/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ var gTests = [ { desc: "device sharing animation on background tabs", run: async function checkAudioVideo() { async function getStreamAndCheckBackgroundAnim(aAudio, aVideo, aSharing) { // Get a stream let observerPromise = expectObserverCalled("getUserMedia:request"); let popupPromise = promisePopupNotificationShown("webRTC-shareDevices"); await promiseRequestDevice(aAudio, aVideo); await popupPromise; await observerPromise; let observerPromise1 = expectObserverCalled( "getUserMedia:response:allow" ); let observerPromise2 = expectObserverCalled("recording-device-events"); await promiseMessage("ok", () => { PopupNotifications.panel.firstElementChild.button.click(); }); await observerPromise1; await observerPromise2; let expected = {}; if (aVideo) { expected.video = true; } if (aAudio) { expected.audio = true; } Assert.deepEqual( await getMediaCaptureState(), expected, "expected " + Object.keys(expected).join(" and ") + " to be shared" ); // Check the attribute on the tab, and check there's no visible // sharing icon on the tab let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab; is( tab.getAttribute("sharing"), aSharing, "the tab has the attribute to show the " + aSharing + " icon" ); let icon = tab.sharingIcon; is( window.getComputedStyle(icon).display, "none", "the animated sharing icon of the tab is hidden" ); // After selecting a new tab, check the attribute is still there, // and the icon is now visible. await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab( gBrowser, BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser) ); is( gBrowser.selectedTab.getAttribute("sharing"), null, "the new tab doesn't have the 'sharing' attribute" ); is( tab.getAttribute("sharing"), aSharing, "the tab still has the 'sharing' attribute" ); isnot( window.getComputedStyle(icon).display, "none", "the animated sharing icon of the tab is now visible" ); // Ensure the icon disappears when selecting the tab. BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); ok(tab.selected, "the tab with ongoing sharing is selected again"); is( window.getComputedStyle(icon).display, "none", "the animated sharing icon is gone after selecting the tab again" ); // And finally verify the attribute is removed when closing the stream. await closeStream(); // TODO(Bug 1304997): Fix the race in closeStream() and remove this // TestUtils.waitForCondition(). await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => !tab.getAttribute("sharing")); is( tab.getAttribute("sharing"), null, "the tab no longer has the 'sharing' attribute after closing the stream" ); } await getStreamAndCheckBackgroundAnim(true, true, "camera"); await getStreamAndCheckBackgroundAnim(false, true, "camera"); await getStreamAndCheckBackgroundAnim(true, false, "microphone"); }, }, ]; add_task(async function test() { await runTests(gTests); });