path: root/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 781 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.kts b/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.kts
deleted file mode 100644
index cc5ddf2a86..0000000000
--- a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.kts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-import uniffi.rondpoint.*
-val dico = Dictionnaire(Enumeration.DEUX, true, 0u, 123456789u)
-val copyDico = copieDictionnaire(dico)
-assert(dico == copyDico)
-assert(copieEnumeration(Enumeration.DEUX) == Enumeration.DEUX)
-assert(copieEnumerations(listOf(Enumeration.UN, Enumeration.DEUX)) == listOf(Enumeration.UN, Enumeration.DEUX))
- "0" to EnumerationAvecDonnees.Zero,
- "1" to EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1u),
- "2" to EnumerationAvecDonnees.Deux(2u, "deux")
-)) == mapOf(
- "0" to EnumerationAvecDonnees.Zero,
- "1" to EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1u),
- "2" to EnumerationAvecDonnees.Deux(2u, "deux")
-val var1: EnumerationAvecDonnees = EnumerationAvecDonnees.Zero
-val var2: EnumerationAvecDonnees = EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1u)
-val var3: EnumerationAvecDonnees = EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(2u)
-assert(var1 != var2)
-assert(var2 != var3)
-assert(var1 == EnumerationAvecDonnees.Zero)
-assert(var1 != EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1u))
-assert(var2 == EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1u))
-// Test the roundtrip across the FFI.
-// This shows that the values we send come back in exactly the same state as we sent them.
-// i.e. it shows that lowering from kotlin and lifting into rust is symmetrical with
-// lowering from rust and lifting into kotlin.
-val rt = Retourneur()
-fun <T> List<T>.affirmAllerRetour(fn: (T) -> T) {
- this.forEach { v ->
- assert(fn.invoke(v) == v) { "$fn($v)" }
- }
-// Booleans
-listOf(true, false).affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueBoolean)
-// Bytes.
-listOf(Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE).affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueI8)
-listOf(0x00, 0xFF).map { it.toUByte() }.affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueU8)
-// Shorts
-listOf(Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE).affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueI16)
-listOf(0x0000, 0xFFFF).map { it.toUShort() }.affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueU16)
-// Ints
-listOf(0, 1, -1, Int.MIN_VALUE, Int.MAX_VALUE).affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueI32)
-listOf(0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF).map { it.toUInt() }.affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueU32)
-// Longs
-listOf(0L, 1L, -1L, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE).affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueI64)
-listOf(0u, 1u, ULong.MIN_VALUE, ULong.MAX_VALUE).affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueU64)
-// Floats
-listOf(0.0F, 0.5F, 0.25F, Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE).affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueFloat)
-// Doubles
-listOf(0.0, 1.0, Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE).affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueDouble)
-// Strings
-listOf("", "abc", "null\u0000byte", "été", "ښي لاس ته لوستلو لوستل", "😻emoji 👨‍👧‍👦multi-emoji, 🇨🇭a flag, a canal, panama")
- .affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueString)
-listOf(-1, 0, 1).map { DictionnaireNombresSignes(it.toByte(), it.toShort(), it.toInt(), it.toLong()) }
- .affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueNombresSignes)
-listOf(0, 1).map { DictionnaireNombres(it.toUByte(), it.toUShort(), it.toUInt(), it.toULong()) }
- .affirmAllerRetour(rt::identiqueNombres)
-// Test one way across the FFI.
-// We send one representation of a value to, and it transforms it into another, a string.
-// sends the string back, and then we compare here in kotlin.
-// This shows that the values are transformed into strings the same way in both kotlin and rust.
-// i.e. if we assume that the string return works (we test this assumption elsewhere)
-// we show that lowering from kotlin and lifting into rust has values that both kotlin and rust
-// both stringify in the same way. i.e. the same values.
-// If we roundtripping proves the symmetry of our lowering/lifting from here to rust, and lowering/lifting from rust t here,
-// and this convinces us that lowering/lifting from here to rust is correct, then
-// together, we've shown the correctness of the return leg.
-val st = Stringifier()
-typealias StringyEquals<T> = (observed: String, expected: T) -> Boolean
-fun <T> List<T>.affirmEnchaine(
- fn: (T) -> String,
- equals: StringyEquals<T> = { obs, exp -> obs == exp.toString() }
-) {
- this.forEach { exp ->
- val obs = fn.invoke(exp)
- assert(equals(obs, exp)) { "$fn($exp): observed=$obs, expected=$exp" }
- }
-// Test the efficacy of the string transport from rust. If this fails, but everything else
-// works, then things are very weird.
-val wellKnown = st.wellKnownString("kotlin")
-assert("uniffi 💚 kotlin!" == wellKnown) { "wellKnownString 'uniffi 💚 kotlin!' == '$wellKnown'" }
-// Booleans
-listOf(true, false).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringBoolean)
-// Bytes.
-listOf(Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringI8)
-listOf(UByte.MIN_VALUE, UByte.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringU8)
-// Shorts
-listOf(Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringI16)
-listOf(UShort.MIN_VALUE, UShort.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringU16)
-// Ints
-listOf(0, 1, -1, Int.MIN_VALUE, Int.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringI32)
-listOf(0u, 1u, UInt.MIN_VALUE, UInt.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringU32)
-// Longs
-listOf(0L, 1L, -1L, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringI64)
-listOf(0u, 1u, ULong.MIN_VALUE, ULong.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringU64)
-// Floats
-// MIN_VALUE is 1.4E-45. Accuracy and formatting get weird at small sizes.
-listOf(0.0F, 1.0F, -1.0F, Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringFloat) { s, n -> s.toFloat() == n }
-// Doubles
-// MIN_VALUE is 4.9E-324. Accuracy and formatting get weird at small sizes.
-listOf(0.0, 1.0, -1.0, Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE).affirmEnchaine(st::toStringDouble) { s, n -> s.toDouble() == n }
-// Prove to ourselves that default arguments are being used.
-// Step 1: call the methods without arguments, and check against the UDL.
-val op = Optionneur()
-assert(op.sinonString() == "default")
-assert(op.sinonBoolean() == false)
-assert(op.sinonSequence() == listOf<String>())
-// optionals
-assert(op.sinonNull() == null)
-assert(op.sinonZero() == 0)
-// decimal integers
-assert(op.sinonI8Dec() == (-42).toByte())
-assert(op.sinonU8Dec() == 42.toUByte())
-assert(op.sinonI16Dec() == 42.toShort())
-assert(op.sinonU16Dec() == 42.toUShort())
-assert(op.sinonI32Dec() == 42)
-assert(op.sinonU32Dec() == 42.toUInt())
-assert(op.sinonI64Dec() == 42L)
-assert(op.sinonU64Dec() == 42uL)
-// hexadecimal integers
-assert(op.sinonI8Hex() == (-0x7f).toByte())
-assert(op.sinonU8Hex() == 0xff.toUByte())
-assert(op.sinonI16Hex() == 0x7f.toShort())
-assert(op.sinonU16Hex() == 0xffff.toUShort())
-assert(op.sinonI32Hex() == 0x7fffffff)
-assert(op.sinonU32Hex() == 0xffffffff.toUInt())
-assert(op.sinonI64Hex() == 0x7fffffffffffffffL)
-assert(op.sinonU64Hex() == 0xffffffffffffffffuL)
-// octal integers
-assert(op.sinonU32Oct() == 493u) // 0o755
-// floats
-assert(op.sinonF32() == 42.0f)
-assert(op.sinonF64() == 42.1)
-// enums
-assert(op.sinonEnum() == Enumeration.TROIS)
-// Step 2. Convince ourselves that if we pass something else, then that changes the output.
-// We have shown something coming out of the sinon methods, but without eyeballing the Rust
-// we can't be sure that the arguments will change the return value.
-listOf("foo", "bar").affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonString)
-listOf(true, false).affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonBoolean)
-listOf(listOf("a", "b"), listOf()).affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonSequence)
-// optionals
-listOf("0", "1").affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonNull)
-listOf(0, 1).affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonZero)
-// integers
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toUByte() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonU8Dec)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toByte() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonI8Dec)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toUShort() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonU16Dec)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toShort() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonI16Dec)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toUInt() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonU32Dec)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toInt() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonI32Dec)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toULong() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonU64Dec)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toLong() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonI64Dec)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toUByte() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonU8Hex)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toByte() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonI8Hex)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toUShort() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonU16Hex)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toShort() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonI16Hex)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toUInt() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonU32Hex)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toInt() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonI32Hex)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toULong() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonU64Hex)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toLong() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonI64Hex)
-listOf(0, 1).map { it.toUInt() }.affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonU32Oct)
-// floats
-listOf(0.0f, 1.0f).affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonF32)
-listOf(0.0, 1.0).affirmAllerRetour(op::sinonF64)
-// enums
-// Testing defaulting properties in record types.
-val defaultes = OptionneurDictionnaire()
-val explicites = OptionneurDictionnaire(
- i8Var = -8,
- u8Var = 8u,
- i16Var = -16,
- u16Var = 0x10u,
- i32Var = -32,
- u32Var = 32u,
- i64Var = -64L,
- u64Var = 64uL,
- floatVar = 4.0f,
- doubleVar = 8.0,
- booleanVar = true,
- stringVar = "default",
- listVar = listOf(),
- enumerationVar = Enumeration.DEUX,
- dictionnaireVar = null
-assert(defaultes == explicites)
-// …and makes sure they travel across and back the FFI.
-val rt2 = Retourneur()
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/ b/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b47c0fa5a..0000000000
--- a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import ctypes
-from rondpoint import *
-dico = Dictionnaire(un=Enumeration.DEUX, deux=True, petit_nombre=0, gros_nombre=123456789)
-copyDico = copie_dictionnaire(dico)
-assert dico == copyDico
-assert copie_enumeration(Enumeration.DEUX) == Enumeration.DEUX
-assert copie_enumerations([Enumeration.UN, Enumeration.DEUX]) == [Enumeration.UN, Enumeration.DEUX]
-assert copie_carte({
- "0": EnumerationAvecDonnees.ZERO(),
- "1": EnumerationAvecDonnees.UN(1),
- "2": EnumerationAvecDonnees.DEUX(2, "deux"),
-}) == {
- "0": EnumerationAvecDonnees.ZERO(),
- "1": EnumerationAvecDonnees.UN(1),
- "2": EnumerationAvecDonnees.DEUX(2, "deux"),
-assert switcheroo(False) is True
-assert EnumerationAvecDonnees.ZERO() != EnumerationAvecDonnees.UN(1)
-assert EnumerationAvecDonnees.UN(1) == EnumerationAvecDonnees.UN(1)
-assert EnumerationAvecDonnees.UN(1) != EnumerationAvecDonnees.UN(2)
-# Test the roundtrip across the FFI.
-# This shows that the values we send come back in exactly the same state as we sent them.
-# i.e. it shows that lowering from python and lifting into rust is symmetrical with
-# lowering from rust and lifting into python.
-rt = Retourneur()
-def affirmAllerRetour(vals, identique):
- for v in vals:
- id_v = identique(v)
- assert id_v == v, f"Round-trip failure: {v} => {id_v}"
-MIN_I8 = -1 * 2**7
-MAX_I8 = 2**7 - 1
-MIN_I16 = -1 * 2**15
-MAX_I16 = 2**15 - 1
-MIN_I32 = -1 * 2**31
-MAX_I32 = 2**31 - 1
-MIN_I64 = -1 * 2**31
-MAX_I64 = 2**31 - 1
-# Python floats are always doubles, so won't round-trip through f32 correctly.
-# This truncates them appropriately.
-F32_ONE_THIRD = ctypes.c_float(1.0 / 3).value
-# Booleans
-affirmAllerRetour([True, False], rt.identique_boolean)
-# Bytes.
-affirmAllerRetour([MIN_I8, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I8], rt.identique_i8)
-affirmAllerRetour([0x00, 0x12, 0xFF], rt.identique_u8)
-# Shorts
-affirmAllerRetour([MIN_I16, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I16], rt.identique_i16)
-affirmAllerRetour([0x0000, 0x1234, 0xFFFF], rt.identique_u16)
-# Ints
-affirmAllerRetour([MIN_I32, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I32], rt.identique_i32)
-affirmAllerRetour([0x00000000, 0x12345678, 0xFFFFFFFF], rt.identique_u32)
-# Longs
-affirmAllerRetour([MIN_I64, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I64], rt.identique_i64)
-affirmAllerRetour([0x0000000000000000, 0x1234567890ABCDEF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF], rt.identique_u64)
-# Floats
-affirmAllerRetour([0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 1.0, F32_ONE_THIRD], rt.identique_float)
-# Doubles
- [0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 1.0, 1.0 / 3, sys.float_info.max, sys.float_info.min],
- rt.identique_double
-# Strings
- ["", "abc", "été", "ښي لاس ته لوستلو لوستل", "😻emoji 👨‍👧‍👦multi-emoji, 🇨🇭a flag, a canal, panama"],
- rt.identique_string
-# Test one way across the FFI.
-# We send one representation of a value to, and it transforms it into another, a string.
-# sends the string back, and then we compare here in python.
-# This shows that the values are transformed into strings the same way in both python and rust.
-# i.e. if we assume that the string return works (we test this assumption elsewhere)
-# we show that lowering from python and lifting into rust has values that both python and rust
-# both stringify in the same way. i.e. the same values.
-# If we roundtripping proves the symmetry of our lowering/lifting from here to rust, and lowering/lifting from rust to here,
-# and this convinces us that lowering/lifting from here to rust is correct, then
-# together, we've shown the correctness of the return leg.
-st = Stringifier()
-def affirmEnchaine(vals, toString, rustyStringify=lambda v: str(v).lower()):
- for v in vals:
- str_v = toString(v)
- assert rustyStringify(v) == str_v, f"String compare error {v} => {str_v}"
-# Test the efficacy of the string transport from rust. If this fails, but everything else
-# works, then things are very weird.
-wellKnown = st.well_known_string("python")
-assert "uniffi 💚 python!" == wellKnown
-# Booleans
-affirmEnchaine([True, False], st.to_string_boolean)
-# Bytes.
-affirmEnchaine([MIN_I8, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I8], st.to_string_i8)
-affirmEnchaine([0x00, 0x12, 0xFF], st.to_string_u8)
-# Shorts
-affirmEnchaine([MIN_I16, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I16], st.to_string_i16)
-affirmEnchaine([0x0000, 0x1234, 0xFFFF], st.to_string_u16)
-# Ints
-affirmEnchaine([MIN_I32, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I32], st.to_string_i32)
-affirmEnchaine([0x00000000, 0x12345678, 0xFFFFFFFF], st.to_string_u32)
-# Longs
-affirmEnchaine([MIN_I64, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I64], st.to_string_i64)
-affirmEnchaine([0x0000000000000000, 0x1234567890ABCDEF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF], st.to_string_u64)
-# Floats
-def rustyFloatToStr(v):
- """Stringify a float in the same way that rust seems to."""
- # Rust doesn't include the decimal part of whole enumber floats when stringifying.
- if int(v) == v:
- return str(int(v))
- return str(v)
-affirmEnchaine([0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 1.0], st.to_string_float, rustyFloatToStr)
-assert st.to_string_float(F32_ONE_THIRD) == "0.33333334" # annoyingly different string repr
-# Doubles
-# TODO: float_info.max/float_info.min don't stringify-roundtrip properly yet, TBD.
- [0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 1.0, 1.0 / 3],
- st.to_string_double,
- rustyFloatToStr,
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.rb b/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index faa4062019..0000000000
--- a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'rondpoint'
-include Test::Unit::Assertions
-include Rondpoint
-dico =
- un: Enumeration::DEUX,
- deux: true,
- petit_nombre: 0,
- gros_nombre: 123_456_789
-assert_equal dico, Rondpoint.copie_dictionnaire(dico)
-assert_equal Rondpoint.copie_enumeration(Enumeration::DEUX), Enumeration::DEUX
-assert_equal Rondpoint.copie_enumerations([
- Enumeration::UN,
- Enumeration::DEUX
- ]), [Enumeration::UN, Enumeration::DEUX]
-assert_equal Rondpoint.copie_carte({
- '0' =>,
- '1' =>,
- '2' =>, 'deux')
- }), {
- '0' =>,
- '1' =>,
- '2' =>, 'deux')
- }
-assert Rondpoint.switcheroo(false)
-# Test the roundtrip across the FFI.
-# This shows that the values we send come back in exactly the same state as we sent them.
-# i.e. it shows that lowering from ruby and lifting into rust is symmetrical with
-# lowering from rust and lifting into ruby.
-RT =
-def affirm_aller_retour(vals, fn_name)
- vals.each do |v|
- id_v = RT.public_send fn_name, v
- assert_equal id_v, v, "Round-trip failure: #{v} => #{id_v}"
- end
-MIN_I8 = -1 * 2**7
-MAX_I8 = 2**7 - 1
-MIN_I16 = -1 * 2**15
-MAX_I16 = 2**15 - 1
-MIN_I32 = -1 * 2**31
-MAX_I32 = 2**31 - 1
-MIN_I64 = -1 * 2**31
-MAX_I64 = 2**31 - 1
-# Ruby floats are always doubles, so won't round-trip through f32 correctly.
-# This truncates them appropriately.
-F32_ONE_THIRD = [1.0 / 3].pack('f').unpack('f')[0]
-# Booleans
-affirm_aller_retour([true, false], :identique_boolean)
-# Bytes.
-affirm_aller_retour([MIN_I8, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I8], :identique_i8)
-affirm_aller_retour([0x00, 0x12, 0xFF], :identique_u8)
-# Shorts
-affirm_aller_retour([MIN_I16, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I16], :identique_i16)
-affirm_aller_retour([0x0000, 0x1234, 0xFFFF], :identique_u16)
-# Ints
-affirm_aller_retour([MIN_I32, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I32], :identique_i32)
-affirm_aller_retour([0x00000000, 0x12345678, 0xFFFFFFFF], :identique_u32)
-# Longs
-affirm_aller_retour([MIN_I64, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I64], :identique_i64)
-affirm_aller_retour([0x0000000000000000, 0x1234567890ABCDEF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF], :identique_u64)
-# Floats
-affirm_aller_retour([0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 1.0, F32_ONE_THIRD], :identique_float)
-# Doubles
- [0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 1.0, 1.0 / 3, Float::MAX, Float::MIN],
- :identique_double
-# Strings
- ['', 'abc', 'été', 'ښي لاس ته لوستلو لوستل',
- '😻emoji 👨‍👧‍👦multi-emoji, 🇨🇭a flag, a canal, panama'],
- :identique_string
-# Test one way across the FFI.
-# We send one representation of a value to, and it transforms it into another, a string.
-# sends the string back, and then we compare here in ruby.
-# This shows that the values are transformed into strings the same way in both ruby and rust.
-# i.e. if we assume that the string return works (we test this assumption elsewhere)
-# we show that lowering from ruby and lifting into rust has values that both ruby and rust
-# both stringify in the same way. i.e. the same values.
-# If we roundtripping proves the symmetry of our lowering/lifting from here to rust, and lowering/lifting from rust to here,
-# and this convinces us that lowering/lifting from here to rust is correct, then
-# together, we've shown the correctness of the return leg.
-ST =
-def affirm_enchaine(vals, fn_name)
- vals.each do |v|
- str_v = ST.public_send fn_name, v
- assert_equal v.to_s, str_v, "String compare error #{v} => #{str_v}"
- end
-# Test the efficacy of the string transport from rust. If this fails, but everything else
-# works, then things are very weird.
-assert_equal ST.well_known_string('ruby'), 'uniffi 💚 ruby!'
-# Booleans
-affirm_enchaine([true, false], :to_string_boolean)
-# Bytes.
-affirm_enchaine([MIN_I8, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I8], :to_string_i8)
-affirm_enchaine([0x00, 0x12, 0xFF], :to_string_u8)
-# Shorts
-affirm_enchaine([MIN_I16, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I16], :to_string_i16)
-affirm_enchaine([0x0000, 0x1234, 0xFFFF], :to_string_u16)
-# Ints
-affirm_enchaine([MIN_I32, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I32], :to_string_i32)
-affirm_enchaine([0x00000000, 0x12345678, 0xFFFFFFFF], :to_string_u32)
-# Longs
-affirm_enchaine([MIN_I64, -1, 0, 1, MAX_I64], :to_string_i64)
-affirm_enchaine([0x0000000000000000, 0x1234567890ABCDEF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF], :to_string_u64)
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.swift b/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index d9f47058ed..0000000000
--- a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-import rondpoint
-let dico = Dictionnaire(un: .deux, deux: false, petitNombre: 0, grosNombre: 123456789)
-let copyDico = copieDictionnaire(d: dico)
-assert(dico == copyDico)
-assert(copieEnumeration(e: .deux) == .deux)
-assert(copieEnumerations(e: [.un, .deux]) == [.un, .deux])
- ["0": .zero,
- "1": .un(premier: 1),
- "2": .deux(premier: 2, second: "deux")
-]) == [
- "0": .zero,
- "1": .un(premier: 1),
- "2": .deux(premier: 2, second: "deux")
-assert( != EnumerationAvecDonnees.un(premier: 1))
-assert(EnumerationAvecDonnees.un(premier: 1) == EnumerationAvecDonnees.un(premier: 1))
-assert(EnumerationAvecDonnees.un(premier: 1) != EnumerationAvecDonnees.un(premier: 2))
-assert(switcheroo(b: false))
-// Test the roundtrip across the FFI.
-// This shows that the values we send come back in exactly the same state as we sent them.
-// i.e. it shows that lowering from swift and lifting into rust is symmetrical with
-// lowering from rust and lifting into swift.
-let rt = Retourneur()
-// Booleans
-[true, false].affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueBoolean)
-// Bytes.
-[.min, .max].affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueI8)
-[0x00, 0xFF].map { $0 as UInt8 }.affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueU8)
-// Shorts
-[.min, .max].affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueI16)
-[0x0000, 0xFFFF].map { $0 as UInt16 }.affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueU16)
-// Ints
-[0, 1, -1, .min, .max].affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueI32)
-[0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF].map { $0 as UInt32 }.affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueU32)
-// Longs
-[.zero, 1, -1, .min, .max].affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueI64)
-[.zero, 1, .min, .max].affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueU64)
-// Floats
-[.zero, 1, 0.25, .leastNonzeroMagnitude, .greatestFiniteMagnitude].affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueFloat)
-// Doubles
-[0.0, 1.0, .leastNonzeroMagnitude, .greatestFiniteMagnitude].affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueDouble)
-// Strings
-["", "abc", "null\0byte", "été", "ښي لاس ته لوستلو لوستل", "😻emoji 👨‍👧‍👦multi-emoji, 🇨🇭a flag, a canal, panama"]
- .affirmAllerRetour(rt.identiqueString)
-// Test one way across the FFI.
-// We send one representation of a value to, and it transforms it into another, a string.
-// sends the string back, and then we compare here in swift.
-// This shows that the values are transformed into strings the same way in both swift and rust.
-// i.e. if we assume that the string return works (we test this assumption elsewhere)
-// we show that lowering from swift and lifting into rust has values that both swift and rust
-// both stringify in the same way. i.e. the same values.
-// If we roundtripping proves the symmetry of our lowering/lifting from here to rust, and lowering/lifting from rust t here,
-// and this convinces us that lowering/lifting from here to rust is correct, then
-// together, we've shown the correctness of the return leg.
-let st = Stringifier()
-// Test the effigacy of the string transport from rust. If this fails, but everything else
-// works, then things are very weird.
-let wellKnown = st.wellKnownString(value: "swift")
-assert("uniffi 💚 swift!" == wellKnown, "wellKnownString 'uniffi 💚 swift!' == '\(wellKnown)'")
-// Booleans
-[true, false].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringBoolean)
-// Bytes.
-[.min, .max].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringI8)
-[.min, .max].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringU8)
-// Shorts
-[.min, .max].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringI16)
-[.min, .max].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringU16)
-// Ints
-[0, 1, -1, .min, .max].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringI32)
-[0, 1, .min, .max].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringU32)
-// Longs
-[.zero, 1, -1, .min, .max].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringI64)
-[.zero, 1, .min, .max].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringU64)
-// Floats
-[.zero, 1, -1, .leastNonzeroMagnitude, .greatestFiniteMagnitude].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringFloat) { Float.init($0) == $1 }
-// Doubles
-[.zero, 1, -1, .leastNonzeroMagnitude, .greatestFiniteMagnitude].affirmEnchaine(st.toStringDouble) { Double.init($0) == $1 }
-// Some extension functions for testing the results of roundtripping and stringifying
-extension Array where Element: Equatable {
- static func defaultEquals(_ observed: String, expected: Element) -> Bool {
- let exp = "\(expected)"
- return observed == exp
- }
- func affirmEnchaine(_ fn: (Element) -> String, equals: (String, Element) -> Bool = defaultEquals) {
- self.forEach { v in
- let obs = fn(v)
- assert(equals(obs, v), "toString_\(type(of:v))(\(v)): observed=\(obs), expected=\(v)")
- }
- }
- func affirmAllerRetour(_ fn: (Element) -> Element) {
- self.forEach { v in
- assert(fn(v) == v, "identique_\(type(of:v))(\(v))")
- }
- }
-// Prove to ourselves that default arguments are being used.
-// Step 1: call the methods without arguments, and check against the UDL.
-let op = Optionneur()
-assert(op.sinonString() == "default")
-assert(op.sinonBoolean() == false)
-assert(op.sinonSequence() == [])
-// optionals
-assert(op.sinonNull() == nil)
-assert(op.sinonZero() == 0)
-// decimal integers
-assert(op.sinonU8Dec() == UInt8(42))
-assert(op.sinonI8Dec() == Int8(-42))
-assert(op.sinonU16Dec() == UInt16(42))
-assert(op.sinonI16Dec() == Int16(42))
-assert(op.sinonU32Dec() == UInt32(42))
-assert(op.sinonI32Dec() == Int32(42))
-assert(op.sinonU64Dec() == UInt64(42))
-assert(op.sinonI64Dec() == Int64(42))
-// hexadecimal integers
-assert(op.sinonU8Hex() == UInt8(0xff))
-assert(op.sinonI8Hex() == Int8(-0x7f))
-assert(op.sinonU16Hex() == UInt16(0xffff))
-assert(op.sinonI16Hex() == Int16(0x7f))
-assert(op.sinonU32Hex() == UInt32(0xffffffff))
-assert(op.sinonI32Hex() == Int32(0x7fffffff))
-assert(op.sinonU64Hex() == UInt64(0xffffffffffffffff))
-assert(op.sinonI64Hex() == Int64(0x7fffffffffffffff))
-// octal integers
-assert(op.sinonU32Oct() == UInt32(0o755))
-// floats
-assert(op.sinonF32() == 42.0)
-assert(op.sinonF64() == Double(42.1))
-// enums
-assert(op.sinonEnum() == .trois)
-// Step 2. Convince ourselves that if we pass something else, then that changes the output.
-// We have shown something coming out of the sinon methods, but without eyeballing the Rust
-// we can't be sure that the arguments will change the return value.
-["foo", "bar"].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonString)
-[true, false].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonBoolean)
-[["a", "b"], []].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonSequence)
-// optionals
-["0", "1"].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonNull)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonZero)
-// integers
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonU8Dec)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonI8Dec)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonU16Dec)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonI16Dec)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonU32Dec)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonI32Dec)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonU64Dec)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonI64Dec)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonU8Hex)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonI8Hex)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonU16Hex)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonI16Hex)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonU32Hex)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonI32Hex)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonU64Hex)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonI64Hex)
-[0, 1].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonU32Oct)
-// floats
-[0.0, 1.0].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonF32)
-[0.0, 1.0].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonF64)
-// enums
-[.un, .deux, .trois].affirmAllerRetour(op.sinonEnum)
-// Testing defaulting properties in record types.
-let defaultes = OptionneurDictionnaire()
-let explicites = OptionneurDictionnaire(
- i8Var: Int8(-8),
- u8Var: UInt8(8),
- i16Var: Int16(-16),
- u16Var: UInt16(0x10),
- i32Var: -32,
- u32Var: UInt32(32),
- i64Var: Int64(-64),
- u64Var: UInt64(64),
- floatVar: Float(4.0),
- doubleVar: Double(8.0),
- booleanVar: true,
- stringVar: "default",
- listVar: [],
- enumerationVar: .deux,
- dictionnaireVar: nil
-// …and makes sure they travel across and back the FFI.
-assert(defaultes == explicites)
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/ b/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/
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index d337374334..0000000000
--- a/third_party/rust/uniffi-example-rondpoint/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.kts",
- "tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.swift",
- "tests/bindings/",
- "tests/bindings/test_rondpoint.rb",