import React from "react"; import { shallow } from "enzyme"; import { Colorways, computeColorWay, ColorwayDescription, computeVariationIndex, } from "content-src/components/MRColorways"; import { WelcomeScreen } from "content-src/components/MultiStageAboutWelcome"; describe("Multistage AboutWelcome module", () => { let sandbox; let COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS = { id: "test-colorway-screen", totalNumberofScreens: 1, content: { subtitle: "test subtitle", tiles: { type: "colorway", action: { theme: "", }, defaultVariationIndex: 0, systemVariations: ["automatic", "light"], variations: ["soft", "bold"], colorways: [ { id: "default", label: "Default", }, { id: "abstract", label: "Abstract", }, ], }, primary_button: { action: {}, label: "test button", }, }, messageId: "test-mr-colorway-screen", activeTheme: "automatic", }; }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); describe("MRColorway component", () => { it("should render WelcomeScreen", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should use default when activeTheme is not set", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setProps({ activeTheme: null }); const colorwaysOptionIcons = wrapper.find( ".tiles-theme-section .theme .icon" ); assert.strictEqual(colorwaysOptionIcons.length, 2); // Default automatic theme is selected by default assert.strictEqual( colorwaysOptionIcons.first().prop("className").includes("selected"), true ); assert.strictEqual( colorwaysOptionIcons.first().prop("className").includes("default"), true ); }); it("should use default when activeTheme is alpenglow", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setProps({ activeTheme: "alpenglow" }); const colorwaysOptionIcons = wrapper.find( ".tiles-theme-section .theme .icon" ); assert.strictEqual(colorwaysOptionIcons.length, 2); // Default automatic theme is selected when unsupported in colorway alpenglow theme is active assert.strictEqual( colorwaysOptionIcons.first().prop("className").includes("selected"), true ); assert.strictEqual( colorwaysOptionIcons.first().prop("className").includes("default"), true ); }); it("should render colorways options", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const colorwaysOptions = wrapper.find( ".tiles-theme-section .theme input[name='theme']" ); const colorwaysOptionIcons = wrapper.find( ".tiles-theme-section .theme .icon" ); const colorwaysLabels = wrapper.find( ".tiles-theme-section .theme" ); assert.strictEqual(colorwaysOptions.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(colorwaysOptionIcons.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(colorwaysLabels.length, 2); // First colorway option // Default theme radio option is selected by default assert.strictEqual( colorwaysOptionIcons.first().prop("className").includes("selected"), true ); //Colorway should be using id property assert.strictEqual( colorwaysOptions.first().prop("data-colorway"), "default" ); // Second colorway option assert.strictEqual( colorwaysOptionIcons.last().prop("className").includes("selected"), false ); //Colorway should be using id property assert.strictEqual( colorwaysOptions.last().prop("data-colorway"), "abstract" ); //Colorway should be labelled for screen readers (parent label is for tooltip only, and does not describe the Colorway) assert.strictEqual( colorwaysOptions.last().prop("aria-labelledby"), "abstract-label" ); }); it("should handle colorway clicks", () => { sandbox.stub(React, "useEffect").callsFake((fn, vals) => { if (vals === undefined) { fn(); } else if (vals[0] === "in") { fn(); } }); const handleAction = sandbox.stub(); const wrapper = shallow( ); const colorwaysOptions = wrapper.find( ".tiles-theme-section .theme input[name='theme']" ); let props = wrapper.find(ColorwayDescription).props(); assert.propertyVal(props.colorway, "label", "Default"); const option = colorwaysOptions.last(); assert.propertyVal(option.props(), "value", "abstract-soft"); colorwaysOptions.last().simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(handleAction); }); it("should render colorway description", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); let descriptionsWrapper = wrapper.find(ColorwayDescription); assert.ok(descriptionsWrapper.exists()); let props = descriptionsWrapper.props(); // Colorway description should display Default theme desc by default assert.strictEqual(props.colorway.label, "Default"); }); it("ColorwayDescription should display active colorway desc", () => { let TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS = { colorway: { label: "Activist", description: "Test Activist", }, }; const descWrapper = shallow( ); assert.ok(descWrapper.exists()); const descText = descWrapper.find(".colorway-text"); assert.equal( descText.props()["data-l10n-args"].includes("Activist"), true ); }); it("should computeColorWayId for default active theme", () => { let TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS = { ...COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS, }; const colorwayId = computeColorWay( TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.activeTheme, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.systemVariations ); assert.strictEqual(colorwayId, "default"); }); it("should computeColorWayId for non-default active theme", () => { let TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS = { ...COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS, activeTheme: "abstract-soft", }; const colorwayId = computeColorWay( TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.activeTheme, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.systemVariations ); assert.strictEqual(colorwayId, "abstract"); }); it("should computeVariationIndex for default active theme", () => { let TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS = { ...COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS, }; const variationIndex = computeVariationIndex( TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.activeTheme, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.systemVariations, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.variations, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.defaultVariationIndex ); assert.strictEqual( variationIndex, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.defaultVariationIndex ); }); it("should computeVariationIndex for active theme", () => { let TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS = { ...COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS, }; const variationIndex = computeVariationIndex( "light", TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.systemVariations, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.variations, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.defaultVariationIndex ); assert.strictEqual(variationIndex, 1); }); it("should computeVariationIndex for colorway theme", () => { let TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS = { ...COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS, }; const variationIndex = computeVariationIndex( "abstract-bold", TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.systemVariations, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.variations, TEST_COLORWAY_PROPS.content.tiles.defaultVariationIndex ); assert.strictEqual(variationIndex, 1); }); describe("random colorways", () => { let test; beforeEach(() => { COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS.handleAction = sandbox.stub(); sandbox.stub(window, "matchMedia"); // eslint-disable-next-line max-nested-callbacks sandbox.stub(React, "useEffect").callsFake((fn, vals) => { if (vals?.length === 0) { fn(); } }); test = () => { shallow(); return COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS.handleAction.firstCall.firstArg .currentTarget; }; }); it("should select a random colorway", () => { const { value } = test(); assert.strictEqual(value, "abstract-soft"); assert.calledThrice(React.useEffect); assert.notCalled(window.matchMedia); }); it("should select a random soft colorway when not dark", () => { window.matchMedia.returns({ matches: false }); COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS.content.tiles.darkVariation = 1; const { value } = test(); assert.strictEqual(value, "abstract-soft"); assert.calledThrice(React.useEffect); assert.calledOnce(window.matchMedia); }); it("should select a random bold colorway when dark", () => { window.matchMedia.returns({ matches: true }); COLORWAY_SCREEN_PROPS.content.tiles.darkVariation = 1; const { value } = test(); assert.strictEqual(value, "abstract-bold"); assert.calledThrice(React.useEffect); assert.calledOnce(window.matchMedia); }); }); }); });