/** * Verify that the colors were set properly. This has the effect of * verifying that the processes are assigned for child frames correctly. */ async function verifyBaseFrameStructure( browsingContexts, testname, expectedHTML ) { function checkColorAndText(bc, desc, expectedColor, expectedText) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( bc, [expectedColor, expectedText, desc], (expectedColorChild, expectedTextChild, descChild) => { Assert.equal( content.document.documentElement.style.backgroundColor, expectedColorChild, descChild + " color" ); Assert.equal( content.document.getElementById("insertPoint").innerHTML, expectedTextChild, descChild + " text" ); } ); } let useOOPFrames = gFissionBrowser; is( browsingContexts.length, TOTAL_FRAME_COUNT, "correct number of browsing contexts" ); await checkColorAndText( browsingContexts[0], testname + " base", "white", expectedHTML.next().value ); await checkColorAndText( browsingContexts[1], testname + " frame 1", useOOPFrames ? "seashell" : "white", expectedHTML.next().value ); await checkColorAndText( browsingContexts[2], testname + " frame 1-1", useOOPFrames ? "seashell" : "white", expectedHTML.next().value ); await checkColorAndText( browsingContexts[3], testname + " frame 2", useOOPFrames ? "lightcyan" : "white", expectedHTML.next().value ); await checkColorAndText( browsingContexts[4], testname + " frame 2-1", useOOPFrames ? "seashell" : "white", expectedHTML.next().value ); await checkColorAndText( browsingContexts[5], testname + " frame 2-2", useOOPFrames ? "lightcyan" : "white", expectedHTML.next().value ); await checkColorAndText( browsingContexts[6], testname + " frame 2-3", useOOPFrames ? "palegreen" : "white", expectedHTML.next().value ); await checkColorAndText( browsingContexts[7], testname + " frame 2-4", "white", expectedHTML.next().value ); } /** * Test setting up all of the frames where a string of markup is passed * to initChildFrames. */ add_task(async function test_subframes_string() { let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( gBrowser, OOP_BASE_PAGE_URI ); const markup = "


"; let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; let browsingContexts = await initChildFrames(browser, markup); function* getExpectedHTML() { for (let c = 1; c <= TOTAL_FRAME_COUNT; c++) { yield markup; } ok(false, "Frame count does not match actual number of frames"); } await verifyBaseFrameStructure(browsingContexts, "string", getExpectedHTML()); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); }); /** * Test setting up all of the frames where a function that returns different markup * is passed to initChildFrames. */ add_task(async function test_subframes_function() { let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( gBrowser, OOP_BASE_PAGE_URI ); let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; let counter = 0; let browsingContexts = await initChildFrames(browser, function () { return "

Text " + ++counter + "

"; }); is( counter, TOTAL_FRAME_COUNT, "insert HTML function called the correct number of times" ); function* getExpectedHTML() { for (let c = 1; c <= TOTAL_FRAME_COUNT; c++) { yield "

Text " + c + "

"; } } await verifyBaseFrameStructure( browsingContexts, "function", getExpectedHTML() ); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); });