/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { CrashSubmit: "resource://gre/modules/CrashSubmit.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "gNavigatorBundle", function () { const url = "chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties"; return Services.strings.createBundle(url); }); export const PluginManager = { gmpCrashes: new Map(), observe(subject, topic) { switch (topic) { case "gmp-plugin-crash": this._registerGMPCrash(subject); break; } }, _registerGMPCrash(subject) { let propertyBag = subject; if ( !(propertyBag instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag2) || !propertyBag.hasKey("pluginID") || !propertyBag.hasKey("pluginDumpID") || !propertyBag.hasKey("pluginName") ) { console.error("PluginManager can not read plugin information."); return; } let pluginID = propertyBag.getPropertyAsUint32("pluginID"); let pluginDumpID = propertyBag.getPropertyAsAString("pluginDumpID"); let pluginName = propertyBag.getPropertyAsACString("pluginName"); if (pluginDumpID) { this.gmpCrashes.set(pluginID, { pluginDumpID, pluginID, pluginName }); } // Only the parent process gets the gmp-plugin-crash observer // notification, so we need to inform any content processes that // the GMP has crashed. This then fires PluginCrashed events in // all the relevant windows, which will trigger child actors being // created, which will contact us again, when we'll use the // gmpCrashes collection to respond. if (Services.ppmm) { Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("gmp-plugin-crash", { pluginName, pluginID, }); } }, /** * Submit a crash report for a crashed plugin. * * @param pluginCrashID * An object with a pluginID. * @param keyVals * An object whose key-value pairs will be merged * with the ".extra" file submitted with the report. * The properties of htis object will override properties * of the same name in the .extra file. */ submitCrashReport(pluginCrashID, keyVals = {}) { let report = this.getCrashReport(pluginCrashID); if (!report) { console.error( `Could not find plugin dump IDs for ${JSON.stringify(pluginCrashID)}.` + `It is possible that a report was already submitted.` ); return; } let { pluginDumpID } = report; lazy.CrashSubmit.submit( pluginDumpID, lazy.CrashSubmit.SUBMITTED_FROM_CRASH_TAB, { recordSubmission: true, extraExtraKeyVals: keyVals, } ); this.gmpCrashes.delete(pluginCrashID.pluginID); }, getCrashReport(pluginCrashID) { return this.gmpCrashes.get(pluginCrashID.pluginID); }, }; export class PluginParent extends JSWindowActorParent { receiveMessage(msg) { let browser = this.manager.rootFrameLoader.ownerElement; switch (msg.name) { case "PluginContent:ShowPluginCrashedNotification": this.showPluginCrashedNotification(browser, msg.data.pluginCrashID); break; default: console.error( "PluginParent did not expect to handle message ", msg.name ); break; } return null; } /** * Shows a plugin-crashed notification bar for a browser that has had a * GMP plugin crash. * * @param browser * The browser to show the notification for. * @param pluginCrashID * The unique-per-process identifier for GMP. */ showPluginCrashedNotification(browser, pluginCrashID) { // If there's already an existing notification bar, don't do anything. let notificationBox = browser.getTabBrowser().getNotificationBox(browser); let notification = notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("plugin-crashed"); let report = PluginManager.getCrashReport(pluginCrashID); if (notification || !report) { return; } // Configure the notification bar let priority = notificationBox.PRIORITY_WARNING_MEDIUM; let iconURL = "chrome://global/skin/icons/plugin.svg"; let reloadLabel = lazy.gNavigatorBundle.GetStringFromName( "crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label" ); let reloadKey = lazy.gNavigatorBundle.GetStringFromName( "crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.accesskey" ); let buttons = [ { label: reloadLabel, accessKey: reloadKey, popup: null, callback() { browser.reload(); }, }, ]; if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) { let submitLabel = lazy.gNavigatorBundle.GetStringFromName( "crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label" ); let submitKey = lazy.gNavigatorBundle.GetStringFromName( "crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.accesskey" ); let submitButton = { label: submitLabel, accessKey: submitKey, popup: null, callback: () => { PluginManager.submitCrashReport(pluginCrashID); }, }; buttons.push(submitButton); } // Add the "learn more" link. let learnMoreLink = { supportPage: "plugin-crashed-notificationbar", label: lazy.gNavigatorBundle.GetStringFromName( "crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore" ), }; buttons.push(learnMoreLink); let messageString = lazy.gNavigatorBundle.formatStringFromName( "crashedpluginsMessage.title", [report.pluginName] ); notificationBox.appendNotification( "plugin-crashed", { label: messageString, image: iconURL, priority, }, buttons ); } }