From 40a355a42d4a9444dc753c04c6608dade2f06a23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 03:13:27 +0200 Subject: Adding upstream version 125.0.1. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- .../browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl | 217 ++------------------- l10n-uz/toolkit/crashreporter/crashreporter.ftl | 28 +++ 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-) create mode 100644 l10n-uz/toolkit/crashreporter/crashreporter.ftl (limited to 'l10n-uz') diff --git a/l10n-uz/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl b/l10n-uz/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl index 1886f7426e..3440e84a00 100644 --- a/l10n-uz/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl +++ b/l10n-uz/browser/browser/preferences/preferences.ftl @@ -8,37 +8,27 @@ do-not-track-option-default-content-blocking-known = .label = { -brand-short-name } maʼlum kuzatuvchilarni bloklash uchun sozlanganda do-not-track-option-always = .label = Doimo - managed-notice = Brauzeringiz tashkilotingiz tomonidan boshqariladi. - pane-general-title = Umumiy category-general = .tooltiptext = { pane-general-title } - pane-home-title = Bosh sahifa category-home = .tooltiptext = { pane-home-title } - pane-search-title = Izlash category-search = .tooltiptext = { pane-search-title } - pane-privacy-title = Maxfiylik va xavfsizlik category-privacy = .tooltiptext = { pane-privacy-title } - pane-sync-title3 = Sinxronizatsiya category-sync3 = .tooltiptext = { pane-sync-title3 } - pane-experimental-search-results-header = { -brand-short-name } Tajriba: Ehtiyotkorlik bilan foydalaning - help-button-label = { -brand-short-name } yordami addons-button-label = Kengaytmalar va mavzular - focus-search = .key = f - close-button = .aria-label = Yopish @@ -51,17 +41,6 @@ should-restart-ok = { -brand-short-name }ni hozir qayta ishga tushirish cancel-no-restart-button = Bekor qilish restart-later = Keyinroq qayta ishga tushirish -## Extension Control Notifications -## -## These strings are used to inform the user -## about changes made by extensions to browser settings. -## -## is going to be replaced by the extension icon. -## -## Variables: -## $name (String): name of the extension - - ## Extension Control Notifications ## ## These strings are used to inform the user @@ -76,70 +55,52 @@ restart-later = Keyinroq qayta ishga tushirish ## Preferences UI Search Results search-results-header = Qidiruv natijalari - search-results-help-link = Yordam kerakmi? { -brand-short-name }Yordam sahifasiga kiring ## General Section startup-header = Ishga tushirish - always-check-default = .label = Agar { -brand-short-name } standart brauzeringiz bo‘lsa, doimo tekshirilsin .accesskey = t - is-default = { -brand-short-name } - hozircha standart brauzeringiz is-not-default = { -brand-short-name } - standart brauzeringiz emas - set-as-my-default-browser = .label = Asosiy sifatida o‘rnatish .accesskey = A - startup-restore-windows-and-tabs = .label = Oldingi oyna va varaqlarni ochish .accesskey = O - startup-restore-warn-on-quit = .label = Brauzerdan chiqishda sizni ogohlantiradi - disable-extension = .label = Kengaytmani oʻchirib qoʻyish - tabs-group-header = Varaqlar - ctrl-tab-recently-used-order = .label = Ctrl+Tab yordamida varaqlarga soʻnggi foydalanish tartibida oʻtish mumkin .accesskey = T - open-new-link-as-tabs = .label = Havolalarni yangi oynalarning varaqlarida ochish .accesskey = w - confirm-on-close-multiple-tabs = .label = Bir nechta varaqlarni yopishdan oldin tasdiqlash .accesskey = B - warn-on-open-many-tabs = .label = { -brand-short-name }ni sekinlashtirishi mumkin bo‘lgan bir necha varaqlar ochilayotganda ogohlantirilsin .accesskey = o - switch-to-new-tabs = .label = Ochilgan havola, rasm yoki mediaga oʻtish .accesskey = O - show-tabs-in-taskbar = .label = Varaqlarning umumiy koʻrinishini vazifalar panelida koʻrsatish .accesskey = v - browser-containers-enabled = .label = Konteyner varaqlarini yoqib qoʻyish .accesskey = y - browser-containers-learn-more = Batafsil ma’lumot - browser-containers-settings = .label = Sozlamalar .accesskey = s - containers-disable-alert-title = Barcha Container oynalari yopilsinmi? ## Variables: @@ -150,7 +111,6 @@ containers-disable-alert-desc = [one] Konteyner oynasini o‘chirib qo‘ysangiz, { $tabCount } ta konteyner oynasi yopiladi. *[other] Konteyner oynasini o‘chirib qo‘ysangiz, { $tabCount } ta konteyner oynasi yopiladi. } - containers-disable-alert-ok-button = { $tabCount -> [one] Konteynerda { $tabCount } ta varaqni yopish @@ -160,9 +120,7 @@ containers-disable-alert-ok-button = ## containers-disable-alert-cancel-button = Yoniq qoldirish - containers-remove-alert-title = Bu konteyner olib tashlansinmi? - # Variables: # $count (Number) - Number of tabs that will be closed. containers-remove-alert-msg = @@ -170,61 +128,46 @@ containers-remove-alert-msg = [one] Bu konteynerni olib tashlasangiz, { $count } ta konteyner oynasi yopiladi. Bu konteynerni olib tashlashni xohlaysizmi? *[other] Bu konteynerni olib tashlasangiz, { $count } ta konteyner oynasi yopiladi. Bu konteynerni olib tashlashni xohlaysizmi? } - containers-remove-ok-button = Bu konteynerni olib tashlash containers-remove-cancel-button = Bu konteyner olib tahlanmasin ## General Section - Language & Appearance language-and-appearance-header = Til va interfeys - default-font = Standart shrift .accesskey = S default-font-size = Hajmi .accesskey = H - advanced-fonts = .label = Qo‘shimcha… .accesskey = Q - # Zoom is a noun, and the message is used as header for a group of options preferences-zoom-header = Masshtab - preferences-default-zoom = Standart masshtab .accesskey = S - preferences-default-zoom-value = .label = { $percentage }% - preferences-zoom-text-only = .label = Faqat matnni kattalashtirish .accesskey = t - language-header = Til - choose-language-description = Sahifalar ko‘rinishi kerak bo‘lgan til - choose-button = .label = Tanlash… .accesskey = T - choose-browser-language-description = { -brand-short-name } menyusi, xabarlar va bildirishnomalari chiqadigan tillarni tanlang. manage-browser-languages-button = .label = Muqobillarini tanlash… .accesskey = l - translate-web-pages = .label = Veb saytni tarjima qilish .accesskey = t - # The element is replaced by the logo of the provider # used to provide machine translations for web pages. translate-attribution = Tarjimon: - translate-exceptions = .label = Istisnolar... .accesskey = s - check-user-spelling = .label = Yozganimda imlo tekshirilsin .accesskey = Y @@ -232,12 +175,9 @@ check-user-spelling = ## General Section - Files and Applications files-and-applications-title = Fayl va ilovalar - download-header = Yuklab olishlar - download-save-where = Fayllarni saqlash manzili: .accesskey = s - download-choose-folder = .label = { PLATFORM() -> @@ -249,59 +189,46 @@ download-choose-folder = [macos] T *[other] K } - download-always-ask-where = .label = Fayllarni qayerga saqlash doimo mendan so‘ralsin .accesskey = d - applications-header = Ilova dasturlar - applications-filter = .placeholder = Fayl turlari yoki ilova dasturlarni tanlang - applications-type-column = .label = Kontentda yozish .accesskey = y - applications-action-column = .label = Amal .accesskey = A - # Variables: # $extension (String) - file extension (e.g .TXT) applications-file-ending = { $extension } fayl applications-action-save = .label = Faylni saqlash - # Variables: # $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat) applications-use-app = .label = { $app-name }dan foydalanish - # Variables: # $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat) applications-use-app-default = .label = { $app-name }dan foydalanish (standart) - applications-use-other = .label = Boshqasidan foydalanish applications-select-helper = Yordamchi ilova dasturlarni tanlash - applications-manage-app = .label = Ilova dasturlar ma`lumotlari... applications-always-ask = .label = Doimo soʻralsin - # Variables: # $type-description (String) - Description of the type (e.g "Portable Document Format") # $type (String) - the MIME type (e.g application/binary) applications-type-description-with-type = { $type-description } ({ $type }) - # Variables: # $extension (String) - file extension (e.g .TXT) # $type (String) - the MIME type (e.g application/binary) applications-file-ending-with-type = { applications-file-ending } ({ $type }) - # Variables: # $plugin-name (String) - Name of a plugin (e.g Adobe Flash) applications-use-plugin-in = @@ -313,62 +240,44 @@ applications-use-plugin-in = applications-use-plugin-in-label = .value = { applications-use-plugin-in.label } - applications-action-save-label = .value = { applications-action-save.label } - applications-use-app-label = .value = { applications-use-app.label } - applications-always-ask-label = .value = { applications-always-ask.label } - applications-use-app-default-label = .value = { applications-use-app-default.label } - applications-use-other-label = .value = { applications-use-other.label } ## drm-content-header = Raqamli huquqlar boshqaruvi (DRM) kontenti - play-drm-content = .label = DRM boshqaruvdagi kontentni ishga tushirish .accesskey = D - play-drm-content-learn-more = Batafsil ma’lumot - update-application-title = { -brand-short-name } yangilanishlari - update-application-description = { -brand-short-name } tez, barqaror va xavfsiz bo‘lishi uchun muntazam yangilab turing. - update-application-version = Versiyasi{ $version } Yangi xususiyatlar - update-history = .label = Yangilash tarixini koʻrsatish… .accesskey = n - update-application-allow-description = { -brand-short-name } - update-application-auto = .label = Yangilanishlarni avtomatik o‘rnatish (tavsiya etiladi) .accesskey = A - update-application-check-choose = .label = Yangilanishlar uchun tekshirsin, ammo foydalanuvchining o‘zi tanlab oʻrnatsin .accesskey = t - update-application-manual = .label = Yangilanishlar uchun hech qachon tekshirmasin (tavsiya qilinmaydi) .accesskey = h - update-application-use-service = .label = Yangilanishlarni oʻrnatish uchun orqa fon xizmatidan foydalanish .accesskey = o - update-in-progress-title = Yangilanmoqda - update-in-progress-ok-button = &Rad etish # Continue is the cancel button so pressing escape or using a platform standard # method of closing the UI will not discard the update. @@ -377,25 +286,18 @@ update-in-progress-cancel-button = &Davom etish ## General Section - Performance performance-title = Samaradorlik - performance-use-recommended-settings-checkbox = .label = Tavsiya qilingan samaradorlik moslamalaridan foydalansin .accesskey = f - performance-use-recommended-settings-desc = Bu moslamalar kompyuteringizning qurilmasi va operatsion tizimiga moslanadi. - performance-settings-learn-more = Batafsil ma’lumot - performance-allow-hw-accel = .label = Uskuna aniqlanganda, tez chaqirishdan foydalanish .accesskey = k - performance-limit-content-process-option = Kontent jarayoni cheklovi .accesskey = c - performance-limit-content-process-enabled-desc = Bir nechta varaqlardan foydalanilganda qoʻshimcha kontent jarayoni samaradorlikni oshiradi, ammo koʻproq xotiradan foydalanadi. performance-limit-content-process-blocked-desc = Kontent jarayoni miqdorini o‘zgartirish faqatgina { -brand-short-name } multijarayonlari bilan mavjud. Multijarayonlar yoqilganda tekshirish usuli - # Variables: # $num - default value of the `dom.ipc.processCount` pref. performance-default-content-process-count = @@ -404,43 +306,32 @@ performance-default-content-process-count = ## General Section - Browsing browsing-title = Koʻrish - browsing-use-autoscroll = .label = Avtosiljitishdan foydalanish .accesskey = A - browsing-use-smooth-scrolling = .label = Bir tekisda siljitishdan foydalanish .accesskey = e - browsing-use-onscreen-keyboard = .label = Kerak bo‘lganda terish uchun klaviaturani ko‘rsatish .accesskey = k - browsing-use-cursor-navigation = .label = Doimo koʻrsatkich tugmalaridan sahifani kuzatish uchun foydalanish .accesskey = k - browsing-search-on-start-typing = .label = Yozishni boshlaganimda, matn izlansin .accesskey = n - browsing-picture-in-picture-learn-more = Batafsil - browsing-cfr-recommendations = .label = Koʻrish vaqtida kengaytmalarni tavsiya qilish .accesskey = t - browsing-cfr-recommendations-learn-more = Batafsil ## General Section - Proxy network-settings-title = Tarmoq sozlamalari - network-proxy-connection-description = { -brand-short-name } brauzerni internetga ulanishini sozlash. - network-proxy-connection-learn-more = Batafsil ma’lumot - network-proxy-connection-settings = .label = Sozlamalar… .accesskey = e @@ -448,28 +339,21 @@ network-proxy-connection-settings = ## Home Section home-new-windows-tabs-header = Yangi oyna va varaqlar - home-new-windows-tabs-description2 = Bosh sahifa, yangi oyna va varaqlarni ochganda nima koʻrinishi kerakligini tanlang. ## Home Section - Home Page Customization home-homepage-mode-label = Bosh sahifa va yangi oynalar - home-newtabs-mode-label = Yangi varaqlar - home-restore-defaults = .label = Asliga tiklash .accesskey = t - home-mode-choice-custom = .label = Boshqa URL manzillar - home-mode-choice-blank = .label = Bo‘sh sahifa - home-homepage-custom-url = .placeholder = Havolani qo‘yish - # This string has a special case for '1' and [other] (default). If necessary for # your language, you can add {$tabCount} to your translations and use the # standard CLDR forms, or only use the form for [other] if both strings should @@ -481,7 +365,6 @@ use-current-pages = *[other] Joriy sahifalardan foydalanish } .accesskey = J - choose-bookmark = .label = Xatcho‘pdan foydalanish .accesskey = X @@ -491,10 +374,6 @@ choose-bookmark = home-prefs-search-header = .label = Internetdan qidirish -## Variables: -## $provider (String): Name of the corresponding content provider, e.g "Pocket". - - ## Variables: ## $provider (string) - Name of the corresponding content provider, e.g "Pocket". @@ -506,7 +385,6 @@ home-prefs-recommended-by-header = home-prefs-recommended-by-learn-more = U qanday ishlaydi home-prefs-recommended-by-option-sponsored-stories = .label = Homiylik maqolalari - home-prefs-highlights-option-visited-pages = .label = Kirilgan sahifalar home-prefs-highlights-options-bookmarks = @@ -515,14 +393,12 @@ home-prefs-highlights-option-most-recent-download = .label = Oxirgi yuklanmalar home-prefs-highlights-option-saved-to-pocket = .label = { -pocket-brand-name }’ga saqlangan sahifalar - # For the "Snippets" feature traditionally on about:home. # Alternative translation options: "Small Note" or something that # expresses the idea of "a small message, shortened from something else, # and non-essential but also not entirely trivial and useless. home-prefs-snippets-header = .label = Parchalar - home-prefs-sections-rows-option = .label = { $num -> @@ -537,26 +413,20 @@ search-bar-hidden = .label = Izlash va kuzatish uchun manzil panelidan foydalaning search-bar-shown = .label = Asboblar paneliga qidiruv panelini qo‘shish - search-engine-default-header = Standart qidiruv tizimi search-engine-default-desc-2 = Bu manzil va qidiruv panelida chiqadigan standart qidiruv tizimi. Xohlagan vaqtingizda uni oʻzgartirishingiz mumkin. search-engine-default-private-desc-2 = Faqat Maxfiy oyanalarda ishlatiladigan boshqa standart qidiruv tizimini tanlang search-separate-default-engine = .label = Bu qidiruv tizimidan Maxfiy oyanalarda foydalanish .accesskey = y - search-suggestions-header = Qidiruv tavsiyalari search-suggestions-desc = Qidiruv tizimidan takliflar chiqadigan joydan takiflarni tanlang. - search-suggestions-option = .label = Izlash uchun tavsiya berish .accesskey = t - search-show-suggestions-url-bar-option = .label = Manzil panelida qidiruv tavsiyalari ko‘rsatilsin .accesskey = l - - # This string describes what the user will observe when the system # prioritizes search suggestions over browsing history in the results # that extend down from the address bar. In the original English string, @@ -564,29 +434,21 @@ search-show-suggestions-url-bar-option = # (appearing before). search-show-suggestions-above-history-option = .label = Manzil panelida brauzer tarixi bo‘yicha qidiruv tavsiyalari ko‘rsatilsin - search-show-suggestions-private-windows = .label = Qidiruv tavsiyalarini Maxfiy oynalarda koʻrsatish - search-suggestions-cant-show = Qidiruv tavsiyalari manzil qatorida ko‘rsatilmaydi, chunki { -brand-short-name } brauzerini tarixni eslab qolmaydigan qilib sozlagansiz. - search-one-click-desc = Izlanadigan so‘zlarni manzil va qidiruv paneliga kiritganingizda uning ostida paydo bo‘ladigan muqobil qidiruv tizimlarini tanlang. - search-choose-engine-column = .label = Qidiruv tizimlari search-choose-keyword-column = .label = Kalit so‘z - search-restore-default = .label = Standart qidiruv tizimlarini tiklash .accesskey = S - search-remove-engine = .label = Olib tashlash .accesskey = O - search-find-more-link = Yana qidiruv tizimlarini topish - # This warning is displayed when the chosen keyword is already in use # ('Duplicate' is an adjective) search-keyword-warning-title = Kalit so‘z nusxasini yaratish @@ -601,24 +463,17 @@ containers-header = Konteynerdagi varaqlar containers-add-button = .label = Yangi konteyner qo‘shish .accesskey = q - containers-remove-button = .label = Olib tashlash -## Firefox Account - Signed out. Note that "Sync" and "Firefox Account" are now -## more discrete ("signed in" no longer means "and sync is connected"). - - ## Firefox account - Signed out. Note that "Sync" and "Firefox account" are now ## more discrete ("signed in" no longer means "and sync is connected"). sync-signedout-caption = Internet doim siz bilan birga sync-signedout-description2 = Xatchoʻplar, tarix, varaqlar, parollar, qoʻshimcha dasturlar va boshqa sozlamalarni barcha qurilmalaringizga sinxronlang. - sync-signedout-account-signin3 = .label = Sinxronlash uchun kiring… .accesskey = i - # This message contains two links and two icon images. # `` - Android logo icon # `` - Link to Android Download @@ -629,18 +484,16 @@ sync-signedout-account-signin3 = # to your language, but should not be changed or translated. sync-mobile-promo = Firefox brauzerini mobil qurilmangiz bilan sinxronlash uchun Android yoki iOS uchun versiyalarini yuklab oling. -## Firefox Account - Signed in - - ## Firefox account - Signed in sync-profile-picture = .tooltiptext = Profil rasmini o‘zgartirish - +sync-profile-picture-with-alt = + .tooltiptext = Profil rasmini o‘zgartirish + .alt = Profil rasmini o‘zgartirish sync-sign-out = .label = Chiqish… .accesskey = C - sync-manage-account = Hisobni boshqarish .accesskey = o @@ -655,11 +508,9 @@ sync-signedin-login-failure = Qayta ulanish uchun kiring { $email } sync-resend-verification = .label = Tasdiqlashni qayta yuborish .accesskey = y - sync-remove-account = .label = Hisobni olib tashlash .accesskey = o - sync-sign-in = .label = Kirish .accesskey = K @@ -667,24 +518,18 @@ sync-sign-in = ## Sync section - enabling or disabling sync. prefs-syncing-on = Sinxronizatsiya: YONIQ - prefs-syncing-off = Sinxronizatsiya: OʻCHIQ - prefs-sync-turn-on-syncing = .label = Sinxronizatsiyani yoqish .accesskey = S - prefs-sync-offer-setup-label2 = Xatchoʻplar, tarix, varaqlar, parollar, qoʻshimcha dasturlar va boshqa sozlamalarni barcha qurilmalaringizga sinxronlang. - prefs-sync-now = .labelnotsyncing = Sinxronlash .accesskeynotsyncing = N .labelsyncing = Sinxronlanmoqda… - prefs-sync-now-button = .label = Sinxronlash .accesskey = N - prefs-syncing-button = .label = Sinxronlanmoqda… @@ -698,7 +543,6 @@ sync-currently-syncing-addresses = Manzillar sync-currently-syncing-creditcards = Kredit kartalari sync-currently-syncing-addons = Qoʻshimcha dasturlar sync-currently-syncing-settings = Sozlamalar - sync-change-options = .label = Oʻzgartirish… .accesskey = O @@ -712,40 +556,32 @@ sync-choose-what-to-sync-dialog3 = .buttonaccesskeyaccept = S .buttonlabelextra2 = Uzish… .buttonaccesskeyextra2 = D - sync-engine-bookmarks = .label = Xatchoʻplar .accesskey = X - sync-engine-history = .label = Tarix .accesskey = T - sync-engine-tabs = .label = Ochiq varaqlar .tooltiptext = Barcha sinxronlangan qurilmalardagi ochiq ichki oynalar ro‘yxati .accesskey = O - sync-engine-logins-passwords = .label = Login va parollar .tooltiptext = Siz saqlagan foydalanuvchi nomi va parollar .accesskey = L - sync-engine-addresses = .label = Manzillar .tooltiptext = Siz saqlagtan manzillar (faqat kompyuterda) .accesskey = M - sync-engine-creditcards = .label = Kredit kartalar .tooltiptext = Nomi, raqami va amal qilish muddati (faqat kompyuterda) .accesskey = K - sync-engine-addons = .label = Qoʻshimcha dasturlar .tooltiptext = Kompyuter uchun Firefox kengaytma va mavzulari .accesskey = Q - sync-engine-settings = .label = Sozlamalar .tooltiptext = Siz oʻzgartirgan umumiy, maxfiy va xavfsizlik sozlamalari @@ -754,19 +590,15 @@ sync-engine-settings = ## The device name controls. sync-device-name-header = Qurilma nomi - sync-device-name-change = .label = Qurilma nomini o‘zgartirish… .accesskey = h - sync-device-name-cancel = .label = Bekor qilish .accesskey = B - sync-device-name-save = .label = Saqlash .accesskey = S - sync-connect-another-device = Boshqa qurilmani ulash ## These strings are shown in a desktop notification after the @@ -789,10 +621,12 @@ privacy-header = Brauzer maxfiyligi forms-ask-to-save-logins = .label = Saytlar uchun taxallus va parollarni saqlash so‘ralsin .accesskey = r + +## Privacy Section - Passwords + forms-exceptions = .label = Istisnolar .accesskey = I - forms-saved-logins = .label = Saqlangan login ma’lumotlari… .accesskey = l @@ -802,16 +636,17 @@ forms-saved-logins = forms-master-pw-change = .label = Parol ustasini oʻzgartirish .accesskey = u - forms-master-pw-fips-desc = Maxfiy soʻzni oʻzgartirib boʻlmadi ## OS Authentication dialog +## Privacy section - Autofill + + ## Privacy Section - History history-header = Tarix - # This label is followed, on the same line, by a dropdown list of options # (Remember history, etc.). # In English it visually creates a full sentence, e.g. @@ -823,33 +658,26 @@ history-header = Tarix # - As a stand-alone message, for example "Firefox history settings:". history-remember-label = { -brand-short-name } .accesskey = w - history-remember-option-all = .label = Tarix eslab qolinsin history-remember-option-never = .label = Tarix hech qachon eslab qolinmasin history-remember-option-custom = .label = Tarix uchun boshqa sozlamalardan foydalanish - history-remember-description = { -brand-short-name } kirilgan saytlar, yuklanmalar, anketalar va qidiruv tarixini eslab qoladi. history-dontremember-description = { -brand-short-name } xuddi shu moslamalardan shaxsiy ko‘rish sifatida foydalanadi va tarixni saqlab qolmaydi. - history-private-browsing-permanent = .label = Doimo maxfiy ko‘rish usulidan foydalanish .accesskey = m - history-remember-search-option = .label = Izlash va tarix shakli eslab qolinsin .accesskey = s - history-clear-on-close-option = .label = { -brand-short-name } yopilganda tarix tozalansin .accesskey = t - history-clear-on-close-settings = .label = Sozlamalar… .accesskey = l - history-clear-button = .label = Tarixni tozalash .accesskey = t @@ -857,13 +685,10 @@ history-clear-button = ## Privacy Section - Site Data sitedata-header = Kuki va sayt ma’lumotlari - sitedata-learn-more = Batafsil ma’lumot - sitedata-clear = .label = Ma’lumotlarni tozalash .accesskey = l - sitedata-settings = .label = Ma’lumotlarni boshqarish .accesskey = M @@ -871,12 +696,13 @@ sitedata-settings = ## Privacy Section - Cookie Banner Handling +## Privacy Section - Cookie Banner Blocking + + ## Privacy Section - Address Bar addressbar-header = Manzil paneli - addressbar-suggest = Manzil panelidan foydalanilganda, taklif qilinsin - addressbar-locbar-history-option = .label = Ko‘rish tarixi .accesskey = K @@ -886,7 +712,6 @@ addressbar-locbar-bookmarks-option = addressbar-locbar-openpage-option = .label = Varaqlarni ochish .accesskey = o - addressbar-suggestions-settings = Qidiruv tizimi tavsiyalari uchun sozlamalarni o‘zgartirish ## Privacy Section - Content Blocking @@ -908,40 +733,32 @@ addressbar-suggestions-settings = Qidiruv tizimi tavsiyalari uchun sozlamalarni ## Privacy Section - Permissions permissions-header = Huquqlar - permissions-location = Manzili permissions-location-settings = .label = Sozlamalar .accesskey = S - permissions-camera = Kamera permissions-camera-settings = .label = Sozlamalar… .accesskey = s - permissions-microphone = Mikrofon permissions-microphone-settings = .label = Sozlamalar… .accesskey = S - permissions-notification = Eslatmalar permissions-notification-settings = .label = Sozlamalar… .accesskey = t permissions-notification-link = Batafsil ma’lumot - permissions-notification-pause = .label = { -brand-short-name } qayta ishga tushgunga qadar eslatmalar to‘xtatilsin .accesskey = q - permissions-block-popups = .label = Paydo bo‘luvchi oynalarni bloklash .accesskey = P - permissions-addon-install-warning = .label = Saytlar qo‘shimcha dasturlarni o‘rnatishga uringanda menga ogohlantirish ko‘rsatilsin .accesskey = r - permissions-addon-exceptions = .label = Istisnolar .accesskey = I @@ -949,18 +766,14 @@ permissions-addon-exceptions = ## Privacy Section - Data Collection collection-header = { -brand-short-name } ma’lumotlarni to‘plash va foydalanish - collection-privacy-notice = Maxfiylik qaydlari - collection-health-report = .label = { -vendor-short-name }ga texnik va interaktiv ma’lumotlarni yuborish uchun { -brand-short-name }ga ruxsat berish .accesskey = l collection-health-report-link = Batafsil ma’lumot - addon-recommendations = .label = { -brand-short-name }ga moslashtirilgan kengaytmalarni tavsiya qilishga ruxsat berish addon-recommendations-link = Batafsil - # This message is displayed above disabled data sharing options in developer builds # or builds with no Telemetry support available. collection-health-report-disabled = Ma’lumotlar hisoboti moslama uchun o‘chirib qo‘yilgan @@ -971,16 +784,13 @@ collection-health-report-disabled = Ma’lumotlar hisoboti moslama uchun o‘chi ## security-header = Xavfsizlik - security-enable-safe-browsing = .label = Xavfli va yolg‘on saytlarni bloklash .accesskey = b security-enable-safe-browsing-link = Batafsil ma’lumot - security-block-downloads = .label = Xavfli yuklab olishlarni bloklash .accesskey = X - security-block-uncommon-software = .label = Keraksiz va ishonchsiz dasturiy ta’minotlar o‘rnatilayotganda ogohlantirilsin .accesskey = c @@ -988,15 +798,12 @@ security-block-uncommon-software = ## Privacy Section - Certificates certs-header = Sertifikatlar - certs-enable-ocsp = .label = so‘rovi OCSP javob berish serverlari sertifikatlarning joriy yaroqliligini tasdiqlash uchun .accesskey = s - certs-view = .label = Sertifikatlarni ko‘rish .accesskey = k - certs-devices = .label = Xavfsizlik qurilmalari .accesskey = X diff --git a/l10n-uz/toolkit/crashreporter/crashreporter.ftl b/l10n-uz/toolkit/crashreporter/crashreporter.ftl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d8f1af1ceb --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-uz/toolkit/crashreporter/crashreporter.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at + +crashreporter-title = Nosozlik xabarchisi +crashreporter-crash-message = { -brand-short-name }da muammo mavjud, shuning uchun nosozlik yuz berdi. +crashreporter-plea = Tashxis qo‘yishimiz va muammoni hal qilishimiz uchun bizga nosozlik ma’lumotini jo‘natishingiz kerak. +# $details (String) - the reason that a crash report cannot be submitted +crashreporter-error-details = Batafsil ma’lumotlar: { $details } +crashreporter-no-run-message = Ilova dasturi nosozlikdan so‘ng ushbu muammo haqida dastur ishlab chiqaruvchiga xabar berish uchun ishga tushirilgan. U to‘g‘ridan to‘g‘ri ishga tushirilmasligi kerak. +crashreporter-button-details = Tafsilotlar... +crashreporter-view-report-title = Hisobot tarkibi +crashreporter-comment-prompt = Mulohaza bildiring (mulohazalar hammaga koʻrinadi) +crashreporter-report-info = Ushbu nosozlik dasturda nosozlik yuz bergan holat haqidagi texnik ma’lumotlarni ham o‘z ichiga olgan. +crashreporter-submit-status = Nosozlik ma’lumoti chiqish yoki qayta ishga tushirishdan oldin jo‘natiladi. +crashreporter-submit-in-progress = Hisobotingiz yuborilmoqda... +crashreporter-submit-success = Hisobot muvaffaqiyatli yuborildi! +crashreporter-submit-failure = Nosozlik ma’lumotini jo‘natishda muammo yuz berdi. +crashreporter-resubmit-status = Ma’lumotlarni oldinroq jo‘natib bo‘lmagandi, shuning uchun qayta jo‘natilmoqda... +crashreporter-button-quit = { -brand-short-name }dan chiqish +crashreporter-button-restart = { -brand-short-name }ni qayta ishga tushirish +crashreporter-button-ok = OK +crashreporter-button-close = Yopish +# $id (String) - the crash id from the server, typically a UUID +crashreporter-crash-identifier = Nosozlik ID raqami: { $id } + +# Error strings + -- cgit v1.2.3