/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Test browser toolbar keyboard navigation. * These tests assume the default browser configuration for toolbars unless * otherwise specified. */ const PERMISSIONS_PAGE = "https://example.com/browser/browser/base/content/test/permissions/permissions.html"; const afterUrlBarButton = "save-to-pocket-button"; // The DevEdition has the DevTools button in the toolbar by default. Remove it // to prevent branch-specific rules what button should be focused. function resetToolbarWithoutDevEditionButtons() { CustomizableUI.reset(); CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("developer-button"); } function AddHomeBesideReload() { CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea( "home-button", "nav-bar", CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("stop-reload-button").position + 1 ); } function RemoveHomeButton() { CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("home-button"); } function AddOldMenuSideButtons() { // Make the FxA button visible even though we're signed out. // We'll use oldfxastatus to restore the old state. document.documentElement.setAttribute( "oldfxastatus", document.documentElement.getAttribute("fxastatus") ); document.documentElement.setAttribute("fxastatus", "signed_in"); // The FxA button is supposed to be last, add these buttons before it. CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea( "library-button", "nav-bar", CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea("nav-bar").length - 3 ); CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea( "sidebar-button", "nav-bar", CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea("nav-bar").length - 3 ); CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea( "unified-extensions-button", "nav-bar", CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea("nav-bar").length - 3 ); } function RemoveOldMenuSideButtons() { CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("library-button"); CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("sidebar-button"); document.documentElement.setAttribute( "fxastatus", document.documentElement.getAttribute("oldfxastatus") ); document.documentElement.removeAttribute("oldfxastatus"); } function startFromUrlBar(aWindow = window) { aWindow.gURLBar.focus(); is( aWindow.document.activeElement, aWindow.gURLBar.inputField, "URL bar focused for start of test" ); } // The Reload button is disabled for a short time even after the page finishes // loading. Wait for it to be enabled. async function waitUntilReloadEnabled() { let button = document.getElementById("reload-button"); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => !button.disabled); } // Opens a new, blank tab, executes a task and closes the tab. function withNewBlankTab(taskFn) { return BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("about:blank", async function () { // For a blank tab, the Reload button should be disabled. However, when we // open about:blank with BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab, this is unreliable. // Therefore, explicitly disable the reload command. // We disable the command (rather than disabling the button directly) so the // button will be updated correctly for future page loads. document.getElementById("Browser:Reload").setAttribute("disabled", "true"); await taskFn(); }); } function removeFirefoxViewButton() { CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("firefox-view-button"); } const BOOKMARKS_COUNT = 100; add_setup(async function () { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["browser.toolbars.keyboard_navigation", true], ["accessibility.tabfocus", 7], ], }); resetToolbarWithoutDevEditionButtons(); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); // Add bookmarks. let bookmarks = new Array(BOOKMARKS_COUNT); for (let i = 0; i < BOOKMARKS_COUNT; ++i) { // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url bookmarks[i] = { url: `http://test.places.${i}y/` }; } await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({ guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, children: bookmarks, }); // The page actions button is not normally visible, so we must // unhide it. BrowserPageActions.mainButtonNode.style.visibility = "visible"; registerCleanupFunction(() => { BrowserPageActions.mainButtonNode.style.removeProperty("visibility"); }); }); // Test tab stops with no page loaded. add_task(async function testTabStopsNoPageWithHomeButton() { AddHomeBesideReload(); await withNewBlankTab(async function () { startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "home-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "tabs-newtab-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", gBrowser.selectedTab); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "tabs-newtab-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "home-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", gURLBar.inputField); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", afterUrlBarButton); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", gBrowser.selectedBrowser); }); RemoveHomeButton(); }); async function doTestTabStopsPageLoaded(aPageActionsVisible) { info(`doTestTabStopsPageLoaded(${aPageActionsVisible})`); BrowserPageActions.mainButtonNode.style.visibility = aPageActionsVisible ? "visible" : ""; await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("https://example.com", async function () { await waitUntilReloadEnabled(); startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey( "Shift+Tab", "tracking-protection-icon-container" ); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "reload-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "tabs-newtab-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", gBrowser.selectedTab); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "tabs-newtab-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "reload-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "tracking-protection-icon-container"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", gURLBar.inputField); await expectFocusAfterKey( "Tab", aPageActionsVisible ? "pageActionButton" : "star-button-box" ); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", afterUrlBarButton); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", gBrowser.selectedBrowser); }); } // Test tab stops with a page loaded. add_task(async function testTabStopsPageLoaded() { is( BrowserPageActions.mainButtonNode.style.visibility, "visible", "explicitly shown at the beginning of test" ); await doTestTabStopsPageLoaded(false); await doTestTabStopsPageLoaded(true); }); // Test tab stops with a notification anchor visible. // The notification anchor should not get its own tab stop. add_task(async function testTabStopsWithNotification() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( PERMISSIONS_PAGE, async function (aBrowser) { let popupShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( PopupNotifications.panel, "popupshown" ); // Request a permission. BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("#geo", {}, aBrowser); await popupShown; startFromUrlBar(); // If the notification anchor were in the tab order, the next shift+tab // would focus it instead of #tracking-protection-icon-container. await expectFocusAfterKey( "Shift+Tab", "tracking-protection-icon-container" ); } ); }); // Test tab stops with the Bookmarks toolbar visible. add_task(async function testTabStopsWithBookmarksToolbar() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("about:blank", async function () { CustomizableUI.setToolbarVisibility("PersonalToolbar", true); startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", afterUrlBarButton); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "PersonalToolbar", true); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", gBrowser.selectedBrowser); // Make sure the Bookmarks toolbar is no longer tabbable once hidden. CustomizableUI.setToolbarVisibility("PersonalToolbar", false); startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", afterUrlBarButton); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", gBrowser.selectedBrowser); }); }); // Test a focusable toolbartabstop which has no navigable buttons. add_task(async function testTabStopNoButtons() { await withNewBlankTab(async function () { // The Back, Forward and Reload buttons are all currently disabled. // The Home button is the only other button at that tab stop. CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("home-button"); startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "tabs-newtab-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", gURLBar.inputField); resetToolbarWithoutDevEditionButtons(); AddHomeBesideReload(); // Make sure the button is reachable now that it has been re-added. await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "home-button", true); RemoveHomeButton(); }); }); // Test that right/left arrows move through toolbarbuttons. // This also verifies that: // 1. Right/left arrows do nothing when at the edges; and // 2. The overflow menu button can't be reached by right arrow when it isn't // visible. add_task(async function testArrowsToolbarbuttons() { AddOldMenuSideButtons(); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("about:blank", async function () { startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", afterUrlBarButton); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowLeft"); is( document.activeElement.id, afterUrlBarButton, "ArrowLeft at end of button group does nothing" ); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "library-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "sidebar-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "unified-extensions-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "fxa-toolbar-menu-button"); // This next check also confirms that the overflow menu button is skipped, // since it is currently invisible. await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "PanelUI-menu-button"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowRight"); is( document.activeElement.id, "PanelUI-menu-button", "ArrowRight at end of button group does nothing" ); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "fxa-toolbar-menu-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "unified-extensions-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "sidebar-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "library-button"); }); RemoveOldMenuSideButtons(); }); // Test that right/left arrows move through buttons which aren't toolbarbuttons // but have role="button". add_task(async function testArrowsRoleButton() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("https://example.com", async function () { startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "pageActionButton"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "star-button-box"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "pageActionButton"); }); }); // Test that right/left arrows do not land on disabled buttons. add_task(async function testArrowsDisabledButtons() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( "https://example.com", async function (aBrowser) { await waitUntilReloadEnabled(); startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey( "Shift+Tab", "tracking-protection-icon-container" ); // Back and Forward buttons are disabled. await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "reload-button"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowLeft"); is( document.activeElement.id, "reload-button", "ArrowLeft on Reload button when prior buttons disabled does nothing" ); BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(aBrowser, "https://example.com/2"); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(aBrowser); await waitUntilReloadEnabled(); startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey( "Shift+Tab", "tracking-protection-icon-container" ); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "back-button"); // Forward button is still disabled. await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "reload-button"); } ); }); // Test that right arrow reaches the overflow menu button when it is visible. add_task(async function testArrowsOverflowButton() { AddOldMenuSideButtons(); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("about:blank", async function () { // Move something to the overflow menu to make the button appear. CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea( "home-button", CustomizableUI.AREA_FIXED_OVERFLOW_PANEL ); startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", afterUrlBarButton); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "library-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "sidebar-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "unified-extensions-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "fxa-toolbar-menu-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "nav-bar-overflow-button"); // Make sure the button is not reachable once it is invisible again. await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "PanelUI-menu-button"); resetToolbarWithoutDevEditionButtons(); // Flush layout so its invisibility can be detected. document.getElementById("nav-bar-overflow-button").clientWidth; // We reset the toolbar above so the unified extensions button is now the // "last" button. await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "unified-extensions-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "fxa-toolbar-menu-button"); }); RemoveOldMenuSideButtons(); }); // Test that toolbar keyboard navigation doesn't interfere with PanelMultiView // keyboard navigation. // We do this by opening the Library menu and ensuring that pressing left arrow // does nothing. add_task(async function testArrowsInPanelMultiView() { AddOldMenuSideButtons(); let button = document.getElementById("library-button"); await focusAndActivateElement(button, () => EventUtils.synthesizeKey(" ")); let view = document.getElementById("appMenu-libraryView"); let focused = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(view, "focus", true); let focusEvt = await focused; ok(true, "Focus inside Library menu after toolbar button pressed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowLeft"); is( document.activeElement, focusEvt.target, "ArrowLeft inside panel does nothing" ); let hidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(document, "popuphidden", true); view.closest("panel").hidePopup(); await hidden; RemoveOldMenuSideButtons(); }); // Test that right/left arrows move in the expected direction for RTL locales. add_task(async function testArrowsRtl() { AddOldMenuSideButtons(); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["intl.l10n.pseudo", "bidi"]] }); // window.RTL_UI doesn't update in existing windows when this pref is changed, // so we need to test in a new window. let win = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(); startFromUrlBar(win); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", afterUrlBarButton, false, win); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowRight", {}, win); is( win.document.activeElement.id, afterUrlBarButton, "ArrowRight at end of button group does nothing" ); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "library-button", false, win); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "sidebar-button", false, win); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); RemoveOldMenuSideButtons(); }); // Test that right arrow reaches the overflow menu button on the Bookmarks // toolbar when it is visible. add_task(async function testArrowsBookmarksOverflowButton() { let toolbar = gNavToolbox.querySelector("#PersonalToolbar"); // Third parameter is 'persist' and true is the default. // Fourth parameter is 'animated' and we want no animation. setToolbarVisibility(toolbar, true, true, false); Assert.ok(!toolbar.collapsed, "toolbar should be visible"); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( toolbar, "BookmarksToolbarVisibilityUpdated" ); let items = document.getElementById("PlacesToolbarItems").children; let lastVisible; for (let item of items) { if (item.style.visibility == "hidden") { break; } lastVisible = item; } await focusAndActivateElement(lastVisible, () => expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "PlacesChevron") ); setToolbarVisibility(toolbar, false, true, false); }); registerCleanupFunction(async function () { CustomizableUI.reset(); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); // Test that when a toolbar button opens a panel, closing the panel restores // focus to the button which opened it. add_task(async function testPanelCloseRestoresFocus() { AddOldMenuSideButtons(); await withNewBlankTab(async function () { // We can't use forceFocus because that removes focusability immediately. // Instead, we must let ToolbarKeyboardNavigator handle this properly. startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", afterUrlBarButton); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "library-button"); let view = document.getElementById("appMenu-libraryView"); let shown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(view, "ViewShown"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(" "); await shown; let hidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(document, "popuphidden", true); view.closest("panel").hidePopup(); await hidden; is( document.activeElement.id, "library-button", "Focus restored to Library button after panel closed" ); }); RemoveOldMenuSideButtons(); }); // Test that the arrow key works in the group of the // 'tracking-protection-icon-container' and the 'identity-box'. add_task(async function testArrowKeyForTPIconContainerandIdentityBox() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( "https://example.com", async function (browser) { // Simulate geo sharing so the permission box shows gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(browser, { geo: true }); await waitUntilReloadEnabled(); startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey( "Shift+Tab", "tracking-protection-icon-container" ); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "identity-icon-box"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "identity-permission-box"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", "identity-icon-box"); await expectFocusAfterKey( "ArrowLeft", "tracking-protection-icon-container" ); gBrowser.updateBrowserSharing(browser, { geo: false }); } ); }); // Test navigation by typed characters. add_task(async function testCharacterNavigation() { AddHomeBesideReload(); AddOldMenuSideButtons(); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("https://example.com", async function () { await waitUntilReloadEnabled(); startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "pageActionButton"); await expectFocusAfterKey("h", "home-button"); // There's no button starting with "hs", so pressing s should do nothing. EventUtils.synthesizeKey("s"); is( document.activeElement.id, "home-button", "home-button still focused after s pressed" ); // Escape should reset the search. EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape"); // Now that the search is reset, pressing s should focus Save to Pocket. await expectFocusAfterKey("s", "save-to-pocket-button"); // Pressing i makes the search "si", so it should focus Sidebars. await expectFocusAfterKey("i", "sidebar-button"); // Reset the search. EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape"); await expectFocusAfterKey("s", "save-to-pocket-button"); // Pressing s again should find the next button starting with s: Sidebars. await expectFocusAfterKey("s", "sidebar-button"); }); RemoveHomeButton(); RemoveOldMenuSideButtons(); }); // Test that toolbar character navigation doesn't trigger in PanelMultiView for // a panel anchored to the toolbar. // We do this by opening the Library menu and ensuring that pressing s // does nothing. // This test should be removed if PanelMultiView implements character // navigation. add_task(async function testCharacterInPanelMultiView() { AddOldMenuSideButtons(); let button = document.getElementById("library-button"); let view = document.getElementById("appMenu-libraryView"); let focused = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(view, "focus", true); await focusAndActivateElement(button, () => EventUtils.synthesizeKey(" ")); let focusEvt = await focused; ok(true, "Focus inside Library menu after toolbar button pressed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("s"); is(document.activeElement, focusEvt.target, "s inside panel does nothing"); let hidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(document, "popuphidden", true); view.closest("panel").hidePopup(); await hidden; RemoveOldMenuSideButtons(); }); // Test tab stops after the search bar is added. add_task(async function testTabStopsAfterSearchBarAdded() { AddOldMenuSideButtons(); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["browser.search.widget.inNavBar", 1]], }); await withNewBlankTab(async function () { startFromUrlBar(); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "searchbar", true); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", afterUrlBarButton); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowRight", "library-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("ArrowLeft", afterUrlBarButton); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "searchbar", true); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", gURLBar.inputField); }); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); RemoveOldMenuSideButtons(); }); // Test tab navigation when the Firefox View button is present // and when the button is not present. add_task(async function testFirefoxViewButtonNavigation() { // Add enough tabs so that the new-tab-button appears in the toolbar // and the tabs-newtab-button is hidden. await BrowserTestUtils.overflowTabs(registerCleanupFunction, window); // Assert that Firefox View button receives focus when tab navigating // forward from the end of web content. // Additionally, ensure that focus is not trapped between the // selected tab and the new-tab button. // Finally, assert that focus is restored to web content when // navigating backwards from the Firefox View button. await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( PERMISSIONS_PAGE, async function (aBrowser) { await SpecialPowers.spawn(aBrowser, [], async () => { content.document.querySelector("#camera").focus(); }); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "firefox-view-button"); let selectedTab = document.querySelector("tab[selected]"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", selectedTab); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "new-tab-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", selectedTab); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", "firefox-view-button"); // Moving from toolbar back into content EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: true }); await SpecialPowers.spawn(aBrowser, [], async () => { let activeElement = content.document.activeElement; let expectedElement = content.document.querySelector("#camera"); is( activeElement, expectedElement, "Focus should be returned to the 'camera' button" ); }); } ); // Assert that the selected tab receives focus before the new-tab button // if there is no Firefox View button. // Additionally, assert that navigating backwards from the selected tab // restores focus to the last element in the web content. await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( PERMISSIONS_PAGE, async function (aBrowser) { removeFirefoxViewButton(); await SpecialPowers.spawn(aBrowser, [], async () => { content.document.querySelector("#camera").focus(); }); let selectedTab = document.querySelector("tab[selected]"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", selectedTab); await expectFocusAfterKey("Tab", "new-tab-button"); await expectFocusAfterKey("Shift+Tab", selectedTab); // Moving from toolbar back into content EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: true }); await SpecialPowers.spawn(aBrowser, [], async () => { let activeElement = content.document.activeElement; let expectedElement = content.document.querySelector("#camera"); is( activeElement, expectedElement, "Focus should be returned to the 'camera' button" ); }); } ); // Clean up extra tabs while (gBrowser.tabs.length > 1) { BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.tabs[0]); } CustomizableUI.reset(); });