/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_a11_DocManager_h_ #define mozilla_a11_DocManager_h_ #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "nsIDOMEventListener.h" #include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h" #include "nsIWebProgressListener.h" #include "nsWeakReference.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h" #include "nsINode.h" namespace mozilla::dom { class Document; } namespace mozilla { class PresShell; namespace a11y { class LocalAccessible; class DocAccessible; class xpcAccessibleDocument; class DocAccessibleParent; /** * Manage the document accessible life cycle. */ class DocManager : public nsIWebProgressListener, public nsIDOMEventListener, public nsSupportsWeakReference { public: NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIWEBPROGRESSLISTENER NS_DECL_NSIDOMEVENTLISTENER /** * Return document accessible for the given DOM node. */ DocAccessible* GetDocAccessible(dom::Document* aDocument); /** * Return document accessible for the given presshell. */ DocAccessible* GetDocAccessible(const PresShell* aPresShell); /** * Search through all document accessibles for an accessible with the given * unique id. */ LocalAccessible* FindAccessibleInCache(nsINode* aNode) const; /** * Called by document accessible when it gets shutdown. * @param aAllowServiceShutdown true to shut down nsAccessibilityService * if it is no longer required, false to prevent it. */ void NotifyOfDocumentShutdown(DocAccessible* aDocument, dom::Document* aDOMDocument, bool aAllowServiceShutdown = true); void RemoveFromXPCDocumentCache(DocAccessible* aDocument, bool aAllowServiceShutdown = true); /** * Return XPCOM accessible document. */ xpcAccessibleDocument* GetXPCDocument(DocAccessible* aDocument); xpcAccessibleDocument* GetCachedXPCDocument(DocAccessible* aDocument) const { return mXPCDocumentCache.GetWeak(aDocument); } /* * Notification that a top level document in a content process has gone away. */ static void RemoteDocShutdown(DocAccessibleParent* aDoc) { DebugOnly result = sRemoteDocuments->RemoveElement(aDoc); MOZ_ASSERT(result, "Why didn't we find the document!"); } /* * Notify of a new top level document in a content process. */ static void RemoteDocAdded(DocAccessibleParent* aDoc); static const nsTArray* TopLevelRemoteDocs() { return sRemoteDocuments; } /** * Remove the xpc document for a remote document if there is one. */ static void NotifyOfRemoteDocShutdown(DocAccessibleParent* adoc); static void RemoveFromRemoteXPCDocumentCache(DocAccessibleParent* aDoc); /** * Get a XPC document for a remote document. */ static xpcAccessibleDocument* GetXPCDocument(DocAccessibleParent* aDoc); static xpcAccessibleDocument* GetCachedXPCDocument( const DocAccessibleParent* aDoc) { return sRemoteXPCDocumentCache ? sRemoteXPCDocumentCache->GetWeak(aDoc) : nullptr; } #ifdef DEBUG bool IsProcessingRefreshDriverNotification() const; #endif protected: DocManager(); virtual ~DocManager() = default; /** * Initialize the manager. */ bool Init(); /** * Shutdown the manager. */ void Shutdown(); bool HasXPCDocuments() { return mXPCDocumentCache.Count() > 0 || (sRemoteXPCDocumentCache && sRemoteXPCDocumentCache->Count() > 0); } private: DocManager(const DocManager&); DocManager& operator=(const DocManager&); private: /** * Create an accessible document if it was't created and fire accessibility * events if needed. * * @param aDocument [in] loaded DOM document * @param aLoadEventType [in] specifies the event type to fire load event, * if 0 then no event is fired */ void HandleDOMDocumentLoad(dom::Document* aDocument, uint32_t aLoadEventType); /** * Add/remove 'pagehide' and 'DOMContentLoaded' event listeners. */ void AddListeners(dom::Document* aDocument, bool aAddPageShowListener); void RemoveListeners(dom::Document* aDocument); /** * Create document or root accessible. */ DocAccessible* CreateDocOrRootAccessible(dom::Document* aDocument); /** * Clear the cache and shutdown the document accessibles. */ void ClearDocCache(); typedef nsRefPtrHashtable, DocAccessible> DocAccessibleHashtable; DocAccessibleHashtable mDocAccessibleCache; typedef nsRefPtrHashtable, xpcAccessibleDocument> XPCDocumentHashtable; XPCDocumentHashtable mXPCDocumentCache; static StaticAutoPtr, xpcAccessibleDocument>> sRemoteXPCDocumentCache; /* * The list of remote top level documents. */ static StaticAutoPtr> sRemoteDocuments; }; /** * Return the existing document accessible for the document if any. * Note this returns the doc accessible for the primary pres shell if there is * more than one. */ DocAccessible* GetExistingDocAccessible(const dom::Document* aDocument); } // namespace a11y } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_a11_DocManager_h_