/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { UrlbarTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/UrlbarTestUtils.sys.mjs", }); let TEST_PATH = getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace( "chrome://mochitests/content", "https://example.com" ); let TEST_PATH_AUTH = getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace( "chrome://mochitests/content", "https://example.org" ); const CROSS_DOMAIN_URL = TEST_PATH + "redirect-crossDomain.html"; const SAME_DOMAIN_URL = TEST_PATH + "redirect-sameDomain.html"; const AUTH_URL = TEST_PATH_AUTH + "auth-route.sjs"; /** * Opens a new tab with a url that ether redirects us cross or same domain * * @param {Boolean} doConfirmPrompt - true if we want to test the case when the user accepts the prompt, * false if we want to test the case when the user cancels the prompt. * @param {Boolean} crossDomain - if true we will open a url that redirects us to a cross domain url, * if false, we will open a url that redirects us to a same domain url * @param {Boolean} prefEnabled true will enable "privacy.authPromptSpoofingProtection", * false will disable the pref */ async function trigger401AndHandle(doConfirmPrompt, crossDomain, prefEnabled) { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["privacy.authPromptSpoofingProtection", prefEnabled]], }); let url = crossDomain ? CROSS_DOMAIN_URL : SAME_DOMAIN_URL; let dialogShown = waitForDialog(doConfirmPrompt, crossDomain, prefEnabled); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(url, async function () { await dialogShown; }); await new Promise(resolve => { Services.clearData.deleteData( Ci.nsIClearDataService.CLEAR_AUTH_CACHE, resolve ); }); } async function waitForDialog(doConfirmPrompt, crossDomain, prefEnabled) { await TestUtils.topicObserved("common-dialog-loaded"); let dialog = gBrowser.getTabDialogBox(gBrowser.selectedBrowser) ._tabDialogManager._topDialog; let dialogDocument = dialog._frame.contentDocument; if (crossDomain) { if (prefEnabled) { Assert.equal( dialog._overlay.getAttribute("hideContent"), "true", "Dialog overlay hides the current sites content" ); Assert.equal( window.gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(AUTH_URL), "Correct location is provided by the prompt" ); Assert.equal( window.gBrowser.selectedTab.label, "example.org", "Tab title is manipulated" ); // switch to another tab and make sure we dont mess up this new tabs url bar and tab title let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( gBrowser, "https://example.org:443" ); Assert.equal( window.gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL("https://example.org"), "No location is provided by the prompt, correct location is displayed" ); Assert.equal( window.gBrowser.selectedTab.label, "mochitest index /", "Tab title is not manipulated" ); // switch back to our tab with the prompt and make sure the url bar state and tab title is still there BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); Assert.equal( window.gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(AUTH_URL), "Correct location is provided by the prompt" ); Assert.equal( window.gBrowser.selectedTab.label, "example.org", "Tab title is manipulated" ); // make sure a value that the user types in has a higher priority than our prompts location gBrowser.selectedBrowser.userTypedValue = "user value"; gURLBar.setURI(); Assert.equal( window.gURLBar.value, "user value", "User typed value is shown" ); // if the user clears the url bar we again fall back to the location of the prompt if we trigger setURI by a tab switch gBrowser.selectedBrowser.userTypedValue = ""; gURLBar.setURI(null, true); Assert.equal( window.gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(AUTH_URL), "Correct location is provided by the prompt" ); // Cross domain and pref is not enabled } else { Assert.equal( dialog._overlay.getAttribute("hideContent"), null, "Dialog overlay does not hide the current sites content" ); Assert.equal( window.gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(CROSS_DOMAIN_URL), "No location is provided by the prompt, correct location is displayed" ); Assert.equal( window.gBrowser.selectedTab.label, "example.com", "Tab title is not manipulated" ); } // same domain } else { Assert.equal( dialog._overlay.getAttribute("hideContent"), null, "Dialog overlay does not hide the current sites content" ); Assert.equal( window.gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(SAME_DOMAIN_URL), "No location is provided by the prompt, correct location is displayed" ); Assert.equal( window.gBrowser.selectedTab.label, "example.com", "Tab title is not manipulated" ); } let onDialogClosed = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( window, "DOMModalDialogClosed" ); if (doConfirmPrompt) { dialogDocument.getElementById("loginTextbox").value = "guest"; dialogDocument.getElementById("password1Textbox").value = "guest"; dialogDocument.getElementById("commonDialog").acceptDialog(); } else { dialogDocument.getElementById("commonDialog").cancelDialog(); } // wait for the dialog to be closed to check that the URLBar state is reset await onDialogClosed; // Due to bug 1812014, the url bar will be clear if we have set its value to "" while the prompt was open // so we trigger a tab switch again to have the uri displayed to be able to check its value gURLBar.setURI(null, true); Assert.equal( window.gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(crossDomain ? CROSS_DOMAIN_URL : SAME_DOMAIN_URL), "No location is provided by the prompt" ); Assert.equal( window.gBrowser.selectedTab.label, "example.com", "Tab title is not manipulated" ); } add_setup(async function () { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["privacy.authPromptSpoofingProtection", true]], }); }); /** * Tests that the 401 auth spoofing mechanisms apply if the 401 is from a different base domain than the current sites, * canceling the prompt */ add_task(async function testCrossDomainCancelPrefEnabled() { await trigger401AndHandle(false, true, true); }); /** * Tests that the 401 auth spoofing mechanisms apply if the 401 is from a different base domain than the current sites, * accepting the prompt */ add_task(async function testCrossDomainAcceptPrefEnabled() { await trigger401AndHandle(true, true, true); }); /** * Tests that the 401 auth spoofing mechanisms do not apply if "privacy.authPromptSpoofingProtection" is not set to true * canceling the prompt */ add_task(async function testCrossDomainCancelPrefDisabled() { await trigger401AndHandle(false, true, false); }); /** * Tests that the 401 auth spoofing mechanisms do not apply if "privacy.authPromptSpoofingProtection" is not set to true, * accepting the prompt */ add_task(async function testCrossDomainAcceptPrefDisabled() { await trigger401AndHandle(true, true, false); }); /** * Tests that the 401 auth spoofing mechanisms are not triggered by a 401 within the same base domain as the current sites, * canceling the prompt */ add_task(async function testSameDomainCancelPrefEnabled() { await trigger401AndHandle(false, false, true); }); /** * Tests that the 401 auth spoofing mechanisms are not triggered by a 401 within the same base domain as the current sites, * accepting the prompt */ add_task(async function testSameDomainAcceptPrefEnabled() { await trigger401AndHandle(true, false, true); });