/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "InterfaceInitFuncs.h" #include "LocalAccessible-inl.h" #include "HyperTextAccessible-inl.h" #include "nsMai.h" #include "RemoteAccessible.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "mozilla/Likely.h" using namespace mozilla::a11y; extern "C" { static void setTextContentsCB(AtkEditableText* aText, const gchar* aString) { if (Accessible* acc = GetInternalObj(ATK_OBJECT(aText))) { if (acc->IsTextRole()) { return; } if (HyperTextAccessibleBase* text = acc->AsHyperTextBase()) { NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 strContent(aString); text->ReplaceText(strContent); } } } static void insertTextCB(AtkEditableText* aText, const gchar* aString, gint aLength, gint* aPosition) { if (Accessible* acc = GetInternalObj(ATK_OBJECT(aText))) { if (acc->IsTextRole()) { return; } if (HyperTextAccessibleBase* text = acc->AsHyperTextBase()) { NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 strContent(aString); text->InsertText(strContent, *aPosition); } } } static void copyTextCB(AtkEditableText* aText, gint aStartPos, gint aEndPos) { if (Accessible* acc = GetInternalObj(ATK_OBJECT(aText))) { if (acc->IsTextRole()) { return; } if (HyperTextAccessibleBase* text = acc->AsHyperTextBase()) { text->CopyText(aStartPos, aEndPos); } } } static void cutTextCB(AtkEditableText* aText, gint aStartPos, gint aEndPos) { if (Accessible* acc = GetInternalObj(ATK_OBJECT(aText))) { if (acc->IsTextRole()) { return; } if (HyperTextAccessibleBase* text = acc->AsHyperTextBase()) { text->CutText(aStartPos, aEndPos); } } } static void deleteTextCB(AtkEditableText* aText, gint aStartPos, gint aEndPos) { if (Accessible* acc = GetInternalObj(ATK_OBJECT(aText))) { if (acc->IsTextRole()) { return; } if (HyperTextAccessibleBase* text = acc->AsHyperTextBase()) { text->DeleteText(aStartPos, aEndPos); } } } MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY static void pasteTextCB(AtkEditableText* aText, gint aPosition) { if (Accessible* acc = GetInternalObj(ATK_OBJECT(aText))) { if (acc->IsTextRole()) { return; } if (HyperTextAccessibleBase* text = acc->AsHyperTextBase()) { text->PasteText(aPosition); } } } } void editableTextInterfaceInitCB(AtkEditableTextIface* aIface) { NS_ASSERTION(aIface, "Invalid aIface"); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!aIface)) return; aIface->set_text_contents = setTextContentsCB; aIface->insert_text = insertTextCB; aIface->copy_text = copyTextCB; aIface->cut_text = cutTextCB; aIface->delete_text = deleteTextCB; aIface->paste_text = pasteTextCB; }