/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test that an insecure resource routed over a secure transport is considered // insecure in terms of the site identity panel. We achieve this by running an // HTTP-over-TLS "proxy" and having Firefox request an http:// URI over it. const NOT_SECURE_LABEL = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "security.insecure_connection_text.enabled" ) ? "notSecure notSecureText" : "notSecure"; /** * Tests that the page info dialog "security" section labels a * connection as unencrypted and does not show certificate. * @param {string} uri - URI of the page to test with. */ async function testPageInfoNotEncrypted(uri) { let pageInfo = BrowserCommands.pageInfo(uri, "securityTab"); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(pageInfo, "load"); let pageInfoDoc = pageInfo.document; let securityTab = pageInfoDoc.getElementById("securityTab"); await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(securityTab), "Security tab should be visible." ); let secLabel = pageInfoDoc.getElementById("security-technical-shortform"); await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => secLabel.value == "Connection Not Encrypted", "pageInfo 'Security Details' should show not encrypted" ); let viewCertBtn = pageInfoDoc.getElementById("security-view-cert"); ok( viewCertBtn.collapsed, "pageInfo 'View Cert' button should not be visible" ); pageInfo.close(); } // But first, a quick test that we don't incorrectly treat a // blob:https://example.com URI as secure. add_task(async function () { let uri = getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace( "chrome://mochitests/content", "https://example.com" ) + "dummy_page.html"; await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(uri, async browser => { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { let debug = { hello: "world" }; let blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(debug, null, 2)], { type: "application/json", }); let blobUri = URL.createObjectURL(blob); content.document.location = blobUri; }); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); let identityMode = window.document.getElementById("identity-box").className; is(identityMode, "localResource", "identity should be 'localResource'"); await testPageInfoNotEncrypted(uri); }); }); // This server pretends to be a HTTP over TLS proxy. It isn't really, but this // is sufficient for the purposes of this test. function startServer(cert) { let tlsServer = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/tls-server-socket;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsITLSServerSocket ); tlsServer.init(-1, true, -1); tlsServer.serverCert = cert; let input, output; let listener = { onSocketAccepted(socket, transport) { let connectionInfo = transport.securityCallbacks.getInterface( Ci.nsITLSServerConnectionInfo ); connectionInfo.setSecurityObserver(listener); input = transport.openInputStream(0, 0, 0); output = transport.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0); }, onHandshakeDone() { input.asyncWait( { onInputStreamReady(readyInput) { try { let request = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString( readyInput, readyInput.available() ); ok( request.startsWith("GET ") && request.includes("HTTP/1.1"), "expecting an HTTP/1.1 GET request" ); let response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type:text/plain\r\n" + "Connection:Close\r\nContent-Length:2\r\n\r\nOK"; output.write(response, response.length); } catch (e) { info(e); } }, }, 0, 0, Services.tm.currentThread ); }, onStopListening() { input.close(); output.close(); }, }; tlsServer.setSessionTickets(false); tlsServer.asyncListen(listener); return tlsServer; } add_task(async function () { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ // This test fails on some platforms if we leave IPv6 enabled. set: [["network.dns.disableIPv6", true]], }); let certOverrideService = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/security/certoverride;1" ].getService(Ci.nsICertOverrideService); let cert = getTestServerCertificate(); // Start the proxy and configure Firefox to trust its certificate. let server = startServer(cert); certOverrideService.rememberValidityOverride( "localhost", server.port, {}, cert, true ); // Configure Firefox to use the proxy. let systemProxySettings = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsISystemProxySettings"]), mainThreadOnly: true, PACURI: null, getProxyForURI: () => { return `HTTPS localhost:${server.port}`; }, }; let oldProxyType = Services.prefs.getIntPref("network.proxy.type"); Services.prefs.setIntPref( "network.proxy.type", Ci.nsIProtocolProxyService.PROXYCONFIG_SYSTEM ); let { MockRegistrar } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/MockRegistrar.sys.mjs" ); let mockProxy = MockRegistrar.register( "@mozilla.org/system-proxy-settings;1", systemProxySettings ); // Register cleanup to undo the configuration changes we've made. registerCleanupFunction(() => { certOverrideService.clearValidityOverride("localhost", server.port, {}); Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.type", oldProxyType); MockRegistrar.unregister(mockProxy); server.close(); }); // Navigate to 'http://example.com'. Our proxy settings will route this via // the "proxy" we just started. Even though our connection to the proxy is // secure, in a real situation the connection from the proxy to // http://example.com won't be secure, so we treat it as not secure. // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("http://example.com/", async () => { let identityMode = window.document.getElementById("identity-box").className; is( identityMode, NOT_SECURE_LABEL, `identity should be '${NOT_SECURE_LABEL}'` ); // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url await testPageInfoNotEncrypted("http://example.com"); }); });