"use strict"; /** * Goes through a stacked series of dialogs and ensures that * the oldest one is front-most and has the right type. It * then closes the oldest to newest dialog. * * @param {Element} tab The that has had content dialogs opened * for it. * @param {Number} promptCount How many dialogs we expected to have been * opened. * * @return {Promise} * @resolves {undefined} Once the dialogs have all been closed. */ async function closeDialogs(tab, dialogCount) { let dialogElementsCount = dialogCount; let dialogs = tab.linkedBrowser.tabDialogBox.getContentDialogManager().dialogs; is( dialogs.length, dialogElementsCount, "There should be " + dialogElementsCount + " dialog(s)." ); let i = dialogElementsCount - 1; for (let dialog of dialogs) { dialog.focus(true); await dialog._dialogReady; let dialogWindow = dialog.frameContentWindow; let expectedType = ["alert", "prompt", "confirm"][i % 3]; is( dialogWindow.Dialog.args.text, expectedType + " countdown #" + i, "The #" + i + " alert should be labelled as such." ); i--; dialogWindow.Dialog.ui.button0.click(); // The click is handled async; wait for an event loop turn for that to // happen. await new Promise(function (resolve) { Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(resolve); }); } dialogs = tab.linkedBrowser.tabDialogBox.getContentDialogManager().dialogs; is(dialogs.length, 0, "Dialogs should all be dismissed."); } /* * This test triggers multiple alerts on one single tab, because it"s possible * for web content to do so. The behavior is described in bug 1266353. * * We assert the presentation of the multiple alerts, ensuring we show only * the oldest one. */ add_task(async function () { const PROMPTCOUNT = 9; let unopenedPromptCount = PROMPTCOUNT; let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( gBrowser, // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url "http://example.com", true ); info("Tab loaded"); let promptsOpenedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( tab.linkedBrowser, "DOMWillOpenModalDialog", false, () => { unopenedPromptCount--; return unopenedPromptCount == 0; } ); await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [PROMPTCOUNT], maxPrompts => { var i = maxPrompts; let fns = ["alert", "prompt", "confirm"]; function openDialog() { i--; if (i) { SpecialPowers.Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(openDialog); } content[fns[i % 3]](fns[i % 3] + " countdown #" + i); } SpecialPowers.Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(openDialog); }); await promptsOpenedPromise; await closeDialogs(tab, PROMPTCOUNT); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); });