/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const SNIPPET = `
g1 g2
g3 g4
`; async function testSelectionProps(id, selection, multiple, required) { await assignPyVarToUiaWithId(id); await definePyVar("pattern", `getUiaPattern(${id}, "Selection")`); ok(await runPython(`bool(pattern)`), `${id} has Selection pattern`); await isUiaElementArray( `pattern.GetCurrentSelection()`, selection, `${id} has correct Selection` ); is( !!(await runPython(`pattern.CurrentCanSelectMultiple`)), multiple, `${id} has correct CanSelectMultiple` ); // The IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't reflect the required state correctly. if (gIsUiaEnabled) { is( !!(await runPython(`pattern.CurrentIsSelectionRequired`)), required, `${id} has correct IsSelectionRequired` ); } } async function testSelectionItemProps(id, selected, container) { await assignPyVarToUiaWithId(id); await definePyVar("pattern", `getUiaPattern(${id}, "SelectionItem")`); ok(await runPython(`bool(pattern)`), `${id} has SelectionItem pattern`); is( !!(await runPython(`pattern.CurrentIsSelected`)), selected, `${id} has correct IsSelected` ); if (container) { is( await runPython(`pattern.CurrentSelectionContainer.CurrentAutomationId`), container, `${id} has correct SelectionContainer` ); } else { ok( !(await runPython(`bool(pattern.CurrentSelectionContainer)`)), `${id} has no SelectionContainer` ); } } /** * Test the Selection pattern. */ addUiaTask(SNIPPET, async function testSelection(browser) { await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`); await testSelectionProps("selectList", ["sl1"], false, false); await testSelectionProps("selectRequired", [], false, true); await testSelectionProps("selectMulti", ["sm1", "sm3"], true, false); // The Selection pattern only has an event for a complete invalidation of the // container's selection, which only happens when there are too many selection // events. Smaller selection changes fire events in the SelectionItem pattern. info("Changing selectMulti selection"); await setUpWaitForUiaEvent("Selection_Invalidated", "selectMulti"); await invokeContentTask(browser, [], () => { const multi = content.document.getElementById("selectMulti"); multi[0].selected = false; multi[1].selected = true; multi[2].selected = false; multi[3].selected = true; multi[4].selected = true; multi[5].selected = true; }); await waitForUiaEvent(); ok(true, "select got Invalidated event"); await testSelectionProps( "selectMulti", ["sm2", "sm4", "sm5", "sm6"], true, false ); await testPatternAbsent("selectCombo", "Selection"); await testSelectionProps("ariaListbox", ["al1"], false, false); await testSelectionProps("tablist", ["t2"], false, false); // The IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't expose the Selection pattern on grids. if (gIsUiaEnabled) { await testSelectionProps("grid", ["g2", "g4"], true, false); } // radio gets the SelectionItem pattern, but radiogroup doesn't get the // Selection pattern for now. Same for menu/menuitemradio. await testPatternAbsent("radiogroup", "Selection"); await testPatternAbsent("menu", "Selection"); await testPatternAbsent("button", "Selection"); }); /** * Test the SelectionItem pattern. */ addUiaTask(SNIPPET, async function testSelection() { await definePyVar("doc", `getDocUia()`); await testPatternAbsent("selectList", "SelectionItem"); await testSelectionItemProps("sl1", true, "selectList"); await testSelectionItemProps("sl2", false, "selectList"); info("Calling Select on sl2"); await setUpWaitForUiaEvent("SelectionItem_ElementSelected", "sl2"); await runPython(`pattern.Select()`); await waitForUiaEvent(); ok(true, "sl2 got ElementSelected event"); await testSelectionItemProps("sl1", false, "selectList"); await testSelectionItemProps("sl2", true, "selectList"); await testSelectionItemProps("sr1", false, "selectRequired"); await testSelectionItemProps("sm1", true, "selectMulti"); await testSelectionItemProps("sm2", false, "selectMulti"); info("Calling AddToSelection on sm2"); await setUpWaitForUiaEvent("SelectionItem_ElementAddedToSelection", "sm2"); await runPython(`pattern.AddToSelection()`); await waitForUiaEvent(); ok(true, "sm2 got ElementAddedToSelection event"); await testSelectionItemProps("sm2", true, "selectMulti"); await testSelectionItemProps("sm3", true, "selectMulti"); info("Calling RemoveFromSelection on sm3"); await setUpWaitForUiaEvent( "SelectionItem_ElementRemovedFromSelection", "sm3" ); await runPython(`pattern.RemoveFromSelection()`); await waitForUiaEvent(); ok(true, "sm3 got ElementRemovedFromSelection event"); await testSelectionItemProps("sm3", false, "selectMulti"); await testSelectionItemProps("t1", false, "tablist"); await testSelectionItemProps("t2", true, "tablist"); // The IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't expose the SelectionItem pattern on grid // cells. if (gIsUiaEnabled) { await testSelectionItemProps("g1", false, "grid"); await testSelectionItemProps("g2", true, "grid"); } await testSelectionItemProps("r1", true, null); await testSelectionItemProps("r2", false, null); // The IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't fire correct events for radio buttons. if (gIsUiaEnabled) { info("Calling Select on r2"); await setUpWaitForUiaEvent("SelectionItem_ElementSelected", "r2"); await runPython(`pattern.Select()`); await waitForUiaEvent(); ok(true, "r2 got ElementSelected event"); await testSelectionItemProps("r1", false, null); await testSelectionItemProps("r2", true, null); info("Calling RemoveFromSelection on r2"); await testPythonRaises( `pattern.RemoveFromSelection()`, "RemoveFromSelection failed on r2" ); } await testPatternAbsent("m1", "SelectionItem"); // The IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't expose the SelectionItem pattern for radio // menu items. if (gIsUiaEnabled) { await testSelectionItemProps("m2", false, null); await testSelectionItemProps("m3", true, null); } await testPatternAbsent("button", "SelectionItem"); });