/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
/* import-globals-from ../../mochitest/name.js */
loadScripts({ name: "name.js", dir: MOCHITESTS_DIR });
async function (browser, docAcc) {
const browseButton = "Browse…";
const noFileSuffix = `${browseButton} No file selected.`;
const noName = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "noName");
testName(noName, noFileSuffix);
const ariaLabel = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "ariaLabel");
testName(ariaLabel, `ariaLabel ${noFileSuffix}`);
const wrappingLabel = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "wrappingLabel");
testName(wrappingLabel, `wrappingLabel ${noFileSuffix}`);
const labelFor = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "labelFor");
testName(labelFor, `labelFor ${noFileSuffix}`);
const title = findAccessibleChildByID(docAcc, "title");
testName(title, noFileSuffix);
testDescr(title, "title");
// Test that the name of the button changes correctly when a file is chosen.
function chooseFile(id) {
return invokeContentTask(browser, [id], contentId => {
const MockFilePicker = content.SpecialPowers.MockFilePicker;
MockFilePicker.returnValue = MockFilePicker.returnOK;
const input = content.document.getElementById(contentId);
const inputReceived = new Promise(resolve =>
event => {
{ once: true }
return inputReceived;
info("noName: Choosing file");
let nameChanged = waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "noName");
const fn = await chooseFile("noName");
// e.g. "Browse…helloworld.txt"
const withFileSuffix = `${browseButton} ${fn}`;
await nameChanged;
testName(noName, withFileSuffix);
info("ariaLabel: Choosing file");
nameChanged = waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "ariaLabel");
await chooseFile("ariaLabel");
await nameChanged;
testName(ariaLabel, `ariaLabel ${withFileSuffix}`);
info("wrappingLabel: Choosing file");
nameChanged = waitForEvent(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, "wrappingLabel");
await chooseFile("wrappingLabel");
await nameChanged;
testName(wrappingLabel, `wrappingLabel ${withFileSuffix}`);
{ topLevel: true, chrome: true }