path: root/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceImpl.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceImpl.kt')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceImpl.kt b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceImpl.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30a39d9afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceImpl.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+{% if self.include_once_check("CallbackInterfaceRuntime.kt") %}{% include "CallbackInterfaceRuntime.kt" %}{% endif %}
+{%- let trait_impl=format!("uniffiCallbackInterface{}", name) %}
+// Put the implementation in an object so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
+internal object {{ trait_impl }} {
+ {%- for (ffi_callback, meth) in vtable_methods.iter() %}
+ internal object {{|var_name }}: {{|ffi_callback_name }} {
+ override fun callback(
+ {%- for arg in ffi_callback.arguments() -%}
+ {{|var_name }}: {{ arg.type_().borrow()|ffi_type_name_by_value }},
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {%- if ffi_callback.has_rust_call_status_arg() -%}
+ uniffiCallStatus: UniffiRustCallStatus,
+ {%- endif -%}
+ )
+ {%- match ffi_callback.return_type() %}
+ {%- when Some(return_type) %}: {{ return_type|ffi_type_name_by_value }},
+ {%- when None %}
+ {%- endmatch %} {
+ val uniffiObj = {{ ffi_converter_name }}.handleMap.get(uniffiHandle)
+ val makeCall = {% if meth.is_async() %}suspend {% endif %}{ ->
+ uniffiObj.{{|fn_name() }}(
+ {%- for arg in meth.arguments() %}
+ {{ arg|lift_fn }}({{|var_name }}),
+ {%- endfor %}
+ )
+ }
+ {%- if !meth.is_async() %}
+ {%- match meth.return_type() %}
+ {%- when Some(return_type) %}
+ val writeReturn = { value: {{ return_type|type_name(ci) }} -> uniffiOutReturn.setValue({{ return_type|lower_fn }}(value)) }
+ {%- when None %}
+ val writeReturn = { _: Unit -> Unit }
+ {%- endmatch %}
+ {%- match meth.throws_type() %}
+ {%- when None %}
+ uniffiTraitInterfaceCall(uniffiCallStatus, makeCall, writeReturn)
+ {%- when Some(error_type) %}
+ uniffiTraitInterfaceCallWithError(
+ uniffiCallStatus,
+ makeCall,
+ writeReturn,
+ { e: {{error_type|type_name(ci) }} -> {{ error_type|lower_fn }}(e) }
+ )
+ {%- endmatch %}
+ {%- else %}
+ val uniffiHandleSuccess = { {% if meth.return_type().is_some() %}returnValue{% else %}_{% endif %}: {% match meth.return_type() %}{%- when Some(return_type) %}{{ return_type|type_name(ci) }}{%- when None %}Unit{% endmatch %} ->
+ val uniffiResult = {{ meth.foreign_future_ffi_result_struct().name()|ffi_struct_name }}.UniffiByValue(
+ {%- match meth.return_type() %}
+ {%- when Some(return_type) %}
+ {{ return_type|lower_fn }}(returnValue),
+ {%- when None %}
+ {%- endmatch %}
+ UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue()
+ )
+ uniffiResult.write()
+ uniffiFutureCallback.callback(uniffiCallbackData, uniffiResult)
+ }
+ val uniffiHandleError = { callStatus: UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue ->
+ uniffiFutureCallback.callback(
+ uniffiCallbackData,
+ {{ meth.foreign_future_ffi_result_struct().name()|ffi_struct_name }}.UniffiByValue(
+ {%- match meth.return_type() %}
+ {%- when Some(return_type) %}
+ {{ return_type.into()|ffi_default_value }},
+ {%- when None %}
+ {%- endmatch %}
+ callStatus,
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ uniffiOutReturn.uniffiSetValue(
+ {%- match meth.throws_type() %}
+ {%- when None %}
+ uniffiTraitInterfaceCallAsync(
+ makeCall,
+ uniffiHandleSuccess,
+ uniffiHandleError
+ )
+ {%- when Some(error_type) %}
+ uniffiTraitInterfaceCallAsyncWithError(
+ makeCall,
+ uniffiHandleSuccess,
+ uniffiHandleError,
+ { e: {{error_type|type_name(ci) }} -> {{ error_type|lower_fn }}(e) }
+ )
+ {%- endmatch %}
+ )
+ {%- endif %}
+ }
+ }
+ {%- endfor %}
+ internal object uniffiFree: {{ "CallbackInterfaceFree"|ffi_callback_name }} {
+ override fun callback(handle: Long) {
+ {{ ffi_converter_name }}.handleMap.remove(handle)
+ }
+ }
+ internal var vtable = {{ vtable|ffi_type_name_by_value }}(
+ {%- for (ffi_callback, meth) in vtable_methods.iter() %}
+ {{|var_name() }},
+ {%- endfor %}
+ uniffiFree,
+ )
+ // Registers the foreign callback with the Rust side.
+ // This method is generated for each callback interface.
+ internal fun register(lib: UniffiLib) {
+ lib.{{ }}(vtable)
+ }