/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Tests the sanitize dialog (a.k.a. the clear recent history dialog). * See bug 480169. * * The purpose of this test is not to fully flex the sanitize timespan code; * browser/base/content/test/sanitize/browser_sanitize-timespans.js does that. This * test checks the UI of the dialog and makes sure it's correctly connected to * the sanitize timespan code. * * Some of this code, especially the history creation parts, was taken from * browser/base/content/test/sanitize/browser_sanitize-timespans.js. */ ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { PlacesTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/PlacesTestUtils.sys.mjs", Timer: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", PermissionTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/PermissionTestUtils.sys.mjs", Downloads: "resource://gre/modules/Downloads.sys.mjs", }); /** * Ensures that the specified URIs are either cleared or not. * * @param aURIs * Array of page URIs * @param aShouldBeCleared * True if each visit to the URI should be cleared, false otherwise */ async function promiseHistoryClearedState(aURIs, aShouldBeCleared) { for (let uri of aURIs) { let visited = await PlacesUtils.history.hasVisits(uri); Assert.equal( visited, !aShouldBeCleared, `history visit ${uri.spec} should ${ aShouldBeCleared ? "no longer" : "still" } exist` ); } } /** * Ensures that the given pref is the expected value. * * @param {String} aPrefName * The pref's sub-branch under the privacy branch * @param {Boolean} aExpectedVal * The pref's expected value * @param {String} aMsg * Passed to is() */ function boolPrefIs(aPrefName, aExpectedVal, aMsg) { is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy." + aPrefName), aExpectedVal, aMsg); } /** * Checks to see if the download with the specified path exists. * * @param aPath * The path of the download to check * @return True if the download exists, false otherwise */ async function downloadExists(aPath) { let publicList = await Downloads.getList(Downloads.PUBLIC); let listArray = await publicList.getAll(); return listArray.some(i => i.target.path == aPath); } /** * Ensures that the specified downloads are either cleared or not. * * @param aDownloadIDs * Array of download database IDs * @param aShouldBeCleared * True if each download should be cleared, false otherwise */ async function ensureDownloadsClearedState(aDownloadIDs, aShouldBeCleared) { let niceStr = aShouldBeCleared ? "no longer" : "still"; for (let id of aDownloadIDs) { is( await downloadExists(id), !aShouldBeCleared, "download " + id + " should " + niceStr + " exist" ); } } /** * Checks if a form entry exists. */ async function formNameExists(name) { return !!(await FormHistory.count({ fieldname: name })); } /** * Adds a form entry to history. * * @param aMinutesAgo * The entry will be added this many minutes ago */ function promiseAddFormEntryWithMinutesAgo(aMinutesAgo) { let name = aMinutesAgo + "-minutes-ago"; // Artifically age the entry to the proper vintage. let timestamp = nowUSec - aMinutesAgo * kUsecPerMin; return FormHistory.update({ op: "add", fieldname: name, value: "dummy", firstUsed: timestamp, }); } /** * Adds a download to history. * * @param aMinutesAgo * The download will be downloaded this many minutes ago */ async function addDownloadWithMinutesAgo(aExpectedPathList, aMinutesAgo) { let publicList = await Downloads.getList(Downloads.PUBLIC); let name = "fakefile-" + aMinutesAgo + "-minutes-ago"; let download = await Downloads.createDownload({ source: "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=480169", target: name, }); download.startTime = new Date(nowMSec - aMinutesAgo * kMsecPerMin); download.canceled = true; publicList.add(download); ok( await downloadExists(name), "Sanity check: download " + name + " should exist after creating it" ); aExpectedPathList.push(name); } add_setup(async function () { requestLongerTimeout(3); await blankSlate(); registerCleanupFunction(async function () { await blankSlate(); await PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates(); }); await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["privacy.sanitize.useOldClearHistoryDialog", false]], }); // open preferences to trigger an updateSites() await openPreferencesViaOpenPreferencesAPI("privacy", { leaveOpen: true }); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); }); /** * Ensures that the given pref is the expected value. * * @param aPrefName * The pref's sub-branch under the privacy branch * @param aExpectedVal * The pref's expected value * @param aMsg * Passed to is() */ function intPrefIs(aPrefName, aExpectedVal, aMsg) { is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("privacy." + aPrefName), aExpectedVal, aMsg); } /** * Creates a visit time. * * @param aMinutesAgo * The visit will be visited this many minutes ago */ function visitTimeForMinutesAgo(aMinutesAgo) { return nowUSec - aMinutesAgo * kUsecPerMin; } /** * * Opens dialog in the provided context and selects the checkboxes * as sent in the parameters * * @param {Object} context the dialog is opened in, timespan to select, * if historyFormDataAndDownloads, cookiesAndStorage, cache or siteSettings * are checked */ async function performActionsOnDialog({ context = "browser", timespan = Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_HOUR, historyFormDataAndDownloads = true, cookiesAndStorage = true, cache = false, siteSettings = false, }) { let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: context }); dh.onload = function () { this.selectDuration(timespan); this.checkPrefCheckbox( "historyFormDataAndDownloads", historyFormDataAndDownloads ); this.checkPrefCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", cookiesAndStorage); this.checkPrefCheckbox("cache", cache); this.checkPrefCheckbox("siteSettings", siteSettings); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; } /** * Initializes the dialog to its default state. */ add_task(async function default_state() { let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper(); dh.onload = function () { // Select "Last Hour" this.selectDuration(Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_HOUR); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); /** * Cancels the dialog, makes sure history not cleared. */ add_task(async function test_cancel() { // Add history (within the past hour) let uris = []; let places = []; let pURI; for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) { pURI = makeURI("https://" + i + "-minutes-ago.com/"); places.push({ uri: pURI, visitDate: visitTimeForMinutesAgo(i) }); uris.push(pURI); } await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places); let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper(); dh.onload = function () { this.selectDuration(Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_HOUR); this.checkPrefCheckbox("historyFormDataAndDownloads", false); this.cancelDialog(); }; dh.onunload = async function () { await promiseHistoryClearedState(uris, false); await blankSlate(); await promiseHistoryClearedState(uris, true); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); // test remembering user options for various entry points add_task(async function test_pref_remembering() { let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearSiteData" }); dh.onload = function () { this.checkPrefCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", false); this.checkPrefCheckbox("siteSettings", true); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; // validate if prefs are remembered dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearSiteData" }); dh.onload = function () { this.validateCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", false); this.validateCheckbox("siteSettings", true); this.checkPrefCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", true); this.checkPrefCheckbox("siteSettings", false); // we will test cancelling the dialog, to make sure it doesn't remember // the prefs when cancelled this.cancelDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; // validate if prefs did not change since we cancelled the dialog dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearSiteData" }); dh.onload = function () { this.validateCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", false); this.validateCheckbox("siteSettings", true); this.cancelDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; // test rememebering prefs from the clear history context // since clear history and clear site data have seperate remembering // of prefs dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearHistory" }); dh.onload = function () { this.checkPrefCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", true); this.checkPrefCheckbox("siteSettings", false); this.checkPrefCheckbox("cache", false); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; // validate if prefs are remembered across both clear history and browser dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "browser" }); dh.onload = function () { this.validateCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", true); this.validateCheckbox("siteSettings", false); this.validateCheckbox("cache", false); this.cancelDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); /** * Ensures that the "Everything" duration option works. */ add_task(async function test_everything() { // Add history. let uris = []; let places = []; let pURI; // within past hour, within past two hours, within past four hours and // outside past four hours [10, 70, 130, 250].forEach(function (aValue) { pURI = makeURI("https://" + aValue + "-minutes-ago.com/"); places.push({ uri: pURI, visitDate: visitTimeForMinutesAgo(aValue) }); uris.push(pURI); }); let promiseSanitized = promiseSanitizationComplete(); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places); let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper(); dh.onload = function () { is( this.isWarningPanelVisible(), false, "Warning panel should be hidden after previously accepting dialog " + "with a predefined timespan" ); this.selectDuration(Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING); this.checkPrefCheckbox("historyFormDataAndDownloads", true); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.onunload = async function () { await promiseSanitized; intPrefIs( "sanitize.timeSpan", Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING, "timeSpan pref should be everything after accepting dialog " + "with everything selected" ); await promiseHistoryClearedState(uris, true); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); /** * Ensures that the "Everything" warning is visible on dialog open after * the previous test. */ add_task(async function test_everything_warning() { // Add history. let uris = []; let places = []; let pURI; // within past hour, within past two hours, within past four hours and // outside past four hours [10, 70, 130, 250].forEach(function (aValue) { pURI = makeURI("https://" + aValue + "-minutes-ago.com/"); places.push({ uri: pURI, visitDate: visitTimeForMinutesAgo(aValue) }); uris.push(pURI); }); let promiseSanitized = promiseSanitizationComplete(); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places); let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper(); dh.onload = function () { is( this.isWarningPanelVisible(), true, "Warning panel should be visible after previously accepting dialog " + "with clearing everything" ); this.selectDuration(Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING); this.checkPrefCheckbox("historyFormDataAndDownloads", true); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.onunload = async function () { intPrefIs( "sanitize.timeSpan", Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING, "timeSpan pref should be everything after accepting dialog " + "with everything selected" ); await promiseSanitized; await promiseHistoryClearedState(uris, true); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); /** * Tests that the clearing button gets disabled if no checkboxes are checked * and enabled when at least one checkbox is checked */ add_task(async function testAcceptButtonDisabled() { let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper(); dh.onload = async function () { let clearButton = this.win.document .querySelector("dialog") .getButton("accept"); this.uncheckAllCheckboxes(); await new Promise(resolve => SimpleTest.executeSoon(resolve)); is(clearButton.disabled, true, "Clear button should be disabled"); this.checkPrefCheckbox("cache", true); await new Promise(resolve => SimpleTest.executeSoon(resolve)); is(clearButton.disabled, false, "Clear button should not be disabled"); this.cancelDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); /** * Tests to see if the warning box is hidden when opened in the clear on shutdown context */ add_task(async function testWarningBoxInClearOnShutdown() { let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearSiteData" }); dh.onload = function () { this.selectDuration(Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING); is( BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(this.getWarningPanel()), true, `warning panel should be visible` ); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearOnShutdown" }); dh.onload = function () { is( BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(this.getWarningPanel()), false, `warning panel should not be visible` ); this.cancelDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); /** * Checks if clearing history and downloads for the simple timespan * behaves as expected */ add_task(async function test_history_downloads_checked() { // Add downloads (within the past hour). let downloadIDs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await addDownloadWithMinutesAgo(downloadIDs, i); } // Add downloads (over an hour ago). let olderDownloadIDs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await addDownloadWithMinutesAgo(olderDownloadIDs, 61 + i); } // Add history (within the past hour). let uris = []; let places = []; let pURI; for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) { pURI = makeURI("https://" + i + "-minutes-ago.com/"); places.push({ uri: pURI, visitDate: visitTimeForMinutesAgo(i) }); uris.push(pURI); } // Add history (over an hour ago). let olderURIs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { pURI = makeURI("https://" + (61 + i) + "-minutes-ago.com/"); places.push({ uri: pURI, visitDate: visitTimeForMinutesAgo(61 + i) }); olderURIs.push(pURI); } let promiseSanitized = promiseSanitizationComplete(); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places); let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper(); dh.onload = function () { this.selectDuration(Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_HOUR); this.checkPrefCheckbox("historyFormDataAndDownloads", true); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.onunload = async function () { intPrefIs( "sanitize.timeSpan", Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_HOUR, "timeSpan pref should be hour after accepting dialog with " + "hour selected" ); await promiseSanitized; // History visits and downloads within one hour should be cleared. await promiseHistoryClearedState(uris, true); await ensureDownloadsClearedState(downloadIDs, true); // Visits and downloads > 1 hour should still exist. await promiseHistoryClearedState(olderURIs, false); await ensureDownloadsClearedState(olderDownloadIDs, false); // OK, done, cleanup after ourselves. await blankSlate(); await promiseHistoryClearedState(olderURIs, true); await ensureDownloadsClearedState(olderDownloadIDs, true); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); /** * The next three tests checks that when a certain history item cannot be * cleared then the checkbox should be both disabled and unchecked. * In addition, we ensure that this behavior does not modify the preferences. */ add_task(async function test_cannot_clear_history() { // Add form entries let formEntries = [await promiseAddFormEntryWithMinutesAgo(10)]; let promiseSanitized = promiseSanitizationComplete(); // Add history. let pURI = makeURI("https://" + 10 + "-minutes-ago.com/"); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: pURI, visitDate: visitTimeForMinutesAgo(10), }); let uris = [pURI]; let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper(); dh.onload = function () { var cb = this.win.document.querySelectorAll( "checkbox[id='historyFormDataAndDownloads']" ); ok( cb.length == 1 && !cb[0].disabled, "There is history, checkbox to clear history should be enabled." ); this.checkAllCheckboxes(); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.onunload = async function () { await promiseSanitized; await promiseHistoryClearedState(uris, true); let exists = await formNameExists(formEntries[0]); ok(!exists, "form entry " + formEntries[0] + " should no longer exist"); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); add_task(async function test_no_formdata_history_to_clear() { let promiseSanitized = promiseSanitizationComplete(); let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper(); dh.onload = function () { var cb = this.win.document.querySelectorAll( "checkbox[id='historyFormDataAndDownloads']" ); ok( cb.length == 1 && !cb[0].disabled && cb[0].checked, "There is no history, but history checkbox should always be enabled " + "and will be checked from previous preference." ); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; await promiseSanitized; }); add_task(async function test_form_entries() { let formEntry = await promiseAddFormEntryWithMinutesAgo(10); let promiseSanitized = promiseSanitizationComplete(); let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper(); dh.onload = function () { var cb = this.win.document.querySelectorAll( "checkbox[id='historyFormDataAndDownloads']" ); is(cb.length, 1, "There is only one checkbox for history and form data"); ok(!cb[0].disabled, "The checkbox is enabled"); ok(cb[0].checked, "The checkbox is checked"); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.onunload = async function () { await promiseSanitized; let exists = await formNameExists(formEntry); ok(!exists, "form entry " + formEntry + " should no longer exist"); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; }); // test the case when we open the dialog through the clear on shutdown settings add_task(async function test_clear_on_shutdown() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", true]], }); let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearOnShutdown" }); dh.onload = async function () { this.uncheckAllCheckboxes(); this.checkPrefCheckbox("historyFormDataAndDownloads", false); this.checkPrefCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", true); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; // Add downloads (within the past hour). let downloadIDs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await addDownloadWithMinutesAgo(downloadIDs, i); } // Add downloads (over an hour ago). let olderDownloadIDs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await addDownloadWithMinutesAgo(olderDownloadIDs, 61 + i); } boolPrefIs( "clearOnShutdown_v2.historyFormDataAndDownloads", false, "clearOnShutdown_v2 history should be false" ); boolPrefIs( "clearOnShutdown_v2.cookiesAndStorage", true, "clearOnShutdown_v2 cookies should be true" ); boolPrefIs( "clearOnShutdown_v2.cache", false, "clearOnShutdown_v2 cache should be false" ); await createDummyDataForHost("example.org"); await createDummyDataForHost("example.com"); ok( await SiteDataTestUtils.hasIndexedDB("https://example.org"), "We have indexedDB data for example.org" ); ok( await SiteDataTestUtils.hasIndexedDB("https://example.com"), "We have indexedDB data for example.com" ); // Cleaning up await Sanitizer.runSanitizeOnShutdown(); // Data for example.org should be cleared ok( !(await SiteDataTestUtils.hasIndexedDB("https://example.org")), "We don't have indexedDB data for example.org" ); // Data for example.com should be cleared ok( !(await SiteDataTestUtils.hasIndexedDB("https://example.com")), "We don't have indexedDB data for example.com" ); // Downloads shouldn't have cleared await ensureDownloadsClearedState(downloadIDs, false); await ensureDownloadsClearedState(olderDownloadIDs, false); dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearOnShutdown" }); dh.onload = async function () { this.uncheckAllCheckboxes(); this.checkPrefCheckbox("historyFormDataAndDownloads", true); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; boolPrefIs( "clearOnShutdown_v2.historyFormDataAndDownloads", true, "clearOnShutdown_v2 history should be true" ); boolPrefIs( "clearOnShutdown_v2.cookiesAndStorage", false, "clearOnShutdown_v2 cookies should be false" ); boolPrefIs( "clearOnShutdown_v2.cache", false, "clearOnShutdown_v2 cache should be false" ); ok( await SiteDataTestUtils.hasIndexedDB("https://example.org"), "We have indexedDB data for example.org" ); ok( await SiteDataTestUtils.hasIndexedDB("https://example.com"), "We have indexedDB data for example.com" ); // Cleaning up await Sanitizer.runSanitizeOnShutdown(); // Data for example.org should not be cleared ok( await SiteDataTestUtils.hasIndexedDB("https://example.org"), "We have indexedDB data for example.org" ); // Data for example.com should not be cleared ok( await SiteDataTestUtils.hasIndexedDB("https://example.com"), "We have indexedDB data for example.com" ); // downloads should have cleared await ensureDownloadsClearedState(downloadIDs, true); await ensureDownloadsClearedState(olderDownloadIDs, true); // Clean up await SiteDataTestUtils.clear(); }); add_task(async function testEntryPointTelemetry() { Services.fog.testResetFOG(); // Telemetry count we expect for each context const EXPECTED_CONTEXT_COUNTS = { browser: 3, clearHistory: 2, clearSiteData: 1, }; for (let key in EXPECTED_CONTEXT_COUNTS) { let count = 0; for (let i = 0; i < EXPECTED_CONTEXT_COUNTS[key]; i++) { await performActionsOnDialog({ context: key }); } let contextTelemetry = Glean.privacySanitize.dialogOpen.testGetValue(); for (let object of contextTelemetry) { if (object.extra.context == key) { count += 1; } } is( count, EXPECTED_CONTEXT_COUNTS[key], `There should be ${EXPECTED_CONTEXT_COUNTS[key]} opens from ${key} context` ); } }); add_task(async function testTimespanTelemetry() { Services.fog.testResetFOG(); // Expected timespan selections from telemetry const EXPECTED_TIMESPANS = [ Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_HOUR, Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_2HOURS, Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_4HOURS, Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING, ]; for (let timespan of EXPECTED_TIMESPANS) { await performActionsOnDialog({ timespan }); } for (let index in EXPECTED_TIMESPANS) { is( Glean.privacySanitize.clearingTimeSpanSelected.testGetValue()[index].extra .time_span, EXPECTED_TIMESPANS[index].toString(), `Selected timespan should be ${EXPECTED_TIMESPANS[index]}` ); } }); add_task(async function testLoadtimeTelemetry() { Services.fog.testResetFOG(); // loadtime metric is collected everytime that the dialog is opened // expected number of times dialog will be opened for the test for each context let EXPECTED_CONTEXT_COUNTS = { browser: 2, clearHistory: 3, clearSiteData: 2, }; // open dialog based on expected_context_counts for (let context in EXPECTED_CONTEXT_COUNTS) { for (let i = 0; i < EXPECTED_CONTEXT_COUNTS[context]; i++) { await performActionsOnDialog({ context }); } } let loadTimeDistribution = Glean.privacySanitize.loadTime.testGetValue(); let expectedNumberOfCounts = Object.entries(EXPECTED_CONTEXT_COUNTS).reduce( (acc, [, value]) => acc + value, 0 ); // No guarantees from timers means no guarantees on buckets. // But we can guarantee it's only two samples. is( Object.entries(loadTimeDistribution.values).reduce( (acc, [, count]) => acc + count, 0 ), expectedNumberOfCounts, `Only ${expectedNumberOfCounts} buckets with samples` ); }); add_task(async function testClearingOptionsTelemetry() { Services.fog.testResetFOG(); let expectedObject = { context: "clearSiteData", history_form_data_downloads: "true", cookies_and_storage: "false", cache: "true", site_settings: "true", }; await performActionsOnDialog({ context: "clearSiteData", historyFormDataAndDownloads: true, cookiesAndStorage: false, cache: true, siteSettings: true, }); let telemetryObject = Glean.privacySanitize.clear.testGetValue(); Assert.equal( telemetryObject.length, 1, "There should be only 1 telemetry object recorded" ); Assert.deepEqual( expectedObject, telemetryObject[0].extra, `Expected ${telemetryObject} to be the same as ${expectedObject}` ); }); add_task(async function testClearHistoryCheckboxStatesAfterMigration() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["privacy.cpd.history", false], ["privacy.cpd.formdata", true], ["privacy.cpd.cookies", true], ["privacy.cpd.offlineApps", false], ["privacy.cpd.sessions", false], ["privacy.cpd.siteSettings", false], ["privacy.cpd.cache", true], // Set cookiesAndStorage to verify that the pref is flipped in the test ["privacy.clearHistory.cookiesAndStorage", false], ["privacy.sanitize.cpd.hasMigratedToNewPrefs", false], ], }); let dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearHistory" }); dh.onload = function () { this.validateCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", true); this.validateCheckbox("historyFormDataAndDownloads", false); this.validateCheckbox("cache", true); this.validateCheckbox("siteSettings", false); this.checkPrefCheckbox("siteSettings", true); this.checkPrefCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", false); this.acceptDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; is( Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.sanitize.cpd.hasMigratedToNewPrefs"), true, "Migration is complete for cpd branch" ); // make sure the migration doesn't run again dh = new ClearHistoryDialogHelper({ mode: "clearHistory" }); dh.onload = function () { this.validateCheckbox("siteSettings", true); this.validateCheckbox("cookiesAndStorage", false); this.cancelDialog(); }; dh.open(); await dh.promiseClosed; });