import { GlobalOverrider } from "newtab/test/unit/utils"; import { MultiStageAboutWelcome, SecondaryCTA, StepsIndicator, ProgressBar, WelcomeScreen, } from "content-src/components/MultiStageAboutWelcome"; import { Themes } from "content-src/components/Themes"; import React from "react"; import { shallow, mount } from "enzyme"; import { AboutWelcomeDefaults } from "modules/AboutWelcomeDefaults.sys.mjs"; import { AboutWelcomeUtils } from "content-src/lib/aboutwelcome-utils.mjs"; describe("MultiStageAboutWelcome module", () => { let globals; let sandbox; const DEFAULT_PROPS = { defaultScreens: AboutWelcomeDefaults.getDefaults().screens, metricsFlowUri: "http://localhost/", message_id: "DEFAULT_ABOUTWELCOME", utm_term: "default", startScreen: 0, }; beforeEach(async () => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); globals.set({ AWGetSelectedTheme: () => Promise.resolve("automatic"), AWSendEventTelemetry: () => {}, AWWaitForMigrationClose: () => Promise.resolve(), AWSelectTheme: () => Promise.resolve(), AWFinish: () => Promise.resolve(), }); sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); describe("MultiStageAboutWelcome functional component", () => { it("should render MultiStageAboutWelcome", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should pass activeTheme and initialTheme props to WelcomeScreen", async () => { let wrapper = mount(); // Spin the event loop to allow the useEffect hooks to execute, // any promises to resolve, and re-rendering to happen after the // promises have updated the state/props await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); // sync up enzyme's representation with the real DOM wrapper.update(); let welcomeScreenWrapper = wrapper.find(WelcomeScreen); assert.strictEqual(welcomeScreenWrapper.prop("activeTheme"), "automatic"); assert.strictEqual( welcomeScreenWrapper.prop("initialTheme"), "automatic" ); }); it("should handle primary Action", () => { const screens = [ { content: { title: "test title", subtitle: "test subtitle", primary_button: { label: "Test button", action: { navigate: true, }, }, }, }, ]; const PRIMARY_ACTION_PROPS = { defaultScreens: screens, metricsFlowUri: "http://localhost/", message_id: "DEFAULT_ABOUTWELCOME", utm_term: "default", startScreen: 0, }; const stub = sinon.stub(AboutWelcomeUtils, "sendActionTelemetry"); let wrapper = mount(); wrapper.update(); let welcomeScreenWrapper = wrapper.find(WelcomeScreen); const btnPrimary = welcomeScreenWrapper.find(".primary"); btnPrimary.simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.equal( stub.firstCall.args[0], welcomeScreenWrapper.props().messageId ); assert.equal(stub.firstCall.args[1], "primary_button"); stub.restore(); }); it("should autoAdvance on last screen and send appropriate telemetry", () => { let clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const screens = [ { auto_advance: "primary_button", content: { title: "test title", subtitle: "test subtitle", primary_button: { label: "Test Button", action: { navigate: true, }, }, }, }, ]; const AUTO_ADVANCE_PROPS = { defaultScreens: screens, metricsFlowUri: "http://localhost/", message_id: "DEFAULT_ABOUTWELCOME", utm_term: "default", startScreen: 0, }; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.update(); const finishStub = sandbox.stub(global, "AWFinish"); const telemetryStub = sinon.stub( AboutWelcomeUtils, "sendActionTelemetry" ); assert.notCalled(finishStub); clock.tick(20001); assert.calledOnce(finishStub); assert.calledOnce(telemetryStub); assert.equal(telemetryStub.lastCall.args[2], "AUTO_ADVANCE"); clock.restore(); finishStub.restore(); telemetryStub.restore(); }); it("should send telemetry ping on collectSelect", () => { const screens = [ { id: "EASY_SETUP_TEST", content: { tiles: { type: "multiselect", data: [ { id: "checkbox-1", defaultValue: true, }, ], }, primary_button: { label: "Test Button", action: { collectSelect: true, }, }, }, }, ]; const EASY_SETUP_PROPS = { defaultScreens: screens, message_id: "DEFAULT_ABOUTWELCOME", startScreen: 0, }; const stub = sinon.stub(AboutWelcomeUtils, "sendActionTelemetry"); let wrapper = mount(); wrapper.update(); let welcomeScreenWrapper = wrapper.find(WelcomeScreen); const btnPrimary = welcomeScreenWrapper.find(".primary"); btnPrimary.simulate("click"); assert.calledTwice(stub); assert.equal( stub.firstCall.args[0], welcomeScreenWrapper.props().messageId ); assert.equal(stub.firstCall.args[1], "primary_button"); assert.equal( stub.lastCall.args[0], welcomeScreenWrapper.props().messageId ); assert.ok(stub.lastCall.args[1].includes("checkbox-1")); assert.equal(stub.lastCall.args[2], "SELECT_CHECKBOX"); stub.restore(); }); }); describe("WelcomeScreen component", () => { describe("easy setup screen", () => { const screen = AboutWelcomeDefaults.getDefaults().screens.find( s => === "AW_EASY_SETUP_NEEDS_DEFAULT_AND_PIN" ); let EASY_SETUP_SCREEN_PROPS; beforeEach(() => { EASY_SETUP_SCREEN_PROPS = { id:, content: screen.content, messageId: `${DEFAULT_PROPS.message_id}_${}`, UTMTerm: DEFAULT_PROPS.utm_term, flowParams: null, totalNumberOfScreens: 1, setScreenMultiSelects: sandbox.stub(), setActiveMultiSelect: sandbox.stub(), }; }); it("should render Easy Setup screen", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should render button", () => { let SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "Step", secondary_button_top: { text: "test", label: "test label", }, }, position: "top", }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.find("").exists()); }); it("should render the arrow icon in the secondary button", () => { let SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "Step", secondary_button: { has_arrow_icon: true, label: "test label", }, }, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.find("button.arrow-icon").exists()); }); it("should render steps indicator", () => { let PROPS = { totalNumberOfScreens: 1 }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.find("div.indicator").exists()); }); it("should assign the total number of screens and current screen to the aria-valuemax and aria-valuenow labels", () => { const EXTRA_PROPS = { totalNumberOfScreens: 3, order: 1 }; const wrapper = mount( ); const steps = wrapper.find(`div.steps`); assert.ok(steps.exists()); const { attributes } = steps.getDOMNode(); assert.equal( parseInt(attributes.getNamedItem("aria-valuemax").value, 10), EXTRA_PROPS.totalNumberOfScreens ); assert.equal( parseInt(attributes.getNamedItem("aria-valuenow").value, 10), EXTRA_PROPS.order + 1 ); }); it("should render progress bar", () => { let SCREEN_PROPS = { step: 1, previousStep: 0, totalNumberOfScreens: 2, }; const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.find("div.indicator").exists()); assert.propertyVal( wrapper.find("div.indicator").prop("style"), "--progress-bar-progress", "50%" ); }); it("should have a primary, secondary and button in the rendered input", () => { const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.find(".primary").exists()); assert.ok( wrapper .find(".secondary-cta button.secondary[value='secondary_button']") .exists() ); assert.ok( wrapper .find( " button.secondary[value='secondary_button_top']" ) .exists() ); }); }); describe("theme screen", () => { const THEME_SCREEN_PROPS = { id: "test-theme-screen", totalNumberOfScreens: 1, content: { title: "test title", subtitle: "test subtitle", tiles: { type: "theme", action: { theme: "", }, data: [ { theme: "automatic", label: "test-label", tooltip: "test-tooltip", description: "test-description", }, ], }, primary_button: { action: {}, label: "test button", }, }, navigate: null, messageId: `${DEFAULT_PROPS.message_id}_"test-theme-screen"`, UTMTerm: DEFAULT_PROPS.utm_term, flowParams: null, activeTheme: "automatic", }; it("should render WelcomeScreen", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should check this.props.activeTheme in the rendered input", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const selectedThemeInput = wrapper.find(".theme input[checked=true]"); assert.strictEqual( selectedThemeInput.prop("value"), THEME_SCREEN_PROPS.activeTheme ); }); }); describe("import screen", () => { const IMPORT_SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", subtitle: "test subtitle", }, }; it("should render ImportScreen", () => { const wrapper = mount(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should not have a primary or secondary button", () => { const wrapper = mount(); assert.isFalse(wrapper.find(".primary").exists()); assert.isFalse( wrapper.find(".secondary button[value='secondary_button']").exists() ); assert.isFalse( wrapper .find(".secondary button[value='secondary_button_top']") .exists() ); }); }); describe("#handleAction", () => { let SCREEN_PROPS; let TEST_ACTION; beforeEach(() => { SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", subtitle: "test subtitle", primary_button: { action: {}, label: "test button", }, }, navigate: sandbox.stub(), setActiveTheme: sandbox.stub(), UTMTerm: "you_tee_emm", }; TEST_ACTION = SCREEN_PROPS.content.primary_button.action; sandbox.stub(AboutWelcomeUtils, "handleUserAction").resolves(); }); it("should handle navigate", () => { TEST_ACTION.navigate = true; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(SCREEN_PROPS.navigate); }); it("should handle theme", () => { TEST_ACTION.theme = "test"; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledWith(SCREEN_PROPS.setActiveTheme, "test"); }); it("should handle dismiss", () => { SCREEN_PROPS.content.dismiss_button = { action: { dismiss: true }, }; const finishStub = sandbox.stub(global, "AWFinish"); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".dismiss-button").simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(finishStub); }); it("should handle SHOW_FIREFOX_ACCOUNTS", () => { TEST_ACTION.type = "SHOW_FIREFOX_ACCOUNTS"; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledWith(AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction, { data: { extraParams: { utm_campaign: "firstrun", utm_medium: "referral", utm_source: "activity-stream", utm_term: "you_tee_emm-screen", }, }, type: "SHOW_FIREFOX_ACCOUNTS", }); }); it("should handle OPEN_URL", () => { TEST_ACTION.type = "OPEN_URL"; = { args: "", }; TEST_ACTION.addFlowParams = true; let flowBeginTime =; const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); let [handledAction] = AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction.firstCall.args; assert.equal(handledAction.type, "OPEN_URL"); let { searchParams } = new URL(; assert.equal(searchParams.get("utm_campaign"), "test-campaign"); assert.equal(searchParams.get("utm_medium"), "referral"); assert.equal(searchParams.get("utm_source"), "activity-stream"); assert.equal(searchParams.get("utm_term"), "you_tee_emm-screen"); assert.equal(searchParams.get("device_id"), "test-device-id"); assert.equal(searchParams.get("flow_id"), "test-flow-id"); assert.equal( searchParams.get("flow_begin_time"), flowBeginTime.toString() ); }); it("should handle SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD", () => { TEST_ACTION.type = "SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD"; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledWith(AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction, { type: "SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD", }); }); it("should handle SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD INSIDE MULTI_ACTION", async () => { const migrationCloseStub = sandbox.stub( global, "AWWaitForMigrationClose" ); const MULTI_ACTION_SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", subtitle: "test subtitle", primary_button: { action: { type: "MULTI_ACTION", navigate: true, data: { actions: [ { type: "PIN_FIREFOX_TO_TASKBAR", }, { type: "SET_DEFAULT_BROWSER", }, { type: "SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD", data: {}, }, ], }, }, label: "test button", }, }, navigate: sandbox.stub(), }; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledWith(AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", navigate: true, data: { actions: [ { type: "PIN_FIREFOX_TO_TASKBAR", }, { type: "SET_DEFAULT_BROWSER", }, { type: "SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD", data: {}, }, ], }, }); // handleUserAction returns a Promise, so let's let the microtask queue // flush so that anything waiting for the handleUserAction Promise to // resolve can run. await new Promise(resolve => queueMicrotask(resolve)); assert.calledOnce(migrationCloseStub); }); it("should handle SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD INSIDE NESTED MULTI_ACTION", async () => { const migrationCloseStub = sandbox.stub( global, "AWWaitForMigrationClose" ); const MULTI_ACTION_SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "test title", subtitle: "test subtitle", primary_button: { action: { type: "MULTI_ACTION", navigate: true, data: { actions: [ { type: "PIN_FIREFOX_TO_TASKBAR", }, { type: "SET_DEFAULT_BROWSER", }, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", }, { type: "SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD", data: {}, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, label: "test button", }, }, navigate: sandbox.stub(), }; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledWith(AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", navigate: true, data: { actions: [ { type: "PIN_FIREFOX_TO_TASKBAR", }, { type: "SET_DEFAULT_BROWSER", }, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", }, { type: "SHOW_MIGRATION_WIZARD", data: {}, }, ], }, }, ], }, }); // handleUserAction returns a Promise, so let's let the microtask queue // flush so that anything waiting for the handleUserAction Promise to // resolve can run. await new Promise(resolve => queueMicrotask(resolve)); assert.calledOnce(migrationCloseStub); }); it("should unset prefs from unchecked checkboxes", () => { const PREF_SCREEN_PROPS = { content: { title: "Checkboxes", tiles: { type: "multiselect", data: [ { id: "checkbox-1", label: "checkbox 1", checkedAction: { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-a", value: true, }, }, }, uncheckedAction: { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-a", }, }, }, }, { id: "checkbox-2", label: "checkbox 2", checkedAction: { type: "MULTI_ACTION", data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-b", value: "pref-b", }, }, }, { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-c", value: 3, }, }, }, ], }, }, uncheckedAction: { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-b" }, }, }, }, ], }, primary_button: { label: "Set Prefs", action: { type: "MULTI_ACTION", collectSelect: true, isDynamic: true, navigate: true, data: { actions: [], }, }, }, }, navigate: sandbox.stub(), setScreenMultiSelects: sandbox.stub(), setActiveMultiSelect: sandbox.stub(), }; // No checkboxes checked. All prefs will be unset and pref-c will not be // reset. { const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledWith(AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", collectSelect: true, isDynamic: true, navigate: true, data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-a" } } }, { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-b" } } }, ], }, }); AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction.resetHistory(); } // The first checkbox is checked. Only pref-a will be set and pref-c // will not be reset. { const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledWith(AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", collectSelect: true, isDynamic: true, navigate: true, data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-a", value: true, }, }, }, { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-b" } } }, ], }, }); AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction.resetHistory(); } // The second checkbox is checked. Prefs pref-b and pref-c will be set. { const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledWith(AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", collectSelect: true, isDynamic: true, navigate: true, data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-a" } } }, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-b", value: "pref-b" } }, }, { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-c", value: 3 } }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }); AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction.resetHistory(); } // // Both checkboxes are checked. All prefs will be set. { const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.find(".primary").simulate("click"); assert.calledWith(AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", collectSelect: true, isDynamic: true, navigate: true, data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-a", value: true } }, }, { type: "MULTI_ACTION", data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-b", value: "pref-b" } }, }, { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "pref-c", value: 3 } }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }); AboutWelcomeUtils.handleUserAction.resetHistory(); } }); }); }); });