/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* exported gIsUiaEnabled, addUiaTask, definePyVar, assignPyVarToUiaWithId, setUpWaitForUiaEvent, setUpWaitForUiaPropEvent, waitForUiaEvent, testPatternAbsent, testPythonRaises, isUiaElementArray */ // Load the shared-head file first. Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/accessible/tests/browser/shared-head.js", this ); // Loading and common.js from accessible/tests/mochitest/ for all tests, as // well as promisified-events.js. loadScripts( { name: "common.js", dir: MOCHITESTS_DIR }, { name: "promisified-events.js", dir: MOCHITESTS_DIR } ); let gIsUiaEnabled = false; /** * This is like addAccessibleTask, but takes two additional boolean options: * - uiaEnabled: Whether to run a variation of this test with Gecko UIA enabled. * - uiaDisabled: Whether to run a variation of this test with UIA disabled. In * this case, UIA will rely entirely on the IA2 -> UIA proxy. * If both are set, the test will be run twice with different configurations. * You can determine which variant is currently running using the gIsUiaEnabled * variable. This is useful for conditional tests; e.g. if Gecko UIA supports * something that the IA2 -> UIA proxy doesn't support. */ function addUiaTask(doc, task, options = {}) { const { uiaEnabled = true, uiaDisabled = true } = options; function addTask(shouldEnable) { async function uiaTask(browser, docAcc, topDocAcc) { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["accessibility.uia.enable", shouldEnable]], }); gIsUiaEnabled = shouldEnable; info(shouldEnable ? "Gecko UIA enabled" : "Gecko UIA disabled"); await task(browser, docAcc, topDocAcc); } addAccessibleTask(doc, uiaTask, options); } if (uiaEnabled) { addTask(true); } if (uiaDisabled) { addTask(false); } } /** * Define a global Python variable and assign it to a given Python expression. */ function definePyVar(varName, expression) { return runPython(` global ${varName} ${varName} = ${expression} `); } /** * Get the UIA element with the given id and assign it to a global Python * variable using the id as the variable name. */ function assignPyVarToUiaWithId(id) { return definePyVar(id, `findUiaByDomId(doc, "${id}")`); } /** * Set up to wait for a UIA event. You must await this before performing the * action which fires the event. */ function setUpWaitForUiaEvent(eventName, id) { return definePyVar( "onEvent", `WaitForUiaEvent(eventId=UIA_${eventName}EventId, match="${id}")` ); } /** * Set up to wait for a UIA property change event. You must await this before * performing the action which fires the event. */ function setUpWaitForUiaPropEvent(propName, id) { return definePyVar( "onEvent", `WaitForUiaEvent(property=UIA_${propName}PropertyId, match="${id}")` ); } /** * Wait for the event requested in setUpWaitForUia*Event. */ function waitForUiaEvent() { return runPython(` onEvent.wait() `); } /** * Verify that a UIA element does *not* support the given control pattern. */ async function testPatternAbsent(id, patternName) { const hasPattern = await runPython(` el = findUiaByDomId(doc, "${id}") return bool(getUiaPattern(el, "${patternName}")) `); ok(!hasPattern, `${id} doesn't have ${patternName} pattern`); } /** * Verify that a Python expression raises an exception. */ async function testPythonRaises(expression, message) { let failed = false; try { await runPython(expression); } catch { failed = true; } ok(failed, message); } /** * Verify that an array of UIA elements contains (only) elements with the given * DOM ids. */ async function isUiaElementArray(pyExpr, ids, message) { const result = await runPython(` uias = (${pyExpr}) return [uias.GetElement(i).CurrentAutomationId for i in range(uias.Length)] `); SimpleTest.isDeeply(result, ids, message); }