/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AboutWelcomeTelemetry: "resource:///modules/aboutwelcome/AboutWelcomeTelemetry.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter( lazy, "AWTelemetry", () => new lazy.AboutWelcomeTelemetry() ); export const Spotlight = { sendUserEventTelemetry(event, message, dispatch) { const ping = { message_id: message.content.id, event, }; dispatch({ type: "SPOTLIGHT_TELEMETRY", data: { action: "spotlight_user_event", ...ping }, }); }, defaultDispatch(message) { if (message.type === "SPOTLIGHT_TELEMETRY") { const { message_id, event } = message.data; lazy.AWTelemetry.sendTelemetry({ message_id, event }); } }, /** * Shows spotlight tab or window modal specific to the given browser * @param browser The browser for spotlight display * @param message Message containing content to show * @param dispatchCFRAction A function to dispatch resulting actions * @return boolean value capturing if spotlight was displayed */ async showSpotlightDialog(browser, message, dispatch = this.defaultDispatch) { const win = browser?.ownerGlobal; if (!win || win.gDialogBox.isOpen) { return false; } const spotlight_url = "chrome://browser/content/spotlight.html"; const dispatchCFRAction = // This also blocks CFR impressions, which is fine for current use cases. message.content?.metrics === "block" ? () => {} : dispatch; // This handles `IMPRESSION` events used by ASRouter for frequency caps. // AboutWelcome handles `IMPRESSION` events for telemetry. this.sendUserEventTelemetry("IMPRESSION", message, dispatchCFRAction); dispatchCFRAction({ type: "IMPRESSION", data: message }); if (message.content?.modal === "tab") { let { closedPromise } = win.gBrowser.getTabDialogBox(browser).open( spotlight_url, { features: "resizable=no", allowDuplicateDialogs: false, }, message.content ); await closedPromise; } else { await win.gDialogBox.open(spotlight_url, message.content); } // If dismissed report telemetry and exit this.sendUserEventTelemetry("DISMISS", message, dispatchCFRAction); return true; }, };