/* eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests the warning and list indicators that are shown in the protections panel * subview when a tracking channel is allowed via the * "urlclassifier-before-block-channel" event. */ // Choose origin so that all tracking origins used are third-parties. const TRACKING_PAGE = // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url "http://example.net/browser/browser/base/content/test/protectionsUI/trackingPage.html"; add_setup(async function () { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", true], ["privacy.trackingprotection.annotate_channels", true], ["privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled", true], ["privacy.trackingprotection.socialtracking.enabled", true], ["privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled", true], ["privacy.socialtracking.block_cookies.enabled", true], // Allowlist trackertest.org loaded by default in trackingPage.html ["urlclassifier.trackingSkipURLs", "trackertest.org"], ["urlclassifier.trackingAnnotationSkipURLs", "trackertest.org"], // Additional denylisted hosts. [ "urlclassifier.trackingAnnotationTable.testEntries", "tracking.example.com", ], [ "urlclassifier.features.cryptomining.blacklistHosts", "cryptomining.example.com", ], [ "urlclassifier.features.cryptomining.annotate.blacklistHosts", "cryptomining.example.com", ], [ "urlclassifier.features.fingerprinting.blacklistHosts", "fingerprinting.example.com", ], [ "urlclassifier.features.fingerprinting.annotate.blacklistHosts", "fingerprinting.example.com", ], ], }); await UrlClassifierTestUtils.addTestTrackers(); registerCleanupFunction(() => { UrlClassifierTestUtils.cleanupTestTrackers(); }); }); async function assertSubViewState(category, expectedState) { await openProtectionsPanel(); // Sort the expected state by origin and transform it into an array. let expectedStateSorted = Object.keys(expectedState) .sort() .reduce((stateArr, key) => { let obj = expectedState[key]; obj.origin = key; stateArr.push(obj); return stateArr; }, []); if (!expectedStateSorted.length) { ok( BrowserTestUtils.isVisible( document.getElementById( "protections-popup-no-trackers-found-description" ) ), "No Trackers detected should be shown" ); return; } let categoryItem = document.getElementById( `protections-popup-category-${category}` ); // Explicitly waiting for the category item becoming visible. await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(categoryItem); }); ok( BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(categoryItem), `${category} category item is visible` ); ok(!categoryItem.disabled, `${category} category item is enabled`); let subView = document.getElementById(`protections-popup-${category}View`); let viewShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(subView, "ViewShown"); categoryItem.click(); await viewShown; ok(true, `${category} subView was shown`); info("Testing tracker list"); // Get the listed trackers in the UI and sort them by origin. let items = Array.from( subView.querySelectorAll( `#protections-popup-${category}View-list .protections-popup-list-item` ) ).sort((a, b) => { let originA = a.querySelector("label").value; let originB = b.querySelector("label").value; return originA.localeCompare(originB); }); is( items.length, expectedStateSorted.length, "List has expected amount of entries" ); for (let i = 0; i < expectedStateSorted.length; i += 1) { let expected = expectedStateSorted[i]; let item = items[i]; let label = item.querySelector(".protections-popup-list-host-label"); ok(label, "Item has label."); is(label.tooltipText, expected.origin, "Label has correct tooltip."); is(label.value, expected.origin, "Label has correct text."); is( item.classList.contains("allowed"), !expected.block, "Item has allowed class if tracker is not blocked" ); let shimAllowIndicator = item.querySelector( ".protections-popup-list-host-shim-allow-indicator" ); if (expected.shimAllow) { is(item.childNodes.length, 2, "Item has two childNodes."); ok(shimAllowIndicator, "Item has shim allow indicator icon."); ok( shimAllowIndicator.tooltipText, "Shim allow indicator icon has tooltip text" ); } else { is(item.childNodes.length, 1, "Item has one childNode."); ok(!shimAllowIndicator, "Item does not have shim allow indicator icon."); } } let shimAllowSection = document.getElementById( `protections-popup-${category}View-shim-allow-hint` ); ok(shimAllowSection, `Category ${category} has shim-allow hint.`); if (Object.values(expectedState).some(entry => entry.shimAllow)) { BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(shimAllowSection, "Shim allow hint is visible."); } else { BrowserTestUtils.isHidden(shimAllowSection, "Shim allow hint is hidden."); } await closeProtectionsPanel(); } async function runTestForCategoryAndState(category, action) { // Maps the protection categories to the test tracking origins defined in // ./trackingAPI.js and the UI class identifiers to look for in the // protections UI. let categoryToTestData = { tracking: { apiMessage: "more-tracking", origin: "https://itisatracker.org", elementId: "trackers", }, socialtracking: { origin: "https://social-tracking.example.org", elementId: "socialblock", }, cryptomining: { // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url origin: "http://cryptomining.example.com", elementId: "cryptominers", }, fingerprinting: { origin: "https://fingerprinting.example.com", elementId: "fingerprinters", }, }; let promise = BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab({ url: TRACKING_PAGE, gBrowser, }); // Wait for the tab to load and the initial blocking events from the // classifier. let [tab] = await Promise.all([promise, waitForContentBlockingEvent()]); let { origin: trackingOrigin, elementId: categoryElementId, apiMessage, } = categoryToTestData[category]; if (!apiMessage) { apiMessage = category; } // For allow or replace actions we need to hook into before-block-channel. // If we don't hook into the event, the tracking channel will be blocked. let beforeBlockChannelPromise; if (action != "block") { beforeBlockChannelPromise = UrlClassifierTestUtils.handleBeforeBlockChannel( { filterOrigin: trackingOrigin, action, } ); } // Load the test tracker matching the category. await SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [{ apiMessage }], function (args) { content.postMessage(args.apiMessage, "*"); } ); await beforeBlockChannelPromise; // Next, test if the UI state is correct for the given category and action. let expectedState = {}; expectedState[trackingOrigin] = { block: action == "block", shimAllow: action == "allow", }; await assertSubViewState(categoryElementId, expectedState); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); } /** * Test mixed allow/block/replace states for the tracking protection category. * @param {Object} options - States to test. * @param {boolean} options.block - Test tracker block state. * @param {boolean} options.allow - Test tracker allow state. * @param {boolean} options.replace - Test tracker replace state. */ async function runTestMixed({ block, allow, replace }) { const ORIGIN_BLOCK = "https://trackertest.org"; const ORIGIN_ALLOW = "https://itisatracker.org"; const ORIGIN_REPLACE = "https://tracking.example.com"; let promise = BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab({ url: TRACKING_PAGE, gBrowser, }); let [tab] = await Promise.all([promise, waitForContentBlockingEvent()]); if (block) { // Temporarily remove trackertest.org from the allowlist. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ clear: [ ["urlclassifier.trackingSkipURLs"], ["urlclassifier.trackingAnnotationSkipURLs"], ], }); let blockEventPromise = waitForContentBlockingEvent(); await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], function () { content.postMessage("tracking", "*"); }); await blockEventPromise; await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); } if (allow) { let promiseEvent = waitForContentBlockingEvent(); let promiseAllow = UrlClassifierTestUtils.handleBeforeBlockChannel({ filterOrigin: ORIGIN_ALLOW, action: "allow", }); await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], function () { content.postMessage("more-tracking", "*"); }); await promiseAllow; await promiseEvent; } if (replace) { let promiseReplace = UrlClassifierTestUtils.handleBeforeBlockChannel({ filterOrigin: ORIGIN_REPLACE, action: "replace", }); await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], function () { content.postMessage("more-tracking-2", "*"); }); await promiseReplace; } let expectedState = {}; if (block) { expectedState[ORIGIN_BLOCK] = { shimAllow: false, block: true, }; } if (replace) { expectedState[ORIGIN_REPLACE] = { shimAllow: false, block: false, }; } if (allow) { expectedState[ORIGIN_ALLOW] = { shimAllow: true, block: false, }; } // Check the protection categories subview with the block list. await assertSubViewState("trackers", expectedState); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); } add_task(async function testNoShim() { await runTestMixed({ allow: false, replace: false, block: false, }); await runTestMixed({ allow: false, replace: false, block: true, }); }); add_task(async function testShimAllow() { await runTestMixed({ allow: true, replace: false, block: false, }); await runTestMixed({ allow: true, replace: false, block: true, }); }); add_task(async function testShimReplace() { await runTestMixed({ allow: false, replace: true, block: false, }); await runTestMixed({ allow: false, replace: true, block: true, }); }); add_task(async function testShimMixed() { await runTestMixed({ allow: true, replace: true, block: true, }); }); add_task(async function testShimCategorySubviews() { let categories = [ "tracking", "socialtracking", "cryptomining", "fingerprinting", ]; for (let category of categories) { for (let action of ["block", "allow", "replace"]) { info(`Test category subview. category: ${category}, action: ${action}`); await runTestForCategoryAndState(category, action); } } });