#!/usr/bin/env python # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import re def write_map(fd, name, text): matches = re.findall(r"^//\s(AX\w+)\n-\s?\(.*?\)([\w:]+)", text, re.MULTILINE) entries = [' @"%s" : @"%s"' % (a, s) for [a, s] in matches] fd.write("NSDictionary* %s() {\n" % name) fd.write(" // Create an autoreleased NSDictionary object once, and leak it.\n") fd.write(" static NSDictionary* s%s = [@{\n" % name) fd.write(",\n".join(entries)) fd.write("\n } retain];\n\n") fd.write(" return s%s;\n" % name) fd.write("}\n\n") def gen_mm(fd, protocol_file): protocol = open(protocol_file).read() fd.write("/* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED - DO NOT EDIT */\n\n") fd.write("#import \n\n") fd.write("namespace mozilla {\nnamespace a11y {\nnamespace mac {\n\n") sections = re.findall( r"#pragma mark - (\w+)\n(.*?)(?=(?:#pragma mark|@end))", protocol, re.DOTALL ) for name, text in sections: write_map(fd, name, text) fd.write("}\n}\n}\n") def gen_h(fd, protocol_file): protocol = open(protocol_file).read() sections = re.findall( r"#pragma mark - (\w+)\n(.*?)(?=(?:#pragma mark|@end))", protocol, re.DOTALL ) fd.write("/* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED - DO NOT EDIT */\n\n") fd.write("#ifndef _MacSelectorMap_H_\n") fd.write("#define _MacSelectorMap_H_\n") fd.write("\n@class NSDictionary;\n") fd.write("\nnamespace mozilla {\nnamespace a11y {\nnamespace mac {\n\n") for name, _ in sections: fd.write("NSDictionary* %s();\n\n" % name) fd.write("}\n}\n}\n") fd.write("\n#endif\n") # For debugging if __name__ == "__main__": import sys gen_mm(sys.stdout, "accessible/mac/MOXAccessibleProtocol.h") gen_h(sys.stdout, "accessible/mac/MOXAccessibleProtocol.h")