/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { setInterval: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", clearInterval: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); // Frequency at which to check for new messages const SYSTEM_TICK_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 * 1000; const HOMEPAGE_OVERRIDE_PREF = "browser.startup.homepage_override.once"; // For the "reach" event of Messaging Experiments const REACH_EVENT_CATEGORY = "messaging_experiments"; const REACH_EVENT_METHOD = "reach"; // Note it's not "moments-page" as Telemetry Events only accepts understores // for the event `object` const REACH_EVENT_OBJECT = "moments_page"; export class _MomentsPageHub { constructor() { this.id = "moments-page-hub"; this.state = {}; this.checkHomepageOverridePref = this.checkHomepageOverridePref.bind(this); this._initialized = false; } async init( waitForInitialized, { handleMessageRequest, addImpression, blockMessageById, sendTelemetry } ) { if (this._initialized) { return; } this._initialized = true; this._handleMessageRequest = handleMessageRequest; this._addImpression = addImpression; this._blockMessageById = blockMessageById; this._sendTelemetry = sendTelemetry; // Need to wait for ASRouter to initialize before trying to fetch messages await waitForInitialized; this.messageRequest({ triggerId: "momentsUpdate", template: "update_action", }); const _intervalId = lazy.setInterval( () => this.checkHomepageOverridePref(), SYSTEM_TICK_INTERVAL ); this.state = { _intervalId }; } _sendPing(ping) { this._sendTelemetry({ type: "MOMENTS_PAGE_TELEMETRY", data: { action: "moments_user_event", ...ping }, }); } sendUserEventTelemetry(message) { this._sendPing({ message_id: message.id, bucket_id: message.id, event: "MOMENTS_PAGE_SET", }); } /** * If we don't have `expire` defined with the message it could be because * it depends on user dependent parameters. Since the message matched * targeting we calculate `expire` based on the current timestamp and the * `expireDelta` which defines for how long it should be available. * @param expireDelta {number} - Offset in milliseconds from the current date */ getExpirationDate(expireDelta) { return Date.now() + expireDelta; } executeAction(message) { const { id, data } = message.content.action; switch (id) { case "moments-wnp": const { url, expireDelta } = data; let { expire } = data; if (!expire) { expire = this.getExpirationDate(expireDelta); } // In order to reset this action we can dispatch a new message that // will overwrite the prev value with an expiration date from the past. Services.prefs.setStringPref( HOMEPAGE_OVERRIDE_PREF, JSON.stringify({ message_id: message.id, url, expire }) ); // Add impression and block immediately after taking the action this.sendUserEventTelemetry(message); this._addImpression(message); this._blockMessageById(message.id); break; } } _recordReachEvent(message) { const extra = { branches: message.branchSlug }; Services.telemetry.recordEvent( REACH_EVENT_CATEGORY, REACH_EVENT_METHOD, REACH_EVENT_OBJECT, message.experimentSlug, extra ); } async messageRequest({ triggerId, template }) { const telemetryObject = { triggerId }; TelemetryStopwatch.start("MS_MESSAGE_REQUEST_TIME_MS", telemetryObject); const messages = await this._handleMessageRequest({ triggerId, template, returnAll: true, }); TelemetryStopwatch.finish("MS_MESSAGE_REQUEST_TIME_MS", telemetryObject); // Record the "reach" event for all the messages with `forReachEvent`, // only execute action for the first message without forReachEvent. const nonReachMessages = []; for (const message of messages) { if (message.forReachEvent) { if (!message.forReachEvent.sent) { this._recordReachEvent(message); message.forReachEvent.sent = true; } } else { nonReachMessages.push(message); } } if (nonReachMessages.length) { this.executeAction(nonReachMessages[0]); } } /** * Pref is set via Remote Settings message. We want to continously * monitor new messages that come in to ensure the one with the * highest priority is set. */ checkHomepageOverridePref() { this.messageRequest({ triggerId: "momentsUpdate", template: "update_action", }); } uninit() { lazy.clearInterval(this.state._intervalId); this.state = {}; this._initialized = false; } } /** * ToolbarBadgeHub - singleton instance of _ToolbarBadgeHub that can initiate * message requests and render messages. */ export const MomentsPageHub = new _MomentsPageHub();