/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ add_task(async function () { registerCleanupFunction(function () { window.restore(); }); function isActive() { return gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser.docShellIsActive; } ok(isActive(), "Docshell should be active when starting the test"); ok(!document.hidden, "Top level window should be visible"); // When we show or hide the window (including by minimization), // there are 2 signifiers that the process is complete: the // sizemodechange event, and the browsing context becoming active // or inactive. There is another signifier, the // occlusionstatechange event, but whether or not that event // is sent is platform-dependent, so it's not very useful. The // safest way to check for stable state is to build promises // around sizemodechange and browsing context active and then // wait for them all to complete, and that's what we do here. info("Calling window.minimize"); let promiseSizeModeChange = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( window, "sizemodechange" ).then( () => ok(true, "Got sizemodechange."), () => ok(false, "Rejected sizemodechange.") ); let promiseBrowserInactive = BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => !isActive(), "Docshell should be inactive." ).then( () => ok(true, "Got inactive."), () => ok(false, "Rejected inactive.") ); window.minimize(); await Promise.all([promiseSizeModeChange, promiseBrowserInactive]); ok(document.hidden, "Top level window should be hidden"); // When we restore the window from minimization, we have the // same concerns as above, so prepare our promises. info("Calling window.restore"); promiseSizeModeChange = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( window, "sizemodechange" ).then( () => ok(true, "Got sizemodechange."), () => ok(false, "Rejected sizemodechange.") ); let promiseBrowserActive = BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => isActive(), "Docshell should be active." ).then( () => ok(true, "Got active."), () => ok(false, "Rejected active.") ); window.restore(); // On Ubuntu `window.restore` doesn't seem to work, use a timer to make the // test fail faster and more cleanly than with a test timeout. await Promise.race([ Promise.all([promiseSizeModeChange, promiseBrowserActive]), new Promise((resolve, reject) => // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout setTimeout(() => { reject("timed out waiting for sizemodechange event"); }, 5000) ), ]); ok(!document.hidden, "Top level window should be visible"); });