/* clang-format off */ /* -*- Mode: Objective-C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* clang-format on */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #import "mozActionElements.h" #import "MacUtils.h" #include "LocalAccessible-inl.h" #include "DocAccessible.h" #include "XULTabAccessible.h" #include "HTMLFormControlAccessible.h" #include "nsCocoaUtils.h" #include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h" using namespace mozilla::a11y; @implementation mozButtonAccessible - (NSNumber*)moxHasPopup { return @([self stateWithMask:states::HASPOPUP] != 0); } - (NSString*)moxPopupValue { if ([self stateWithMask:states::HASPOPUP] != 0) { return utils::GetAccAttr(self, nsGkAtoms::aria_haspopup); } return nil; } @end @implementation mozPopupButtonAccessible - (NSString*)moxTitle { // Popup buttons don't have titles. return @""; } - (BOOL)moxBlockSelector:(SEL)selector { if (selector == @selector(moxHasPopup)) { return YES; } return [super moxBlockSelector:selector]; } - (NSArray*)moxChildren { if ([self stateWithMask:states::EXPANDED] == 0) { // If the popup button is collapsed don't return its children. return @[]; } return [super moxChildren]; } - (void)stateChanged:(uint64_t)state isEnabled:(BOOL)enabled { [super stateChanged:state isEnabled:enabled]; if (state == states::EXPANDED) { // If the EXPANDED state is updated, fire AXMenu events on the // popups child which is the actual menu. if (mozAccessible* popup = (mozAccessible*)[self childAt:0]) { [popup moxPostNotification:(enabled ? @"AXMenuOpened" : @"AXMenuClosed")]; } } } @end @implementation mozRadioButtonAccessible - (NSArray*)moxLinkedUIElements { return [[self getRelationsByType:RelationType::MEMBER_OF] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[super moxLinkedUIElements]]; } @end @implementation mozCheckboxAccessible - (int)isChecked { // check if we're checked or in a mixed state uint64_t state = [self stateWithMask:(states::CHECKED | states::PRESSED | states::MIXED)]; if (state & (states::CHECKED | states::PRESSED)) { return kChecked; } if (state & states::MIXED) { return kMixed; } return kUnchecked; } - (id)moxValue { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_BLOCK_RETURN; return [NSNumber numberWithInt:[self isChecked]]; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_BLOCK_RETURN(nil); } - (void)stateChanged:(uint64_t)state isEnabled:(BOOL)enabled { [super stateChanged:state isEnabled:enabled]; if (state & (states::CHECKED | states::PRESSED | states::MIXED)) { [self moxPostNotification:NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification]; } } @end @implementation mozPaneAccessible - (NSArray*)moxChildren { // By default, all tab panels are exposed in the a11y tree // even if the tab they represent isn't the active tab. To // prevent VoiceOver from navigating background tab content, // only expose the tab panel that is currently on screen. for (mozAccessible* child in [super moxChildren]) { if (!([child state] & states::OFFSCREEN)) { return [NSArray arrayWithObject:GetObjectOrRepresentedView(child)]; } } MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("We have no on screen tab content?"); return @[]; } @end @implementation mozRangeAccessible - (id)moxValue { return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:mGeckoAccessible->CurValue()]; } - (id)moxMinValue { return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:mGeckoAccessible->MinValue()]; } - (id)moxMaxValue { return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:mGeckoAccessible->MaxValue()]; } - (NSString*)moxOrientation { RefPtr attributes = mGeckoAccessible->Attributes(); if (attributes) { nsAutoString result; attributes->GetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::aria_orientation, result); if (result.Equals(u"horizontal"_ns)) { return NSAccessibilityHorizontalOrientationValue; } else if (result.Equals(u"vertical"_ns)) { return NSAccessibilityVerticalOrientationValue; } } return NSAccessibilityUnknownOrientationValue; } - (void)handleAccessibleEvent:(uint32_t)eventType { switch (eventType) { case nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_TEXT_VALUE_CHANGE: case nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE: [self moxPostNotification:NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification]; break; default: [super handleAccessibleEvent:eventType]; break; } } @end @implementation mozIncrementableAccessible - (NSString*)moxValueDescription { nsAutoString valueDesc; mGeckoAccessible->Value(valueDesc); return nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(valueDesc); } - (void)moxSetValue:(id)value { [self setValue:([value doubleValue])]; } - (void)moxPerformIncrement { [self changeValueBySteps:1]; } - (void)moxPerformDecrement { [self changeValueBySteps:-1]; } /* * Updates the accessible's current value by factor and step. * * factor: A signed integer representing the number of times to * apply step to the current value. A positive value will increment, * while a negative one will decrement. * step: An unsigned integer specified by the webauthor and indicating the * amount by which to increment/decrement the current value. */ - (void)changeValueBySteps:(int)factor { MOZ_ASSERT(mGeckoAccessible, "mGeckoAccessible is null"); double newValue = mGeckoAccessible->CurValue() + (mGeckoAccessible->Step() * factor); [self setValue:(newValue)]; } /* * Updates the accessible's current value to the specified value */ - (void)setValue:(double)value { MOZ_ASSERT(mGeckoAccessible, "mGeckoAccessible is null"); mGeckoAccessible->SetCurValue(value); } @end @implementation mozDatePickerAccessible - (NSString*)moxTitle { return utils::LocalizedString(u"dateField"_ns); } @end