/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * WHOA THERE: We should never be adding new things to EXPECTED_REFLOWS. * Instead of adding reflows to the list, you should be modifying your code to * avoid the reflow. * * See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/performance/bestpractices.html * for tips on how to do that. */ const EXPECTED_REFLOWS = [ /** * Nothing here! Please don't add anything new! */ ]; const gToolbar = document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar"); /** * Sets the visibility state on the Bookmarks Toolbar, and * waits for it to transition to fully visible. * * @param visible (bool) * Whether or not the bookmarks toolbar should be made visible. * @returns Promise */ async function toggleBookmarksToolbar(visible) { let transitionPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gToolbar, "transitionend", e => e.propertyName == "max-height" ); setToolbarVisibility(gToolbar, visible); await transitionPromise; } /** * Resizes a browser window to a particular width and height, and * waits for it to reach a "steady state" with respect to its overflowing * toolbars. * @param win (browser window) * The window to resize. * @param width (int) * The width to resize the window to. * @param height (int) * The height to resize the window to. * @returns Promise */ async function resizeWindow(win, width, height) { let toolbarEvent = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( win, "BookmarksToolbarVisibilityUpdated" ); let resizeEvent = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(win, "resize"); win.windowUtils.ensureDirtyRootFrame(); win.resizeTo(width, height); await resizeEvent; await toolbarEvent; } /* * This test ensures that there are no unexpected * uninterruptible reflows when resizing windows. */ add_task(async function () { const BOOKMARKS_COUNT = 150; const STARTING_WIDTH = 600; const STARTING_HEIGHT = 400; const SMALL_WIDTH = 150; const SMALL_HEIGHT = 150; await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); // Add a bunch of bookmarks to display in the Bookmarks toolbar await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({ guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, children: Array(BOOKMARKS_COUNT) .fill("") // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url .map((_, i) => ({ url: `http://test.places.${i}.x/` })), }); let wasCollapsed = gToolbar.collapsed; Assert.ok(wasCollapsed, "The toolbar is collapsed by default"); if (wasCollapsed) { let promiseReady = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gToolbar, "BookmarksToolbarVisibilityUpdated" ); await toggleBookmarksToolbar(true); await promiseReady; } registerCleanupFunction(async () => { if (wasCollapsed) { await toggleBookmarksToolbar(false); } await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); }); let win = await prepareSettledWindow(); if ( win.screen.availWidth < STARTING_WIDTH || win.screen.availHeight < STARTING_HEIGHT ) { Assert.ok( false, "This test is running on too small a display - " + `(${STARTING_WIDTH}x${STARTING_HEIGHT} min)` ); return; } await resizeWindow(win, STARTING_WIDTH, STARTING_HEIGHT); await withPerfObserver( async function () { await resizeWindow(win, SMALL_WIDTH, SMALL_HEIGHT); await resizeWindow(win, STARTING_WIDTH, STARTING_HEIGHT); }, { expectedReflows: EXPECTED_REFLOWS, frames: { filter: () => [] } }, win ); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win); });