/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AboutReaderParent: "resource:///actors/AboutReaderParent.sys.mjs", BrowserUtils: "resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.sys.mjs", EveryWindow: "resource:///modules/EveryWindow.sys.mjs", FeatureCalloutBroker: "resource:///modules/asrouter/FeatureCalloutBroker.sys.mjs", PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.sys.mjs", clearTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "log", () => { const { Logger } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://messaging-system/lib/Logger.sys.mjs" ); return new Logger("ASRouterTriggerListeners"); }); const FEW_MINUTES = 15 * 60 * 1000; // 15 mins function isPrivateWindow(win) { return ( !(win instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) || win.closed || lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(win) ); } /** * Check current location against the list of allowed hosts * Additionally verify for redirects and check original request URL against * the list. * * @returns {object} - {host, url} pair that matched the list of allowed hosts */ function checkURLMatch(aLocationURI, { hosts, matchPatternSet }, aRequest) { // If checks pass we return a match let match; try { match = { host: aLocationURI.host, url: aLocationURI.spec }; } catch (e) { // nsIURI.host can throw for non-nsStandardURL nsIURIs return false; } // Check current location against allowed hosts if (hosts.has(match.host)) { return match; } if (matchPatternSet) { if (matchPatternSet.matches(match.url)) { return match; } } // Nothing else to check, return early if (!aRequest) { return false; } // The original URL at the start of the request const originalLocation = aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel).originalURI; // We have been redirected if (originalLocation.spec !== aLocationURI.spec) { return ( hosts.has(originalLocation.host) && { host: originalLocation.host, url: originalLocation.spec, } ); } return false; } function createMatchPatternSet(patterns, flags) { try { return new MatchPatternSet(new Set(patterns), flags); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } return new MatchPatternSet([]); } /** * A Map from trigger IDs to singleton trigger listeners. Each listener must * have idempotent `init` and `uninit` methods. */ export const ASRouterTriggerListeners = new Map([ [ "openArticleURL", { id: "openArticleURL", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _hosts: new Set(), _matchPatternSet: null, readerModeEvent: "Reader:UpdateReaderButton", init(triggerHandler, hosts, patterns) { if (!this._initialized) { this.receiveMessage = this.receiveMessage.bind(this); lazy.AboutReaderParent.addMessageListener(this.readerModeEvent, this); this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; this._initialized = true; } if (patterns) { this._matchPatternSet = createMatchPatternSet([ ...(this._matchPatternSet ? this._matchPatternSet.patterns : []), ...patterns, ]); } if (hosts) { hosts.forEach(h => this._hosts.add(h)); } }, receiveMessage({ data, target }) { if (data && data.isArticle) { const match = checkURLMatch(target.currentURI, { hosts: this._hosts, matchPatternSet: this._matchPatternSet, }); if (match) { this._triggerHandler(target, { id: this.id, param: match }); } } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { lazy.AboutReaderParent.removeMessageListener( this.readerModeEvent, this ); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; this._hosts = new Set(); this._matchPatternSet = null; } }, }, ], [ "openBookmarkedURL", { id: "openBookmarkedURL", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _hosts: new Set(), bookmarkEvent: "bookmark-icon-updated", init(triggerHandler) { if (!this._initialized) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, this.bookmarkEvent); this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; this._initialized = true; } }, observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic === this.bookmarkEvent && data === "starred") { const browser = Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); if (browser) { this._triggerHandler(browser.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { id: this.id, }); } } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, this.bookmarkEvent); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; this._hosts = new Set(); } }, }, ], [ "frequentVisits", { id: "frequentVisits", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _hosts: null, _matchPatternSet: null, _visits: null, init(triggerHandler, hosts = [], patterns) { if (!this._initialized) { this.onTabSwitch = this.onTabSwitch.bind(this); lazy.EveryWindow.registerCallback( this.id, win => { if (!isPrivateWindow(win)) { win.addEventListener("TabSelect", this.onTabSwitch); win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(this); } }, win => { if (!isPrivateWindow(win)) { win.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this.onTabSwitch); win.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this); } } ); this._visits = new Map(); this._initialized = true; } this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; if (patterns) { this._matchPatternSet = createMatchPatternSet([ ...(this._matchPatternSet ? this._matchPatternSet.patterns : []), ...patterns, ]); } if (this._hosts) { hosts.forEach(h => this._hosts.add(h)); } else { this._hosts = new Set(hosts); // Clone the hosts to avoid unexpected behaviour } }, /* _updateVisits - Record visit timestamps for websites that match `this._hosts` and only * if it's been more than FEW_MINUTES since the last visit. * @param {string} host - Location host of current selected tab * @returns {boolean} - If the new visit has been recorded */ _updateVisits(host) { const visits = this._visits.get(host); if (visits && Date.now() - visits[0] > FEW_MINUTES) { this._visits.set(host, [Date.now(), ...visits]); return true; } if (!visits) { this._visits.set(host, [Date.now()]); return true; } return false; }, onTabSwitch(event) { if (!event.target.ownerGlobal.gBrowser) { return; } const { gBrowser } = event.target.ownerGlobal; const match = checkURLMatch(gBrowser.currentURI, { hosts: this._hosts, matchPatternSet: this._matchPatternSet, }); if (match) { this.triggerHandler(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, match); } }, triggerHandler(aBrowser, match) { const updated = this._updateVisits(match.host); // If the previous visit happend less than FEW_MINUTES ago // no updates were made, no need to trigger the handler if (!updated) { return; } this._triggerHandler(aBrowser, { id: this.id, param: match, context: { // Remapped to {host, timestamp} because JEXL operators can only // filter over collections (arrays of objects) recentVisits: this._visits .get(match.host) .map(timestamp => ({ host: match.host, timestamp })), }, }); }, onLocationChange(aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI, aFlags) { // Some websites trigger redirect events after they finish loading even // though the location remains the same. This results in onLocationChange // events to be fired twice. const isSameDocument = !!( aFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT ); if (aWebProgress.isTopLevel && !isSameDocument) { const match = checkURLMatch( aLocationURI, { hosts: this._hosts, matchPatternSet: this._matchPatternSet }, aRequest ); if (match) { this.triggerHandler(aBrowser, match); } } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.id); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; this._hosts = null; this._matchPatternSet = null; this._visits = null; } }, }, ], /** * Attach listeners to every browser window to detect location changes, and * notify the trigger handler whenever we navigate to a URL with a hostname * we're looking for. */ [ "openURL", { id: "openURL", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _hosts: null, _matchPatternSet: null, _visits: null, /* * If the listener is already initialised, `init` will replace the trigger * handler and add any new hosts to `this._hosts`. */ init(triggerHandler, hosts = [], patterns) { if (!this._initialized) { this.onLocationChange = this.onLocationChange.bind(this); lazy.EveryWindow.registerCallback( this.id, win => { if (!isPrivateWindow(win)) { win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(this); } }, win => { if (!isPrivateWindow(win)) { win.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this); } } ); this._visits = new Map(); this._initialized = true; } this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; if (patterns) { this._matchPatternSet = createMatchPatternSet([ ...(this._matchPatternSet ? this._matchPatternSet.patterns : []), ...patterns, ]); } if (this._hosts) { hosts.forEach(h => this._hosts.add(h)); } else { this._hosts = new Set(hosts); // Clone the hosts to avoid unexpected behaviour } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.id); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; this._hosts = null; this._matchPatternSet = null; this._visits = null; } }, onLocationChange(aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI, aFlags) { // Some websites trigger redirect events after they finish loading even // though the location remains the same. This results in onLocationChange // events to be fired twice. const isSameDocument = !!( aFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT ); if (aWebProgress.isTopLevel && !isSameDocument) { const match = checkURLMatch( aLocationURI, { hosts: this._hosts, matchPatternSet: this._matchPatternSet }, aRequest ); if (match) { let visitsCount = (this._visits.get(match.url) || 0) + 1; this._visits.set(match.url, visitsCount); this._triggerHandler(aBrowser, { id: this.id, param: match, context: { visitsCount }, }); } } }, }, ], /** * Add an observer notification to notify the trigger handler whenever the user * saves or updates a login via the login capture doorhanger. */ [ "newSavedLogin", { _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, /** * If the listener is already initialised, `init` will replace the trigger * handler. */ init(triggerHandler) { if (!this._initialized) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "LoginStats:NewSavedPassword"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "LoginStats:LoginUpdateSaved"); this._initialized = true; } this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "LoginStats:NewSavedPassword"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "LoginStats:LoginUpdateSaved"); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; } }, observe(aSubject, aTopic) { if (aSubject.currentURI.asciiHost === "accounts.firefox.com") { // Don't notify about saved logins on the FxA login origin since this // trigger is used to promote login Sync and getting a recommendation // to enable Sync during the sign up process is a bad UX. return; } switch (aTopic) { case "LoginStats:NewSavedPassword": { this._triggerHandler(aSubject, { id: "newSavedLogin", context: { type: "save" }, }); break; } case "LoginStats:LoginUpdateSaved": { this._triggerHandler(aSubject, { id: "newSavedLogin", context: { type: "update" }, }); break; } default: { throw new Error(`Unexpected observer notification: ${aTopic}`); } } }, }, ], [ "formAutofill", { id: "formAutofill", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _triggerDelay: 10000, // 10 second delay before triggering _topic: "formautofill-storage-changed", _events: ["add", "update", "notifyUsed"] /** @see AutofillRecords */, _collections: ["addresses", "creditCards"] /** @see AutofillRecords */, init(triggerHandler) { if (!this._initialized) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, this._topic); this._initialized = true; } this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, this._topic); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; } }, observe(subject, topic, data) { const browser = Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow()?.gBrowser.selectedBrowser; if ( !browser || topic !== this._topic || !subject.wrappedJSObject || // Ignore changes caused by manual edits in the credit card/address // managers in about:preferences. browser.contentWindow?.gSubDialog?.dialogs.length ) { return; } let { sourceSync, collectionName } = subject.wrappedJSObject; // Ignore changes from sync and changes to untracked collections. if (sourceSync || !this._collections.includes(collectionName)) { return; } if (this._events.includes(data)) { let event = data; let type = collectionName; if (event === "notifyUsed") { event = "use"; } if (type === "creditCards") { type = "card"; } if (type === "addresses") { type = "address"; } lazy.setTimeout(() => { if ( this._initialized && // Make sure the browser still exists and is still selected. browser.isConnectedAndReady && browser === Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow()?.gBrowser .selectedBrowser ) { this._triggerHandler(browser, { id: this.id, context: { event, type }, }); } }, this._triggerDelay); } }, }, ], [ "contentBlocking", { _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _events: [], _sessionPageLoad: 0, onLocationChange: null, init(triggerHandler, params) { params.forEach(p => this._events.push(p)); if (!this._initialized) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "SiteProtection:ContentBlockingEvent"); Services.obs.addObserver( this, "SiteProtection:ContentBlockingMilestone" ); this.onLocationChange = this._onLocationChange.bind(this); lazy.EveryWindow.registerCallback( this.id, win => { if (!isPrivateWindow(win)) { win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(this); } }, win => { if (!isPrivateWindow(win)) { win.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this); } } ); this._initialized = true; } this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { Services.obs.removeObserver( this, "SiteProtection:ContentBlockingEvent" ); Services.obs.removeObserver( this, "SiteProtection:ContentBlockingMilestone" ); lazy.EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.id); this.onLocationChange = null; this._initialized = false; } this._triggerHandler = null; this._events = []; this._sessionPageLoad = 0; }, observe(aSubject, aTopic) { switch (aTopic) { case "SiteProtection:ContentBlockingEvent": const { browser, host, event } = aSubject.wrappedJSObject; if (this._events.filter(e => (e & event) === e).length) { this._triggerHandler(browser, { id: "contentBlocking", param: { host, type: event, }, context: { pageLoad: this._sessionPageLoad, }, }); } break; case "SiteProtection:ContentBlockingMilestone": if (this._events.includes(aSubject.wrappedJSObject.event)) { this._triggerHandler( Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow().gBrowser .selectedBrowser, { id: "contentBlocking", context: { pageLoad: this._sessionPageLoad, }, param: { type: aSubject.wrappedJSObject.event, }, } ); } break; } }, _onLocationChange( aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI, aFlags ) { // Some websites trigger redirect events after they finish loading even // though the location remains the same. This results in onLocationChange // events to be fired twice. const isSameDocument = !!( aFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT ); if ( ["http", "https"].includes(aLocationURI.scheme) && aWebProgress.isTopLevel && !isSameDocument ) { this._sessionPageLoad += 1; } }, }, ], [ "captivePortalLogin", { id: "captivePortalLogin", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo() { return lazy.BrowserUtils.shouldShowVPNPromo(); }, init(triggerHandler) { if (!this._initialized) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "captive-portal-login-success"); this._initialized = true; } this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; }, observe(aSubject, aTopic) { switch (aTopic) { case "captive-portal-login-success": const browser = Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); // The check is here rather than in init because some // folks leave their browsers running for a long time, // eg from before leaving on a plane trip to after landing // in the new destination, and the current region may have // changed since init time. if (browser && this._shouldShowCaptivePortalVPNPromo()) { this._triggerHandler(browser.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { id: this.id, }); } break; } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { this._triggerHandler = null; this._initialized = false; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "captive-portal-login-success"); } }, }, ], [ "preferenceObserver", { id: "preferenceObserver", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _observedPrefs: [], init(triggerHandler, prefs) { if (!this._initialized) { this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; this._initialized = true; } prefs.forEach(pref => { this._observedPrefs.push(pref); Services.prefs.addObserver(pref, this); }); }, observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case "nsPref:changed": const browser = Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); if (browser && this._observedPrefs.includes(aData)) { this._triggerHandler(browser.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { id: this.id, param: { type: aData, }, }); } break; } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { this._observedPrefs.forEach(pref => Services.prefs.removeObserver(pref, this) ); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; this._observedPrefs = []; } }, }, ], [ "nthTabClosed", { id: "nthTabClosed", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, // Number of tabs the user closed this session _closedTabs: 0, init(triggerHandler) { this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; if (!this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.registerCallback( this.id, win => { win.addEventListener("TabClose", this); }, win => { win.removeEventListener("TabClose", this); } ); this._initialized = true; } }, handleEvent(event) { if (this._initialized) { if (!event.target.ownerGlobal.gBrowser) { return; } const { gBrowser } = event.target.ownerGlobal; this._closedTabs++; this._triggerHandler(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { id: this.id, context: { tabsClosedCount: this._closedTabs }, }); } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.id); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; this._closedTabs = 0; } }, }, ], [ "activityAfterIdle", { id: "activityAfterIdle", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _idleService: null, // Optimization - only report idle state after one minute of idle time. // This represents a minimum idleForMilliseconds of 60000. _idleThreshold: 60, _idleSince: null, _quietSince: null, _awaitingVisibilityChange: false, // Fire the trigger 2 seconds after activity resumes to ensure user is // actively using the browser when it fires. _triggerDelay: 2000, _triggerTimeout: null, // We may get an idle notification immediately after waking from sleep. // The idle time in such a case will be the amount of time since the last // user interaction, which was before the computer went to sleep. We want // to ignore them in that case, so we ignore idle notifications that // happen within 1 second of the last wake notification. _wakeDelay: 1000, _lastWakeTime: null, _listenedEvents: ["visibilitychange", "TabClose", "TabAttrModified"], // When the OS goes to sleep or the process is suspended, we want to drop // the idle time, since the time between sleep and wake is expected to be // very long (e.g. overnight). Otherwise, this would trigger on the first // activity after waking/resuming, counting sleep as idle time. This // basically means each session starts with a fresh idle time. _observedTopics: [ "sleep_notification", "suspend_process_notification", "wake_notification", "resume_process_notification", "mac_app_activate", ], get _isVisible() { return [...Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")].some( win => !win.closed && !win.document?.hidden ); }, get _soundPlaying() { return [...Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")].some(win => win.gBrowser?.tabs.some(tab => !tab.closing && tab.soundPlaying) ); }, init(triggerHandler) { this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; // Instantiate this here instead of with a lazy service getter so we can // stub it in tests (otherwise we'd have to wait up to 6 minutes for an // idle notification in certain test environments). if (!this._idleService) { this._idleService = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/widget/useridleservice;1" ].getService(Ci.nsIUserIdleService); } if ( !this._initialized && !lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.permanentPrivateBrowsing ) { this._idleService.addIdleObserver(this, this._idleThreshold); for (let topic of this._observedTopics) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, topic); } lazy.EveryWindow.registerCallback( this.id, win => { for (let ev of this._listenedEvents) { win.addEventListener(ev, this); } }, win => { for (let ev of this._listenedEvents) { win.removeEventListener(ev, this); } } ); if (!this._soundPlaying) { this._quietSince = Date.now(); } this._initialized = true; this.log("Initialized: ", { idleTime: this._idleService.idleTime, quietSince: this._quietSince, }); } }, observe(subject, topic, data) { if (this._initialized) { this.log("Heard observer notification: ", { subject, topic, data, idleTime: this._idleService.idleTime, idleSince: this._idleSince, quietSince: this._quietSince, lastWakeTime: this._lastWakeTime, }); switch (topic) { case "idle": const now = Date.now(); // If the idle notification is within 1 second of the last wake // notification, ignore it. We do this to avoid counting time the // computer spent asleep as "idle time" const isImmediatelyAfterWake = this._lastWakeTime && now - this._lastWakeTime < this._wakeDelay; if (!isImmediatelyAfterWake) { this._idleSince = now - subject.idleTime; } break; case "active": // Trigger when user returns from being idle. if (this._isVisible) { this._onActive(); this._idleSince = null; this._lastWakeTime = null; } else if (this._idleSince) { // If the window is not visible, we want to wait until it is // visible before triggering. this._awaitingVisibilityChange = true; } break; // OS/process notifications case "wake_notification": case "resume_process_notification": case "mac_app_activate": this._lastWakeTime = Date.now(); // Fall through to reset idle time. default: this._idleSince = null; } } }, handleEvent(event) { if (this._initialized) { switch (event.type) { case "visibilitychange": if (this._awaitingVisibilityChange && this._isVisible) { this._onActive(); this._idleSince = null; this._lastWakeTime = null; this._awaitingVisibilityChange = false; } break; case "TabAttrModified": // Listen for DOMAudioPlayback* events. if (!event.detail?.changed?.includes("soundplaying")) { break; } // fall through case "TabClose": this.log("Tab sound changed: ", { event, idleTime: this._idleService.idleTime, idleSince: this._idleSince, quietSince: this._quietSince, }); // Maybe update time if a tab closes with sound playing. if (this._soundPlaying) { this._quietSince = null; } else if (!this._quietSince) { this._quietSince = Date.now(); } } } }, _onActive() { this.log("User is active: ", { idleTime: this._idleService.idleTime, idleSince: this._idleSince, quietSince: this._quietSince, lastWakeTime: this._lastWakeTime, }); if (this._idleSince && this._quietSince) { const win = Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); if (win && !isPrivateWindow(win) && !this._triggerTimeout) { // Time since the most recent user interaction/audio playback, // reported as the number of milliseconds the user has been idle. const idleForMilliseconds = Date.now() - Math.max(this._idleSince, this._quietSince); this._triggerTimeout = lazy.setTimeout(() => { this._triggerHandler(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { id: this.id, context: { idleForMilliseconds }, }); this._triggerTimeout = null; }, this._triggerDelay); } } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { this._idleService.removeIdleObserver(this, this._idleThreshold); for (let topic of this._observedTopics) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, topic); } lazy.EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.id); lazy.clearTimeout(this._triggerTimeout); this._triggerTimeout = null; this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; this._idleSince = null; this._quietSince = null; this._lastWakeTime = null; this._awaitingVisibilityChange = false; this.log("Uninitialized"); } }, log(...args) { lazy.log.debug("Idle trigger :>>", ...args); }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIObserver", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), }, ], [ "cookieBannerDetected", { id: "cookieBannerDetected", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, init(triggerHandler) { this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; if (!this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.registerCallback( this.id, win => { win.addEventListener("cookiebannerdetected", this); }, win => { win.removeEventListener("cookiebannerdetected", this); } ); this._initialized = true; } }, handleEvent(event) { if (this._initialized) { const win = event.target || Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); if (!win) { return; } this._triggerHandler(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { id: this.id, }); } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.id); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; } }, }, ], [ "cookieBannerHandled", { id: "cookieBannerHandled", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, init(triggerHandler) { this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; if (!this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.registerCallback( this.id, win => { win.addEventListener("cookiebannerhandled", this); }, win => { win.removeEventListener("cookiebannerhandled", this); } ); this._initialized = true; } }, handleEvent(event) { if (this._initialized) { const browser = event.detail.windowContext.rootFrameLoader?.ownerElement; const win = browser?.ownerGlobal; // We only want to show messages in the active browser window. if ( win === Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow() && browser === win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser ) { this._triggerHandler(browser, { id: this.id }); } } }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.id); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; } }, }, ], [ "pdfJsFeatureCalloutCheck", { id: "pdfJsFeatureCalloutCheck", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _callouts: new WeakMap(), init(triggerHandler) { if (!this._initialized) { this.onLocationChange = this.onLocationChange.bind(this); this.onStateChange = this.onLocationChange; lazy.EveryWindow.registerCallback( this.id, win => { this.onBrowserWindow(win); win.addEventListener("TabSelect", this); win.addEventListener("TabClose", this); win.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", this); win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(this); }, win => { win.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this); win.removeEventListener("TabClose", this); win.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", this); win.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this); } ); this._initialized = true; } this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.id); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; for (let key of ChromeUtils.nondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys( this._callouts )) { const item = this._callouts.get(key); if (item) { item.callout.endTour(true); item.cleanup(); this._callouts.delete(key); } } } }, async showFeatureCalloutTour(win, browser, panelId, context) { const result = await this._triggerHandler(browser, { id: "pdfJsFeatureCalloutCheck", context, }); if (result.message.trigger) { const callout = lazy.FeatureCalloutBroker.showCustomFeatureCallout( { win, browser, pref: { name: result.message.content?.tour_pref_name ?? "browser.pdfjs.feature-tour", defaultValue: result.message.content?.tour_pref_default_value, }, location: "pdfjs", theme: { preset: "pdfjs", simulateContent: true }, cleanup: () => { this._callouts.delete(win); }, }, result.message ); if (callout) { callout.panelId = panelId; this._callouts.set(win, callout); } } }, onLocationChange(browser) { const tabbrowser = browser.getTabBrowser(); if (browser !== tabbrowser.selectedBrowser) { return; } const win = tabbrowser.ownerGlobal; const tab = tabbrowser.selectedTab; const existingCallout = this._callouts.get(win); const isPDFJS = browser.contentPrincipal.originNoSuffix === "resource://pdf.js"; if ( existingCallout && (existingCallout.panelId !== tab.linkedPanel || !isPDFJS) ) { existingCallout.callout.endTour(true); existingCallout.cleanup(); } if (!this._callouts.has(win) && isPDFJS) { this.showFeatureCalloutTour(win, browser, tab.linkedPanel, { source: "open", }); } }, handleEvent(event) { const tab = event.target; const win = tab.ownerGlobal; const { gBrowser } = win; if (!gBrowser) { return; } switch (event.type) { case "SSTabRestored": if (tab !== gBrowser.selectedTab) { return; } // fall through case "TabSelect": { const browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab); const existingCallout = this._callouts.get(win); const isPDFJS = browser.contentPrincipal.originNoSuffix === "resource://pdf.js"; if ( existingCallout && (existingCallout.panelId !== tab.linkedPanel || !isPDFJS) ) { existingCallout.callout.endTour(true); existingCallout.cleanup(); } if (!this._callouts.has(win) && isPDFJS) { this.showFeatureCalloutTour(win, browser, tab.linkedPanel, { source: "open", }); } break; } case "TabClose": { const existingCallout = this._callouts.get(win); if ( existingCallout && existingCallout.panelId === tab.linkedPanel ) { existingCallout.callout.endTour(true); existingCallout.cleanup(); } break; } } }, onBrowserWindow(win) { this.onLocationChange(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); }, }, ], [ "newtabFeatureCalloutCheck", { id: "newtabFeatureCalloutCheck", _initialized: false, _triggerHandler: null, _callouts: new WeakMap(), init(triggerHandler) { if (!this._initialized) { this.onLocationChange = this.onLocationChange.bind(this); this.onStateChange = this.onLocationChange; lazy.EveryWindow.registerCallback( this.id, win => { this.onBrowserWindow(win); win.addEventListener("TabSelect", this); win.addEventListener("TabClose", this); win.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", this); win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(this); }, win => { win.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this); win.removeEventListener("TabClose", this); win.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", this); win.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this); } ); this._initialized = true; } this._triggerHandler = triggerHandler; }, uninit() { if (this._initialized) { lazy.EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.id); this._initialized = false; this._triggerHandler = null; for (let key of ChromeUtils.nondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys( this._callouts )) { const item = this._callouts.get(key); if (item) { item.callout.endTour(true); item.cleanup(); this._callouts.delete(key); } } } }, async showFeatureCalloutTour(win, browser, panelId, context) { const result = await this._triggerHandler(browser, { id: "newtabFeatureCalloutCheck", context, }); if (result.message.trigger) { const callout = lazy.FeatureCalloutBroker.showCustomFeatureCallout( { win, browser, pref: { name: result.message.content?.tour_pref_name ?? "browser.newtab.feature-tour", defaultValue: result.message.content?.tour_pref_default_value, }, location: "newtab", theme: { preset: "newtab", simulateContent: true }, cleanup: () => { this._callouts.delete(win); }, }, result.message ); if (callout) { callout.panelId = panelId; this._callouts.set(win, callout); } } }, onLocationChange(browser) { const tabbrowser = browser.getTabBrowser(); if (browser !== tabbrowser.selectedBrowser) { return; } const win = tabbrowser.ownerGlobal; const tab = tabbrowser.selectedTab; const existingCallout = this._callouts.get(win); const isNewtabOrHome = browser.currentURI.spec.startsWith("about:home") || browser.currentURI.spec.startsWith("about:newtab"); if ( existingCallout && (existingCallout.panelId !== tab.linkedPanel || !isNewtabOrHome) ) { existingCallout.callout.endTour(true); existingCallout.cleanup(); } if (!this._callouts.has(win) && isNewtabOrHome && tab.linkedPanel) { this.showFeatureCalloutTour(win, browser, tab.linkedPanel, { source: "open", }); } }, handleEvent(event) { const tab = event.target; const win = tab.ownerGlobal; const { gBrowser } = win; if (!gBrowser) { return; } switch (event.type) { case "SSTabRestored": if (tab !== gBrowser.selectedTab) { return; } // fall through case "TabSelect": { const browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab); const existingCallout = this._callouts.get(win); const isNewtabOrHome = browser.currentURI.spec.startsWith("about:home") || browser.currentURI.spec.startsWith("about:newtab"); if ( existingCallout && (existingCallout.panelId !== tab.linkedPanel || !isNewtabOrHome) ) { existingCallout.callout.endTour(true); existingCallout.cleanup(); } if (!this._callouts.has(win) && isNewtabOrHome) { this.showFeatureCalloutTour(win, browser, tab.linkedPanel, { source: "open", }); } break; } case "TabClose": { const existingCallout = this._callouts.get(win); if ( existingCallout && existingCallout.panelId === tab.linkedPanel ) { existingCallout.callout.endTour(true); existingCallout.cleanup(); } break; } } }, onBrowserWindow(win) { this.onLocationChange(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); }, }, ], ]);