path: root/toolkit/crashreporter/client/app/src/ui/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/crashreporter/client/app/src/ui/')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/client/app/src/ui/ b/toolkit/crashreporter/client/app/src/ui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8464b6a9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/client/app/src/ui/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+//! The UI model, UI implementations, and functions using them.
+//! UIs must implement:
+//! * a `fn run_loop(&self, app: model::Application)` method which should display the UI and block while
+//! handling events until the application terminates,
+//! * a `fn invoke(&self, f: model::InvokeFn)` method which invokes the given function
+//! asynchronously (without blocking) on the UI loop thread.
+use crate::std::{rc::Rc, sync::Arc};
+use crate::{
+ async_task::AsyncTask, config::Config, data, logic::ReportCrash, settings::Settings, std,
+ thread_bound::ThreadBound,
+use model::{ui, Application};
+use ui_impl::UI;
+mod model;
+#[cfg(all(not(test), any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "windows")))]
+mod icon {
+ // Must be DWORD-aligned for Win32 CreateIconFromResource.
+ #[repr(align(4))]
+ struct Aligned<Bytes: ?Sized>(Bytes);
+ static PNG_DATA_ALIGNMENT: &'static Aligned<[u8]> =
+ &Aligned(*include_bytes!("crashreporter.png"));
+ pub static PNG_DATA: &'static [u8] = &PNG_DATA_ALIGNMENT.0;
+pub mod test {
+ pub mod model {
+ pub use crate::ui::model::*;
+ }
+cfg_if::cfg_if! {
+ if #[cfg(test)] {
+ #[path = ""]
+ pub mod ui_impl;
+ } else if #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] {
+ #[path = ""]
+ mod ui_impl;
+ } else if #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] {
+ #[path = "windows/"]
+ mod ui_impl;
+ } else if #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] {
+ #[path = "macos/"]
+ mod ui_impl;
+ } else {
+ mod ui_impl {
+ #[derive(Default)]
+ pub struct UI;
+ impl UI {
+ pub fn run_loop(&self, _app: super::model::Application) {
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ pub fn invoke(&self, _f: super::model::InvokeFn) {
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Display an error dialog with the given message.
+#[cfg_attr(mock, allow(unused))]
+pub fn error_dialog<M: std::fmt::Display>(config: &Config, message: M) {
+ let close = data::Event::default();
+ // Config may not have localized strings
+ let string_or = |name, fallback: &str| {
+ if config.strings.is_none() {
+ fallback.into()
+ } else {
+ config.string(name)
+ }
+ };
+ let details = if config.strings.is_none() {
+ format!("Details: {}", message)
+ } else {
+ config
+ .build_string("crashreporter-error-details")
+ .arg("details", message.to_string())
+ .get()
+ };
+ let window = ui! {
+ Window title(string_or("crashreporter-branded-title", "Firefox Crash Reporter")) hsize(600) vsize(400)
+ close_when(&close) halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill) {
+ VBox margin(10) spacing(10) halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill) {
+ Label text(string_or(
+ "crashreporter-error",
+ "The application had a problem and crashed. \
+ Unfortunately, the crash reporter is unable to submit a report for the crash."
+ )),
+ Label text(details),
+ Button["close"] halign(Alignment::End) on_click(move || {
+ Label text(string_or("crashreporter-button-close", "Close"))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ UI::default().run_loop(Application {
+ windows: vec![window],
+ rtl: config.is_rtl(),
+ });
+#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum SubmitState {
+ #[default]
+ Initial,
+ InProgress,
+ Success,
+ Failure,
+/// The UI for the main crash reporter windows.
+pub struct ReportCrashUI {
+ state: Arc<ThreadBound<ReportCrashUIState>>,
+ ui: Arc<UI>,
+ config: Arc<Config>,
+ logic: Rc<AsyncTask<ReportCrash>>,
+/// The state of the creash UI.
+pub struct ReportCrashUIState {
+ pub send_report: data::Synchronized<bool>,
+ pub include_address: data::Synchronized<bool>,
+ pub show_details: data::Synchronized<bool>,
+ pub details: data::Synchronized<String>,
+ pub comment: data::OnDemand<String>,
+ pub submit_state: data::Synchronized<SubmitState>,
+ pub close_window: data::Event<()>,
+impl ReportCrashUI {
+ pub fn new(
+ initial_settings: &Settings,
+ config: Arc<Config>,
+ logic: AsyncTask<ReportCrash>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ let send_report = data::Synchronized::new(initial_settings.submit_report);
+ let include_address = data::Synchronized::new(initial_settings.include_url);
+ ReportCrashUI {
+ state: Arc::new(ThreadBound::new(ReportCrashUIState {
+ send_report,
+ include_address,
+ show_details: Default::default(),
+ details: Default::default(),
+ comment: Default::default(),
+ submit_state: Default::default(),
+ close_window: Default::default(),
+ })),
+ ui: Default::default(),
+ config,
+ logic: Rc::new(logic),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn async_task(&self) -> AsyncTask<ReportCrashUIState> {
+ let state = self.state.clone();
+ let ui = Arc::downgrade(&self.ui);
+ AsyncTask::new(move |f| {
+ let Some(ui) = ui.upgrade() else { return };
+ ui.invoke(Box::new(cc! { (state) move || {
+ f(state.borrow());
+ }}));
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn run(&self) {
+ let ReportCrashUI {
+ state,
+ ui,
+ config,
+ logic,
+ } = self;
+ let ReportCrashUIState {
+ send_report,
+ include_address,
+ show_details,
+ details,
+ comment,
+ submit_state,
+ close_window,
+ } = state.borrow();
+ send_report.on_change(cc! { (logic) move |v| {
+ let v = *v;
+ logic.push(move |s| s.settings.borrow_mut().submit_report = v);
+ }});
+ include_address.on_change(cc! { (logic) move |v| {
+ let v = *v;
+ logic.push(move |s| s.settings.borrow_mut().include_url = v);
+ }});
+ let input_enabled = submit_state.mapped(|s| s == &SubmitState::Initial);
+ let send_report_and_input_enabled =
+ data::Synchronized::join(send_report, &input_enabled, |s, e| *s && *e);
+ let submit_status_text = submit_state.mapped(cc! { (config) move |s| {
+ config.string(match s {
+ SubmitState::Initial => "crashreporter-submit-status",
+ SubmitState::InProgress => "crashreporter-submit-in-progress",
+ SubmitState::Success => "crashreporter-submit-success",
+ SubmitState::Failure => "crashreporter-submit-failure",
+ })
+ }});
+ let progress_visible = submit_state.mapped(|s| s == &SubmitState::InProgress);
+ let details_window = ui! {
+ Window["crash-details-window"] title(config.string("crashreporter-view-report-title"))
+ visible(show_details) modal(true) hsize(600) vsize(400)
+ halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill)
+ {
+ VBox margin(10) spacing(10) halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill) {
+ Scroll halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill) {
+ TextBox["details-text"] content(details) halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill)
+ },
+ Button["close-details"] halign(Alignment::End) on_click(cc! { (show_details) move || *show_details.borrow_mut() = false }) {
+ Label text(config.string("crashreporter-button-ok"))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let main_window = ui! {
+ Window title(config.string("crashreporter-branded-title")) hsize(600) vsize(400)
+ halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill) close_when(close_window)
+ child_window(details_window)
+ {
+ VBox margin(10) spacing(10) halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill) {
+ Label text(config.string("crashreporter-apology")) bold(true),
+ Label text(config.string("crashreporter-crashed-and-restore")),
+ Label text(config.string("crashreporter-plea")),
+ Checkbox["send"] checked(send_report) label(config.string("crashreporter-send-report"))
+ enabled(&input_enabled),
+ VBox margin_start(20) spacing(5) halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill) {
+ Button["details"] enabled(&send_report_and_input_enabled) on_click(cc! { (config, details, show_details, logic) move || {
+ // Immediately display the window to feel responsive, even if forming
+ // the details string takes a little while (it really shouldn't
+ // though).
+ *details.borrow_mut() = config.string("crashreporter-loading-details");
+ logic.push(|s| s.update_details());
+ *show_details.borrow_mut() = true;
+ }})
+ {
+ Label text(config.string("crashreporter-button-details"))
+ },
+ Scroll halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill) {
+ TextBox["comment"] placeholder(config.string("crashreporter-comment-prompt"))
+ content(comment)
+ editable(true)
+ enabled(&send_report_and_input_enabled)
+ halign(Alignment::Fill) valign(Alignment::Fill)
+ },
+ Checkbox["include-url"] checked(include_address)
+ label(config.string("crashreporter-include-url")) enabled(&send_report_and_input_enabled),
+ Label text(&submit_status_text) margin_top(20),
+ Progress halign(Alignment::Fill) visible(&progress_visible),
+ },
+ HBox valign(Alignment::End) halign(Alignment::End) spacing(10) affirmative_order(true)
+ {
+ Button["restart"] visible(config.restart_command.is_some())
+ on_click(cc! { (logic) move || logic.push(|s| s.restart()) })
+ enabled(&input_enabled) hsize(160)
+ {
+ Label text(config.string("crashreporter-button-restart"))
+ },
+ Button["quit"] on_click(cc! { (logic) move || logic.push(|s| s.quit()) })
+ enabled(&input_enabled) hsize(160)
+ {
+ Label text(config.string("crashreporter-button-quit"))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ui.run_loop(Application {
+ windows: vec![main_window],
+ rtl: config.is_rtl(),
+ });
+ }