path: root/toolkit/crashreporter/client/app/src/ui/model/
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1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/client/app/src/ui/model/ b/toolkit/crashreporter/client/app/src/ui/model/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ea2ddc59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/client/app/src/ui/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+//! The UI model.
+//! Model elements should generally be declared as types with all fields `pub` (to be accessed by
+//! UI implementations), though accessor methods are acceptable if needed. An
+//! `ElementBuilder<TYPE>` impl should be provided to create methods that will be used in the
+//! [`ui!`] macro. The model types are accessible when being _consumed_ by a UI implementation,
+//! whereas the `ElementBuilder` types are accessible when the model is being _created_.
+//! All elements should be listed in the `element_types!` macro in this file (note that [`Window`],
+//! while an element, isn't listed here as it cannot be a child element). This populates the
+//! `ElementType` enum and generates `From<Element>` for `ElementType`, and `TryFrom<ElementType>`
+//! for the element (as well as reference `TryFrom`).
+//! The model is written to accommodate layout and text direction differences (e.g. for RTL
+//! languages), and UI implementations are expected to account for this correctly.
+use crate::data::Property;
+pub use button::Button;
+pub use checkbox::Checkbox;
+pub use hbox::HBox;
+pub use label::Label;
+pub use progress::Progress;
+pub use scroll::Scroll;
+pub use textbox::TextBox;
+pub use vbox::VBox;
+pub use window::Window;
+mod button;
+mod checkbox;
+mod hbox;
+mod label;
+mod progress;
+mod scroll;
+mod textbox;
+mod vbox;
+mod window;
+/// A GUI element, including general style attributes and a more specific type.
+/// `From<ElementBuilder<...>>` is implemented for all elements listed in `element_types!`.
+pub struct Element {
+ pub style: ElementStyle,
+ pub element_type: ElementType,
+// This macro creates the `ElementType` enum and corresponding `From<ElementBuilder>` impls for
+// Element. The `ElementType` discriminants match the element type names.
+macro_rules! element_types {
+ ( $($name:ident),* ) => {
+ /// A type of GUI element.
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ pub enum ElementType {
+ $($name($name)),*
+ }
+ $(
+ impl From<$name> for ElementType {
+ fn from(e: $name) -> ElementType {
+ ElementType::$name(e)
+ }
+ }
+ impl TryFrom<ElementType> for $name {
+ type Error = &'static str;
+ fn try_from(et: ElementType) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ if let ElementType::$name(v) = et {
+ Ok(v)
+ } else {
+ Err(concat!("ElementType was not ", stringify!($name)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a ElementType> for &'a $name {
+ type Error = &'static str;
+ fn try_from(et: &'a ElementType) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ if let ElementType::$name(v) = et {
+ Ok(v)
+ } else {
+ Err(concat!("ElementType was not ", stringify!($name)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl From<ElementBuilder<$name>> for Element {
+ fn from(b: ElementBuilder<$name>) -> Self {
+ Element {
+ style:,
+ element_type: b.element_type.into(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )*
+ }
+element_types! {
+ Button, Checkbox, HBox, Label, Progress, Scroll, TextBox, VBox
+/// Common element style values.
+pub struct ElementStyle {
+ pub horizontal_alignment: Alignment,
+ pub vertical_alignment: Alignment,
+ pub horizontal_size_request: Option<u32>,
+ pub vertical_size_request: Option<u32>,
+ pub margin: Margin,
+ pub visible: Property<bool>,
+ pub enabled: Property<bool>,
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ pub id: Option<String>,
+impl Default for ElementStyle {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ ElementStyle {
+ horizontal_alignment: Default::default(),
+ vertical_alignment: Default::default(),
+ horizontal_size_request: Default::default(),
+ vertical_size_request: Default::default(),
+ margin: Default::default(),
+ visible: true.into(),
+ enabled: true.into(),
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ id: Default::default(),
+ }
+ }
+/// A builder for `Element`s.
+/// Each element should add an `impl ElementBuilder<TYPE>` to add methods to their builder.
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct ElementBuilder<T> {
+ pub style: ElementStyle,
+ pub element_type: T,
+impl<T> ElementBuilder<T> {
+ /// Set horizontal alignment.
+ pub fn halign(&mut self, alignment: Alignment) {
+ = alignment;
+ }
+ /// Set vertical alignment.
+ pub fn valign(&mut self, alignment: Alignment) {
+ = alignment;
+ }
+ /// Set the horizontal size request.
+ pub fn hsize(&mut self, value: u32) {
+ assert!(value <= i32::MAX as u32);
+ = Some(value);
+ }
+ /// Set the vertical size request.
+ pub fn vsize(&mut self, value: u32) {
+ assert!(value <= i32::MAX as u32);
+ = Some(value);
+ }
+ /// Set start margin.
+ pub fn margin_start(&mut self, amount: u32) {
+ = amount;
+ }
+ /// Set end margin.
+ pub fn margin_end(&mut self, amount: u32) {
+ = amount;
+ }
+ /// Set start and end margins.
+ pub fn margin_horizontal(&mut self, amount: u32) {
+ self.margin_start(amount);
+ self.margin_end(amount)
+ }
+ /// Set top margin.
+ pub fn margin_top(&mut self, amount: u32) {
+ = amount;
+ }
+ /// Set bottom margin.
+ pub fn margin_bottom(&mut self, amount: u32) {
+ = amount;
+ }
+ /// Set top and bottom margins.
+ pub fn margin_vertical(&mut self, amount: u32) {
+ self.margin_top(amount);
+ self.margin_bottom(amount)
+ }
+ /// Set all margins.
+ pub fn margin(&mut self, amount: u32) {
+ self.margin_horizontal(amount);
+ self.margin_vertical(amount)
+ }
+ /// Set visibility.
+ pub fn visible(&mut self, value: impl Into<Property<bool>>) {
+ = value.into();
+ }
+ /// Set whether an element is enabled.
+ ///
+ /// This generally should enable/disable interaction with an element.
+ pub fn enabled(&mut self, value: impl Into<Property<bool>>) {
+ = value.into();
+ }
+ /// Set the element identifier.
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ pub fn id(&mut self, value: impl Into<String>) {
+ = Some(value.into());
+ }
+ /// Set the element identifier (stub).
+ #[cfg(not(test))]
+ pub fn id(&mut self, _value: impl Into<String>) {}
+ fn single_child(slot: &mut Option<Box<Element>>, child: Element) {
+ if slot.replace(Box::new(child)).is_some() {
+ panic!("{} can only have one child", std::any::type_name::<T>());
+ }
+ }
+/// A typed [`Element`].
+/// This is useful for the [`ui!`] macro when a method should accept a specific element type, since
+/// the macro always creates [`ElementBuilder<T>`](ElementBuilder) and ends with a `.into()` (and this implements
+/// `From<ElementBuilder<T>>`).
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct TypedElement<T> {
+ pub style: ElementStyle,
+ pub element_type: T,
+impl<T> From<ElementBuilder<T>> for TypedElement<T> {
+ fn from(b: ElementBuilder<T>) -> Self {
+ TypedElement {
+ style:,
+ element_type: b.element_type,
+ }
+ }
+/// The alignment of an element in one direction.
+/// Note that rather than `Left`/`Right`, this class has `Start`/`End` as it is meant to be
+/// layout-direction-aware.
+#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum Alignment {
+ /// Align to the start of the direction.
+ #[default]
+ Start,
+ /// Align to the center of the direction.
+ Center,
+ /// Align to the end of the direction.
+ End,
+ /// Fill all available space.
+ Fill,
+/// The margins of an element.
+/// These are RTL-aware: for instance, `start` is the left margin in left-to-right languages and
+/// the right margin in right-to-left languages.
+#[derive(Default, Debug)]
+pub struct Margin {
+ pub start: u32,
+ pub end: u32,
+ pub top: u32,
+ pub bottom: u32,
+/// A macro to allow a convenient syntax for creating elements.
+/// The macro expects the following syntax:
+/// ```
+/// ElementTypeName some_method(arg1, arg2) other_method() {
+/// Child ...,
+/// Child2 ...
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// The type is wrapped in an `ElementBuilder`, and methods are called on this builder with a
+/// mutable reference. This means that element types must implement Default and must implement
+/// builder methods on `ElementBuilder<ElementTypeName>`. The children block is optional, and calls
+/// `add_child(child: Element)` for each provided child (so implement this method if desired).
+/// For testing, a string identifier can be set on any element with a `["my_identifier"]` following
+/// the element type.
+macro_rules! ui {
+ ( $el:ident
+ $([ $id:literal ])?
+ $( $method:ident $methodargs:tt )*
+ $({ $($contents:tt)* })?
+ ) => {
+ {
+ #[allow(unused_imports)]
+ use $crate::ui::model::*;
+ let mut el: ElementBuilder<$el> = Default::default();
+ $($id); )?
+ $( el.$method $methodargs ; )*
+ $( ui! { @children (el) $($contents)* } )?
+ el.into()
+ }
+ };
+ ( @children ($parent:expr) ) => {};
+ ( @children ($parent:expr)
+ $el:ident
+ $([ $id:literal ])?
+ $( $method:ident $methodargs:tt )*
+ $({ $($contents:tt)* })?
+ $(, $($rest:tt)* )?
+ ) => {
+ $parent.add_child(ui!( $el $([$id])? $( $method $methodargs )* $({ $($contents)* })? ));
+ $(ui!( @children ($parent) $($rest)* ))?
+ };
+pub(crate) use ui;
+/// An application, defined as a set of windows.
+/// When all windows are closed, the application is considered complete (and loops should exit).
+pub struct Application {
+ pub windows: Vec<TypedElement<Window>>,
+ /// Whether the text direction should be right-to-left.
+ pub rtl: bool,
+/// A function to be invoked in the UI loop.
+pub type InvokeFn = Box<dyn FnOnce() + Send + 'static>;