"use strict"; // Helper that watches events that may be triggered when tab browsers are // swapped during the test. // // The primary purpose of this helper is to access tab browser properties // during tab events, to verify that there are no undesired side effects, as a // regression test for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1695346 class TabEventTracker { constructor(tab) { this.tab = tab; tab.addEventListener("TabAttrModified", this); tab.addEventListener("TabShow", this); tab.addEventListener("TabHide", this); } handleEvent(event) { let description = `${this._expectations.description} at ${event.type}`; if (event.type === "TabAttrModified") { description += `, changed=${event.detail.changed}`; } const browser = this.tab.linkedBrowser; is( browser.currentURI.spec, this._expectations.tabUrl, `${description} - expected currentURI` ); ok(browser._cachedCurrentURI, `${description} - currentURI was cached`); if (event.type === "TabAttrModified") { if (event.detail.changed.includes("muted")) { if (browser.audioMuted) { this._counts.muted++; } else { this._counts.unmuted++; } } } else if (event.type === "TabShow") { this._counts.shown++; } else if (event.type === "TabHide") { this._counts.hidden++; } else { ok(false, `Unexpected event: ${event.type}`); } } setExpectations(expectations) { this._expectations = expectations; this._counts = { muted: 0, unmuted: 0, shown: 0, hidden: 0, }; } checkExpectations() { const { description, counters, tabUrl } = this._expectations; Assert.deepEqual( this._counts, counters, `${description} - events observed while swapping tab` ); let browser = this.tab.linkedBrowser; is(browser.currentURI.spec, tabUrl, `${description} - tab's currentURI`); // Tabs without titles default to URLs without scheme, according to the // logic of tabbrowser.js's setTabTitle/_setTabLabel. // TODO bug 1695512: lazy tabs deviate from that expectation, so the title // is the full URL instead of the URL with the scheme stripped. let tabTitle = tabUrl; is(browser.contentTitle, tabTitle, `${description} - tab's contentTitle`); } } add_task(async function test_hidden_muted_lazy_tabs_and_swapping() { const params = { createLazyBrowser: true }; // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url const URL_HIDDEN = "http://example.com/hide"; // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url const URL_MUTED = "http://example.com/mute"; // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url const URL_NORMAL = "http://example.com/back"; const lazyTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, "", params); const mutedTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, URL_MUTED, params); const hiddenTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, URL_HIDDEN, params); const normalTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, URL_NORMAL, params); mutedTab.toggleMuteAudio(); gBrowser.hideTab(hiddenTab); is(lazyTab.linkedPanel, null, "lazyTab is lazy"); is(hiddenTab.linkedPanel, null, "hiddenTab is lazy"); is(mutedTab.linkedPanel, null, "mutedTab is lazy"); is(normalTab.linkedPanel, null, "normalTab is lazy"); ok(mutedTab.linkedBrowser.audioMuted, "mutedTab is muted"); ok(hiddenTab.hidden, "hiddenTab is hidden"); ok(!lazyTab.linkedBrowser.audioMuted, "lazyTab was not muted"); ok(!lazyTab.hidden, "lazyTab was not hidden"); const tabEventTracker = new TabEventTracker(lazyTab); tabEventTracker.setExpectations({ description: "mutedTab replaced lazyTab (initial)", counters: { muted: 1, unmuted: 0, shown: 0, hidden: 0, }, tabUrl: URL_MUTED, }); gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(lazyTab, mutedTab); tabEventTracker.checkExpectations(); is(lazyTab.linkedPanel, null, "muted lazyTab is still lazy"); ok(lazyTab.linkedBrowser.audioMuted, "muted lazyTab is now muted"); ok(!lazyTab.hidden, "muted lazyTab is not hidden"); tabEventTracker.setExpectations({ description: "hiddenTab replaced lazyTab/mutedTab", counters: { muted: 0, unmuted: 1, shown: 0, hidden: 1, }, tabUrl: URL_HIDDEN, }); gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(lazyTab, hiddenTab); tabEventTracker.checkExpectations(); is(lazyTab.linkedPanel, null, "hidden lazyTab is still lazy"); ok(!lazyTab.linkedBrowser.audioMuted, "hidden lazyTab is not muted any more"); ok(lazyTab.hidden, "hidden lazyTab has been hidden"); tabEventTracker.setExpectations({ description: "normalTab replaced lazyTab/hiddenTab", counters: { muted: 0, unmuted: 0, shown: 1, hidden: 0, }, tabUrl: URL_NORMAL, }); gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(lazyTab, normalTab); tabEventTracker.checkExpectations(); is(lazyTab.linkedPanel, null, "normal lazyTab is still lazy"); ok(!lazyTab.linkedBrowser.audioMuted, "normal lazyTab is not muted any more"); ok(!lazyTab.hidden, "normal lazyTab is not hidden any more"); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(lazyTab); });