/* eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */ const { AddonManagerPrivate } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs" ); const { AddonTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/AddonTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); AddonTestUtils.initMochitest(this); AddonTestUtils.hookAMTelemetryEvents(); const kSideloaded = true; async function createWebExtension(details) { let options = { manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: details.id } }, name: details.name, permissions: details.permissions, }, }; if (details.iconURL) { options.manifest.icons = { 64: details.iconURL }; } let xpi = AddonTestUtils.createTempWebExtensionFile(options); await AddonTestUtils.manuallyInstall(xpi); } function promiseEvent(eventEmitter, event) { return new Promise(resolve => { eventEmitter.once(event, resolve); }); } function getAddonElement(managerWindow, addonId) { return TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => managerWindow.document.querySelector(`addon-card[addon-id="${addonId}"]`), `Found entry for sideload extension addon "${addonId}" in HTML about:addons` ); } function assertSideloadedAddonElementState(addonElement, pressed) { const enableBtn = addonElement.querySelector('[action="toggle-disabled"]'); is( enableBtn.pressed, pressed, `The enable button is ${!pressed ? " not " : ""} pressed` ); is(enableBtn.localName, "moz-toggle", "The enable button is a toggle"); } function clickEnableExtension(addonElement) { addonElement.querySelector('[action="toggle-disabled"]').click(); } add_task(async function test_sideloading() { const DEFAULT_ICON_URL = "chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/extensionGeneric.svg"; await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["xpinstall.signatures.required", false], ["extensions.autoDisableScopes", 15], ["extensions.ui.ignoreUnsigned", true], ], }); Services.fog.testResetFOG(); const ID1 = "addon1@tests.mozilla.org"; await createWebExtension({ id: ID1, name: "Test 1", userDisabled: true, permissions: ["history", "https://*/*"], iconURL: "foo-icon.png", }); const ID2 = "addon2@tests.mozilla.org"; await createWebExtension({ id: ID2, name: "Test 2", permissions: [""], }); const ID3 = "addon3@tests.mozilla.org"; await createWebExtension({ id: ID3, name: "Test 3", permissions: [""], }); testCleanup = async function () { // clear out ExtensionsUI state about sideloaded extensions so // subsequent tests don't get confused. ExtensionsUI.sideloaded.clear(); ExtensionsUI.emit("change"); }; // Navigate away from the starting page to force about:addons to load // in a new tab during the tests below. BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "about:robots" ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); registerCleanupFunction(async function () { // Return to about:blank when we're done BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "about:blank" ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); }); let changePromise = new Promise(resolve => { ExtensionsUI.on("change", function listener() { ExtensionsUI.off("change", listener); resolve(); }); }); ExtensionsUI._checkForSideloaded(); await changePromise; // Check for the addons badge on the hamburger menu let menuButton = document.getElementById("PanelUI-menu-button"); is( menuButton.getAttribute("badge-status"), "addon-alert", "Should have addon alert badge" ); // Find the menu entries for sideloaded extensions await gCUITestUtils.openMainMenu(); let addons = PanelUI.addonNotificationContainer; is( addons.children.length, 3, "Have 3 menu entries for sideloaded extensions" ); info( "Test disabling sideloaded addon 1 using the permission prompt secondary button" ); // Click the first sideloaded extension let popupPromise = promisePopupNotificationShown("addon-webext-permissions"); addons.children[0].click(); // The click should hide the main menu. This is currently synchronous. Assert.notEqual( PanelUI.panel.state, "open", "Main menu is closed or closing." ); // When we get the permissions prompt, we should be at the extensions // list in about:addons let panel = await popupPromise; is( gBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:addons", "Foreground tab is at about:addons" ); const VIEW = "addons://list/extension"; let win = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow; await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => !win.gViewController.isLoading, "about:addons view is fully loaded" ); is( win.gViewController.currentViewId, VIEW, "about:addons is at extensions list" ); // Check the contents of the notification, then choose "Cancel" checkNotification( panel, /\/foo-icon\.png$/, [ ["webext-perms-host-description-all-urls"], ["webext-perms-description-history"], ], kSideloaded ); panel.secondaryButton.click(); let [addon1, addon2, addon3] = await AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs([ ID1, ID2, ID3, ]); ok(addon1.seen, "Addon should be marked as seen"); is(addon1.userDisabled, true, "Addon 1 should still be disabled"); is(addon2.userDisabled, true, "Addon 2 should still be disabled"); is(addon3.userDisabled, true, "Addon 3 should still be disabled"); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); // Should still have 2 entries in the hamburger menu await gCUITestUtils.openMainMenu(); addons = PanelUI.addonNotificationContainer; is( addons.children.length, 2, "Have 2 menu entries for sideloaded extensions" ); // Close the hamburger menu and go directly to the addons manager await gCUITestUtils.hideMainMenu(); win = await BrowserOpenAddonsMgr(VIEW); await waitAboutAddonsViewLoaded(win.document); // about:addons addon entry element. const addonElement = await getAddonElement(win, ID2); assertSideloadedAddonElementState(addonElement, false); info("Test enabling sideloaded addon 2 from about:addons enable button"); // When clicking enable we should see the permissions notification popupPromise = promisePopupNotificationShown("addon-webext-permissions"); clickEnableExtension(addonElement); panel = await popupPromise; checkNotification( panel, DEFAULT_ICON_URL, [["webext-perms-host-description-all-urls"]], kSideloaded ); // Test incognito checkbox in post install notification function setupPostInstallNotificationTest() { let promiseNotificationShown = promiseAppMenuNotificationShown("addon-installed"); return async function (addon) { info(`Expect post install notification for "${addon.name}"`); let postInstallPanel = await promiseNotificationShown; let incognitoCheckbox = postInstallPanel.querySelector( "#addon-incognito-checkbox" ); is( window.AppMenuNotifications.activeNotification.options.name, addon.name, "Got the expected addon name in the active notification" ); ok( incognitoCheckbox, "Got an incognito checkbox in the post install notification panel" ); ok(!incognitoCheckbox.hidden, "Incognito checkbox should not be hidden"); // Dismiss post install notification. postInstallPanel.button.click(); }; } // Setup async test for post install notification on addon 2 let testPostInstallIncognitoCheckbox = setupPostInstallNotificationTest(); // Accept the permissions panel.button.click(); await promiseEvent(ExtensionsUI, "change"); addon2 = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ID2); is(addon2.userDisabled, false, "Addon 2 should be enabled"); assertSideloadedAddonElementState(addonElement, true); // Test post install notification on addon 2. await testPostInstallIncognitoCheckbox(addon2); // Should still have 1 entry in the hamburger menu await gCUITestUtils.openMainMenu(); addons = PanelUI.addonNotificationContainer; is(addons.children.length, 1, "Have 1 menu entry for sideloaded extensions"); // Close the hamburger menu and go to the detail page for this addon await gCUITestUtils.hideMainMenu(); win = await BrowserOpenAddonsMgr( `addons://detail/${encodeURIComponent(ID3)}` ); info("Test enabling sideloaded addon 3 from app menu"); // Trigger addon 3 install as triggered from the app menu, to be able to cover the // post install notification that should be triggered when the permission // dialog is accepted from that flow. popupPromise = promisePopupNotificationShown("addon-webext-permissions"); ExtensionsUI.showSideloaded(gBrowser, addon3); panel = await popupPromise; checkNotification( panel, DEFAULT_ICON_URL, [["webext-perms-host-description-all-urls"]], kSideloaded ); // Setup async test for post install notification on addon 3 testPostInstallIncognitoCheckbox = setupPostInstallNotificationTest(); // Accept the permissions panel.button.click(); await promiseEvent(ExtensionsUI, "change"); addon3 = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ID3); is(addon3.userDisabled, false, "Addon 3 should be enabled"); // Test post install notification on addon 3. await testPostInstallIncognitoCheckbox(addon3); isnot( menuButton.getAttribute("badge-status"), "addon-alert", "Should no longer have addon alert badge" ); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); for (let addon of [addon1, addon2, addon3]) { await addon.uninstall(); } BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); // Assert that the expected AddonManager telemetry are being recorded. const expectedExtra = { source: "app-profile", method: "sideload" }; const baseEvent = { object: "extension", extra: expectedExtra }; const createBaseEventAddon = n => ({ ...baseEvent, value: `addon${n}@tests.mozilla.org`, }); const getEventsForAddonId = (events, addonId) => events.filter(ev => ev.value === addonId); const amEvents = AddonTestUtils.getAMTelemetryEvents(); // Test telemetry events for addon1 (1 permission and 1 origin). info("Test telemetry events collected for addon1"); const baseEventAddon1 = createBaseEventAddon(1); Assert.deepEqual( AddonTestUtils.getAMGleanEvents("manage", { addon_id: ID1 }), [ { addon_id: ID1, method: "sideload_prompt", addon_type: "extension", source: "app-profile", source_method: "sideload", num_strings: "2", }, { addon_id: ID1, method: "uninstall", addon_type: "extension", source: "app-profile", source_method: "sideload", }, ], "Got the expected Glean events for addon1." ); const collectedEventsAddon1 = getEventsForAddonId( amEvents, baseEventAddon1.value ); const expectedEventsAddon1 = [ { ...baseEventAddon1, method: "sideload_prompt", extra: { ...expectedExtra, num_strings: "2" }, }, { ...baseEventAddon1, method: "uninstall" }, ]; let i = 0; for (let event of collectedEventsAddon1) { Assert.deepEqual( event, expectedEventsAddon1[i++], "Got the expected telemetry event" ); } is( collectedEventsAddon1.length, expectedEventsAddon1.length, "Got the expected number of telemetry events for addon1" ); const baseEventAddon2 = createBaseEventAddon(2); const collectedEventsAddon2 = getEventsForAddonId( amEvents, baseEventAddon2.value ); const expectedEventsAddon2 = [ { ...baseEventAddon2, method: "sideload_prompt", extra: { ...expectedExtra, num_strings: "1" }, }, { ...baseEventAddon2, method: "enable" }, { ...baseEventAddon2, method: "uninstall" }, ]; i = 0; for (let event of collectedEventsAddon2) { Assert.deepEqual( event, expectedEventsAddon2[i++], "Got the expected telemetry event" ); } is( collectedEventsAddon2.length, expectedEventsAddon2.length, "Got the expected number of telemetry events for addon2" ); Assert.deepEqual( AddonTestUtils.getAMGleanEvents("manage", { addon_id: ID2 }), [ { addon_id: ID2, method: "sideload_prompt", addon_type: "extension", source: "app-profile", source_method: "sideload", num_strings: "1", }, { addon_id: ID2, method: "enable", addon_type: "extension", source: "app-profile", source_method: "sideload", }, { addon_id: ID2, method: "uninstall", addon_type: "extension", source: "app-profile", source_method: "sideload", }, ], "Got the expected Glean events for addon2." ); });