/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const url = "https://example.org/browser/browser/base/content/test/sanitize/dummy_page.html"; // We will be removing the ["history"] option once we remove the // old clear history dialog in Bug 1856418 - Remove all old clear data dialog boxes let prefs = [["history"], ["historyFormDataAndDownloads"]]; for (let itemsToClear of prefs) { add_task(async function purgeHistoryTest() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url, }, async function purgeHistoryTestInner(browser) { let backButton = browser.ownerDocument.getElementById("Browser:Back"); let forwardButton = browser.ownerDocument.getElementById("Browser:Forward"); ok( !browser.webNavigation.canGoBack, "Initial value for webNavigation.canGoBack" ); ok( !browser.webNavigation.canGoForward, "Initial value for webNavigation.canGoBack" ); ok(backButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Back button is disabled"); ok( forwardButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Forward button is disabled" ); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async function () { let startHistory = content.history.length; content.history.pushState({}, ""); content.history.pushState({}, ""); content.history.back(); await new Promise(function (r) { content.onpopstate = r; }); let newHistory = content.history.length; Assert.equal(startHistory, 1, "Initial SHistory size"); Assert.equal(newHistory, 3, "New SHistory size"); }); ok( browser.webNavigation.canGoBack, "New value for webNavigation.canGoBack" ); ok( browser.webNavigation.canGoForward, "New value for webNavigation.canGoForward" ); ok(!backButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Back button was enabled"); ok( !forwardButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Forward button was enabled" ); await Sanitizer.sanitize(itemsToClear); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async function () { Assert.equal(content.history.length, 1, "SHistory correctly cleared"); }); ok( !browser.webNavigation.canGoBack, "webNavigation.canGoBack correctly cleared" ); ok( !browser.webNavigation.canGoForward, "webNavigation.canGoForward correctly cleared" ); ok(backButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Back button was disabled"); ok( forwardButton.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Forward button was disabled" ); } ); }); }