/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsCoreUtils.h" #include "nsAttrValue.h" #include "nsIAccessibleTypes.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "nsAccUtils.h" #include "nsRange.h" #include "nsXULElement.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsIScrollableFrame.h" #include "nsISelectionController.h" #include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h" #include "mozilla/dom/TouchEvent.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h" #include "mozilla/EventListenerManager.h" #include "mozilla/EventStateManager.h" #include "mozilla/MouseEvents.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/TouchEvents.h" #include "nsView.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h" #include "XULTreeElement.h" #include "nsIContentInlines.h" #include "nsTreeColumns.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ElementInternals.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLLabelElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MouseEventBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h" using namespace mozilla; using mozilla::dom::DOMRect; using mozilla::dom::Element; using mozilla::dom::Selection; using mozilla::dom::XULTreeElement; using mozilla::a11y::nsAccUtils; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsCoreUtils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool nsCoreUtils::IsLabelWithControl(nsIContent* aContent) { dom::HTMLLabelElement* label = dom::HTMLLabelElement::FromNode(aContent); if (label && label->GetControl()) return true; return false; } bool nsCoreUtils::HasClickListener(nsIContent* aContent) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aContent, false); EventListenerManager* listenerManager = aContent->GetExistingListenerManager(); return listenerManager && (listenerManager->HasListenersFor(nsGkAtoms::onclick) || listenerManager->HasListenersFor(nsGkAtoms::onmousedown) || listenerManager->HasListenersFor(nsGkAtoms::onmouseup)); } void nsCoreUtils::DispatchClickEvent(XULTreeElement* aTree, int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn, const nsAString& aPseudoElt) { RefPtr tcElm = aTree->GetTreeBody(); if (!tcElm) return; Document* document = tcElm->GetUncomposedDoc(); if (!document) return; RefPtr presShell = document->GetPresShell(); if (!presShell) { return; } // Ensure row is visible. aTree->EnsureRowIsVisible(aRowIndex); // Calculate x and y coordinates. nsresult rv; nsIntRect rect = aTree->GetCoordsForCellItem(aRowIndex, aColumn, aPseudoElt, rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } RefPtr treeBodyRect = tcElm->GetBoundingClientRect(); int32_t tcX = (int32_t)treeBodyRect->X(); int32_t tcY = (int32_t)treeBodyRect->Y(); // Dispatch mouse events. AutoWeakFrame tcFrame = tcElm->GetPrimaryFrame(); nsIFrame* rootFrame = presShell->GetRootFrame(); nsPoint offset; nsCOMPtr rootWidget = rootFrame->GetView()->GetNearestWidget(&offset); RefPtr presContext = presShell->GetPresContext(); int32_t cnvdX = presContext->CSSPixelsToDevPixels(tcX + int32_t(rect.x) + 1) + presContext->AppUnitsToDevPixels(offset.x); int32_t cnvdY = presContext->CSSPixelsToDevPixels(tcY + int32_t(rect.y) + 1) + presContext->AppUnitsToDevPixels(offset.y); // XUL is just desktop, so there is no real reason for senfing touch events. DispatchMouseEvent(eMouseDown, cnvdX, cnvdY, tcElm, tcFrame, presShell, rootWidget); DispatchMouseEvent(eMouseUp, cnvdX, cnvdY, tcElm, tcFrame, presShell, rootWidget); } void nsCoreUtils::DispatchMouseEvent(EventMessage aMessage, int32_t aX, int32_t aY, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, PresShell* aPresShell, nsIWidget* aRootWidget) { WidgetMouseEvent event(true, aMessage, aRootWidget, WidgetMouseEvent::eReal, WidgetMouseEvent::eNormal); event.mRefPoint = LayoutDeviceIntPoint(aX, aY); event.mClickCount = 1; event.mButton = MouseButton::ePrimary; event.mInputSource = dom::MouseEvent_Binding::MOZ_SOURCE_UNKNOWN; nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; aPresShell->HandleEventWithTarget(&event, aFrame, aContent, &status); } void nsCoreUtils::DispatchTouchEvent(EventMessage aMessage, int32_t aX, int32_t aY, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, PresShell* aPresShell, nsIWidget* aRootWidget) { nsIDocShell* docShell = nullptr; if (aPresShell->GetDocument()) { docShell = aPresShell->GetDocument()->GetDocShell(); } if (!dom::TouchEvent::PrefEnabled(docShell)) { return; } WidgetTouchEvent event(true, aMessage, aRootWidget); // XXX: Touch has an identifier of -1 to hint that it is synthesized. RefPtr t = new dom::Touch(-1, LayoutDeviceIntPoint(aX, aY), LayoutDeviceIntPoint(1, 1), 0.0f, 1.0f); t->SetTouchTarget(aContent); event.mTouches.AppendElement(t); nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; aPresShell->HandleEventWithTarget(&event, aFrame, aContent, &status); } uint32_t nsCoreUtils::GetAccessKeyFor(nsIContent* aContent) { // Accesskeys are registered by @accesskey attribute only. At first check // whether it is presented on the given element to avoid the slow // EventStateManager::GetRegisteredAccessKey() method. if (!aContent->IsElement() || !aContent->AsElement()->HasAttr( kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::accesskey)) { return 0; } nsPresContext* presContext = aContent->OwnerDoc()->GetPresContext(); if (!presContext) return 0; EventStateManager* esm = presContext->EventStateManager(); if (!esm) return 0; return esm->GetRegisteredAccessKey(aContent->AsElement()); } nsIContent* nsCoreUtils::GetDOMElementFor(nsIContent* aContent) { if (aContent->IsElement()) return aContent; if (aContent->IsText()) return aContent->GetFlattenedTreeParent(); return nullptr; } nsINode* nsCoreUtils::GetDOMNodeFromDOMPoint(nsINode* aNode, uint32_t aOffset) { if (aNode && aNode->IsElement()) { uint32_t childCount = aNode->GetChildCount(); NS_ASSERTION(aOffset <= childCount, "Wrong offset of the DOM point!"); // The offset can be after last child of container node that means DOM point // is placed immediately after the last child. In this case use the DOM node // from the given DOM point is used as result node. if (aOffset != childCount) return aNode->GetChildAt_Deprecated(aOffset); } return aNode; } bool nsCoreUtils::IsAncestorOf(nsINode* aPossibleAncestorNode, nsINode* aPossibleDescendantNode, nsINode* aRootNode) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aPossibleAncestorNode && aPossibleDescendantNode, false); nsINode* parentNode = aPossibleDescendantNode; while ((parentNode = parentNode->GetParentNode()) && parentNode != aRootNode) { if (parentNode == aPossibleAncestorNode) return true; } return false; } nsresult nsCoreUtils::ScrollSubstringTo(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsRange* aRange, uint32_t aScrollType) { ScrollAxis vertical, horizontal; ConvertScrollTypeToPercents(aScrollType, &vertical, &horizontal); return ScrollSubstringTo(aFrame, aRange, vertical, horizontal); } nsresult nsCoreUtils::ScrollSubstringTo(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsRange* aRange, ScrollAxis aVertical, ScrollAxis aHorizontal) { if (!aFrame || !aRange) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsPresContext* presContext = aFrame->PresContext(); nsCOMPtr selCon; aFrame->GetSelectionController(presContext, getter_AddRefs(selCon)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(selCon, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); RefPtr selection = selCon->GetSelection(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_ACCESSIBILITY); selection->RemoveAllRanges(IgnoreErrors()); selection->AddRangeAndSelectFramesAndNotifyListeners(*aRange, IgnoreErrors()); selection->ScrollIntoView(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_ANCHOR_REGION, aVertical, aHorizontal, Selection::SCROLL_SYNCHRONOUS); selection->CollapseToStart(IgnoreErrors()); return NS_OK; } void nsCoreUtils::ScrollFrameToPoint(nsIFrame* aScrollableFrame, nsIFrame* aFrame, const LayoutDeviceIntPoint& aPoint) { nsIScrollableFrame* scrollableFrame = do_QueryFrame(aScrollableFrame); if (!scrollableFrame) return; nsPoint point = LayoutDeviceIntPoint::ToAppUnits( aPoint, aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()); nsRect frameRect = aFrame->GetScreenRectInAppUnits(); nsPoint deltaPoint = point - frameRect.TopLeft(); nsPoint scrollPoint = scrollableFrame->GetScrollPosition(); scrollPoint -= deltaPoint; scrollableFrame->ScrollTo(scrollPoint, ScrollMode::Instant); } void nsCoreUtils::ConvertScrollTypeToPercents(uint32_t aScrollType, ScrollAxis* aVertical, ScrollAxis* aHorizontal) { WhereToScroll whereY, whereX; WhenToScroll whenY, whenX; switch (aScrollType) { case nsIAccessibleScrollType::SCROLL_TYPE_TOP_LEFT: whereY = WhereToScroll::Start; whenY = WhenToScroll::Always; whereX = WhereToScroll::Start; whenX = WhenToScroll::Always; break; case nsIAccessibleScrollType::SCROLL_TYPE_BOTTOM_RIGHT: whereY = WhereToScroll::End; whenY = WhenToScroll::Always; whereX = WhereToScroll::End; whenX = WhenToScroll::Always; break; case nsIAccessibleScrollType::SCROLL_TYPE_TOP_EDGE: whereY = WhereToScroll::Start; whenY = WhenToScroll::Always; whereX = WhereToScroll::Nearest; whenX = WhenToScroll::IfNotFullyVisible; break; case nsIAccessibleScrollType::SCROLL_TYPE_BOTTOM_EDGE: whereY = WhereToScroll::End; whenY = WhenToScroll::Always; whereX = WhereToScroll::Nearest; whenX = WhenToScroll::IfNotFullyVisible; break; case nsIAccessibleScrollType::SCROLL_TYPE_LEFT_EDGE: whereY = WhereToScroll::Nearest; whenY = WhenToScroll::IfNotFullyVisible; whereX = WhereToScroll::Start; whenX = WhenToScroll::Always; break; case nsIAccessibleScrollType::SCROLL_TYPE_RIGHT_EDGE: whereY = WhereToScroll::Nearest; whenY = WhenToScroll::IfNotFullyVisible; whereX = WhereToScroll::End; whenX = WhenToScroll::Always; break; default: whereY = WhereToScroll::Center; whenY = WhenToScroll::IfNotFullyVisible; whereX = WhereToScroll::Center; whenX = WhenToScroll::IfNotFullyVisible; } *aVertical = ScrollAxis(whereY, whenY); *aHorizontal = ScrollAxis(whereX, whenX); } already_AddRefed nsCoreUtils::GetDocShellFor(nsINode* aNode) { if (!aNode) return nullptr; nsCOMPtr docShell = aNode->OwnerDoc()->GetDocShell(); return docShell.forget(); } bool nsCoreUtils::IsRootDocument(Document* aDocument) { nsCOMPtr docShellTreeItem = aDocument->GetDocShell(); NS_ASSERTION(docShellTreeItem, "No document shell for document!"); nsCOMPtr parentTreeItem; docShellTreeItem->GetInProcessParent(getter_AddRefs(parentTreeItem)); return !parentTreeItem; } bool nsCoreUtils::IsTopLevelContentDocInProcess(Document* aDocumentNode) { mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext* bc = aDocumentNode->GetBrowsingContext(); return bc->IsContent() && ( // Tab document. bc->IsTop() || // Out-of-process iframe. !bc->GetParent()->IsInProcess()); } bool nsCoreUtils::IsErrorPage(Document* aDocument) { nsIURI* uri = aDocument->GetDocumentURI(); if (!uri->SchemeIs("about")) { return false; } nsAutoCString path; uri->GetPathQueryRef(path); constexpr auto neterror = "neterror"_ns; constexpr auto certerror = "certerror"_ns; return StringBeginsWith(path, neterror) || StringBeginsWith(path, certerror); } PresShell* nsCoreUtils::GetPresShellFor(nsINode* aNode) { return aNode->OwnerDoc()->GetPresShell(); } bool nsCoreUtils::GetID(nsIContent* aContent, nsAString& aID) { return aContent->IsElement() && aContent->AsElement()->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::id, aID); } bool nsCoreUtils::GetUIntAttr(nsIContent* aContent, nsAtom* aAttr, int32_t* aUInt) { if (!aContent->IsElement()) { return false; } return GetUIntAttrValue(nsAccUtils::GetARIAAttr(aContent->AsElement(), aAttr), aUInt); } bool nsCoreUtils::GetUIntAttrValue(const nsAttrValue* aVal, int32_t* aUInt) { if (!aVal) { return false; } nsAutoString value; aVal->ToString(value); if (!value.IsEmpty()) { nsresult error = NS_OK; int32_t integer = value.ToInteger(&error); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(error) && integer > 0) { *aUInt = integer; return true; } } return false; } void nsCoreUtils::GetLanguageFor(nsIContent* aContent, nsIContent* aRootContent, nsAString& aLanguage) { aLanguage.Truncate(); nsIContent* walkUp = aContent; while (walkUp && walkUp != aRootContent && (!walkUp->IsElement() || !walkUp->AsElement()->GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::lang, aLanguage))) { walkUp = walkUp->GetParent(); } } XULTreeElement* nsCoreUtils::GetTree(nsIContent* aContent) { // Find DOMNode's parents recursively until reach the tag nsIContent* currentContent = aContent; while (currentContent) { if (currentContent->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::tree, kNameSpaceID_XUL)) { return XULTreeElement::FromNode(currentContent); } currentContent = currentContent->GetFlattenedTreeParent(); } return nullptr; } already_AddRefed nsCoreUtils::GetFirstSensibleColumn( XULTreeElement* aTree, FlushType aFlushType) { if (!aTree) { return nullptr; } RefPtr cols = aTree->GetColumns(aFlushType); if (!cols) { return nullptr; } RefPtr column = cols->GetFirstColumn(); if (column && IsColumnHidden(column)) return GetNextSensibleColumn(column); return column.forget(); } uint32_t nsCoreUtils::GetSensibleColumnCount(XULTreeElement* aTree) { uint32_t count = 0; if (!aTree) { return count; } RefPtr cols = aTree->GetColumns(); if (!cols) { return count; } nsTreeColumn* column = cols->GetFirstColumn(); while (column) { if (!IsColumnHidden(column)) count++; column = column->GetNext(); } return count; } already_AddRefed nsCoreUtils::GetSensibleColumnAt( XULTreeElement* aTree, uint32_t aIndex) { if (!aTree) { return nullptr; } uint32_t idx = aIndex; nsCOMPtr column = GetFirstSensibleColumn(aTree); while (column) { if (idx == 0) return column.forget(); idx--; column = GetNextSensibleColumn(column); } return nullptr; } already_AddRefed nsCoreUtils::GetNextSensibleColumn( nsTreeColumn* aColumn) { if (!aColumn) { return nullptr; } RefPtr nextColumn = aColumn->GetNext(); while (nextColumn && IsColumnHidden(nextColumn)) { nextColumn = nextColumn->GetNext(); } return nextColumn.forget(); } already_AddRefed nsCoreUtils::GetPreviousSensibleColumn( nsTreeColumn* aColumn) { if (!aColumn) { return nullptr; } RefPtr prevColumn = aColumn->GetPrevious(); while (prevColumn && IsColumnHidden(prevColumn)) { prevColumn = prevColumn->GetPrevious(); } return prevColumn.forget(); } bool nsCoreUtils::IsColumnHidden(nsTreeColumn* aColumn) { if (!aColumn) { return false; } Element* element = aColumn->Element(); return element->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::hidden, nsGkAtoms::_true, eCaseMatters); } void nsCoreUtils::ScrollTo(PresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContent, uint32_t aScrollType) { ScrollAxis vertical, horizontal; ConvertScrollTypeToPercents(aScrollType, &vertical, &horizontal); aPresShell->ScrollContentIntoView(aContent, vertical, horizontal, ScrollFlags::ScrollOverflowHidden); } bool nsCoreUtils::IsHTMLTableHeader(nsIContent* aContent) { return aContent->NodeInfo()->Equals(nsGkAtoms::th) || (aContent->IsElement() && aContent->AsElement()->HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::scope)); } bool nsCoreUtils::IsWhitespaceString(const nsAString& aString) { nsAString::const_char_iterator iterBegin, iterEnd; aString.BeginReading(iterBegin); aString.EndReading(iterEnd); while (iterBegin != iterEnd && IsWhitespace(*iterBegin)) ++iterBegin; return iterBegin == iterEnd; } void nsCoreUtils::TrimNonBreakingSpaces(nsAString& aString) { if (aString.IsEmpty()) { return; } // Find the index past the last nbsp prefix character. constexpr char16_t nbsp{0xA0}; size_t startIndex = 0; while (aString.CharAt(startIndex) == nbsp) { startIndex++; } // Find the index before the first nbsp suffix character. size_t endIndex = aString.Length() - 1; while (endIndex > startIndex && aString.CharAt(endIndex) == nbsp) { endIndex--; } if (startIndex > endIndex) { aString.Truncate(); return; } // Trim the string down, removing the non-breaking space characters. aString = Substring(aString, startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1); } bool nsCoreUtils::AccEventObserversExist() { nsCOMPtr obsService = services::GetObserverService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(obsService, false); nsCOMPtr observers; obsService->EnumerateObservers(NS_ACCESSIBLE_EVENT_TOPIC, getter_AddRefs(observers)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(observers, false); bool hasObservers = false; observers->HasMoreElements(&hasObservers); return hasObservers; } void nsCoreUtils::DispatchAccEvent(RefPtr event) { nsCOMPtr obsService = services::GetObserverService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(obsService); obsService->NotifyObservers(event, NS_ACCESSIBLE_EVENT_TOPIC, nullptr); } bool nsCoreUtils::IsDisplayContents(nsIContent* aContent) { auto* element = Element::FromNodeOrNull(aContent); return element && element->IsDisplayContents(); } bool nsCoreUtils::CanCreateAccessibleWithoutFrame(nsIContent* aContent) { auto* element = Element::FromNodeOrNull(aContent); if (!element) { return false; } if (!element->HasServoData() || Servo_Element_IsDisplayNone(element)) { // Out of the flat tree or in a display: none subtree. return false; } // If we aren't display: contents or option/optgroup we can't create an // accessible without frame. Our select combobox code relies on the latter. if (!element->IsDisplayContents() && !element->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::option, nsGkAtoms::optgroup)) { return false; } // Even if we're display: contents or optgroups, we might not be able to // create an accessible if we're in a content-visibility: hidden subtree. // // To check that, find the closest ancestor element with a frame. for (nsINode* ancestor = element->GetFlattenedTreeParentNode(); ancestor && ancestor->IsContent(); ancestor = ancestor->GetFlattenedTreeParentNode()) { if (nsIFrame* f = ancestor->AsContent()->GetPrimaryFrame()) { if (f->HidesContent(nsIFrame::IncludeContentVisibility::Hidden) || f->IsHiddenByContentVisibilityOnAnyAncestor( nsIFrame::IncludeContentVisibility::Hidden)) { return false; } break; } } return true; } bool nsCoreUtils::IsDocumentVisibleConsideringInProcessAncestors( const Document* aDocument) { const Document* parent = aDocument; do { if (!parent->IsVisible()) { return false; } } while ((parent = parent->GetInProcessParentDocument())); return true; } bool nsCoreUtils::IsDescendantOfAnyShadowIncludingAncestor( nsINode* aDescendant, nsINode* aStartAncestor) { const nsINode* descRoot = aDescendant->SubtreeRoot(); nsINode* ancRoot = aStartAncestor->SubtreeRoot(); for (;;) { if (ancRoot == descRoot) { return true; } auto* shadow = mozilla::dom::ShadowRoot::FromNode(ancRoot); if (!shadow || !shadow->GetHost()) { break; } ancRoot = shadow->GetHost()->SubtreeRoot(); } return false; } Element* nsCoreUtils::GetAriaActiveDescendantElement(Element* aElement) { if (Element* activeDescendant = aElement->GetAriaActiveDescendantElement()) { return activeDescendant; } if (auto* element = nsGenericHTMLElement::FromNode(aElement)) { if (auto* internals = element->GetInternals()) { return internals->GetAriaActiveDescendantElement(); } } return nullptr; }