path: root/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceTemplate.kt
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1 files changed, 12 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceTemplate.kt b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceTemplate.kt
index 5a29f0acc3..d2cdee4f33 100644
--- a/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceTemplate.kt
+++ b/third_party/rust/uniffi_bindgen/src/bindings/kotlin/templates/CallbackInterfaceTemplate.kt
@@ -1,129 +1,13 @@
{%- let cbi = ci|get_callback_interface_definition(name) %}
-{%- let type_name = cbi|type_name(ci) %}
-{%- let foreign_callback = format!("ForeignCallback{}", canonical_type_name) %}
-{% if self.include_once_check("CallbackInterfaceRuntime.kt") %}{% include "CallbackInterfaceRuntime.kt" %}{% endif %}
-{{- self.add_import("java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong") }}
-{{- self.add_import("java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock") }}
-{{- self.add_import("kotlin.concurrent.withLock") }}
-// Declaration and FfiConverters for {{ type_name }} Callback Interface
-public interface {{ type_name }} {
- {% for meth in cbi.methods() -%}
- fun {{|fn_name }}({% call kt::arg_list_decl(meth) %})
- {%- match meth.return_type() -%}
- {%- when Some with (return_type) %}: {{ return_type|type_name(ci) -}}
- {%- else -%}
- {%- endmatch %}
- {% endfor %}
- companion object
-// The ForeignCallback that is passed to Rust.
-internal class {{ foreign_callback }} : ForeignCallback {
- @Suppress("TooGenericExceptionCaught")
- override fun callback(handle: Handle, method: Int, argsData: Pointer, argsLen: Int, outBuf: RustBufferByReference): Int {
- val cb = {{ ffi_converter_name }}.lift(handle)
- return when (method) {
- {{ ffi_converter_name }}.drop(handle)
- // Successful return
- // See docs of ForeignCallback in `uniffi_core/src/ffi/`
- }
- {% for meth in cbi.methods() -%}
- {% let method_name = format!("invoke_{}",|fn_name -%}
- {{ loop.index }} -> {
- // Call the method, write to outBuf and return a status code
- // See docs of ForeignCallback in `uniffi_core/src/ffi/` for info
- try {
- this.{{ method_name }}(cb, argsData, argsLen, outBuf)
- } catch (e: Throwable) {
- // Unexpected error
- try {
- // Try to serialize the error into a string
- outBuf.setValue({{ Type::String.borrow()|ffi_converter_name }}.lower(e.toString()))
- } catch (e: Throwable) {
- // If that fails, then it's time to give up and just return
- }
- }
- }
- {% endfor %}
- else -> {
- // An unexpected error happened.
- // See docs of ForeignCallback in `uniffi_core/src/ffi/`
- try {
- // Try to serialize the error into a string
- outBuf.setValue({{ Type::String.borrow()|ffi_converter_name }}.lower("Invalid Callback index"))
- } catch (e: Throwable) {
- // If that fails, then it's time to give up and just return
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {% for meth in cbi.methods() -%}
- {% let method_name = format!("invoke_{}",|fn_name %}
- private fun {{ method_name }}(kotlinCallbackInterface: {{ type_name }}, argsData: Pointer, argsLen: Int, outBuf: RustBufferByReference): Int {
- {%- if meth.arguments().len() > 0 %}
- val argsBuf = argsData.getByteBuffer(0, argsLen.toLong()).also {
- it.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)
- }
- {%- endif %}
- {%- match meth.return_type() %}
- {%- when Some with (return_type) %}
- fun makeCall() : Int {
- val returnValue = kotlinCallbackInterface.{{|fn_name }}(
- {%- for arg in meth.arguments() %}
- {{ arg|read_fn }}(argsBuf)
- {% if !loop.last %}, {% endif %}
- {%- endfor %}
- )
- outBuf.setValue({{ return_type|ffi_converter_name }}.lowerIntoRustBuffer(returnValue))
- }
- {%- when None %}
- fun makeCall() : Int {
- kotlinCallbackInterface.{{|fn_name }}(
- {%- for arg in meth.arguments() %}
- {{ arg|read_fn }}(argsBuf)
- {%- if !loop.last %}, {% endif %}
- {%- endfor %}
- )
- }
- {%- endmatch %}
- {%- match meth.throws_type() %}
- {%- when None %}
- fun makeCallAndHandleError() : Int = makeCall()
- {%- when Some(error_type) %}
- fun makeCallAndHandleError() : Int = try {
- makeCall()
- } catch (e: {{ error_type|type_name(ci) }}) {
- // Expected error, serialize it into outBuf
- outBuf.setValue({{ error_type|ffi_converter_name }}.lowerIntoRustBuffer(e))
- }
- {%- endmatch %}
- return makeCallAndHandleError()
- }
- {% endfor %}
-// The ffiConverter which transforms the Callbacks in to Handles to pass to Rust.
-public object {{ ffi_converter_name }}: FfiConverterCallbackInterface<{{ type_name }}>(
- foreignCallback = {{ foreign_callback }}()
-) {
- override fun register(lib: _UniFFILib) {
- rustCall() { status ->
- lib.{{ cbi.ffi_init_callback().name() }}(this.foreignCallback, status)
- }
- }
+{%- let ffi_init_callback = cbi.ffi_init_callback() %}
+{%- let interface_name = cbi|type_name(ci) %}
+{%- let interface_docstring = cbi.docstring() %}
+{%- let methods = cbi.methods() %}
+{%- let vtable = cbi.vtable() %}
+{%- let vtable_methods = cbi.vtable_methods() %}
+{% include "Interface.kt" %}
+{% include "CallbackInterfaceImpl.kt" %}
+// The ffiConverter which transforms the Callbacks in to handles to pass to Rust.
+public object {{ ffi_converter_name }}: FfiConverterCallbackInterface<{{ interface_name }}>()