const gCompleteState = Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP + Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK; function getOriginalURL(request) { return request && request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel).originalURI.spec; } var gFrontProgressListener = { onProgressChange( aWebProgress, aRequest, aCurSelfProgress, aMaxSelfProgress, aCurTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress ) {}, onStateChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus) { var url = getOriginalURL(aRequest); if (url == "about:blank") { return; } var state = "onStateChange"; info( "FrontProgress (" + url + "): " + state + " 0x" + aStateFlags.toString(16) ); assertCorrectBrowserAndEventOrderForFront(state); }, onLocationChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI, aFlags) { var url = getOriginalURL(aRequest); if (url == "about:blank") { return; } var state = "onLocationChange"; info("FrontProgress: " + state + " " + aLocationURI.spec); assertCorrectBrowserAndEventOrderForFront(state); }, onSecurityChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aState) { var url = getOriginalURL(aRequest); if (url == "about:blank") { return; } var state = "onSecurityChange"; info("FrontProgress (" + url + "): " + state + " 0x" + aState.toString(16)); assertCorrectBrowserAndEventOrderForFront(state); }, }; function assertCorrectBrowserAndEventOrderForFront(aEventName) { Assert.less( gFrontNotificationsPos, gFrontNotifications.length, "Got an expected notification for the front notifications listener" ); is( aEventName, gFrontNotifications[gFrontNotificationsPos], "Got a notification for the front notifications listener" ); gFrontNotificationsPos++; } var gAllProgressListener = { onStateChange(aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus) { var url = getOriginalURL(aRequest); if (url == "about:blank") { // ignore initial about blank return; } var state = "onStateChange"; info( "AllProgress (" + url + "): " + state + " 0x" + aStateFlags.toString(16) ); assertCorrectBrowserAndEventOrderForAll(state, aBrowser); assertReceivedFlags( state, gAllNotifications[gAllNotificationsPos], aStateFlags ); gAllNotificationsPos++; if ((aStateFlags & gCompleteState) == gCompleteState) { is( gAllNotificationsPos, gAllNotifications.length, "Saw the expected number of notifications" ); is( gFrontNotificationsPos, gFrontNotifications.length, "Saw the expected number of frontnotifications" ); executeSoon(gNextTest); } }, onLocationChange(aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI, aFlags) { var url = getOriginalURL(aRequest); if (url == "about:blank") { // ignore initial about blank return; } var state = "onLocationChange"; info("AllProgress: " + state + " " + aLocationURI.spec); assertCorrectBrowserAndEventOrderForAll(state, aBrowser); assertReceivedFlags( "onLocationChange", gAllNotifications[gAllNotificationsPos], aFlags ); gAllNotificationsPos++; }, onSecurityChange(aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aState) { var url = getOriginalURL(aRequest); if (url == "about:blank") { // ignore initial about blank return; } var state = "onSecurityChange"; info("AllProgress (" + url + "): " + state + " 0x" + aState.toString(16)); assertCorrectBrowserAndEventOrderForAll(state, aBrowser); is( state, gAllNotifications[gAllNotificationsPos], "Got a notification for the all notifications listener" ); gAllNotificationsPos++; }, }; function assertCorrectBrowserAndEventOrderForAll(aState, aBrowser) { Assert.equal( aBrowser, gTestBrowser, aState + " notification came from the correct browser" ); Assert.less( gAllNotificationsPos, gAllNotifications.length, "Got an expected notification for the all notifications listener" ); } function assertReceivedFlags(aState, aObjOrEvent, aFlags) { if (aObjOrEvent !== null && typeof aObjOrEvent === "object") { is( aState, aObjOrEvent.state, "Got a notification for the all notifications listener" ); is(aFlags, aFlags & aObjOrEvent.flags, `Got correct flags for ${aState}`); } else { is( aState, aObjOrEvent, "Got a notification for the all notifications listener" ); } } var gFrontNotifications, gAllNotifications, gFrontNotificationsPos, gAllNotificationsPos; var gBackgroundTab, gForegroundTab, gBackgroundBrowser, gForegroundBrowser, gTestBrowser; var gTestPage = "/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/alltabslistener.html"; const kBasePage = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/dummy_page.html"; var gNextTest; async function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); gBackgroundTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser); gForegroundTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser); gBackgroundBrowser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBackgroundTab); gForegroundBrowser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gForegroundTab); gBrowser.selectedTab = gForegroundTab; gAllNotifications = [ "onStateChange", "onLocationChange", "onSecurityChange", "onStateChange", ]; // We must wait until a page has completed loading before // starting tests or we get notifications from that let promises = [ BrowserTestUtils.browserStopped(gBackgroundBrowser, kBasePage), BrowserTestUtils.browserStopped(gForegroundBrowser, kBasePage), ]; BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(gBackgroundBrowser, kBasePage); BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(gForegroundBrowser, kBasePage); await Promise.all(promises); // If we process switched, the tabbrowser may still be processing the state_stop // notification here because of how microtasks work. Ensure that that has // happened before starting to test (which would add listeners to the tabbrowser // which would get confused by being called about kBasePage loading). await new Promise(executeSoon); startTest1(); } function runTest(browser, url, next) { gFrontNotificationsPos = 0; gAllNotificationsPos = 0; gNextTest = next; gTestBrowser = browser; BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(browser, url); } function startTest1() { info("\nTest 1"); gBrowser.addProgressListener(gFrontProgressListener); gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(gAllProgressListener); gFrontNotifications = gAllNotifications; // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url runTest(gForegroundBrowser, "" + gTestPage, startTest2); } function startTest2() { info("\nTest 2"); gFrontNotifications = gAllNotifications; runTest(gForegroundBrowser, "" + gTestPage, startTest3); } function startTest3() { info("\nTest 3"); gFrontNotifications = []; // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url runTest(gBackgroundBrowser, "" + gTestPage, startTest4); } function startTest4() { info("\nTest 4"); gFrontNotifications = []; runTest(gBackgroundBrowser, "" + gTestPage, startTest5); } function startTest5() { info("\nTest 5"); // Switch the foreground browser [gForegroundBrowser, gBackgroundBrowser] = [ gBackgroundBrowser, gForegroundBrowser, ]; [gForegroundTab, gBackgroundTab] = [gBackgroundTab, gForegroundTab]; // Avoid the onLocationChange this will fire gBrowser.removeProgressListener(gFrontProgressListener); gBrowser.selectedTab = gForegroundTab; gBrowser.addProgressListener(gFrontProgressListener); gFrontNotifications = gAllNotifications; // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url runTest(gForegroundBrowser, "" + gTestPage, startTest6); } function startTest6() { info("\nTest 6"); gFrontNotifications = []; // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url runTest(gBackgroundBrowser, "" + gTestPage, startTest7); } // Navigate from remote to non-remote function startTest7() { info("\nTest 7"); gFrontNotifications = []; gAllNotifications = [ "onStateChange", "onLocationChange", "onSecurityChange", { state: "onLocationChange", flags: Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT, }, // dummy onLocationChange event "onStateChange", ]; runTest(gBackgroundBrowser, "about:preferences", startTest8); } // Navigate from non-remote to non-remote function startTest8() { info("\nTest 8"); gFrontNotifications = []; gAllNotifications = [ "onStateChange", { state: "onStateChange", flags: Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_REDIRECTED_DOCUMENT | Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_REQUEST | Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START, }, "onLocationChange", "onSecurityChange", "onStateChange", ]; runTest(gBackgroundBrowser, "about:config", startTest9); } // Navigate from non-remote to remote function startTest9() { info("\nTest 9"); gFrontNotifications = []; gAllNotifications = [ "onStateChange", "onLocationChange", "onSecurityChange", "onStateChange", ]; // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url runTest(gBackgroundBrowser, "" + gTestPage, finishTest); } function finishTest() { gBrowser.removeProgressListener(gFrontProgressListener); gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(gAllProgressListener); gBrowser.removeTab(gBackgroundTab); gBrowser.removeTab(gForegroundTab); finish(); }