/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Force focus to an element that isn't focusable. * Toolbar buttons aren't focusable because if they were, clicking them would * focus them, which is undesirable. Therefore, they're only made focusable * when a user is navigating with the keyboard. This function forces focus as * is done during toolbar keyboard navigation. * It then runs the `activateMethod` passed in, and restores usual focus state * afterwards. `activateMethod` can be async. */ async function focusAndActivateElement(elem, activateMethod) { elem.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); elem.focus(); try { await activateMethod(elem); } finally { elem.removeAttribute("tabindex"); } } async function expectFocusAfterKey( aKey, aFocus, aAncestorOk = false, aWindow = window ) { let res = aKey.match(/^(Shift\+)?(?:(.)|(.+))$/); let shift = Boolean(res[1]); let key; if (res[2]) { key = res[2]; // Character. } else { key = "KEY_" + res[3]; // Tab, ArrowRight, etc. } let expected; let friendlyExpected; if (typeof aFocus == "string") { expected = aWindow.document.getElementById(aFocus); friendlyExpected = aFocus; } else { expected = aFocus; if (aFocus == aWindow.gURLBar.inputField) { friendlyExpected = "URL bar input"; } else if (aFocus == aWindow.gBrowser.selectedBrowser) { friendlyExpected = "Web document"; } } info("Listening on item " + (expected.id || expected.className)); let focused = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(expected, "focus", aAncestorOk); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, { shiftKey: shift }, aWindow); let receivedEvent = await focused; info( "Got focus on item: " + (receivedEvent.target.id || receivedEvent.target.className) ); ok(true, friendlyExpected + " focused after " + aKey + " pressed"); }