/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* This test records I/O syscalls done on the main thread during startup. * * To run this test similar to try server, you need to run: * ./mach package * ./mach test --appname=dist * * If you made changes that cause this test to fail, it's likely because you * are touching more files or directories during startup. * Most code has no reason to use main thread I/O. * If for some reason accessing the file system on the main thread is currently * unavoidable, consider defering the I/O as long as you can, ideally after * the end of startup. */ "use strict"; /* Set this to true only for debugging purpose; it makes the output noisy. */ const kDumpAllStacks = false; // Shortcuts for conditions. const LINUX = AppConstants.platform == "linux"; const WIN = AppConstants.platform == "win"; const MAC = AppConstants.platform == "macosx"; const FORK_SERVER = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "dom.ipc.forkserver.enable", false ); /* This is an object mapping string process types to lists of known cases * of IO happening on the main thread. Ideally, IO should not be on the main * thread, and should happen as late as possible (see above). * * Paths in the entries in these lists can: * - be a full path, eg. "/etc/mime.types" * - have a prefix which will be resolved using Services.dirsvc * eg. "GreD:omni.ja" * It's possible to have only a prefix, in thise case the directory will * still be resolved, eg. "UAppData:" * - use * at the begining and/or end as a wildcard * The folder separator is '/' even for Windows paths, where it'll be * automatically converted to '\'. * * Specifying 'ignoreIfUnused: true' will make the test ignore unused entries; * without this the test is strict and will fail if the described IO does not * happen. * * Each entry specifies the maximum number of times an operation is expected to * occur. * The operations currently reported by the I/O interposer are: * create/open: only supported on Windows currently. The test currently * ignores these markers to have a shorter initial list of IO operations. * Adding Unix support is bug 1533779. * stat: supported on all platforms when checking the last modified date or * file size. Supported only on Windows when checking if a file exists; * fixing this inconsistency is bug 1536109. * read: supported on all platforms, but unix platforms will only report read * calls going through NSPR. * write: supported on all platforms, but Linux will only report write calls * going through NSPR. * close: supported only on Unix, and only for close calls going through NSPR. * Adding Windows support is bug 1524574. * fsync: supported only on Windows. * * If an entry specifies more than one operation, if at least one of them is * encountered, the test won't report a failure for the entry if other * operations are not encountered. This helps when listing cases where the * reported operations aren't the same on all platforms due to the I/O * interposer inconsistencies across platforms documented above. */ const processes = { "Web Content": [ { path: "GreD:omni.ja", // Visible on Windows with an open marker. // The fork server preloads the omnijars. condition: !WIN && !FORK_SERVER, stat: 1, }, { // bug 1376994 path: "XCurProcD:omni.ja", // Visible on Windows with an open marker. // The fork server preloads the omnijars. condition: !WIN && !FORK_SERVER, stat: 1, }, { // Exists call in ScopedXREEmbed::SetAppDir path: "XCurProcD:", condition: WIN, stat: 1, }, { // bug 1357205 path: "XREAppFeat:formautofill@mozilla.org.xpi", condition: !WIN, ignoreIfUnused: true, stat: 1, }, { path: "*ShaderCache*", // Bug 1660480 - seen on hardware condition: WIN, ignoreIfUnused: true, stat: 3, }, ], "Privileged Content": [ { path: "GreD:omni.ja", // Visible on Windows with an open marker. // The fork server preloads the omnijars. condition: !WIN && !FORK_SERVER, stat: 1, }, { // bug 1376994 path: "XCurProcD:omni.ja", // Visible on Windows with an open marker. // The fork server preloads the omnijars. condition: !WIN && !FORK_SERVER, stat: 1, }, { // Exists call in ScopedXREEmbed::SetAppDir path: "XCurProcD:", condition: WIN, stat: 1, }, ], WebExtensions: [ { path: "GreD:omni.ja", // Visible on Windows with an open marker. // The fork server preloads the omnijars. condition: !WIN && !FORK_SERVER, stat: 1, }, { // bug 1376994 path: "XCurProcD:omni.ja", // Visible on Windows with an open marker. // The fork server preloads the omnijars. condition: !WIN && !FORK_SERVER, stat: 1, }, { // Exists call in ScopedXREEmbed::SetAppDir path: "XCurProcD:", condition: WIN, stat: 1, }, { // We should remove this in bug 1882427 path: "*screenshots@mozilla.org.xpi", condition: true, ignoreIfUnused: true, close: 1, }, ], }; function expandPathWithDirServiceKey(path) { if (path.includes(":")) { let [prefix, suffix] = path.split(":"); let [key, property] = prefix.split("."); let dir = Services.dirsvc.get(key, Ci.nsIFile); if (property) { dir = dir[property]; } // Resolve symLinks. let dirPath = dir.path; while (dir && !dir.isSymlink()) { dir = dir.parent; } if (dir) { dirPath = dirPath.replace(dir.path, dir.target); } path = dirPath; if (suffix) { path += "/" + suffix; } } if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { path = path.replace(/\//g, "\\"); } return path; } function getStackFromProfile(profile, stack) { const stackPrefixCol = profile.stackTable.schema.prefix; const stackFrameCol = profile.stackTable.schema.frame; const frameLocationCol = profile.frameTable.schema.location; let result = []; while (stack) { let sp = profile.stackTable.data[stack]; let frame = profile.frameTable.data[sp[stackFrameCol]]; stack = sp[stackPrefixCol]; frame = profile.stringTable[frame[frameLocationCol]]; if (frame != "js::RunScript" && !frame.startsWith("next (self-hosted:")) { result.push(frame); } } return result; } function getIOMarkersFromProfile(profile) { const nameCol = profile.markers.schema.name; const dataCol = profile.markers.schema.data; let markers = []; for (let m of profile.markers.data) { let markerName = profile.stringTable[m[nameCol]]; if (markerName != "FileIO") { continue; } let markerData = m[dataCol]; if (markerData.source == "sqlite-mainthread") { continue; } let samples = markerData.stack.samples; let stack = samples.data[0][samples.schema.stack]; markers.push({ operation: markerData.operation, filename: markerData.filename, source: markerData.source, stackId: stack, }); } return markers; } function pathMatches(path, filename) { path = path.toLowerCase(); return ( path == filename || // Full match // Wildcard on both sides of the path (path.startsWith("*") && path.endsWith("*") && filename.includes(path.slice(1, -1))) || // Wildcard suffix (path.endsWith("*") && filename.startsWith(path.slice(0, -1))) || // Wildcard prefix (path.startsWith("*") && filename.endsWith(path.slice(1))) ); } add_task(async function () { if ( !AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD && !AppConstants.MOZ_DEV_EDITION && !AppConstants.DEBUG ) { ok( !("@mozilla.org/test/startuprecorder;1" in Cc), "the startup recorder component shouldn't exist in this non-nightly/non-devedition/" + "non-debug build." ); return; } TestUtils.assertPackagedBuild(); let startupRecorder = Cc["@mozilla.org/test/startuprecorder;1"].getService().wrappedJSObject; await startupRecorder.done; for (let process in processes) { processes[process] = processes[process].filter( entry => !("condition" in entry) || entry.condition ); processes[process].forEach(entry => { entry.listedPath = entry.path; entry.path = expandPathWithDirServiceKey(entry.path); }); } let tmpPath = expandPathWithDirServiceKey("TmpD:").toLowerCase(); let shouldPass = true; for (let procName in processes) { let knownIOList = processes[procName]; info( `known main thread IO paths for ${procName} process:\n` + knownIOList .map(e => { let operations = Object.keys(e) .filter(k => !["path", "condition"].includes(k)) .map(k => `${k}: ${e[k]}`); return ` ${e.path} - ${operations.join(", ")}`; }) .join("\n") ); let profile; for (let process of startupRecorder.data.profile.processes) { if (process.threads[0].processName == procName) { profile = process.threads[0]; break; } } if (procName == "Privileged Content" && !profile) { // The Privileged Content is started from an idle task that may not have // been executed yet at the time we captured the startup profile in // startupRecorder. todo(false, `profile for ${procName} process not found`); } else { ok(profile, `Found profile for ${procName} process`); } if (!profile) { continue; } let markers = getIOMarkersFromProfile(profile); for (let marker of markers) { if (marker.operation == "create/open") { // TODO: handle these I/O markers once they are supported on // non-Windows platforms. continue; } if (!marker.filename) { // We are still missing the filename on some mainthreadio markers, // these markers are currently useless for the purpose of this test. continue; } // Convert to lower case before comparing because the OS X test machines // have the 'Firefox' folder in 'Library/Application Support' created // as 'firefox' for some reason. let filename = marker.filename.toLowerCase(); if (!WIN && filename == "/dev/urandom") { continue; } // /dev/shm is always tmpfs (a memory filesystem); this isn't // really I/O any more than mmap/munmap are. if (LINUX && filename.startsWith("/dev/shm/")) { continue; } // "Files" from memfd_create() are similar to tmpfs but never // exist in the filesystem; however, they have names which are // exposed in procfs, and the I/O interposer observes when // they're close()d. if (LINUX && filename.startsWith("/memfd:")) { continue; } // Shared memory uses temporary files on MacOS <= 10.11 to avoid // a kernel security bug that will never be patched (see // https://crbug.com/project-zero/1671 for details). This can // be removed when we no longer support those OS versions. if (MAC && filename.startsWith(tmpPath + "/org.mozilla.ipc.")) { continue; } let expected = false; for (let entry of knownIOList) { if (pathMatches(entry.path, filename)) { entry[marker.operation] = (entry[marker.operation] || 0) - 1; entry._used = true; expected = true; break; } } if (!expected) { record( false, `unexpected ${marker.operation} on ${marker.filename} in ${procName} process`, undefined, " " + getStackFromProfile(profile, marker.stackId).join("\n ") ); shouldPass = false; } info(`(${marker.source}) ${marker.operation} - ${marker.filename}`); if (kDumpAllStacks) { info( getStackFromProfile(profile, marker.stackId) .map(f => " " + f) .join("\n") ); } } if (!knownIOList.length) { continue; } // The I/O interposer is disabled if !RELEASE_OR_BETA, so we expect to have // no I/O marker in that case, but it's good to keep the test running to check // that we are still able to produce startup profiles. is( !!markers.length, !AppConstants.RELEASE_OR_BETA, procName + " startup profiles should have IO markers in builds that are not RELEASE_OR_BETA" ); if (!markers.length) { // If a profile unexpectedly contains no I/O marker, it's better to return // early to avoid having a lot of of confusing "no main thread IO when we // expected some" failures. continue; } for (let entry of knownIOList) { for (let op in entry) { if ( [ "listedPath", "path", "condition", "ignoreIfUnused", "_used", ].includes(op) ) { continue; } let message = `${op} on ${entry.path} `; if (entry[op] == 0) { message += "as many times as expected"; } else if (entry[op] > 0) { message += `allowed ${entry[op]} more times`; } else { message += `${entry[op] * -1} more times than expected`; } Assert.greaterOrEqual( entry[op], 0, `${message} in ${procName} process` ); } if (!("_used" in entry) && !entry.ignoreIfUnused) { ok( false, `no main thread IO when we expected some for process ${procName}: ${entry.path} (${entry.listedPath})` ); shouldPass = false; } } } if (shouldPass) { ok(shouldPass, "No unexpected main thread I/O during startup"); } else { const filename = "profile_startup_content_mainthreadio.json"; let path = Services.env.get("MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"); let helpString; if (path) { let profilePath = PathUtils.join(path, filename); await IOUtils.writeJSON(profilePath, startupRecorder.data.profile); helpString = `open the ${filename} artifact in the Firefox Profiler to see what happened`; } else { helpString = "set the MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR environment variable to record a profile"; } ok( false, "Unexpected main thread I/O behavior during child process startup; " + helpString ); } });