any expressions whose values are now known with their fully
+/// evaluated form.
+/// If `h` is a `Handle<Override>`, then `override_map[h.index()]` is the
+/// `Handle<Constant>` for the override's final value.
+fn process_function(
+ module: &mut Module,
+ override_map: &[Handle<Constant>],
+ function: &mut Function,
+) -> Result<(), ConstantEvaluatorError> {
+ // A map from original local expression handles to
+ // handles in the new, local expression arena.
+ let mut adjusted_local_expressions = Vec::with_capacity(function.expressions.len());
+ let mut local_expression_kind_tracker = crate::proc::ExpressionKindTracker::new();
+ let mut expressions = mem::take(&mut function.expressions);
+ // Dummy `emitter` and `block` for the constant evaluator.
+ // We can ignore the concept of emitting expressions here since
+ // expressions have already been covered by a `Statement::Emit`
+ // in the frontend.
+ // The only thing we might have to do is remove some expressions
+ // that have been covered by a `Statement::Emit`. See the docs of
+ // `filter_emits_in_block` for the reasoning.
+ let mut emitter = Emitter::default();
+ let mut block = Block::new();
+ let mut evaluator = ConstantEvaluator::for_wgsl_function(
+ module,
+ &mut function.expressions,
+ &mut local_expression_kind_tracker,
+ &mut emitter,
+ &mut block,
+ );
+ for (old_h, mut expr, span) in expressions.drain() {
+ if let Expression::Override(h) = expr {
+ expr = Expression::Constant(override_map[h.index()]);
+ }
+ adjust_expr(&adjusted_local_expressions, &mut expr);
+ let h = evaluator.try_eval_and_append(expr, span)?;
+ debug_assert_eq!(old_h.index(), adjusted_local_expressions.len());
+ adjusted_local_expressions.push(h);
+ }
+ adjust_block(&adjusted_local_expressions, &mut function.body);
+ filter_emits_in_block(&mut function.body, &function.expressions);
+ // Update local expression initializers.
+ for (_, local) in function.local_variables.iter_mut() {
+ if let &mut Some(ref mut init) = &mut local.init {
+ *init = adjusted_local_expressions[init.index()];
+ }
+ }
+ // We've changed the keys of `function.named_expression`, so we have to
+ // rebuild it from scratch.
+ let named_expressions = mem::take(&mut function.named_expressions);
+ for (expr_h, name) in named_expressions {
+ function
+ .named_expressions
+ .insert(adjusted_local_expressions[expr_h.index()], name);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Replace every expression handle in `expr` with its counterpart
+/// given by `new_pos`.
+fn adjust_expr(new_pos: &[Handle<Expression>], expr: &mut Expression) {
+ let adjust = |expr: &mut Handle<Expression>| {
+ *expr = new_pos[expr.index()];
+ };
+ match *expr {
+ Expression::Compose {
+ ref mut components,
+ ty: _,
+ } => {
+ for c in components.iter_mut() {
+ adjust(c);
+ }
+ }
+ Expression::Access {
+ ref mut base,
+ ref mut index,
+ } => {
+ adjust(base);
+ adjust(index);
+ }
+ Expression::AccessIndex {
+ ref mut base,
+ index: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(base);
+ }
+ Expression::Splat {
+ ref mut value,
+ size: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(value);
+ }
+ Expression::Swizzle {
+ ref mut vector,
+ size: _,
+ pattern: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(vector);
+ }
+ Expression::Load { ref mut pointer } => {
+ adjust(pointer);
+ }
+ Expression::ImageSample {
+ ref mut image,
+ ref mut sampler,
+ ref mut coordinate,
+ ref mut array_index,
+ ref mut offset,
+ ref mut level,
+ ref mut depth_ref,
+ gather: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(image);
+ adjust(sampler);
+ adjust(coordinate);
+ if let Some(e) = array_index.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ if let Some(e) = offset.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ match *level {
+ crate::SampleLevel::Exact(ref mut expr)
+ | crate::SampleLevel::Bias(ref mut expr) => {
+ adjust(expr);
+ }
+ crate::SampleLevel::Gradient {
+ ref mut x,
+ ref mut y,
+ } => {
+ adjust(x);
+ adjust(y);
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ if let Some(e) = depth_ref.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Expression::ImageLoad {
+ ref mut image,
+ ref mut coordinate,
+ ref mut array_index,
+ ref mut sample,
+ ref mut level,
+ } => {
+ adjust(image);
+ adjust(coordinate);
+ if let Some(e) = array_index.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ if let Some(e) = sample.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ if let Some(e) = level.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Expression::ImageQuery {
+ ref mut image,
+ ref mut query,
+ } => {
+ adjust(image);
+ match *query {
+ crate::ImageQuery::Size { ref mut level } => {
+ if let Some(e) = level.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ }
+ crate::ImageQuery::NumLevels
+ | crate::ImageQuery::NumLayers
+ | crate::ImageQuery::NumSamples => {}
+ }
+ }
+ Expression::Unary {
+ ref mut expr,
+ op: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(expr);
+ }
+ Expression::Binary {
+ ref mut left,
+ ref mut right,
+ op: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(left);
+ adjust(right);
+ }
+ Expression::Select {
+ ref mut condition,
+ ref mut accept,
+ ref mut reject,
+ } => {
+ adjust(condition);
+ adjust(accept);
+ adjust(reject);
+ }
+ Expression::Derivative {
+ ref mut expr,
+ axis: _,
+ ctrl: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(expr);
+ }
+ Expression::Relational {
+ ref mut argument,
+ fun: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(argument);
+ }
+ Expression::Math {
+ ref mut arg,
+ ref mut arg1,
+ ref mut arg2,
+ ref mut arg3,
+ fun: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(arg);
+ if let Some(e) = arg1.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ if let Some(e) = arg2.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ if let Some(e) = arg3.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Expression::As {
+ ref mut expr,
+ kind: _,
+ convert: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(expr);
+ }
+ Expression::ArrayLength(ref mut expr) => {
+ adjust(expr);
+ }
+ Expression::RayQueryGetIntersection {
+ ref mut query,
+ committed: _,
+ } => {
+ adjust(query);
+ }
+ Expression::Literal(_)
+ | Expression::FunctionArgument(_)
+ | Expression::GlobalVariable(_)
+ | Expression::LocalVariable(_)
+ | Expression::CallResult(_)
+ | Expression::RayQueryProceedResult
+ | Expression::Constant(_)
+ | Expression::Override(_)
+ | Expression::ZeroValue(_)
+ | Expression::AtomicResult {
+ ty: _,
+ comparison: _,
+ }
+ | Expression::WorkGroupUniformLoadResult { ty: _ }
+ | Expression::SubgroupBallotResult
+ | Expression::SubgroupOperationResult { .. } => {}
+ }
+/// Replace every expression handle in `block` with its counterpart
+/// given by `new_pos`.
+fn adjust_block(new_pos: &[Handle<Expression>], block: &mut Block) {
+ for stmt in block.iter_mut() {
+ adjust_stmt(new_pos, stmt);
+ }
+/// Replace every expression handle in `stmt` with its counterpart
+/// given by `new_pos`.
+fn adjust_stmt(new_pos: &[Handle<Expression>], stmt: &mut Statement) {
+ let adjust = |expr: &mut Handle<Expression>| {
+ *expr = new_pos[expr.index()];
+ };
+ match *stmt {
+ Statement::Emit(ref mut range) => {
+ if let Some((mut first, mut last)) = range.first_and_last() {
+ adjust(&mut first);
+ adjust(&mut last);
+ *range = Range::new_from_bounds(first, last);
+ }
+ }
+ Statement::Block(ref mut block) => {
+ adjust_block(new_pos, block);
+ }
+ Statement::If {
+ ref mut condition,
+ ref mut accept,
+ ref mut reject,
+ } => {
+ adjust(condition);
+ adjust_block(new_pos, accept);
+ adjust_block(new_pos, reject);
+ }
+ Statement::Switch {
+ ref mut selector,
+ ref mut cases,
+ } => {
+ adjust(selector);
+ for case in cases.iter_mut() {
+ adjust_block(new_pos, &mut case.body);
+ }
+ }
+ Statement::Loop {
+ ref mut body,
+ ref mut continuing,
+ ref mut break_if,
+ } => {
+ adjust_block(new_pos, body);
+ adjust_block(new_pos, continuing);
+ if let Some(e) = break_if.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Statement::Return { ref mut value } => {
+ if let Some(e) = value.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Statement::Store {
+ ref mut pointer,
+ ref mut value,
+ } => {
+ adjust(pointer);
+ adjust(value);
+ }
+ Statement::ImageStore {
+ ref mut image,
+ ref mut coordinate,
+ ref mut array_index,
+ ref mut value,
+ } => {
+ adjust(image);
+ adjust(coordinate);
+ if let Some(e) = array_index.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ adjust(value);
+ }
+ crate::Statement::Atomic {
+ ref mut pointer,
+ ref mut value,
+ ref mut result,
+ ref mut fun,
+ } => {
+ adjust(pointer);
+ adjust(value);
+ adjust(result);
+ match *fun {
+ crate::AtomicFunction::Exchange {
+ compare: Some(ref mut compare),
+ } => {
+ adjust(compare);
+ }
+ crate::AtomicFunction::Add
+ | crate::AtomicFunction::Subtract
+ | crate::AtomicFunction::And
+ | crate::AtomicFunction::ExclusiveOr
+ | crate::AtomicFunction::InclusiveOr
+ | crate::AtomicFunction::Min
+ | crate::AtomicFunction::Max
+ | crate::AtomicFunction::Exchange { compare: None } => {}
+ }
+ }
+ Statement::WorkGroupUniformLoad {
+ ref mut pointer,
+ ref mut result,
+ } => {
+ adjust(pointer);
+ adjust(result);
+ }
+ Statement::SubgroupBallot {
+ ref mut result,
+ ref mut predicate,
+ } => {
+ if let Some(ref mut predicate) = *predicate {
+ adjust(predicate);
+ }
+ adjust(result);
+ }
+ Statement::SubgroupCollectiveOperation {
+ ref mut argument,
+ ref mut result,
+ ..
+ } => {
+ adjust(argument);
+ adjust(result);
+ }
+ Statement::SubgroupGather {
+ ref mut mode,
+ ref mut argument,
+ ref mut result,
+ } => {
+ match *mode {
+ crate::GatherMode::BroadcastFirst => {}
+ crate::GatherMode::Broadcast(ref mut index)
+ | crate::GatherMode::Shuffle(ref mut index)
+ | crate::GatherMode::ShuffleDown(ref mut index)
+ | crate::GatherMode::ShuffleUp(ref mut index)
+ | crate::GatherMode::ShuffleXor(ref mut index) => {
+ adjust(index);
+ }
+ }
+ adjust(argument);
+ adjust(result)
+ }
+ Statement::Call {
+ ref mut arguments,
+ ref mut result,
+ function: _,
+ } => {
+ for argument in arguments.iter_mut() {
+ adjust(argument);
+ }
+ if let Some(e) = result.as_mut() {
+ adjust(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Statement::RayQuery {
+ ref mut query,
+ ref mut fun,
+ } => {
+ adjust(query);
+ match *fun {
+ crate::RayQueryFunction::Initialize {
+ ref mut acceleration_structure,
+ ref mut descriptor,
+ } => {
+ adjust(acceleration_structure);
+ adjust(descriptor);
+ }
+ crate::RayQueryFunction::Proceed { ref mut result } => {
+ adjust(result);
+ }
+ crate::RayQueryFunction::Terminate => {}
+ }
+ }
+ Statement::Break | Statement::Continue | Statement::Kill | Statement::Barrier(_) => {}
+ }
+/// Adjust [`Emit`] statements in `block` to skip [`needs_pre_emit`] expressions we have introduced.
+/// According to validation, [`Emit`] statements must not cover any expressions
+/// for which [`Expression::needs_pre_emit`] returns true. All expressions built
+/// by successful constant evaluation fall into that category, meaning that
+/// `process_function` will usually rewrite [`Override`] expressions and those
+/// that use their values into pre-emitted expressions, leaving any [`Emit`]
+/// statements that cover them invalid.
+/// This function rewrites all [`Emit`] statements into zero or more new
+/// [`Emit`] statements covering only those expressions in the original range
+/// that are not pre-emitted.
+/// [`Emit`]: Statement::Emit
+/// [`needs_pre_emit`]: Expression::needs_pre_emit
+/// [`Override`]: Expression::Override
+fn filter_emits_in_block(block: &mut Block, expressions: &Arena<Expression>) {
+ let original = std::mem::replace(block, Block::with_capacity(block.len()));
+ for (stmt, span) in original.span_into_iter() {
+ match stmt {
+ Statement::Emit(range) => {
+ let mut current = None;
+ for expr_h in range {
+ if expressions[expr_h].needs_pre_emit() {
+ if let Some((first, last)) = current {
+ block.push(Statement::Emit(Range::new_from_bounds(first, last)), span);
+ }
+ current = None;
+ } else if let Some((_, ref mut last)) = current {
+ *last = expr_h;
+ } else {
+ current = Some((expr_h, expr_h));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some((first, last)) = current {
+ block.push(Statement::Emit(Range::new_from_bounds(first, last)), span);
+ }
+ }
+ Statement::Block(mut child) => {
+ filter_emits_in_block(&mut child, expressions);
+ block.push(Statement::Block(child), span);
+ }
+ Statement::If {
+ condition,
+ mut accept,
+ mut reject,
+ } => {
+ filter_emits_in_block(&mut accept, expressions);
+ filter_emits_in_block(&mut reject, expressions);
+ block.push(
+ Statement::If {
+ condition,
+ accept,
+ reject,
+ },
+ span,
+ );
+ }
+ Statement::Switch {
+ selector,
+ mut cases,
+ } => {
+ for case in &mut cases {
+ filter_emits_in_block(&mut case.body, expressions);
+ }
+ block.push(Statement::Switch { selector, cases }, span);
+ }
+ Statement::Loop {
+ mut body,
+ mut continuing,
+ break_if,
+ } => {
+ filter_emits_in_block(&mut body, expressions);
+ filter_emits_in_block(&mut continuing, expressions);
+ block.push(
+ Statement::Loop {
+ body,
+ continuing,
+ break_if,
+ },
+ span,
+ );
+ }
+ stmt => block.push(stmt.clone(), span),
+ }
+ }
+fn map_value_to_literal(value: f64, scalar: Scalar) -> Result<Literal, PipelineConstantError> {
+ // note that in rust 0.0 == -0.0
+ match scalar {
+ Scalar::BOOL => {
+ //
+ let value = value != 0.0 && !value.is_nan();
+ Ok(Literal::Bool(value))
+ }
+ Scalar::I32 => {
+ //
+ if !value.is_finite() {
+ return Err(PipelineConstantError::SrcNeedsToBeFinite);
+ }
+ let value = value.trunc();
+ if value < f64::from(i32::MIN) || value > f64::from(i32::MAX) {
+ return Err(PipelineConstantError::DstRangeTooSmall);
+ }
+ let value = value as i32;
+ Ok(Literal::I32(value))
+ }
+ Scalar::U32 => {
+ //
+ if !value.is_finite() {
+ return Err(PipelineConstantError::SrcNeedsToBeFinite);
+ }
+ let value = value.trunc();
+ if value < f64::from(u32::MIN) || value > f64::from(u32::MAX) {
+ return Err(PipelineConstantError::DstRangeTooSmall);
+ }
+ let value = value as u32;
+ Ok(Literal::U32(value))
+ }
+ Scalar::F32 => {
+ //
+ if !value.is_finite() {
+ return Err(PipelineConstantError::SrcNeedsToBeFinite);
+ }
+ let value = value as f32;
+ if !value.is_finite() {
+ return Err(PipelineConstantError::DstRangeTooSmall);
+ }
+ Ok(Literal::F32(value))
+ }
+ Scalar::F64 => {
+ //
+ if !value.is_finite() {
+ return Err(PipelineConstantError::SrcNeedsToBeFinite);
+ }
+ Ok(Literal::F64(value))
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+fn test_map_value_to_literal() {
+ let bool_test_cases = [
+ (0.0, false),
+ (-0.0, false),
+ (f64::NAN, false),
+ (1.0, true),
+ (f64::INFINITY, true),
+ (f64::NEG_INFINITY, true),
+ ];
+ for (value, out) in bool_test_cases {
+ let res = Ok(Literal::Bool(out));
+ assert_eq!(map_value_to_literal(value, Scalar::BOOL), res);
+ }
+ for scalar in [Scalar::I32, Scalar::U32, Scalar::F32, Scalar::F64] {
+ for value in [f64::NAN, f64::INFINITY, f64::NEG_INFINITY] {
+ let res = Err(PipelineConstantError::SrcNeedsToBeFinite);
+ assert_eq!(map_value_to_literal(value, scalar), res);
+ }
+ }
+ // i32
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(i32::MIN), Scalar::I32),
+ Ok(Literal::I32(i32::MIN))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(i32::MAX), Scalar::I32),
+ Ok(Literal::I32(i32::MAX))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(i32::MIN) - 1.0, Scalar::I32),
+ Err(PipelineConstantError::DstRangeTooSmall)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(i32::MAX) + 1.0, Scalar::I32),
+ Err(PipelineConstantError::DstRangeTooSmall)
+ );
+ // u32
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(u32::MIN), Scalar::U32),
+ Ok(Literal::U32(u32::MIN))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(u32::MAX), Scalar::U32),
+ Ok(Literal::U32(u32::MAX))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(u32::MIN) - 1.0, Scalar::U32),
+ Err(PipelineConstantError::DstRangeTooSmall)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(u32::MAX) + 1.0, Scalar::U32),
+ Err(PipelineConstantError::DstRangeTooSmall)
+ );
+ // f32
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(f32::MIN), Scalar::F32),
+ Ok(Literal::F32(f32::MIN))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from(f32::MAX), Scalar::F32),
+ Ok(Literal::F32(f32::MAX))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(-f64::from_bits(0x47efffffefffffff), Scalar::F32),
+ Ok(Literal::F32(f32::MIN))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from_bits(0x47efffffefffffff), Scalar::F32),
+ Ok(Literal::F32(f32::MAX))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(-f64::from_bits(0x47effffff0000000), Scalar::F32),
+ Err(PipelineConstantError::DstRangeTooSmall)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::from_bits(0x47effffff0000000), Scalar::F32),
+ Err(PipelineConstantError::DstRangeTooSmall)
+ );
+ // f64
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::MIN, Scalar::F64),
+ Ok(Literal::F64(f64::MIN))
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ map_value_to_literal(f64::MAX, Scalar::F64),
+ Ok(Literal::F64(f64::MAX))
+ );