/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* eslint-disable camelcase */ const RowOrColumnMajor_RowMajor = 0; /* eslint-enable camelcase */ const SNIPPET = `
`; async function testGridGetItem(row, col, cellId) { is( await runPython(`pattern.GetItem(${row}, ${col}).CurrentAutomationId`), cellId, `GetItem with row ${row} and col ${col} returned ${cellId}` ); } async function testGridItemProps(id, row, col, rowSpan, colSpan, gridId) { await assignPyVarToUiaWithId(id); await definePyVar("pattern", `getUiaPattern(${id}, "GridItem")`); ok(await runPython(`bool(pattern)`), `${id} has GridItem pattern`); is(await runPython(`pattern.CurrentRow`), row, `${id} has correct Row`); is(await runPython(`pattern.CurrentColumn`), col, `${id} has correct Column`); is( await runPython(`pattern.CurrentRowSpan`), rowSpan, `${id} has correct RowSpan` ); is( await runPython(`pattern.CurrentColumnSpan`), colSpan, `${id} has correct ColumnSpan` ); is( await runPython(`pattern.CurrentContainingGrid.CurrentAutomationId`), gridId, `${id} ContainingGridItem is ${gridId}` ); } async function testTableItemProps(id, rowHeaders, colHeaders) { await assignPyVarToUiaWithId(id); await definePyVar("pattern", `getUiaPattern(${id}, "TableItem")`); ok(await runPython(`bool(pattern)`), `${id} has TableItem pattern`); await isUiaElementArray( `pattern.GetCurrentRowHeaderItems()`, rowHeaders, `${id} has correct RowHeaderItems` ); await isUiaElementArray( `pattern.GetCurrentColumnHeaderItems()`, colHeaders, `${id} has correct ColumnHeaderItems` ); } /** * Test the Grid pattern. */ addUiaTask(SNIPPET, async function testGrid() { await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`); await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("table"); await definePyVar("pattern", `getUiaPattern(table, "Grid")`); ok(await runPython(`bool(pattern)`), "table has Grid pattern"); is( await runPython(`pattern.CurrentRowCount`), 4, "table has correct RowCount" ); is( await runPython(`pattern.CurrentColumnCount`), 3, "table has correct ColumnCount" ); await testGridGetItem(0, 0, "a"); await testGridGetItem(0, 1, "b"); await testGridGetItem(0, 2, "c"); await testGridGetItem(1, 0, "dg"); await testGridGetItem(1, 1, "ef"); await testGridGetItem(1, 2, "ef"); await testGridGetItem(2, 0, "dg"); await testGridGetItem(2, 1, "h"); await testGridGetItem(2, 2, "i"); await testPatternAbsent("button", "Grid"); }); /** * Test the GridItem pattern. */ addUiaTask(SNIPPET, async function testGridItem() { await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`); await testGridItemProps("a", 0, 0, 1, 1, "table"); await testGridItemProps("b", 0, 1, 1, 1, "table"); await testGridItemProps("c", 0, 2, 1, 1, "table"); await testGridItemProps("dg", 1, 0, 2, 1, "table"); await testGridItemProps("ef", 1, 1, 1, 2, "table"); await testGridItemProps("jkl", 3, 0, 1, 3, "table"); await testPatternAbsent("button", "GridItem"); }); /** * Test the Table pattern. */ addUiaTask( SNIPPET, async function testTable() { await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`); await assignPyVarToUiaWithId("table"); await definePyVar("pattern", `getUiaPattern(table, "Table")`); ok(await runPython(`bool(pattern)`), "table has Table pattern"); await isUiaElementArray( `pattern.GetCurrentRowHeaders()`, ["dg", "h"], "table has correct RowHeaders" ); await isUiaElementArray( `pattern.GetCurrentColumnHeaders()`, ["a", "b", "c"], "table has correct ColumnHeaders" ); is( await runPython(`pattern.CurrentRowOrColumnMajor`), RowOrColumnMajor_RowMajor, "table has correct RowOrColumnMajor" ); await testPatternAbsent("button", "Table"); }, // The IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't support the Row/ColumnHeaders properties. { uiaEnabled: true, uiaDisabled: false } ); /** * Test the TableItem pattern. */ addUiaTask(SNIPPET, async function testTableItem() { await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`); await testTableItemProps("a", [], []); await testTableItemProps("b", [], []); await testTableItemProps("c", [], []); await testTableItemProps("dg", [], ["a"]); await testTableItemProps("ef", ["dg"], ["b", "c"]); await testTableItemProps("h", ["dg"], ["b"]); await testTableItemProps("i", ["dg", "h"], ["c"]); await testTableItemProps("jkl", [], ["a", "b", "c"]); await testPatternAbsent("button", "TableItem"); });