/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const TWO_DAYS = 2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; const MESSAGES = () => [ { id: "WNP_THANK_YOU", template: "update_action", content: { action: { id: "moments-wnp", data: { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/%LOCALE%/etc/firefox/retention/thank-you-a/", expireDelta: TWO_DAYS, }, }, }, trigger: { id: "momentsUpdate" }, }, { id: "PERSONALIZED_CFR_MESSAGE", template: "cfr_doorhanger", groups: ["cfr"], content: { layout: "icon_and_message", category: "cfrFeatures", bucket_id: "PERSONALIZED_CFR_MESSAGE", notification_text: "Personalized CFR Recommendation", heading_text: { string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-header" }, info_icon: { label: { attributes: { tooltiptext: { string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-fxa-close-btn-tooltip" }, }, }, sumo_path: "https://example.com", }, text: { string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-body-2" }, icon: "chrome://branding/content/icon64.png", icon_class: 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"chrome://browser/content/logos/vpn-promo-logo.svg", height: "100px", }, title: { fontSize: "36px", fontWeight: 276, string_id: "mr2022-onboarding-set-default-title", }, subtitle: { string_id: "mr2022-onboarding-set-default-subtitle", }, primary_button: { label: { string_id: "mr2022-onboarding-set-default-primary-button-label", }, action: { navigate: true, type: "SET_DEFAULT_BROWSER", }, }, secondary_button: { label: { string_id: "onboarding-not-now-button-label", }, action: { navigate: true, }, }, }, }, { id: "BACKGROUND_IMAGE", content: { background: "#000", text_color: "light", progress_bar: true, logo: { imageURL: "https://firefox-settings-attachments.cdn.mozilla.net/main-workspace/ms-images/a3c640c8-7594-4bb2-bc18-8b4744f3aaf2.gif", }, title: "A dialog with a background", subtitle: "The text color is configurable and a progress bar style step indicator is used", primary_button: { label: "Continue", action: { navigate: true, }, }, secondary_button: { label: { string_id: "onboarding-not-now-button-label", }, action: { navigate: true, }, }, }, }, { id: "BACKGROUND_COLOR", content: { background: "white", progress_bar: true, logo: { height: "200px", imageURL: "", }, title: { fontSize: "36px", fontWeight: 276, raw: "Peace of mind.", }, title_style: "fancy shine", text_color: "dark", subtitle: "Using progress bar style step indicator", primary_button: { label: "Continue", action: { navigate: true, }, }, secondary_button: { label: { string_id: "onboarding-not-now-button-label", }, action: { navigate: true, }, }, }, }, ], }, frequency: { lifetime: 3 }, trigger: { id: "defaultBrowserCheck" }, }, { id: "PB_FOCUS_PROMO", groups: ["panel-test-provider"], template: "spotlight", content: { template: "multistage", backdrop: "transparent", screens: [ { id: "PBM_FIREFOX_FOCUS", order: 0, content: { logo: { imageURL: "chrome://browser/content/assets/focus-logo.svg", height: "48px", }, title: { string_id: "spotlight-focus-promo-title", }, subtitle: { string_id: 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Browse like no one’s watching.", promoTitleEnabled: true, promoButton: { action: { type: "MULTI_ACTION", data: { actions: [ { type: "SET_PREF", data: { pref: { name: "browser.privateWindowSeparation.enabled", value: true, }, }, }, { type: "PIN_FIREFOX_TO_TASKBAR", }, { type: "BLOCK_MESSAGE", data: { id: "PB_PIN_PROMO", }, }, { type: "OPEN_ABOUT_PAGE", data: { args: "privatebrowsing", where: "current" }, }, ], }, }, }, }, priority: 3, frequency: { custom: [ { cap: 3, period: 604800000, // Max 3 per week }, ], lifetime: 12, }, targeting: "region != 'CN' && !hasActiveEnterprisePolicies && doesAppNeedPin", }, { id: "TEST_TOAST_NOTIFICATION1", weight: 100, template: "toast_notification", content: { title: { string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-bookmark-fxa-header", }, body: "Body", image_url: "https://firefox-settings-attachments.cdn.mozilla.net/main-workspace/ms-images/a3c640c8-7594-4bb2-bc18-8b4744f3aaf2.gif", launch_url: "https://mozilla.org", requireInteraction: true, actions: [ { action: "dismiss", title: "Dismiss", windowsSystemActivationType: true, }, { action: "snooze", title: "Snooze", windowsSystemActivationType: true, }, { action: "callback", title: "Callback" }, ], tag: "test_toast_notification", }, groups: ["panel-test-provider"], targeting: "!hasActiveEnterprisePolicies", trigger: { id: "backgroundTaskMessage" }, frequency: { lifetime: 3 }, }, { id: "TEST_TOAST_NOTIFICATION2", weight: 100, template: "toast_notification", content: { title: "Launch action on toast click and on action button click", body: "Body", image_url: "https://firefox-settings-attachments.cdn.mozilla.net/main-workspace/ms-images/a3c640c8-7594-4bb2-bc18-8b4744f3aaf2.gif", launch_action: { type: "OPEN_URL", data: { args: "https://mozilla.org", where: "window" }, }, requireInteraction: true, actions: [ { action: "dismiss", title: "Dismiss", windowsSystemActivationType: true, }, { action: "snooze", title: "Snooze", windowsSystemActivationType: true, }, { action: "private", title: "Private Window", launch_action: { type: "OPEN_PRIVATE_BROWSER_WINDOW" }, }, ], tag: "test_toast_notification", }, groups: ["panel-test-provider"], targeting: "!hasActiveEnterprisePolicies", trigger: { id: "backgroundTaskMessage" }, frequency: { lifetime: 3 }, }, { id: "MR2022_BACKGROUND_UPDATE_TOAST_NOTIFICATION", weight: 100, template: "toast_notification", content: { title: { string_id: "mr2022-background-update-toast-title", }, body: { string_id: "mr2022-background-update-toast-text", }, image_url: "https://firefox-settings-attachments.cdn.mozilla.net/main-workspace/ms-images/673d2808-e5d8-41b9-957e-f60d53233b97.png", requireInteraction: true, actions: [ { action: "open", title: { string_id: "mr2022-background-update-toast-primary-button-label", }, }, { action: "snooze", windowsSystemActivationType: true, title: { string_id: "mr2022-background-update-toast-secondary-button-label", }, }, ], tag: "mr2022_background_update", }, groups: ["panel-test-provider"], targeting: "!hasActiveEnterprisePolicies", trigger: { id: "backgroundTaskMessage" }, frequency: { lifetime: 3 }, }, { id: "IMPORT_SETTINGS_EMBEDDED", groups: ["panel-test-provider"], template: "spotlight", content: { template: "multistage", backdrop: "transparent", screens: [ { id: "IMPORT_SETTINGS_EMBEDDED", content: { logo: {}, tiles: { type: "migration-wizard" }, progress_bar: true, migrate_start: { action: {}, }, migrate_close: { action: { navigate: true, }, }, secondary_button: { label: { string_id: "mr2022-onboarding-secondary-skip-button-label", }, action: { navigate: true, }, has_arrow_icon: true, }, }, }, ], }, }, { id: "TEST_FEATURE_TOUR", template: "feature_callout", groups: [], content: { id: "TEST_FEATURE_TOUR", template: "multistage", backdrop: "transparent", transitions: false, disableHistoryUpdates: true, screens: [ { id: "FEATURE_CALLOUT_1", anchors: [ { selector: "#PanelUI-menu-button", panel_position: { anchor_attachment: "bottomcenter", callout_attachment: "topright", }, }, ], content: { position: "callout", title: { raw: "Panel Feature Callout" }, subtitle: { raw: "Hello!" }, secondary_button: { label: { raw: "Advance" }, action: { navigate: true }, }, submenu_button: { submenu: [ { type: "action", label: { raw: "Item 1" }, action: { navigate: true }, id: "item1", }, { type: "action", label: { raw: "Item 2" }, action: { navigate: true }, id: "item2", }, { type: "menu", label: { raw: "Menu 1" }, submenu: [ { type: "action", label: { raw: "Item 3" }, action: { navigate: true }, id: "item3", }, { type: "action", label: { raw: "Item 4" }, action: { navigate: true }, id: "item4", }, ], id: "menu1", }, ], attached_to: "secondary_button", }, dismiss_button: { action: { dismiss: true }, }, }, }, ], }, }, ]; export const PanelTestProvider = { getMessages() { return Promise.resolve( MESSAGES().map(message => ({ ...message, targeting: `providerCohorts.panel_local_testing == "SHOW_TEST"`, })) ); }, };