/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { FileTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/FileTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); let { TelemetryTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/TelemetryTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); let { MockFilePicker } = SpecialPowers; /** * A helper class to deal with Login CSV import UI. */ class CsvImportHelper { /** * Waits until the mock file picker is opened and sets the destFilePath as it's selected file. * * @param {nsIFile} destFile * The file being passed to the picker. * @returns {string} A promise that is resolved when the picker selects the file. */ static waitForOpenFilePicker(destFile) { return new Promise(resolve => { MockFilePicker.showCallback = fp => { info("showCallback"); info("fileName: " + destFile.path); MockFilePicker.setFiles([destFile]); MockFilePicker.filterIndex = 1; info("done showCallback"); resolve(); }; }); } /** * Clicks the 3 dot menu and then "Import from a file..." and then it serves a CSV file. * It also does the needed assertions and telemetry validations. * If you await for it to return, it will have processed the CSV file already. * * @param {browser} browser * The browser object. * @param {string[]} linesInFile * An array of strings to be used to generate the CSV file. Each string is a line. * @returns {Promise} A promise that is resolved when the picker selects the file. */ static async clickImportFromCsvMenu(browser, linesInFile) { MockFilePicker.init(window); MockFilePicker.returnValue = MockFilePicker.returnOK; let csvFile = await LoginTestUtils.file.setupCsvFileWithLines(linesInFile); await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("menu-button", {}, browser); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { let menuButton = content.document.querySelector("menu-button"); return ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(function waitForMenu() { return !menuButton.shadowRoot.querySelector(".menu").hidden; }, "waiting for menu to open"); }); Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); function getImportMenuItem() { let menuButton = window.document.querySelector("menu-button"); let importButton = menuButton.shadowRoot.querySelector( ".menuitem-import-file" ); // Force the menu item to be visible for the test. importButton.hidden = false; return importButton; } BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(getImportMenuItem, {}, browser); async function waitForFilePicker() { let filePickerPromise = CsvImportHelper.waitForOpenFilePicker(csvFile); // First event is for opening about:logins await LoginTestUtils.telemetry.waitForEventCount( 1, "content", "pwmgr", "mgmt_menu_item_used" ); TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents( [["pwmgr", "mgmt_menu_item_used", "import_from_csv"]], { category: "pwmgr", method: "mgmt_menu_item_used" }, { process: "content", clear: false } ); info("waiting for Import file picker to get opened"); await filePickerPromise; Assert.ok(true, "Import file picker opened"); } await waitForFilePicker(); } /** * An utility method to fetch the data from the CSV import success dialog. * * @param {browser} browser * The browser object. * @returns {Promise} A promise that contains added, modified, noChange and errors count. */ static async getCsvImportSuccessDialogData(browser) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { let dialog = Cu.waiveXrays( content.document.querySelector("import-summary-dialog") ); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => !dialog.hidden, "Waiting for the dialog to be visible" ); let added = dialog.shadowRoot.querySelector( ".import-items-added .result-count" ).textContent; let modified = dialog.shadowRoot.querySelector( ".import-items-modified .result-count" ).textContent; let noChange = dialog.shadowRoot.querySelector( ".import-items-no-change .result-count" ).textContent; let errors = dialog.shadowRoot.querySelector( ".import-items-errors .result-count" ).textContent; const dialogData = { added, modified, noChange, errors, }; if (dialog.shadowRoot.activeElement) { dialogData.l10nFocused = dialog.shadowRoot.activeElement.getAttribute("data-l10n-id"); } return dialogData; }); } /** * An utility method to fetch the data from the CSV import error dialog. * * @param {browser} browser * The browser object. * @returns {Promise} A promise that contains the hidden state and l10n id for title, description and focused element. */ static async getCsvImportErrorDialogData(browser) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { const dialog = Cu.waiveXrays( content.document.querySelector("import-error-dialog") ); const l10nTitle = dialog._genericDialog .querySelector(".error-title") .getAttribute("data-l10n-id"); const l10nDescription = dialog._genericDialog .querySelector(".error-description") .getAttribute("data-l10n-id"); return { hidden: dialog.hidden, l10nFocused: dialog.shadowRoot.activeElement.getAttribute("data-l10n-id"), l10nTitle, l10nDescription, }; }); } /** * An utility method to wait until CSV import is complete. * * @returns {Promise} A promise that gets resolved when the import is complete. */ static async waitForImportToComplete() { info("Waiting for the import to complete"); await LoginTestUtils.telemetry.waitForEventCount(1, "parent"); TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents( [["pwmgr", "mgmt_menu_item_used", "import_csv_complete"]], { category: "pwmgr", method: "mgmt_menu_item_used" }, { process: "parent" } ); } /** * An utility method open the about:loginsimportreport page. * * @param {browser} browser * The browser object. * @returns {Promise} A promise that contains the about:loginsimportreport tab. */ static async clickDetailedReport(browser) { let loadedReportTab = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab( gBrowser, "about:loginsimportreport", true ); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { let dialog = Cu.waiveXrays( content.document.querySelector("import-summary-dialog") ); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => !dialog.hidden, "Waiting for the dialog to be visible" ); let detailedReportLink = dialog.shadowRoot.querySelector( ".open-detailed-report" ); detailedReportLink.click(); }); return loadedReportTab; } /** * An utility method to fetch data from the about:loginsimportreport page. * * @param {browser} browser * The browser object. * @returns {Promise} A promise that contains the detailed report data like added, modified, noChange, errors and rows. */ static async getDetailedReportData(browser) { const data = await SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], async () => { function getCount(selector) { const attribute = content.document .querySelector(selector) .getAttribute("data-l10n-args"); return JSON.parse(attribute).count; } const rows = []; for (let element of content.document.querySelectorAll(".row-details")) { rows.push(element.getAttribute("data-l10n-id")); } const added = getCount(".new-logins"); const modified = getCount(".exiting-logins"); const noChange = getCount(".duplicate-logins"); const errors = getCount(".errors-logins"); return { rows, added, modified, noChange, errors, }; } ); return data; } } const random = Math.round(Math.random() * 100000001); add_setup(async function () { registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); }); }); add_task(async function test_open_import_one_item_from_csv() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:logins" }, async browser => { await CsvImportHelper.clickImportFromCsvMenu(browser, [ "url,username,password,httpRealm,formActionOrigin,guid,timeCreated,timeLastUsed,timePasswordChanged", `https://example.com,joe${random}@example.com,qwerty,My realm,,{${random}-e194-4279-ae1b-d7d281bb46f0},1589617814635,1589710449871,1589617846802`, ]); await CsvImportHelper.waitForImportToComplete(); let summary = await CsvImportHelper.getCsvImportSuccessDialogData( browser ); Assert.equal(summary.added, "1", "It should have one item as added"); Assert.equal( summary.l10nFocused, "about-logins-import-dialog-done", "dismiss button should be focused" ); } ); }); add_task(async function test_open_import_all_four_categories() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:logins" }, async browser => { const initialCsvData = [ "url,username,password,httpRealm,formActionOrigin,guid,timeCreated,timeLastUsed,timePasswordChanged", `https://example1.com,existing${random},existing,,,{${random}-07a1-4bcf-86f0-7d56b9c1f48f},1582229924361,1582495972623,1582229924000`, `https://example1.com,duplicate,duplicate,,,{dddd0080-07a1-4bcf-86f0-7d56b9c1f48f},1582229924361,1582495972623,1582229924363`, ]; const updatedCsvData = [ "url,username,password,httpRealm,formActionOrigin,guid,timeCreated,timeLastUsed,timePasswordChanged", `https://example1.com,added${random},added,,,,,,`, `https://example1.com,existing${random},modified,,,{${random}-07a1-4bcf-86f0-7d56b9c1f48f},1582229924361,1582495972623,1582229924363`, `https://example1.com,duplicate,duplicate,,,{dddd0080-07a1-4bcf-86f0-7d56b9c1f48f},1582229924361,1582495972623,1582229924363`, `https://example1.com,error,,,,,,,`, ]; await CsvImportHelper.clickImportFromCsvMenu(browser, initialCsvData); await CsvImportHelper.waitForImportToComplete(); await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( "dismiss-button", {}, browser ); await CsvImportHelper.clickImportFromCsvMenu(browser, updatedCsvData); await CsvImportHelper.waitForImportToComplete(); let summary = await CsvImportHelper.getCsvImportSuccessDialogData( browser ); Assert.equal(summary.added, "1", "It should have one item as added"); Assert.equal( summary.modified, "1", "It should have one item as modified" ); Assert.equal( summary.noChange, "1", "It should have one item as unchanged" ); Assert.equal(summary.errors, "1", "It should have one item as error"); } ); }); add_task(async function test_open_import_all_four_detailed_report() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:logins" }, async browser => { const initialCsvData = [ "url,username,password,httpRealm,formActionOrigin,guid,timeCreated,timeLastUsed,timePasswordChanged", `https://example2.com,existing${random},existing,,,{${random}-07a1-4bcf-86f0-7d56b9c1f48f},1582229924361,1582495972623,1582229924000`, "https://example2.com,duplicate,duplicate,,,{dddd0080-07a1-4bcf-86f0-7d56b9c1f48f},1582229924361,1582495972623,1582229924363", ]; const updatedCsvData = [ "url,username,password,httpRealm,formActionOrigin,guid,timeCreated,timeLastUsed,timePasswordChanged", `https://example2.com,added${random},added,,,,,,`, `https://example2.com,existing${random},modified,,,{${random}-07a1-4bcf-86f0-7d56b9c1f48f},1582229924361,1582495972623,1582229924363`, "https://example2.com,duplicate,duplicate,,,{dddd0080-07a1-4bcf-86f0-7d56b9c1f48f},1582229924361,1582495972623,1582229924363", "https://example2.com,error,,,,,,,", ]; await CsvImportHelper.clickImportFromCsvMenu(browser, initialCsvData); await CsvImportHelper.waitForImportToComplete(); await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( "dismiss-button", {}, browser ); await CsvImportHelper.clickImportFromCsvMenu(browser, updatedCsvData); await CsvImportHelper.waitForImportToComplete(); const reportTab = await CsvImportHelper.clickDetailedReport(browser); const report = await CsvImportHelper.getDetailedReportData(browser); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(reportTab); const { added, modified, noChange, errors, rows } = report; Assert.equal(added, 1, "It should have one item as added"); Assert.equal(modified, 1, "It should have one item as modified"); Assert.equal(noChange, 1, "It should have one item as unchanged"); Assert.equal(errors, 1, "It should have one item as error"); Assert.deepEqual( [ "about-logins-import-report-row-description-added2", "about-logins-import-report-row-description-modified2", "about-logins-import-report-row-description-no-change2", "about-logins-import-report-row-description-error-missing-field", ], rows, "It should have expected rows in order" ); } ); }); add_task(async function test_open_import_from_csv_with_invalid_file() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:logins" }, async browser => { await CsvImportHelper.clickImportFromCsvMenu(browser, [ "invalid csv file", ]); info("Waiting for the import error dialog"); const errorDialog = await CsvImportHelper.getCsvImportErrorDialogData( browser ); Assert.equal(errorDialog.hidden, false, "Dialog should not be hidden"); Assert.equal( errorDialog.l10nTitle, "about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-format-title", "Dialog error title should be correct" ); Assert.equal( errorDialog.l10nDescription, "about-logins-import-dialog-error-file-format-description", "Dialog error description should be correct" ); Assert.equal( errorDialog.l10nFocused, "about-logins-import-dialog-error-learn-more", "Learn more link should be focused." ); } ); });